1. Describe the role of chemists and some of the procedures that chemists use in their studies of matter and energy. (L1)

2. Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative measurements.

3. Distinguish between precision and accuracy. Give examples

4. Use significant digits correctly when recording data. Be able to perform mathematical calculations using significant digits.

5. List the basic SI units of measurements.

6. Differentiate between fundamental and derived units.

7. Be able to plot data using correct graphing techniques.

8. Define density and determine the density of a compound.

9. Use factor-label method to solve problems including converting units..

10. Define/describe matter, energy, and the different forms of energy.

11. State the Law of Conservation of Mass, Mass - Energy, and discuss its importance.

12. Classify matter; give examples of pure substances (elements, compounds), and mixtures.

13. Describe the properties and characteristics of elements, compounds and mixtures.

14. Differentiate between physical and chemical properties and changes. Give examples for each.

15. List examples of intensive and extensive properties.

16. Explain the meaning of a chemical formula ( symbols and subscripts)

17. Solve mole problems using factor-label method.



|1.2 |7-15 |Measurements |

|1.3 |15-18 |Properties of Substances: chemical, physical, density,solubility |

|1.1 |2-7 |Types of matter |



|Measurements |23 |12-18 even |

|Significant Figures |24 |20-30 even |

|Conversion Factors |24 |32-42 even |

|Types of Matter |23 |2-10 even |

|Physical and Chemical Properties |25 |44, 46, 48, 50, 52 |

|Unclassified |25 |53, 54, 56, 58, 60 |

|Conceptual Questions |26 |62, 64 |

|Packet |1-26 |As assigned |

Scientific Notations

Express the following numbers in scientific notation. Keep three digits in your answers.

1. 1930

2. 262,000

3. 71,400

4. 93,100,000

5. 704

6. 0.0713

7. 0.0000672

8. 26.1

9. 0.195

10. 7,790

11. 0.00000000833

12. 0.000 001 34

13. 55.6000

14. 2.940

15. 0.00621

Evaluate the following and express the results in scientific notation. Keep two digits in your answer.

16. 8,200 x 510

17. 910 x 0.00030

18. 720 + 36,000

19. 3,100 +0.012

20. (240) (0.020)3

21. (0.0000080)1/3 (4.0)2

22. (2.6 x101)+(3.4 x 104)

23. (2.9x10-4)-(6.4x10-5)

24. [pic]

25. [pic]

26. [pic]

27. [pic]



Accuracy and Precision

1. What is the difference between accuracy and precision?

2. Which student’s data are precise? Explain.

Student 1: 72.75 g; 73.49 g; 73.02 g; 73.25 g

Student 2: 72.01 g; 71.99 g; 72.00 g; 71.98 g

3. Using the balance that is improperly adjusted and always reads 0.50 grams too low, student obtained a mass of a beaker to be 50.62 g. The student than added some sugar to the beaker and using the same balance, obtained a total mass of 69.88 g. The student recorded the mass of the sugar as 19.26 g. Is the mass of the sugar inaccurate by 0.50 grams? Why or why not?

4. Explain in your own words the range in heights that would be implied if you reported a measurement as “ His height is 182 cm.”

5. Which of the following quantities could be determined exactly?

a. Attendance at football game?

b. Distance between goal posts at a football stadium?

c. Number of grams in a sample of sugar?

d. Number of inches in one yard?

e. Your grade in this course?

6. Heather and Jason determined the density of a liquid three different times. The values they determined were 2.84 g/cm3, 2.85 g/cm3, and 2.80 g/cm3. The accepted value is known to be 2.40 g/cm3.

a. Are the values that Heather and Jason determined precise? Explain.

b. Are the values accurate? Explain.

c. Calculate the percent error and the uncertainty for each measurement.

7. During a dental work or minor surgery, a local anesthetic, such as procaine or lidocaine, is used to deaden the pain in a small area of the body. Although both are about equally effective in numbing the pain, procaine is eight times more toxic than lidocaine. With which anesthetic is it more important to be precise and accurate in administering a dose? Explain.

