
Madison County Public Schools2019-2020Instructional FocusMadison County Public Schools (MCPS), a student-centered and community-supported school division, insures a superior education in a changing world. Our vision is to build on excellence to exceed community expectations … to be the best. In Madison, we are proud of excellent schools which focus on traditional methods and progressive programs in our never-ending cycle of improvement. We are committed to helping?students acquire the strong values to deal effectively with important intellectual, ethical, and social problems. Responding to community, parent, and workforce expectations, MCPS aims to educate children to be prepared for good citizenry and life-long learning. Employable skills require that tomorrow’s workforce be adept at technology, excellent communicators, responsible employees, and physically fit and active.Instructional UmbrellaOur schools have worked diligently to adjust curricula, develop common K-5 and 6-12 resources, and establish clear, consistent measurement of student academic expectations. During the 2019-2020 school year, we will embrace previous success and pursue areas of growth with an emphasis on the Virginia Tiered Systems of Support.Specifically, all schools are expected to:Acquire knowledge of every child.Manage resources and lead teams of professionals around clearly defined, meaningful instructional expectations.Expand a culture of high quality, meaningful formative and summative assessment.2019-2020Division ExpectationsClassroomSchoolExceptional lesson planning evident utilizing Hattie’s researched-based modelSwift & accurate identification of students for targeted instruction using tiered supportsEvident use of time for remediation and enrichmentAll teacher questioning includes at least 3 levels of Higher Order Thinking SkillsIncorporation of project based learningRegular, meaningful grade-level and team meetings to discuss student achievementPBIS/RTI models throughout the schoolSchool schedule has specific time for remediation & enrichmentEvaluation includes Higher Order Thinking SkillsContinuing project based learning professional development VISIONBuilding on excellence to be the bestMISSIONMadison County Public Schools, a student-centered and community-supported school division, insures a superior education through innovative practice in a changing world.BELIEFSStudentsAccess: All students must have access to a quality education.Opportunities: Students benefit from educational opportunities outside the traditional school day. Future: Students must be prepared to succeed in a global society.Differentiation: Small class sizes facilitate teacher-student relationships and promote student academic achievement.TeachersExcellence: There must be excellence in teaching and learning.Create Success: Staff development is critical.Safe & Positive: We must foster an environment that is safe, caring, healthy, and positive.Support: All individuals will reach his or her highest potential through equal opportunity and appropriate support.StakeholdersPartnerships: Community support is central to our success.Schools as Home: Adequate and appropriate facilities are necessary.Trust and Respect: We believe in the exchange of ideas and we are committed to honest communication in an open environment. Stewardship: It is our responsibility to work closely with governing bodies and advocate for the needs of the division.Major Focus Areas:Madison Primary School:Ensure that all students are proficient in Concept of Word by the end of their Kindergarten year.Enhance writing instruction across all grade levels.Increase the time all students engage in collaborative learning experiences, particularly real-world problem-solving.Create a systematic, tiered approach to social/emotional education.Waverly Yowell Elementary School: Increase writing across the curriculum Implement Fountas and Pinnell assessment and intervention in all literacy classesBecome more environmentally conscience as a school through implementation of programs and school-wide educationWetsel Middle School:Implement Fountas & Pinnell Program Expand our BLUE time Remediation Program for Tier 1 students Identify and implement strategies to improve our SOL pass rate for subgroups in Math and English Establish after school remediation and extension program (MadXtra)Implement new vertically aligned writing initiative Madison County High School:Student-Centered Learning EnvironmentsMeaningful and relevant instruction within the classroom that requires students to actively engage and problem solve within the classroom instead of being passive recipients of information.Increase writing to demonstrate learning and writing to learn in all content areas.Continue to implement the Simulated Workplace initiative in our CTE classesImprove scores among the special education population Madison Primary SchoolAt Madison Primary School, we are proud of the academic and social growth that our students have achieved, and are excited to build on that growth as we move into the 2019-2020 academic year. This year we plan to enhance our language arts program by placing an increased focus on concept of word with our youngest learners, implementing the Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention program school-wide, and increasing our focus on writing instruction. We will build on our recent success