Mrs. Niehus’s Lesson Plans for January 26-January 30, 2015

MONDAY(Orange)Advisor: Read Aloud; CNN Student News; Homework Check in Agendas; Review Lesson; Silent Read7th Computer: Do Now – (10 minutes) “How should you handle inappropriate online talk?”-discussion/Lesson – Question of the Day – “What is a ‘oval pigtoe’?”(a freshwater mussel) –- discussion; Introduce Safe Online Talk Lesson – Teach 1: Safety Video Vignettes, Teach 2: What’s Ricky -discussion, Teach 3 – Internet Traffic Light; Discuss Project for Cyberbullying Pact – create a pact that others will sign – Class will develop this activity in small groups; Review Movie Maker and Project – All About Me (New Year-New Me)/Shared Practice – After Journal – share with a neighbor what you wrote; Share the answer to the daily question; Share in groups for activities with Safe Online Talk; Discuss in groups about project about Cyberbullying/Assignment (Independent Practice) – Students will work on their Movie Maker/Closure – (last 5 minutes of class) Go through quiz answers – end of class procedureObjectives/Standards: Demonstrate use of Movie Maker to create a presentation; Describe positive aspects of online talking and messaging; Identify situations in which flirting and chatting become inappropriate and risky; Understand rules for safe online messaging, and feel empowered to deal with uncomfortable situations when communicating onlineTUESDAY(Black)Advisor: Review Homework; CNN Student News; Review Rules and Procedures; Lesson; Silent Read8th Reading: Bell Ringer – (5 minutes) “Silent Read your AR Book. After timer goes off – write a summary of what you read today.” Reading Plus – Do IBalance and Read Around (after reading assignment)/Lesson – Review Unit 4 Introduction; Introduction of Poetry (Pages 636-643) the poems Describe Somebody and Almost a Summer Sky (Pages 644-649 & Pages 13-15); Tell students Test on The Poetry of Jacqueline Woodson will be given on Thursday (Pages 17-19)/Shared Practice – Share journal entries and discussion of two poems with class./Independent Practice – Students will work on 2 poems and questions – discussion with a partner (Due by end of class for discussion). Students will do 2 activities on Reading Plus (Due by Thursday’s class)/Closure – (Last 5 minutes of class) “Which of the two poems do you relate to more and why? Share with someone else in class that was not a partner or group member this week.Objectives – Understand the characteristics, elements, and forms of poetry; Learn about author Jacqueline Woodson; Read and analyze free verse poetry; Relate visuals in poetryWEDNESDAY(Orange)Advisor: Read Aloud; CNN Student News; Homework Check in Agendas; Review Lesson; Silent Read7th Computer: Do Now – (10 minutes) “What are safety tips you would teach elementary students in regards to being online? Why?”-discussion/Lesson – Question of the Day – “If a carnivore eats meat, what does a frugivore eat?”( a fruit eater) –- discussion; Review Safe Online Talk Lesson – Finish any activities from Monday; Continue discussion on Project for Cyberbullying Pact – create a pact that others will sign – Class will develop this activity in small groups – these will be due on Friday; Review Movie Maker and Project – All About Me (New Year-New Me)/Shared Practice – After Journal – share with a neighbor what you wrote; Share the answer to the daily question; Share in groups for activities with Safe Online Talk; Discuss in groups about project about Cyberbullying/Assignment (Independent Practice) – Students will take a quiz; Students will work on their Movie Maker/Closure – (last 5 minutes of class) Go through quiz answers – end of class procedureObjectives/Standards: Demonstrate use of Movie Maker to create a presentation; Describe positive aspects of online talking and messaging; Identify situations in which flirting and chatting become inappropriate and risky; Understand rules for safe online messaging, and feel empowered to deal with uncomfortable situations when communicating onlineTHURSDAY(Black)Advisor: Review Homework; CNN Student News; Review Rules and Procedures; Lesson; Silent Read8th Reading: Bell Ringer – “Where are you at for your AR Points? What is your plan if you do not you don’t have ? (7.5 pts.) of your points by midterm?”; Reading Plus – Do 2 Stories; Read AR Books/Lesson – Library Time; Review the poems Describe Somebody and Almost a Summer Sky (Pages 644-649 & Pages 13-15); Test on The Poetry of Jacqueline Woodson (Pages 17-19)/Shared Practice – Share journal entries./Independent Practice – Students will work on Reading Plus independently (All activities due by Sunday night at 11:59 p.m). Students will take a test (Due by end of class)/Closure – (Last 5 minutes of class) “Tell someone in the class one story you choose in Reading Plus and why you choose that story?” Share with someone else in class that was not a partner or group member this week.Objectives – Understand the characteristics, elements, and forms of poetry; Learn about author Jacqueline Woodson; Read and analyze free verse poetry; Relate visuals in poetryFRIDAY(Black)Advisor: Read Aloud; CNN Student News; Homework Check in Agendas; Review Lesson; Silent Read7th Computer: Do Now – (10 minutes) “Should there be laws against bullying online? What should the law include?”-discussion/Lesson – Question of the Day – “Where do the Canary Islands get their name from?”(from a dog – not a bird – the bird took its name from the island) –- discussion; Review Safe Online Talk Lesson – Finish Project for Cyberbullying Pact – share by the end of the class; Review Movie Maker and Project – All About Me (New Year-New Me)/Shared Practice – After Journal – share with a neighbor what you wrote; Share the answer to the daily question; Share in groups for activities with Safe Online Talk; Discuss in groups about project about Cyberbullying/Assignment (Independent Practice) – Students will work on their Movie Maker/Closure – (last 5 minutes of class) Discussion and sharing of projects. End of the class procedure.Objectives/Standards: Demonstrate use of Movie Maker to create a presentation; Describe positive aspects of online talking and messaging; Identify situations in which flirting and chatting become inappropriate and risky; Understand rules for safe online messaging, and feel empowered to deal with uncomfortable situations when communicating online ................

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