8. One method of chemical analysis compares the number of drops of reagent needed to react with a sample of known size and concentration to the number of drops of reagent needed to react with a sample the same size but of unknown concentration. In this method of analysis, the precision of each drop is more important than its accuracy. Explain.

9. When cutting the legs of a table to make it lower, precision is usually far more important than accuracy. Explain.

Significant Figures

1. Determine the number of significant digits and the uncertainty in each

of the following.

1. a. 6.751 g f. 30.07 g k. 54.52 cm3

b. 0.157 kg g. 0.106 cm l. 0.1209 m

c. 28.0 mL h. 0.0067 g m. 2.690 g

d. 2500 m i. 0.0230 cm3 n. 43.07 cm

e. 0.070 g j. 26.509 cm o. 6 352 001 g

Express each answer using correct significant digits.

2. Add.

a. 16.5 cm + 8 cm + 4.37 cm

b. 13.25 g + 10.00 g + 9.6 g

c. 2.36 m + 3.38 m + 0.355 m + 1.06 m

d. 0.0853 g + 0.0547 g + 0.037 g + 0.00387 g

3. Subtract.

a. 23.27 km - 12.058 km c. 350.0 m - 200 m

b. 13.57 g - 6.3 g d. 27.68 cm - 14.369 cm

4. Multiply

a. 2.6 cm x 3.78 cm d. 3.08 km x 5.2 km

b. 6.54 m x 0.02 m e. 3.15 dm x 2.5 dm x 4.00 dm

c. 0.036 m x 0.02 m f. 35.7 cm x 0.78 cm x 2.3 cm

5. Divide.

a. 35 cm2 / 0.62 cm d. 40.8 m2 / 5.050 m

b. 39 g/ 24.2 g e. 3.76 km/1.62 km

c. 0.58 dm3 / 2.15 dm f. 0.075 g/ 0.003 cm3

6. A piece of paper is 11.2 cm wide and 51 cm long. What is its area in square

centimeters? In square meters?

7. Using the following data: Mass of crucible + sample = 12.612 g

Mass of crucible alone = 11.5 g

Calculate the mass of the sample.

8. You start with a sample weighing 9.81 g and carry out the following operations in order.

State the number of grams remaining after each addition or subtraction.

a. Add 0.18-g b. Remove 9.220-g c. Add 1.83-g d. Add 6 g.


Metric System- Vocabulary and Concepts (1)

1. List the SI base unit of measurement for these quantities:

a. time ______________ b. temperature _____________

c. length _____________ d. mass _____________

2. What is the symbol and meaning of these common metric prefixes?

a. milli ________ b. deci ________ c. centi ________

d. kilo _________ e. micro ________

3. Match the approximate volume with each item.

a. an orange _________ (1) 30 m3

b. a basketball ________ (2) 200 cm3

c. a small van ________ (3) 20 L

d. an aspirin tablet ______ (4) 200 mm3

4. List these units in order from largest to smallest. ____________________________________________

a. 1 dm3 b. 1 [pic]L c. 1 mL d. 1L e. 1 cL f. 1 dL

5. Match the prefixes with their equivalents. Write the letter of the correct value on the space provided.

__________ 1. nano A. 1/1000 (thousandth)

B. 1000 ( thousand)

__________ 2. centi C. 1/10 (tenth)

D. 1/ 1 000 000 ( millionth)

__________ 3. kilo E. 1/ 1 000 000 000 ( billionth)

F. 1/100 ( hundredth)

__________ 4. deci G. 10 (ten)

__________ 5. milli

__________ 6. micro

6. List the basic SI units and abbreviation for each of the following quantities.

Quantity SI Unit Abbreviation

length ____________ ____________

mass ____________ ____________

volume ____________ ____________

area ____________ ____________

density ____________ ____________

time ____________ ____________

Derived and Fundamental Units (Optional)

1. Express the following derived units in terms of the base SI units listed I Table 1 in Appendix 1 (page A.1). Example: 1 cm3 = 1 x 10-6 m3

a. milliliter b. km3 c. dm2 d. liter

e. joule f. Newton g. Pascal h. mm2

In the following equations, substitute the appropriate units for the symbols and find the units of the missing left-hand member.