in increasing critical thinking and collaborative learning opportunities for our students during mathematics instruction, and will provide additional opportunities for collaborative practice across the curriculum. Another area of focus for MPS will be to grow our capacity to serve the social and emotional needs of our students, and to provide additional supports for students that are appropriate for their specific needs.MPS students will receive language arts instruction that is targeted at their specific needs, and that engages them in a language rich environment. Reading instruction will be differentiated to a minimum of three instructional levels, using appropriately leveled text for each student, and engaging them in a developmental approach to word study instruction. Teachers will use the reading diet prescribed by the Fountas and Pinnell framework to guide their planning process, and to ensure that instructional time is appropriately allocated to specific areas of need. While take pride in the fact that our students demonstrated a success rate in excess of 87 percent at the Tier 1 level in Language Arts, over seven points higher than our division-wide goal, we continue to see a need to enhance instruction and provide additional student support in the area of Concept of Word. This year, we will provide additional coaching support for our teachers aimed at increasing and enhancing opportunities for students to learn and practice this important skill at the Tier 1 level. The coaching cycle will include modeling, side-by-side teaching, and consultation; and will target both whole and small-group instruction. We will also provide additional intervention support at the Tier 2 level for those students who fail to achieve the benchmark in this area. Writing instruction will also be an area of focus for our literacy program. Working through our Instructional Leadership Team, and supported by our school’s reading specialist, we will ensure a dedicated time for writing instruction, and the collaborative development of a systematic and school-wide approach that provides rigor and consistency for all students. Student progress toward these goals will be measured three times annually using Dolch sight word lists, PALS assessments, LLI benchmark assessments, and direct writing prompts.MPS will continue to make collaborative problem-solving a focus of our mathematics instruction, using 3-Act Tasks and Number Talks to engage students at high cognitive levels. We will arrange our master schedule to accommodate a 15-minute block each day that will be dedicated to this purpose, and will come in addition to 60 minutes of Tier 1 math instruction. We will also increase opportunities for students to engage in collaborative, real-world problem-solving activities in other curricular areas to include Science, Social Studies, and STEAM. Students’ progress in mathematics will be monitored three times annually using the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), and collaborative practice will be monitored regularly through instructional walkthroughs.We have had great success at MPS in implementing our school-wide expectations associated with the Virginia Tiered Systems of Support (VTSS), including the integration of the ‘Bucket Filler’ program as a Tier 1 support, and the Check-in/Check-out support at the Tier 2 level. However, we feel that we need to provide more opportunities for social/emotional learning at the Tier 1 level, and better support those students who have not demonstrated success at the Tier 2 level despite the use of the Check-in/Check-out program. This year, MPS will implement a curriculum of social/emotional learning that is designed to fold into, and compliment, our current Olweus structure. Our school counselor, along with administrators and the VTSS team, will explore and examine appropriate programs for school-wide use. MPS also expects to increase our capacity to provide intensive behavioral support and interventions for those students who are struggling to find success. We will create a program that will offer small-group and individual interventions for social/emotional learning and will assist students in developing successful coping strategies. AreaActionResponsible MathWe will establish a time in our schedule to ensure daily, higher order thinking activities.Mathematical discourse will be a part of every mathematics lesson.High cognitive levels will be reached during mathematics instruction, and Number Talks and 3-Act Tasks will be used in classrooms on a regular basis.We will provide collaborative problem-solving opportunities for students.We will provide professional development opportunities, and classroom coaching support, for all teachers.PrincipalAssistant PrincipalInstructional CoachClassroom TeachersEnglishWe will provide in-depth coaching cycles to support teachers who instruct concept of word.We will provide additional intervention services for students who do not maintain adequate progress with concept of word.We will assess and monitor the progress of students in relation to student mastery of grade level appropriate sight words, using the Dolch word lists.We will differentiate Tier 1 instruction to a minimum of three ability levels.We will increase opportunities for writing at all grade levels, and assess progress in writing three times annually through the use of writing prompts