Mrs. Niehus’s Lesson Plans for January 19-January 23, 2015

MONDAY(Black)Advisor: Review Homework; CNN Student News; Review Rules and Procedures; Lesson; Silent Read8th Reading: Bell Ringer – (5 minutes) “What does it take to be a hero? List five qualities you think a hero should have. ”/Reading Plus – Ibalance (students will silent read AR books after they complete until all students are finished with the activity)/Lesson - Review Procedures and Rules; Martin Luther King Speech Activity – students will listen to the speech by Martin Luther King and work on questions related to the speech – class discussion; I Have a Dream Poem with partners – students will create a poem from a given format using the computer. These poems will include color and photos that represent the main idea and mood of the poem./Shared Practice – Share journal entries and Do Martin Luther questions together. Also the partners will create a poem. (Due by end of class)/Independent Practice – Students will work on Reading Plus IBalance Activity independently./Closure – (Last 5 minutes of class) Share one thing about Martin Luther King’s Speech that you learned today with someone else in the class.Objectives – Understand the characteristics, elements, and forms of poetry; Listen and analyze a speech; Relate visuals in poetry; Analyze character traitsTUESDAY(Orange)Advisor: Read Aloud; CNN Student News; Homework Check in Agendas; Review Lesson; Silent Read7th Computer: Do Now – (10 minutes) “What responsibilities do you have to respect others’ creative work?” - discussion/Lesson – Question of the Day – “What is Mickey Mouse’s original name? ”(Mortimer Mouse) –- discussion; Introduce A Creator’s Responsibilities Lesson – Teach 1: Henry’s Story, Teach 2: Discussion of Case Reviews-discussion, & Creator’s Responsibility Quiz; Review Movie Maker and Project – All About Me (New Year-New Me)/Shared Practice – After Journal – share with a neighbor what you wrote; Share the answer to the daily question; Share in groups for activities with Creator’s Responsibilities/Assignment (Independent Practice) – Students will take a quiz; Students will work on their Movie Maker/Closure – (last 5 minutes of class) Go through quiz answers – end of class procedureObjectives/Standards: Demonstrate use of Movie Maker to create a presentation; Consider ethical questions about real-life decisions young creators make in exercising their creative rights and responsibilities; Understand that piracy and plagiarism are irresponsible and disrespectful behaviors that have ethical and legal implications; brainstorm solutions to dilemmas creators might encounterWEDNESDAY(Black)Advisor: Review Homework; CNN Student News; Review Rules and Procedures; Lesson; Silent Read8th Reading: Bell Ringer – (5 minutes) “Think of a moment you would consider perfect in your life. What qualities do such moments have?”, Reading Plus – Read Around; Reading AR Books/Lesson – Unit 4 Introduction: Poetry (Pages 636-643) – Discussion of Big Question; Work on literary figurative language activities and getting to know Jacqueline Woodson activities with a partner (Pages 7-8, 11-12); Introduction of Describe Somebody and Almost a Summer Sky (Pages 644-649 & Pages 13-15)/Shared Practice – Share journal entries and Do Introduction to Unit 4 activities together (Due by next for discussion). Read 2 poems with partner groups and discussion./Independent Practice – Students will work on Reading Plus Read Around independently./Closure – (Last 5 minutes of class) Whole Class discussion on the 2 poems.Objectives – Understand the characteristics, elements, and forms of poetry; Learn about author Jacqueline Woodson; Read and analyze free verse poetry; Relate visuals in poetryTHURSDAY(Orange)Advisor: Read Aloud; CNN Student News; Homework Check in Agendas; Review Lesson; Silent Read7th Computer: Do Now – (10 minutes) “How should you handle inappropriate online talk?” -discussion/Lesson – Question of the Day – “In which year did Mount Vesuvius erupt & destroy Pompeii?”( AD 79) –- discussion; Introduce Safe Online Talk Lesson – Teach 1: Safety Video Vignettes, Teach 2: What’s Ricky -discussion, Teach 3 – Internet Traffic Light & Safe Online Talk Quiz; Review Movie Maker and Project – All About Me (New Year-New Me)/Shared Practice – After Journal – share with a neighbor what you wrote; Share the answer to the daily question; Share in groups for activities with Safe Online Talk/Assignment (Independent Practice) – Students will take a quiz; Students will work on their Movie Maker/Closure – (last 5 minutes of class) Go through quiz answers – end of class procedureObjectives/Standards: Demonstrate use of Movie Maker to create a presentation; Describe positive aspects of online talking and messaging; Identify situations in which flirting and chatting become inappropriate and risky; Understand rules for safe online messaging, and feel empowered to deal with uncomfortable situations when communicating onlineFRIDAY(Black)Advisor: Review Homework; CNN Student News; Review Rules and Procedures; Lesson; Silent Read8th Reading: Bell Ringer – (5 minutes) “Every culture has people in its history or stories who are considered to be especially strong or wise. What can we learn about a culture by studying its heroes?”, Reading Plus – Do 2 Stories; Reading AR Books/Lesson – Library Time; Review Unit 4 Introduction: Poetry (Pages 636-643) the poems Describe Somebody and Almost a Summer Sky (Pages 644-649 & Pages 13-15); Test on The Poetry of Jacqueline Woodson (Pages 17-19)/Shared Practice – Share journal entries and discussion of two poems with class./Independent Practice – Students will work on Reading Plus independently (All activities due by Sunday night at 11:59 p.m). Students will take a test (Due by end of class)/Closure – (Last 5 minutes of class) “Which of the two poems do you relate to more and why? Share with someone else in class that was not a partner or group member this week.Objectives – Understand the characteristics, elements, and forms of poetry; Learn about author Jacqueline Woodson; Read and analyze free verse poetry; Relate visuals in poetry ................

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