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Stanford WellMD Physician Well-being Director Course ReferencesSession 3Barrett,?F.?J. (2017). David L. Cooperrider: The articulator of appreciative inquiry.?The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers, 315-336.? to apply appreciative inquiry: A visual guide [+PDF]. (2019, September 17). .?., & Cockell,?J. (2018).?Building resilience with appreciative inquiry: A leadership journey through hope, despair, and forgiveness. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.Schein,?E.?H. (2013).?Humble inquiry: The gentle art of asking instead of telling. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.Shanafelt,?T.?D., Gorringe,?G., Menaker,?R., Storz,?K.?A., Reeves,?D., Buskirk,?S.?J., Sloan,?J.?A., & Swensen,?S.?J. (2015). Impact of organizational leadership on physician burnout and satisfaction.?Mayo Clinic Proceedings,?90(4), 432-440.?., Makowski,?M.?S., Wang,?H., Bohman,?B., Leonard,?M., Harrington,?R.?A., Minor,?L., & Trockel,?M. (2020). Association of burnout, professional fulfillment, and self-care practices of physician leaders with their independently rated leadership effectiveness.?JAMA Network Open,?3(6), e207961.?. (2011). Organizations as machines, organizations as conversations.?Medical Care,?49, S43-S48.?., & Shanafelt,?T. (2020).?Mayo Clinic strategies to reduce burnout: 12 actions to create the ideal workplace. Oxford University Press, USA.Whitney,?D., Trosten-Bloom,?A., & Rader,?K. (2010).?Appreciative leadership: Focus on what works to drive winning performance and build a thriving organization. McGraw Hill Professional.Dyrbye,?L.?N., Leep Hunderfund,?A.?N., Winters,?R.?C., Moeschler,?S.?M., Vaa Stelling,?B.?E., Dozois,?E.?J., Satele,?D.?V., & West,?C.?P. (2020). The relationship between residents’ perceptions of residency program leadership team behaviors and resident burnout and satisfaction.?Academic Medicine,?95(9), 1428-1434.?., Wang,?H., Leonard,?M., Hawn,?M., McKenna,?Q., Majzun,?R., Minor,?L., & Trockel,?M. (2021). Assessment of the association of leadership behaviors of supervising physicians with personal-organizational values alignment among staff physicians.?JAMA Network Open,?4(2), e2035622.?., Trockel,?M., Rodriguez,?A., & Logan,?D. (2020). Wellness-centered leadership.?Academic Medicine,?Publish Ahead of Print.? inquiry. (2016, August 31). Online Courses and Medical CME from | JAMA Network | AMA Steps Forward | American Medical Association | AMA Ed Hub.? inquiry. (2016, August 31). Online Courses and Medical CME from | JAMA Network | AMA Steps Forward | American Medical Association | AMA Ed Hub.? ................

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