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HCM 9.0 Release NotesMaintenance Pack 20_04Tools Platform 8.54.09Release Date: 5/06/16Campus Application Time:15 minutesFile Reference: FILENAME \* MERGEFORMAT HCM_90_MP20_04_Release_Notes_20160506.docxTable of ContentsPage TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.0Definitions [Informational Only] PAGEREF _Toc449945007 \h 12.0Prerequisites: [Campus Action Required] PAGEREF _Toc449945008 \h 12.1Prerequisite List PAGEREF _Toc449945009 \h 13.0Changes to Campus PeopleSoft Fileshare [Campus Action Required] PAGEREF _Toc449945010 \h 13.1Copy the HCM 9.0 Release Package for Maintenance Pack 20_04 PAGEREF _Toc449945011 \h 13.2Shut down Application Server and Process Scheduler PAGEREF _Toc449945012 \h 13.3Run Repliweb to apply file share objects [Campus Action Required] PAGEREF _Toc449945013 \h 24.0Changes to the Application [ Informational Only ] PAGEREF _Toc449945014 \h 24.1Summary of Release Changes PAGEREF _Toc449945015 \h 25.0Importing the Maintenance Pack Project to Your Staging Database PAGEREF _Toc449945016 \h 25.1Clear Cache Files PAGEREF _Toc449945017 \h 25.2Unzip the HCM Maintenance Pack file to C:\temp PAGEREF _Toc449945018 \h 25.3Set paths for DMS Input, Output and Logs PAGEREF _Toc449945019 \h 35.4Pre Update Activities – N/A PAGEREF _Toc449945020 \h 55.5Import the Project BSL_UPG90_MP_20_04 PAGEREF _Toc449945021 \h 55.6Validate the Project BSL_UPG90_MP_20_04 PAGEREF _Toc449945022 \h 85.7Create Tables – N/A PAGEREF _Toc449945023 \h 95.8Post Create Tables Action – N/A PAGEREF _Toc449945024 \h 95.9Alter Tables Without Deletes – N/A PAGEREF _Toc449945025 \h 95.10Post Alter Without Delete Action – N/A PAGEREF _Toc449945026 \h 95.11Alter with Deletes – N/A PAGEREF _Toc449945027 \h 95.12Post Alter With Delete Action – N/A PAGEREF _Toc449945028 \h 95.13Create Views – N/A PAGEREF _Toc449945029 \h 96.0Post Build Activities PAGEREF _Toc449945030 \h 96.1Run Stored Statement Data Mover Scripts – N/A PAGEREF _Toc449945031 \h 96.2Execute SQL Scripts PAGEREF _Toc449945032 \h 96.3Data Mover Script – Run INC0153111_IMPORT.dms PAGEREF _Toc449945033 \h 107.0Manual Steps – Special Instructions PAGEREF _Toc449945034 \h 117.1Clear app server cache and start process schedulers PAGEREF _Toc449945035 \h 118.0Updating Security - [Campus Action Required] PAGEREF _Toc449945036 \h 118.1Update Operator Security – N/A PAGEREF _Toc449945037 \h 118.2Additional Security Updates – N/A PAGEREF _Toc449945038 \h 129.0Audit Steps PAGEREF _Toc449945039 \h 149.1Refresh HCM Interface Registry Cache PAGEREF _Toc449945040 \h 149.2Verify Database Stamp PAGEREF _Toc449945041 \h 1510.0Application of Maintenance Pack to other Campus Databases. PAGEREF _Toc449945042 \h 15Definitions [Informational Only]Campus Action Required:Steps containing this label must be performed by the campus.Prerequisites: [Campus Action Required]Prerequisite ListAll Maintenance Packs Through MP 20.03Oracle to Campus PeopleSoft Fileshare [Campus Action Required]Copy the HCM 9.0 Release Package for Maintenance Pack 20_04The Maintenance Pack Package consists of the following: Repliweb JobProject LibraryIMPORTANT!!! Note for SA campuses: If you have a customized ECOUTMAP.sqc you must copy that into this new sa85302 fileshare and also attach your customized ECOUTMAP.sqc to your Help Desk Ticket when requesting the migration.Repliweb JobYour database/fileshare is located in the data center and you will have to install the fileshare via Repliweb. Instructions and training guides can be downloaded from the CMS Web Site at . Project LibraryThe project library must be downloaded from the CMS Web Site at . Locate the Project link, posted under this maintenance pack release. Follow the instructions contained within the package installation file to install the new project. Any campus specific customized third party objects will need to be moved in to the target instance afterwards. Shut down Application Server and Process Scheduler EXAMPLERun the ps_admin “stop_all” and “stop_nt” commands.sesudo ps_admin –d <dbname> -o stop_allsesudo ps_admin –d <dbname> -o stop_ntNOTE: The servers will be brought back up before starting the Manual Instructions in Section 7.1 Run Repliweb to apply file share objects [Campus Action Required]You will need to use Repliweb to apply the file share objects for MP20_04 which will be located under CMS_UPDATES_FIXES in Uniweb. Once the MP20.04 file share objects have been applied, you will need to use Repliweb to reapply any campus modified file share objects.For detailed instructions on how to use RepliWeb, please refer to the RepliWeb User Guide located at . Changes to the Application [ Informational Only ]Summary of Release ChangesPlease refer to the HCM Summary of Release Changes_MP2004_20160506.doc for detailed information regarding specific Help Desk Cases resolved in this maintenance pack.Importing the Maintenance Pack Project to Your Staging DatabaseClear Cache FilesClear the cache