s , distance in meters v, velocity in m/sec a, acceleration in m/sec2

t, time in sec m (mass) in kg F in newtons or kg-m/sec2

2. ? = vt 3. ? = at 4. ? = at2 5. ? = v/a

6. ?2 = as 7. ? = mv2/s 8. ? = ma 9. ? = mv/F

10. ? = 4π2ms/t2 11. ? = Ft2/4π2m 12. ? = 2(s-vt)/t2 13. ?2 = 4π2ms/F

Use the following nonsense units and solve the following for the left-handed member of the equation.

a= 1 club b = 1 bang c = 1 tic

14. d = b/c 15. e = d/c 16. m = ec2 17. d2 = eb

18. g = ab2/c2 19. g = aeb 20. h = g/c 21. e = d2/b

22. x = [pic] 23. k = gb/a2

24. The electric force between two charged objects is expressed as a

F = k [pic]

F is the force in newtons, Q1 and Q2 are charges in coulombs, and R is the distance between the charges expressed in meters. What units must k have to make this formula dimensionally correct (correct units)?

25. Which of the following equations cannot be correct because of dimensional inconsistencies? In each case, s is the distance measured in meters; v is the velocity measured in meters/seconds; a is the acceleration in units of m/sec2; and t is the time measured in seconds.

a. s = vt + 3at2

b. v = v2 - ½ as2

c. s + ½ at2 = vt

d. at2 = 2(s2/t3)

1. a) 1x10-6 m3 b) 1x109m3 c)1x10-2 m2 d) 1 x10-3 m3 e) (kgm2)/s2 f) kgm/s2 g) kg/(ms2)

h) 1x10-6 m2

2. m 3. m/sec 4. m 5. sec 6. m/sec

7. Newton 8. Newton 9. sec 10. kg m/s2 11. m 12. 0

13. sec 14. 1 bang/tic 15. 1 bang/tic2 16. 1 bang 17. 1 bang/tic 18. 1 club x bang2/tic2

