Release: Baseline

Release: Baseline |Test Case Creation Engineer: Amanda Wu | |

|Title: TextWks |Date Test Case Created: 01/31/2006 |

|Test Case Execution Engineer: |Pass/Fail/Pending: |

|Test Platform: TBW3 (WFO), TBW4, TBDR, TBDW (SIT) |Total Test Time: |

|Start Date: |Run Time for processes or reports: |

|Complete Date: |Database Instance and Version: PostGres 7.4.8 |

|Logged in User’s Role: |Test Case Version Number: V1 |

|Notification Server Version: OB8.1 |Test Case Version Number Update Date: 9/21/2006 |

|Last Modified By: Jim Richardson |Location of Test Artifacts for this test case: N/A |

|CI: TW | |

Test Case #: TextWks_1.3.12.1

Test Case Description

This test case is to verify that the user is able to create and view the text message in a Test Mode.

• Requirements:

o Not Applicable.

• Data Input:

o Not Applicable.

• Prerequisite Conditions:

o The AWIPS graphic (lx#) and text (xt#) workstations must be logged on with the same user account.

o Note that (in general) mh1-tncf handles TBW3 and TBW4 traffic and mh2-tncf handles TBDW and TBDR traffic.

|Step # |Action / Inputs |Expected Outputs |Pass(P)/ |DR #, Name, |Special Needs / Comments |

| | | |Fail(F) |Description for failed| |

| | | |Pending (Pen) |step | |

| |In the first window, to ensure that the product |All items displayed should point to TNCF. | | | |

| |does not disseminate to the operational sites, | | | | |

| |check that the default ncf is set to tncf by |If they do not, STOP and make it so. | | | |

| |typing: | | | | |

| |msg_ctl –A | | | | |

| |In the second window, log into mh1-tncf as root |Note that (in general) mh1-tncf handles TBW3 and| | | |

| |by typing: |TBW4 traffic. | | | |

| |su | | | | |

| |ssh mh1-tncf | | | | |

| |In the second window, check the |The file on mh1-tncf should | | | |

| |file by typing: |contain 2 lines: | | | |

| |cat /awips/ops/data/mhs/ |DISTRIBUTION_LISTS | | | |

| | |ALL|tbdr,tbdw,tbw3,tbw4 | | | |

| | |If not, STOP and make it so. | | | |

| |In the second window, log into mh2-tncf as root |Note that (in general) mh2-tncf handles TBDW and| | | |

| |by typing: |TBDR traffic. | | | |

| |ssh mh2-tncf | | | | |

| |In the second window, check the |The file on mh2-tncf should | | | |

| |file by typing: |contain 2 lines: | | | |

| |cat /awips/ops/data/mhs/ |DISTRIBUTION_LISTS | | | |

| | |ALL|tbdr,tbdw,tbw3,tbw4 | | | |

| | |If not, STOP and make it so. | | | |

| |On the xt text workstation exit or kill of any |All of the active processes are closed. | | | |

| |active processes. | | | | |

| |Back on the lx, select AWIPS start-up menu > |GUI allows selection and warns of a short wait. | | | |

| |Test Mode Control Program. | | | | |

| |Select the Change Mode to Test button. |Small Test Mode pop-up windows are displayed in | | | |

| | |the monitors to indicate the current mode of the| | | |

| | |system. | | | |

| |From the xt text workstation, select |The Text 1 window displays. | | | |

| |Start D2D (lx) / TextWS (xt) | | | | |

| |Click on Enter Editor button to compose the text|The AWIPS header block window displays. | | | |

| |message. | | | | |

| |In the AWIPS Header Block, fill in the following|The values entered are displayed at the header. | | | |

| |fields: | | | | |

| |WSFO ID field = BOS | | | | |

| |Product Category = CAE | | | | |

| |Product Designator = BOX | | | | |

| |Then click Enter. | | | | |

| |Enter the following text message: |The confirmation dialog box with the “Stop sign”| | | |

| |TEST … TEST |displays. | | | |

| | Test message for TextWks | | | | |

| |TEST ... TEST | | | | |

| |Then click the Send button. | | | | |

| |Click on Go Ahead. |Returns to the Text window. | | | |

| |Click on Clear. |The text message disappears. | | | |

| |To view the text message created in Step 7, in |The text message created in Step 7 is displayed.| | | |

| |the AFOS Cmd field enter: | | | | |

| |BOSCAEBOX | | | | |

| |and click Enter. | | | | |

| |Click on Clear. |The text message disappears. | | | |

| |On the xt workstation, in the Text Workstation |The text windows close, but the user is still | | | |

| |window (upper left of the screen), click on File|logged in to the xt text workstation. | | | |

| |> Exit | | | | |

| |Click Yes to close the window. | | | | |

| |On the lx workstation, from the AWIPS Start-Up |GUI allows selection and warns of a short wait. | | | |

| |menu, select Test Mode Control Program | | | | |

| |On the xt workstation, click on Change Mode to |If no errors, the small blinking windows | | | |

| |Operational |disappear. | | | |

| |On the xt workstation, when the message reports |The window closes. | | | |

| |that the system is back in operational mode, | | | | |

| |close the window by clicking Cancel. | | | | |

| |Exit all terminal windows and log off the lx |This concludes the test case. | | | |

| |workstation. | | | | |


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