and rubrics.We will integrate literature into all content areas.PrincipalAssistant PrincipalReading SpecialistMedia SpecialistClassroom TeachersHistoryWe will increase opportunities for writing.We will increase opportunities for collaborative learning.We will plan lessons that incorporate student movement, considering Brain Gym, Ron Nash, and S’cool Moves techniques.We will ensure the inclusion of two Project-Based Learning lessons at each grade level.PrincipalAssistant PrincipalInstructional CoachReading SpecialistClassroom TeachersScienceWe will increase opportunities for writing.We will maintain a focus on scientific reasoning and investigation.We will use a school-wide lesson-planning template at all grade levels.We will plan lessons that incorporate student movement, considering Brain Gym, Ron Nash, and S’cool Moves techniques.We will ensure the inclusion of two Project-Based Learning lessons.We will implement the new cross-over standardsWe will increase our use of performance assessments, without increasing our overall number of assessments.PrincipalAssistant PrincipalInstructional CoachReading SpecialistClassroom TeachersSpecialsSpecialists will collaborate with core content teachers to design instruction that supports the academic standards taught in the classroom.We will refine the co-teaching practice of STEAM instruction through collaboration and curricular alignment.We will increase opportunities for students to engage in coding activities.PrincipalSpecials TeachersClassroom TeachersSpecial EducationWe will establish best practices and 100% compliance with all related mandates.We will review all IEP’s to ensure appropriate goals and accommodations.We will ensure the documentation of all interventions, and the inclusion of supporting data throughout the child study process.Special Education teachers will collect data regularly on student progress towards IEP goals, and use that data to inform and drive their instruction.We will provide additional support for our students with disabilities through the use of the Lexia Reading Program.Special Education teachers will use a multi-sensory approach to instruction to better align their instruction with the learning styles of their students.PrincipalAssistant PrincipalSPED TeachersWaverly Yowell Elementary SchoolIn the 2018-2019 school year, Waverly Yowell maintained full accreditation and received the Continuous Improvement Award from the state. Although we take pride in this accomplishment, our desire is to continue to grow in all areas and embrace the motto “It’s Time to Be Great.” Continued growth will be facilitated by incorporating writing across the curriculum in Tier 1 core instruction, introducing Fountas and Pinnell reading interventions for Tiers 2 and 3, and increasing our environmental awareness through programs and education.Tier 1 instruction will be improved by providing research-based, writing strategies in the classrooms to reach all learners. Literacy teachers are participating in a book study to enhance instructional strategies in writing across all three grade levels. In other core classes, students will be given various opportunities to explain their thinking through writing. Furthermore, Tier 1 instruction will be improved as literacy teachers continue to realign their curriculum, lessons, and assessments with the 2017 SOL standards. Teachers also have the opportunity to work with the instructional coach to complete coaching cycles where they will co-plan and co-teach a unit together with the goal being to assist teachers in improving their instructional planning and delivery.An additional focus is improving upon our Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction. Students will receive instruction based on analysis of data through benchmark testing using our new Fountas and Pinnell intervention program during class as well as during our remediation and enrichment block, STAR time. These daily allotted times utilize all staff in order to provide appropriate instruction catered to meet individual student needs. STAR Time also provides gifted students with a time to meet with the coordinator and participate in enrichment activities.On professional work days, administration allots time to delve into and analyze data from benchmark assessments. The teachers develop a plan that will not only enhance Tier 1 instruction to address commonly missed errors but also to plan Tier 2 and Tier 3 remediation based on individual student data. Teachers are responsible for turning in plans to be analyzed by the administrative team to ensure students are not overlooked. We will also continue to foster community relations by providing quarterly family nights. The school invites community members and school families to these events which feature fun activities highlighting student work and reinforcing skills. In an effort to increase literacy, our media specialist has planned quarterly library nights to encourage parents and children to read together; we want to promote a love of reading and literacy as a lifelong goal. We will continue to grow our “Everyone Wins” reading program by recruiting more members to serve all three grade levels; this allows us to invite more volunteers to come into our school and read to our students during lunchtime. In order to cultivate environmental stewardship, we will institute various programs and learning