19. 1 club x bang2/tic2 20. 1 club x bang/tic3 21. 1 bang/tic2 22. (bang tic)1/2

23. 1 club3 x bang3/tic2 24. (kgm3)/(s2C2) 25. a) yes; b) no; c) yes; d) no

Metric System Conversions

I. Convert the following measurements to milligrams:

1. 135.4 g ________________ 3. 165.3 dg ________________

2. 0.00238 g ________________ 4. 3.01 x 10 -6 cg ________________

II. Convert the following measurements to centigrams:

5. 938 mg ________________ 7. 19.3 g ________________

6. 0.31 kg ________________ 8. 8.5 dg ________________

III. Convert the following measurements to decigrams:

9. 142.81 g ________________ 11. 36.9 mg ________________

10. 0.895 kg ________________ 12. 0.041 g ________________

IV. Convert the following measurements to grams:

13. 41.4 cg ________________ 15. 14.587 mg ________________

14. 329 mg ________________ 16. 0.01456 kg ________________

V. Convert the following measurements to kilograms:

17. 2450 g ________________ 19. 283 mg ________________

18. 147.2 hg ________________ 20. 2.4 x 106 dg ________________

VI. Convert the following measurements to liters:

21. 182 mL ________________ 23. 22.9 cm3 ________________

22. 0.895 kL ________________ 24. 4.2 dm3 ________________

VII. Convert the following measurements to milliliters:

25. 14.2 L ________________ 27. 148 cm3 ________________

26. 2.5901 L ________________ 28. 0.416 L ________________

VIII. Convert the following measurements to millimeters:

29. 16 [pic]m ________________ 31. 234.5 km ________________

30. 85.4 cm ________________ 32. 14.2 dm ________________

IX. Convert the following measurements to centimeters:

33. 3.67 dm ________________ 35. 124 mm ________________

34. 0.85 m ________________ 36. 85.9 km ________________

X. Convert the following measurements to decimeters:

37. 14.5 m ________________ 38. 1.4 x 10-4 cm ________________

XI. Convert the following measurements to meters:

39. 1.0 cm ________________ 41. 39.0 dm ________________

40. 1.0 x 10-9 mm ________________ 42. 2.67 Mm ________________

XII. Convert the following to kilometers: ( 1 in = 2.54 cm; 1 foot = 12 inches)

43. 23.896 cm ________________

44. 562.0 Gm ________________

45. 7.4 dm ________________


1.1.354 x 105mg 2. 2.380 mg 3. 1.653 x 104 mg 4. 3.01 x 10-5 mg 5. 9.38 x 101 cg

6. 3.1 x 104 cg 7. 1.93 x 103 cg 8. 8.5 x 101 cg 9. 14.281 dg 10. 8.95 x 103 dg

11. 3.69 x 10-1 dg 12. 4.1 x 10-1 dg 13. 4.14 x 10-1 g 14. 3.29 x 10-1 g

15. 1.4587 x10-2 g 16. 1.456 x 101g 17. 2.450 kg 18. 1.472 x 101 kg

19. 2.83 x 10-4 kg 20. 2.4 x 102 kg 21. 1.82 x 10-1 L 22. 8.95 x 102 L

23. 2.29 x 10-2 L 24. 4.2 L 25. 1.42 x 104 mL 26. 2.5901 x 103 mL

27. 1.48 x 102 mL 28. 4.16 x 102 mL 29. 1.6 x 10-2 mm 30. 8.54 x 102 mm

31. 2.345 x 108 mm 32. 1.42 x 103 mm 33. 3.67 x 101 cm 34. 8.5 x 101 cm

35. 1.24 x 101 cm 36. 8.59 x 106 cm 37. 1.45 x 102 dm 38. 1.4 x 10-5 dm

39. 1.0 x 10-2 m 40. 1.0 x 10-12 m 41. 3.90 m 42. 2.67 x 106 m

43. 2.3896 x 10-4 km 44. 5.62 x 108 km 45. 7.4 x 10-4m

Dimensional Analysis(#1)

1. What are the two conversion factors for each pair of units?

a. kilometers and meters

b. grams and centigrams

c. grams of water and milliliters of water ( density 1 g = 1 milliliter)

d. inches and feet

e. kilograms and grams

f. dollars and nickels.

Solve using dimensional analysis ( factor label method).

2. How many millimeters are equal to 5.43 meters?

3. How many kilograms in 32 500 grams?

4. Convert 45.3 kcal to calories.

5. A 1oC increase on the Celsius scale is equivalent to 1.8o increase on the Fahrenheit scale. If the temperature decreased 85.4 oF, what is the corresponding temperature drop on the Celsius scale?

6. One of the first dental amalgams, used for tooth fillings, consisted of 26.0 g of silver, 10.8 g of tin, 2.40 g of copper, and 8.00 x 10-1 g of zinc. How much silver is in a 15.0-g sample of this amalgam?( Note: you need to find the total mass of the sample to write the conversion factor.)

Use the given densities to make the following conversions.

7. 23.6 g of boron to cm3 of boron ( density of boron = 2.34 g/cm3)

8. 1.4 L of argon to g of argon ( density of argon = 1.78 g/L)

9. 8.96 g of mercury to cm3 of mercury ( density of mercury = 13.5 g/cm3 )

10. You are driving at a speed of 85 kilometers/hour. How long will it take you to travel 255 kilometers?


2. 5430 mm 3. 32.5 kg 4. 4.53 x 104 cal 5. 47.4 oC 6. 9.75 g

7. 10.1 cm3 of boron 8. 2.5 g of Ar 9. 0.664 cm3 Hg

10. 3.0 hr

Dimensional Analysis (Multi-Step #2)

Solve using factor label method (dimensional analysis). Use a separate sheet for your work and solution. Show all work for full credit. Attach this worksheet to the back of your work.

1. If a car travels 150 miles in 2.6 hours, how far can it travel, at the same rate, in 13.0 hours?

2. How many meters are there in 7 ft 7 inches?

3. In a chemical reaction 15.6 g of copper, Cu, combined with 3.90 g of sulfur, S. How many grams of sulfur, S, will combine with 3.00 g of copper, Cu?

