HCCA Official Site

FFM Compliance Review Best Practices

Initial Steps [pic]

➢ Advise senior leadership of Plan selection for compliance review

➢ Conduct kick-off meeting with senior team and request that they identify a single point of contact from their area to support the audit

➢ Compile and review all cited regulatory references and applicable sub-regulatory guidance for each item on the document request list (DRL)

➢ Establish standards for documentation submitted as evidence of compliance

Document Submission [pic]

➢ Establish an internal file naming convention that conforms to CMS requirements, e.g., include HIOS ID and reference to DRL # at the beginning of all file names

➢ Utilize a data repository with version controls rather than e-mail for document submission

▪ Staff uploaded files to a dedicated SharePoint site with a folder structure aligned to the DRL items

➢ Upload all documents responding to a specific item in the document request list in the same batch of files

➢ Create document guides when multiple documents will be provided as evidence of compliance for a single DRL item

➢ Create a tracking spreadsheet containing all Plan questions and auditor responses

Desk Review [pic]

➢ Conduct pre-meetings with each subject matter expert to review guidance, submitted documentation, and specific talking points including items to highlight and responses to any improvement opportunities

➢ Negotiate scope of interview with HMS auditor in advance. Seek commitment to cover a narrow range of related topics in order to ensure appropriate staff are available to respond to auditor questions

➢ Conduct team interviews on related topics to minimize post interview follow-ups

▪ Ex. Network contracting, directory team, and legal in the same interview session to address Essential Community Provider, directory, and network questions

➢ Logistics:

▪ Require in-person attendance

▪ Designate speakers for each potential concern prior to start of CMS interview

▪ Designate meeting roles such as meeting facilitator, scribe, and ‘system’ navigator

▪ Establish visual cues to seek help during interviews to avoid long pauses

▪ Use mute button on conference line and project materials being reviewed by the auditor during the sessions for ease of reference

Interview Post-Mortem [pic]

➢ Immediately recap with all participants after the interview

▪ Action items, assignments, and delivery dates

▪ What went well and what did not go well

➢ Prepare summary for distribution to leadership and meeting participants

➢ Prepare summary for CMS auditors with agreed to follow-ups and delivery dates

▪ Conduct brief alignment phone calls with audit lead to review meeting summaries

Audit Wrap-up [pic]

➢ Maintain single point of contact between Plan and auditors for all follow-up inquiries

➢ After receipt of request for follow-up establish mutually agreeable delivery dates and aim to deliver on or before scheduled date

➢ Be responsive, acknowledge receipt of each inquiry within one business day

➢ Review report and identify items that require clarification on items that you do not agree with

▪ Ex. Documentation submitted but not evaluated that contains information cited as missing

➢ Prior to exit conference, confer with impacted areas to understand whether findings have been addressed, are in progress, or not on radar

▪ These data points will help when agreeing to delivery dates for work plans


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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