opportunities for our students. Additionally, we will be introducing student-led conferences at our fall parent conference night. During this time, families have an opportunity to see all the amazing work their children are doing at school, as well as set important goals for student success.AreaAction??? Responsible MathBuilt-in remediation/enrichment 2 days a week for 40 min (small group, one on one, researched based computer programs)Analyze data to identify and respond to specific skills to be assessed, remediated, and enriched Monthly department meetings to discuss data, common language, and strategies amongst all three grade levelsEnhance Tier 1 instruction to improve student engagement through discussion, higher order questioning, and using a multisensory approachIncrease critical thinking through writingAll grade level Teachers, Reading Specialist, Instructional Coach, and AdministrationEnglishBuilt-in remediation/enrichment 3 days a week for 40 min (small group, one on one)Tier 2 and 3 focused intervention using Fountas and PinnellAnalyze data to identify and respond to specific skills to be assessed, remediated, and enrichedRealignment of unit plans, lesson delivery, and assessments to expose students with proposed 2017 English SOL standardsMonthly department meetings where teachers are participating in a book study using the book “The Writing Strategies Book” in order for teachers to use common language and techniques at all three grade levelsEnhance Tier 1 instruction to improve student engagement through discussion, higher order questioning, and using a multisensory approachAll grade level Teachers, Reading Specialist, Instructional Coach, and Administration??HistoryEnhance Tier 1 instruction to improve student engagement through discussion, higher order questioning, and using a multisensory approachIncrease critical thinking through writingIncorporate authentic assessments to demonstrate understanding of SOL strandsAll grade level Teachers, Reading Specialist, Instructional Coach, and AdministrationScienceSpiral review of previous grade level and identified areas of weakness with emphasis on higher Bloom’s levelsEnhance Tier 1 instruction to improve student engagement through discussion, higher order questioning, and using a multisensory approachIncrease critical thinking through writingIncorporate authentic assessments to demonstrate understanding of SOL strandsAll grade level Teachers, Reading Specialist, Instructional Coach, and AdministrationSpecialsSupporting Tier, I and Tier II instructionCollaborate with core subjects to support standardsAssist with STAR time (remediation/enrichment)Exploratory TeachersSpecial EducationUtilize research based instructional strategiesCollaboratively plan with general education teachers and specialistsSpecial Education TeachersWilliam Wetsel Middle SchoolOur focus for the 2019-20 school year will be expanding our MadConnects Initiative in association with the department of education’s Virginia is for Learners Program. This new initiative encompasses the ideas associated with the 21st century learner while also establishing helpful guidelines when creating engaging, interactive, and differentiated lessons for our students. Our teachers have been tasked with evaluating their lessons with a different lens to ensure our students are receiving an education that includes 21st century learning skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity. We have also placed an emphasis on improving writing scores on the state assessment. The new writing plan, created during the Summer of 2019, establishes achievement goals for each grade level. These goals are data based objectives that correlate with essential skills considered crucial for passing the 8th Grade Writing SOL. The plan also includes three benchmark writing prompts and corresponding rubrics to assess student progress throughout the school year. Our teachers were provided with Smekens’ Writing Workshop Professional Development to help create classroom norms that will facilitate teacher and student engagement throughout the learning process. Writing Workshop is a data driven strategy that is being adopted by many school across the state to improve student writing. Constant and frequent feedback, which is an essential aspect of Writing Workshop, is considered a major contributor to increased student achievement levels.A third area of concentration will be implementing the Fountas and Pinnell reading initiative during our BLUE time remediation. This new program will provide leveled instruction to our struggling readers identified by a F&P diagnostic assessment and MAP testing. This program will ensure a more systematic approach to our remediation program and provide much needed resources to our teachers to differentiate instruction based on a student’s individual ability level. These new programs and concentrations will only broaden the learning experience of our students. The faculty at WMS prides itself on forging ahead to improve our weaknesses and highlight our many strengths. We are excited about the new school year and look forward to working with all stakeholders to make certain all WMS and MCPS students are prepared for their future and have the skills necessary to actualize their goals. Area Action ResponsibleCommunity/Parent ConnectionsSponsor at least 2 family events in addition to parentconferences, to