CIS 238 - UNIX System Administration

CIS 238 - UNIX System Administration

Lab Exercise #6: Samba Server Setup

Windows Networking (Skip this, use class Windows server)

0) Boot into Windows, set as follows:

Workgroup – WORKGROUP

Server – StudentXX

ipconfig (to get lab partner’s IP address - xx.xx.xx.xx)

1) Add NETBIOS over TCP/IP to Windows (TCP/IP, ADVANCED)

2) Create a local user account and home directory for user1-9, password=”password” as c:\home\user1. Share c:\home as \\server\home. Allow READ and CHANGE permissions.

3) Map a drive H: for user1 to your lab patrner’s machine xx.xx.xx.xx. Reverse roles between machines.

4) issue the following commands from a CMD prompt for xx.xx.xx.xx :

- net use \\ xx.xx.xx.xx\ipc$ "" /user:""

- net use \\ xx.xx.xx.xx \home /user:user1

- net use h: \\ xx.xx.xx.xx \home /user:user1

- net use

- net view

- nbtstat –A xx.xx.xx.xx

- nbtstat –n

CIS 238 - UNIX System Administration

Lab Exercise #6: Samba Server Setup

LINUX Networking

See ,

5) Boot into LINUX

6) ifconfig virbr0 down

ifconfig virbr0-nic down

-OR- remove docker and lxc.

7) yum install samba*

8) yum install system-config-samba samba-swat

or locate webmin for current Fedora version – see www,

Set the root password to “password and LOGIN to Webmin as instructed

SHARE Level: (This needs to be rewritten for webmin)

9) Set on LINUX (SAMBA) using GNOME utility

- Workgroup – WORKGROUP

- Server – StudentXX

- Set server security to “SHARE”, encrypted password, no guest account.

- Add a share for /home as “home”, writeable and visible, allow access to everyone.

- Share the /share mountpoint as “share”, set as R/W, allow guest access

10) Edit /etc/xinetd.d/swat, set disable=no, service xinetd restart

11) Verify IPv6 disabled (see Lab 1)

12) service smb start, service nmb start

13) Verify Samba on IPv4 only: netstat –pan | grep smb AND grep nmb

14) From LINUX server: smbtree -N

15) One lab partner boots into Windows. Go to cmd prompt

16) map drive H to LINUX from cmd prompt: net use H: \\xx.xx.xx.xx\home

17) From LINUX server: smbstatus

USER Level: (This needs to be rewritten for webmin)

18) Set on LINUX (SAMBA) using GNOME utility

Set server security to “USER”, encrypted password, no guest account.

19) service smb restart, service nmb restart

20) Add user1 as local Samba user: smbpasswd –a user1, set password to “password”.

21) Verify user1 as Samba user: pdbedit -L

22) One lab partner, boot into Windows.

23) map drive H to LINUX from cmd prompt: net use H: \\xx.xx.xx.xx\home /user:user1 password

24) Iissue the following commands from a CMD prompt:

- net use \\ xx.xx.xx.xx \ipc$ "" /user:""

- net use \\ xx.xx.xx.xx home /user:user1

- net use

- net view

- nbtstat –A xx.xx.xx.xx

- nbtstat –n

25) Windows lab partner go into Windows explorer under My Computer, My Network Connections.

26) Use SWAT: Point your browser to view status, don’t commit any changes.

27) Run the command: cat /etc/passwd | > /etc/samba/smbpasswd as in text.

Set the smbpasswd for user1 to ”password”

Related commands: smbstatus, smbtree, smbclient, testparm, nmblookup


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