4. A sample of mercury, Hg, is found to have a mass of 8.50 grams. If the density of mercury, Hg, is 13.6 g/cm3, what is the volume of this sample?

5. Convert the following measurements to the specified unit:

a. 500 cm3 to m3 b. 4.0 L to dm3

c. 3.34 m3 to cm3 d. 4.0 hr to sec

e. 95 km/hr to m/sec f. 7 days to minutes

g. 1.27 g/L to g/cm3 h. 3.24 cm3 to L

i. 3.21 miles to m k. 1.3 cm3 to mm3

6. A certain ore, when refined, yields an average of 1.25 lb of metal to the ton

( 1 ton = 1000 kg) . How many tons of ore will be needed to yield 273 lbs of metal?


7. 15 km/hr to m/sec.

8. $50.00/pound of diamond dust to cents/gram. ( 1 pound = 454 g)

9. 8.7 kg/L to g/cm3.

10. 1.5 m to inches. (1 inch = 2.54 cm, 100 cm = 1 m.)

Solve the following problems using dimensional analysis (factor label method).

11. A clock gains 0.250 seconds per minute. How many seconds will the clock gain in exactly 180. days?

12. At a meeting, 28 people are each given 3 pens. If there are 8 pens in one package, priced at $1.88 per package, what is the total cost of giving away pens?

( Note: 3 pens = 1 person, 8 pens = 1 package, $1.88 = 1 package).

13. Calculate the number of minutes in the entire month of May.

14. What is the cost in dollars for the nails used to build a fence 125 meters long if it requires 30 nails per meter? Assume that 40 nails are sold per box at a cost of 75 cents per box.

1. 7.50 x 102 miles 2. 2.31 m 3. 7.50 x 10-1 g S 4. 6.25 x 10-1 cm3 5. (a) 5.10-4 m3; (b) 4.0 dm3;

(c ) 3.34 x106 cm3; ( d) 1.4 x 104 sec; (e) 26 m/sec; ( f) 1.008 x 104 min; (g) 1.27 x 10-3 g/cm3; (h) 3.24 x 10-3 L;

(iI ) 5.16 x 103 m; (j) 1.3 x 103 mm3 6. 2.18 x 102 ton 7. 4.2 m/sec 8. 11.01 cents/g

9. 8.7 g/cm3 10. 5.9 x 101in 11. 6.48 x 104 sec 12. $19.74 13. 4.464x104 min?

14. $70.31


1. Find the density in g/cm3 of the following:

a. concrete, if a rectangular piece 2.00 cm x 2.00 cm x 9.00 cm has a mass of 108 g.

b. granite, if a rectangular piece 5.00 cm x 100 mm x 23.0 cm has a mass of 3.22 kg.

c. gasoline, if 9.00 dm3 have a mass of 6120 g.

2. What is the density of sugar in g/cm3 if its density is 1590 kg/m3?

3. The density of nitrogen, N2, gas is 1.25 g/dm3. What is the mass of 1.00 m3 of nitrogen?

4. Bismuth has a density of 9.80 g/cm3. What is the mass of 3.74 cm3 of Bi?

5. Iron has a density of 7.87 g/cm3. What volume would 26.3 g of Fe occupy?

6. If 1.00 km3 of air has a mass of 1.2 x 109 kg, what is the density of air in g/cm3?

7. Magnesium has a density of 1.74 g/cm3. What is the volume of 56.6 g of Mg?

8. Tin has a density of 7.28 g/cm3. What is the volume of 2.32 kg of Sn?

9. Which would be heavier - a ball of lead ( d= 11.342 g/cm3) with a diameter of 2.00 cm or a cylinder of iron ( d= 7.874 g/cm3) with a diameter of 3.00 cm and a height of 8.00 cm?

Show all calculations.