showcase student work for parents and community members. (i.e. PBL nights, career night, invention fairs, classes for parents)Visit local community centers during holiday periodVeterans Days Presentation (Student Presentation) SIT Team/Community Attendance/Community SurveyMath and EnglishMaximize students’ time in text with their instructional range Implement Fountas and Pinnell Program (BLUE TIME)DreamBox Math After School ProgramTier I students 40 Book Challenge (15 min. SSR)WMS Writing Plan Instructional Coach/Administration/District Professional DevelopmentProvide staff development for teachers to implement VTSS throughout the school (3-5-year process) - Review VTSS Self Evaluation Tool to guide PD Incorporate Botvin Program (Social Emotional Program/Extension Office) into Olweus Anti-Bullying Initiative Administration/District Learning Environment Body Fuels the MindIdentify resources to help redesign the outside playground area. (basketball goals, outdoor classroom)Phase IV- Identify grant/funding opportunities to complete Playground Project (Exercise equipment)Administration/Physical Education/Maintenance Exceptional Learning MadMinds continuation/expansion to grades 6-8 during Math/English Remediation time. Extension provided to top students in each grade level (identified gifted, MAP score)Increase rigor Explore Scholastic Bowls/Academic CompetitionsAdministration/Instructional Coach Madison County High SchoolThe focus at MCHS is to continue the positive trajectory of SOL scores and full state accreditation. Students will be encouraged to engage in deeper thinking through meaningful and relevant learning experiences within the classroom. High school administration will partner with teacher leaders to increase on-site professional learning through having teachers visit the classrooms of their colleagues to adopt new strategies and provide feedback to others. Several initiatives will be implemented and/or refined in order to ensure that students are receiving the necessary supports to progress academically:?C.A.R.E Team Meetings – Pre-referral Intervention Meetings for students struggling in a variety of academic settings. Implementing interventions prior to failing a course and not having opportunities to demonstrate learning.?Writing in All Content Areas - Writing to demonstrate learning and writing to learn are two instructional initiatives that will be embraced by the MCHS community. ?Student Data Intervention Team - Quarterly Review of student academic progress through a team approach and designing support systems for those students prior to a C.A.R.E team meeting. ?Students as Active Experimenters with Knowledge - Students will be the focus of instructional change at Madison County High School as we encourage all learners to actively explore, analyze and create new ideas for the future. Teachers will work daily to include real world connections, problem solving and classroom community connectors within every lesson. Review and refinement of current grading and assessment practices from maintaining accurate assessment logs for students and examining the grade book set up and types of assessments being stored in the grade book for all students. AreaActionResponsible MathIncreasing reflection and analysis of the mathematical processes used to find solutions. Question types to stimulate deeper learning and thinking. Learning environment adjustments to include flexible seating and opportunities for small groups. TeachersAdministrationInstructional CoachEnglishCurriculum development for and revision of common assessments.Increasing meaningful feedback to students on their writing through routine writing conferences.Inclusion of research validated learning strategies. TeachersAdministrationInstructional CoachHistoryDeeper learning and use of product based learning experiencesCurriculum development and revision of common assessments to include common product based assessments for learning. Increasing relevance through real world connections such as guest speakers, field trips and projects that align with the content yet still impact our current world.TeachersAdministrationInstructional CoachScienceProvide professional development based on teacher need/want and division wide goalsUse PBL as a vehicle to incorporate teamwork in the classroom Review/utilize SPBQ data from formative and summative assessments to target intervention/remediation /re-teaching areasTeachersAdministrationInstructional CoachCTE/Elective CoursesPortfolio creation and implementation for students as they progress through CTE courses and elective sequences. Increase career exposure and interest as it relates to aligned courses. Embed writing and other core subject disciplines into the course as frequently and seamlessly as possible to improve the literacy of all students. Increase the number of students with disabilities receiving certifications and industry credentials. Pursuing the CTE Innovation Grant ProgramsTeachersAdministrationInstructional CoachSpecial EducationIncrease the value of a diploma for students with disabilities. Move to ability mindset and serve students with special education in the areas in which their disability requires. Increase the reading and writing performance of all students with disabilities .TeachersAdministrationInstructional Coach ................

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