files on the local machine where the upgrade will be performed by deleting the contents of the C:\PS\Cache folder. NOTE: No Oracle/PeopleSoft applications should be active while performing this step. Unzip the HCM Maintenance Pack file to C:\tempThe following table illustrates the steps required to unzip the maintenance release packageInstructionsIllustrationUnzip the MP 20_04 package to the C:\temp directory on your local drive.Select/Verify 'Extract' options. Settings should be:All filesUse folder namesSet paths for DMS Input, Output and Logs Paths are set to point to C:\Temp, since the data and scripts folders for the Application Release were unzipped to that location.The following table illustrates how to set the paths for the DMS input, output and logs.InstructionsIllustrationNavigate to: Start>Programs>PeopleTools 8.54.09>Configuration ManagerSelect the 'Profile' tabOnce on the 'Profile' tab, click the 'Edit' button to launch the 'Edit Profile' page.On the 'Edit Profile' page, select the 'Common' tabSelect/Verify 'Edit Profile' options. Settings should be:TCP Packet Size 512Convert DIB and BMP images to JPGSet the following paths for the Data Mover Directories: Input Directory: C:\Temp\DataOutput Directory:C:\Temp\DataLog Directory:C:\TempClick 'OK' to return to Configuration ManagerClick 'OK' again to save the settings you entered and close out of Configuration Manager.Pre Update Activities – N/AImport the Project BSL_UPG90_MP_20_04The following table illustrates how to import the project.InstructionsIllustrationLogon to the campus database via Application Designer.From the 'App Designer' menu select Tools > Copy Project>From FileBrowse to the parent folder C:\Temp Select C:\Temp Click 'OK'Highlight the project BSL_UPG90_MP_20_04 in the ‘Select Project from the List Below’ box. Click on the “Select” button.Click 'Select All' Click on 'Options' to launch the 'Upgrade Options' page.On the 'Upgrade Options' page, select the 'Copy Options' tab.Click 'Select All' in the Copy Languages list.Select the 'General Options' tabEnter 500 for the 'Commit Limit'Select/Verify 'General Options'. Settings should be:Set Target Audit Flags from SourceKeep Target DDLKeep Target ReferencesKeep Target Display SizeKeep Target Field FormatClick 'OK' to return to the 'Copy' page.Click 'Copy' The following error(s) and warning(s) are expected and can be ignored. Object Name: xxxxxxxx not copied, entire object already copiedThe project, BSL_UPG90_MP_20_04 will be imported into your database.Validate the Project BSL_UPG90_MP_20_04An important part of the PeopleSoft upgrade process involves validating your upgrade project. When you validate a project, Application Designer verifies that all object definitions included in the project actually exist in your database. Launch the Application Designer to execute the following steps.InstructionsIllustrationFrom the App Designer menu select: Tools > OptionsSelect the 'Validate' tabSelect/Verify the 'Validate' options. Settings should be:Validate PeopleSoft Internet Architecture ExecutionValidate project integrity Click ‘OK’8286751125220Output Window00Output WindowFrom the App Designer menu select: Tools > Validate ProjectWhen prompted to delete all invalid objects, click ‘No’ IMPORTANT!!! Any errors received during the Validation process will appear in the output window. This information can be copied and pasted into a text/Word document for future reference. Errors should be resolved before proceeding with the upgrade. If you need assistance with this step, please open a high priority Help Desk Case assigned to SOSS SA Change Control. The following error(s) and warning(s) are expected and can be ignored. N/ACreate Tables – N/APost Create Tables Action – N/AAlter Tables Without Deletes – N/APost Alter Without Delete Action – N/AAlter with Deletes – N/APost Alter With Delete Action – N/ACreate Views – N/APost Build Activities Run Stored Statement Data Mover Scripts – N/ALaunch Data Mover and run the following scripts to modify the steps within stored statements from the <PShome>\src\cbl\base directory. Execute SQL Scripts Stamp the DatabaseWhen the migrations are complete, The Stamp_Database_MP2004.sql will stamp the Target database with the new release number:Log on to the database via SQL+ as SYSADM and run the script ‘Stamp_Database_MP2004.sql’, found in C:\Temp\Scripts. Make sure to spool the output to a log file, and check this log file for errors. Example:SQL> spool c:\temp\ Stamp_Database_MP2004.lstSQL> set echo onSQL> @c:\temp\scripts\ Stamp_Database_MP2004.sqlSQL> spool offData Mover Script – Run INC0153111_IMPORT.dmsThe Data Mover scripts are in C:\Temp\Scripts; Dat files are in to C:\Temp\Data. Run the following Data Mover Scripts, Start>Programs>PeopleTools 8.53.02>Data MoverThe following error(s) and warning(s) are expected and can be ignored. ‘Unique Constraint’ (duplicate record) ErrorsWhile running the following data mover scripts (DMS), you may experience ‘Unique