1 a) 3.00 g/cm3

b) 2.80 g/cm3

c) 0.680 g/cm3

2. 1.59 g/cm3

3. 1250 g

4. 36.7 g

5. 3.34 cm3

6. 1.20 x10-3 g/cm3

7. 32.5 cm3

8. 319 cm3

9. iron

Study Guide and Review (Workbook)

Problem Set:

Solve all problems. Show all work for full credit. Box your answer.

1. During the lunar month, when the surface of the moon is heated by the sun, the temperature of the moon reaches a high of 251 (F. Express that temperature in ( C and K.

2. During the dark period of the lunar month the temperature drops to a low of –137 (C. Express that temperature in (F and K.

3. Determine the number of significant figures in

a. 0.008090 mL ____________

b. 1300.40 atm _____________

c. 0.0010960 m _____________

d. one liter = 1000 mL

4. Assuming the numbers given represent quantities, calculate

a. [pic] b. [pic]

5. Calculate the total mass of the following items:

Beaker 37.0012 g

Textbook 2173.1 g

Weighing paper 0.00389 g

6. A mixture of sulfur and iron has a mass of 13.6841 g. A magnet separates the iron, whose mass is 0.286 g. What is the mass of the sulfur?

7. An experiment calls for 12.28 g of sodium chloride. The instructions are to double that amount. How many grams of sodium chloride do you need?

8. Convert 3.0 nm to meters.

9. Convert 36.4 calories to joules.

10. Convert 0.416 miles to centimeters.

11. Convert 3897.2 lb into metric tons.

12. A certain drug is metabolized at a constant rate of 0.0236 oz/hr. Convert this to mg/min.

13. A student wishes to determine the density of a solution of sodium hydroxide. He finds the mass of the flask to be 25.631 g. When he fills the flask with water at 22 (C (d=1.00 g/cm3), its mass is 35.432 g. He finds that the mass of the flask filled with sodium hydroxide solution is 36.138 g. What is the density of the sodium hydroxide solution? ( 1.072 g/cm3)

14. What is the mass of a flask filled with acetone (d = 0.792 g/cm3) if the same flask filled with water

(d = 1.00 g/cm3) weighs 75.2 g? The empty flask weighs 49.74 g.

15. Ten grams of zinc pellets (d = 7.14 g/cm3) are added to a flask (123.4 g) filled with water. The flask and water (d = 1.00 g/cm3) weigh 211.62 g. How much does the flask weigh after the zinc is added and the sides dried from the displaced water.


1. 122 (C, 395 K 2. –215 (F , 136 K 3a. 4; b. 6; c.5; d. infinite;

4a. 4.1 x 103 b. 0.0142; 5. 2210.1 g 6. 13.398 g 7. 24.56 g

8. 3.0 x 10-9 m 9. 152 J 10. 6.69 x 104 cm 11. 1.7678 metric tons 12. 11.2 mg/min

13. 1.072 g/cm3 14. 69.9 g 15. 220.2 g.

Mole Problems: Factor Label Method

Solve each problem using factor label method. Design a strategy for each solution

Convert the following quantities to moles:

1. 12.04 x 1023 atoms He 2. 100 atoms Ar

3. 59.3 g of tin, Sn 4. 0.005 g of neon, Ne

5. 1.806 x 1025 molecules of H2O 6. 75.7 g of calcium carbonate, CaCO3

7. 9.00 g of sulfuric acid, H2SO4 8. 3.56 x 1019 molecules of potassium iodide, KI

1 Convert the following to mass in grams

9. 2.20 moles of zinc, Zn 10. 1.00 x 107 moles of boron, B

11. 4.50 moles of NaCl 12. 1.81 x 1024 molecules of CO2

13. 3.01 x 1022 molecules of Mg 14. 2.36 x 1015 molecules of K2CrO4

Convert to number of particles:

15. 1.0 x 10-5 moles of Al 16. 7.7 g of H2O2

17. 500 g of NO 18. 1.00 x 10-3 moles of NH3

19. 2037 g of iron, Fe 20. 4.5 moles of gold, Au

Make the following conversions:

21. How many molecules of water would you have if you had 275 grams?

22. How many moles of bromine, Br2, molecules are there in 3.5 x 103 grams of bromine?

23. If you had 5.00 x 1015 sulfur dioxide, SO2, molecules, what would be their mass?

24. What is the mass of one atom of silver, Ag?

25. What is the mass of 4.5 x 1032 units of barium hydroxide, Ba(OH)2?

26. How many atom of carbon are contained in 5.00x102 grams of carbon?

1. 2.000 moles 2. 2 x 10-22 moles 3. 5.00 x 10-1 moles 4. 3 x 10-4 moles

5. 3.000 x 101 moles 6. 7.57 x 10-1 moles 7. 9.18 x 10-2 moles 8. 5.91 x 10-5 moles

9. 1.44 x102 grams 10. 1.08 x 108 grams 11. 2.63 x 102 grams 12. 1.32 x 102 grams

13. 1.22 grams 14. 7.60 x 10-7 g 15. 6.0 x 1018 atoms 16. 1.4 x 1023 molecules

17. 1 x 1025 molecules 18. 6.02 x 1020 molecules 19. 2.198 x 1025 atoms 20. 2.7 x 1024 atoms

21. 9.20 x 1024 molecules 22. 2.2 x 101 moles 23. 5.32 x 10-7 g 24. 1.79 x 10-22 g

25. 1.3 x 1011 g 26. 2.51 x 1025 atoms

Answers to Worksheet

Page 2


1. 1.930 x 103

2. 2.62 x 105

3. 7.14 x 104

4. 9.31 x 107

5. 7.04 x 102

6. 7.13 x 10-2

7. 6.72 x 10-5

8. 2.61 x 101

9. 1.95 x 10-1

10. 7.79 x 103

11. 8.33 x 10-9

12. 1.34 x 10-6

13. 5.56000 x 101

14. 2.940 x 100

15. 6.21 x 10-3

16. 4.182 x 106

17. 2.73 x 10-1

18. 2.0 x 10-2

19. 2.58 x 105

20. 1.92 x 10-3

21. 1.60 x 10-1

22. 3.66 x 104

23. 2.26 x 10-4

24. 2.6 x 107

25. 4.0 x 10-5

26. 2.7 x 103

27. 5.25 x 103

Pages 3 and 4

1a- 12.53 u b- 13.42 u c- 14.21 u d- 11.20 u e-10.25 u f-11.00 u

Balance: 47.52 g; 179.53 g

3. all values are in mL: a-8.25 b- 44.6 c. 81.0 d- 52.7 e- 73.5 f-7.40 g -37

4. allunits are in degrees: a-32.5 b- 8.9 c- 8.1 d- 76.5 e-(-8.3) f- 20.20

Page 6

2. a. 4, (0.001 g

b. 3, ( 0.001 kg

c. 3, (0.1 mL

d. 2, ( 100 m

e. 2, ( 0.001 g

f. 4, (0.01 g

g. 3, (0.001 cm

h. 2, (0.0001 g

i. 3, (0.0001 cm3

j. 5, (0.001 cm

k. 4, (0.01 cm3

l. 4, (0.0001 m

m. 4, (0.001 g

n. 4, (0.01 cm

o. 7, (1 g

3. a. 29 cm

b. 32.9 g

c. 7.16 m

d. 0.181 g

4. a. 11.21 km

b. 7.3 g

c. 200 m

d. 13.31 cm

5. a. 9.8 cm2

b. 0.1 m2

c. 0.0007 m2

d. 16 km2

e. 32 dm3

f. 64 cm3

6. a. 56 cm

b. 1.6

c. 0.27 dm2

d. 8.08 m

e. 2.32

f. 30 g/cm3

7. 5.7 x 102 cm2

7. x 10-2 m2

7. 1.1 g

8. a. 9.99 g

b. 0.77 g

c. 2.60 g

d. 9 g

Page 7:

1. a. s b. K c. m d. kg

2. a. m, 10-3 b. d, 10-1 c. kc, 10-2 d. k, 103 e. µ, 10-6

3. a. 200 cm3 b. 20L c. 30 m3 d. 200 mm3

4. a=d>f>e>c>b

5. 1-e 2-f 3-b 4-c 5-a 6-d

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