How to run an ESDUpac from the command line

How to run an ESDUpac from the command line || print | close | | |

|An ESDUpac is a computer program designed to perform a specific engineering calculation associated with a specific Data Item. ESDUpacs |

|are primarily written in the ANSI FORTRAN 77 or 95 standards and are supplied as ZIP files containing PC specific executable codes (.exe|

|files) and all associated data files. These codes usually have no user interface and are primarily 'file input/file output' programs. |

|To run an ESDUpac from the command line follow the instructions below. We will use ESDUpac A7916 v2.1 as our example. |

|Download the ZIP file from this site, our example file is called |

|Unzip that file into a folder on your PC to which you have full read/write access. |

|The folder will now contain a number of files. Firstly there will be the executable file, in our example case a7916v21.exe. You will |

|also find sample input and output files (usually containing the files for the worked examples in the Data Item) and possibly other data |

|files and a 'readme'. For our example we have a readme file plus ex1.inp and ex1.op (Example 1 - see Data Item Section 2.6.1) and |

|ex2.inp and ex2.op (Example 2 - see Data Item Section 2.6.2) |

|The majority of ESDUpac programs including A7916 v2.1 are run in the following way (unless otherwise stated in the Data Item or readme |

|file accompanying the program). |

|Using a text editor, such as Notepad, construct an input file following the instructions given in the associated Data Item. It will |

|often be easiest simply to edit one of the example input files provided. (Do not use a word processor such as Microsoft Word to edit |

|your input file. Word processor programs introduce many extra characters and formatting into the raw file that will not be interpreted |

|correctly by the ESDUpac. Only use a text editor, such as Notepad, that does not introduce extra formatting into the file.) |

|Save this input file (eg input.txt) to the directory in which the executable program resides. |

|Open a Command Prompt window (in Windows XP go to Start, Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt, in Vista enter 'cmd' in the 'Start |

|Search' box under the Start menu) |

|Change directory (by typing 'cd [PATH]') so that the prompt is at the folder in which the program files are located. |

|In the command prompt window type |

|ProgramName < input.txt > output.txt |

| |

|where ProgramName is the name of the executable (.exe) program file and output.txt is the name of the primary output file. So for our |

|example we would type |

|a7916v21.exe < input.txt > output.txt |

| |

|This instruction tells the command interpreter to run the program a7916v21.exe taking the input from the file input.txt and writing the |

|output to output.txt. |

|Open the output file output.txt in Notepad (or any other suitable text editor). The results of the calculation are contained in this |

|file. Note that some ESDUpacs produce more than one output file. You are referred to the Data Item in those cases. |


|For some ESDUpacs the output file name is specified as a parameter within the input file, in which case the run command becomes |

|ProgramName < input.txt |

| |

| |

|There are other cases where the program accepts the main input file as an 'externally directed' file, ie its name is allocated at run |

|time from the keyboard, in which case the run command reduces to |

|ProgramName |

| |

|and the user is prompted for the name of the input data file and possibly also the output data file. |

|Some ESDUpacs provide prompts for user values. Run these ESDUpacs by typing |

|ProgramName |

| |

|and then answer the on-screen prompts. |

|See also: |

|ESDUpac - Definition |

|Compiling an ESDUpac |


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