Constraint’ (duplicate record) errors. The likely cause of this is that your campus already ran the script in the process of applying an Update/Fix posted to the CMS Web Site. If you need help determining if your campus has already applied an Update/Fix, open a Help Desk Case with SOSS HR Change Control. Make a note of any errors received (include this with your Help Desk Case) and proceed with running the remaining DMS scripts.The following table illustrates how to run the Post Build data mover script(s)InstructionsIllustrationFrom the “Data Mover” menu select File > OpenOpen and run the following scripts.INC0153111_IMPORT.dms Run Script Check log files in C:\tempManual Steps – Special InstructionsClear app server cache and start process schedulersClear app server cache and restart app server and process schedulers using the ps_admin “clr_cache” and “start_nt” commands: Run the ps_admin “clr_cache” and “start_nt” commands.sesudo ps_admin –d <dbname> -o clr_cachesesudo ps_admin –d <dbname> -o start_ntFor complete instructions on how to use the ps_admin command, please refer to the CMS Oracle Enterprise Environment Administrators Guide, located at . Updating Security - [Campus Action Required]Update Operator Security – N/ANOTE: The PeopleSoft Security Administrator at your campus should perform the following steps.The components listed below have changed as part of this upgrade package. Update operator security to access the following components as deemed appropriate by your campus. #MENU NAMECOMPONENT NAMEThe following table illustrates how to update the operator security. InstructionsIllustrationNavigate to: Home > PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Permission Lists Enter the name of the permission list that must be updated and click 'Search' to select the permission list. Note: An example using the PPSUPER permission list is depicted.The 'General' tab defaults.Select the 'Pages' tab to display the menus available for the permission list.Click 'Edit Components' for the required menu name.Note: A partial sample representation of the menus that may be displayed on the 'Pages' tab is depicted.Click 'Edit Pages' for the required componentProvide access to new pages according to your campus security setup by clicking on the appropriate check boxes for the desired access.Additional Security Updates – N/APortal Security SynchRun Portal Security Synch to synchronize the Portal Registry with your security permissions.NOTE: The user ID that invokes this process must have the security role Portal Administrator. Otherwise, the process may terminate abnormally.The following table illustrates the steps required to run the Portal Security SynchInstructionsIllustrationRun the Portal Security Synch processNavigation: PeopleTools > Portal > Portal Security SyncDelete Invalid SecurityClick ‘Run’Select PSUNX as the Server Name Click ‘OK’ IMPORTANT: Please repeat the process and remove the check box for Delete Invalid Security.The following table illustrates the steps required to re-run the portal security synch with the ‘Delete Invalid Security’flag unchecked.InstructionsIllustrationRun the Portal Security Synch processNavigation: PeopleTools > Portal > Portal Security SyncUncheck ‘Delete Invalid Security’Click ‘Run’Select PSUNX as the Server Name Click ‘OK’NOTE: If users are having trouble accessing the newly designated menu items, you may have to clear your Application Server cache and/or Web server cache. Audit StepsRefresh HCM Interface Registry CacheCMS has developed a custom process that only refreshes the cache. This custom AE process does not update any required security. This custom process replaces the ‘push button’ process that is currently used by the Technical services group. This custom AE process will refresh the SOA cache and can be run by the command line interface.DOS Prompt: <pshome>\bin\client\winx86>Command: psae -CD dbname -CT type -CO oprid -CP pwd -R run_control -AI CSU_SOAREFR Where:dbname = the instance where you want to run the program (i.e., HAXXXSTG)type = ORACLEoprid = a valid operator id for this instance (i.e., SUPEROP)pswd = the password for the operator idrun_control = a run control id for the processIf you are prompted, type ‘g’ to execute the programVerify Database StampVerify the Stamp Database sql ran in step 6.2 has been updated correctly:InstructionsIllustrationIn the 'App Designer' menu select Tools > Upgrade > Stamp DatabasePeopleSoft ReleaseHRMS & Campus SolutionsThe Service Pack will be updated to 20The Customer Release will be updated to '004'Click 'Stamp' Application of Maintenance Pack to other Campus Databases. Please repeat the process in these notes for other databases you wish to apply the maintenance pack.IMPORTANT!!! The process of comparing and migrating the Maintenance Pack(s) from one database to another is being suspended due to the volume of objects in the Maintenance Pack project. ................

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