PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY - Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA ...

Ellen Connor, CNACertified Nursing Assistant123 Your StreetYour City, ST 12345(123) 456-7890ellenconnor@PROFESSIONAL SUMMARYReliable and highly motivated Certified Nursing Assistant with 7 years of work experience in a fast moving environment. Experience attending to patients in different healthcare situations, administering medication, properly recording the collection of medical data, and handling any and all necessary paperwork. BLS and CPR certified.EXPERIENCEHospital Hill Healthcare Center, Sometown, CT — Certified Nursing AssistantMONTH 2013 - PRESENTAssessed patients’ vital signs, helped patients with their daily routines such as bathing and feeding, promoted games and activities for patients, completed documents in accordance with the department’s guidelines, and followed safety guidelines and healthcare regulations and policies. Named CNA of the quarter. Company, Location — Job TitleMONTH 20XX - MONTH 20XXJob Description...Company, Location — Job TitleMONTH 20XX - MONTH 20XXJob Description...EDUCATIONTampa School of Nursing, Tampa, FL — Nurse’s Aide ProgramSEPTEMBER 2006 - SEPTEMBER 2007Completed 80 clinical hours.SKILLSHIPAA Compliance, Charting, Patient care and monitoring, Diagnostics, Medication administration, Calm and level-headed, Medical terminology, Medical records, Problem solvingAWARDSAward - Awarding body, year.Award - Awarding body, year.LANGUAGESEnglish (Native)REFERENCESJohn Smith — johnsmith@ Jane Doe — (123)456-7890 ................

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