Jonathan M. Nielson - Author, Historian, Professor, Consultant

History 311Articles for Written WorkI have chosen and reviewed these articles for their content and merit. These articles are selected to amplify your other class components by offering deeper analysis and interpretation. Each is worthy of reading. Your assignment is to choose 16 of the articles during the semester that interest you; try for balance late 19th-century to present. You are to Google, read, think about, and summarize the author’s most important points. One page maximum. Additional articles will count as extra credit. Articles are listed in the order they should be read with the text.VanDevelder, What do we owe the Indians? American History (June 2009) HistoryNetAsylop, How the West was Spun HistorynetStiles, Buffalo Soldiers History (scroll to the bottom for the full article).Fox, Jr., A New View of Custer’s Last Battle, American History Illustrated (Sept-Oct 1993).Limerick, Witness to persecution NYT (July 29, 2007).Shogan, Labor Strikes Back, HistoryNetNorgren, Lockwood on ’84, Wilson Quarterly (Aug 2002)Romero, Lynch mobs killed Latinos across the west…NYT (March 2, 2019).Klinkenborg, Recovering the Complex legacy of the Photographer Jacob RiisNilsson, Woolworth: A Five and Dime Story, Sat Evening Post, NYT (Feb 2, 2008)Weisberger, Reinventing Government, 1882, American Heritage (Feb-march, 1994).Ranson, Electing a President, 1896, History TodayCavendisg, Filipino Insurrection against the US, History Today(Feb 2, 1999)1908, Smithsonian (Jan 2008)Anderson, The Legacy of Progressivism (Libertarian critical) Mises Daily ArticlesWidmer, 1919: The year of the Crack-up NYT (Dec 31, 2018)Wawro, How ‘Hyphenated Americans won WWI NYT (sept 12, 2018).Kingseed, The Bonus Army war in Washngton, HistoryNet (June 2004)Krisch, When Racism was a Science NYT (Oct 13, 2014)Staples, When Southern Newspapers Justifiewd Lynching NYT (May 5, 2018).Stalpes, When the Suffrage Movement sold out to White Supremacy, NYT (Feb 3, 2019)Pope, Flight of the Wasp, American Heritage (Spring, 2009)Lord, 1933: The Rise of the Common Man, US News and World Report(Oct 25, 1993)Gornick, When communism Inspired Americas NYT (April 29, 2017).Parshall, FDR: A Monumental Man, US News and World Report (April 28, 1997)Boisson, Immigrants: The Last time American sent her own Packing HistoryNet (October 2006)Hindley, How the GI Bill became Law…NEH (July/Aug 2014)Baime, The Inside Story of Harry Truman and Hiroshima, HistoryFerguson, Dollar Diplomacy, The New Yorker (August 27, 2007)Haydock, 1948 The Second Shall be First, The 1948 Presidential Election, American History (1998)Williams, Little Rock, Time (October 1, 2007)Staples, The Green Book’s Black History NYT (Jan 25, 2019).Carrigan and Webb, When Americans Lunched Mexicans, NYT (Feb 2, 2015)Gibbs, Love, Sex, Freedom and the paradox of the Pill, Time (April 20, 2010)Brinkley, Conspiracy? NYT (June 2, 2007) JKF and RFKIsaacson, The Legacy of a distant war, Time (March 12, 2007)Shribman, LBJs Gettysburg Address, NYT (May 27, 2013Ruane, The USA in Vietnam, Modern History (April 1, 2003)“Five Key legacies of Former President RM Nixon,” ABC News. ComMcLughlin, Eight Unforgettable ways 1968 made History, CNNLacayo, A Piece of our Time, Time (April 7, 2008)Holmes, Freedom Riders then and Now Smithsonian (Feb, 2009)Karimi, Watergate Scandal, CNNBobbs, The Price of a 50-year myth, NYT (Nov 16, 2012)Mazzetti and Weiner, Files on Illegal spying show CIA Skeletons from Col War, NYT (June 27, 2007)Cohen, The Cold War as Ancient History, NYT (Feb 4, 2008)Westad, The Cold War and America’s Delusion of Victory, NYT ( Aug 28, 2017)Ratnesar, Why the Wall came down…, Time (Nov9, 2009)How the Seventies changed America, American HeritageHoffman, Come Home, America NYT ( May 4, 2013)Cohen, Proclaiming Liberalism, what it now means, NYT (June 2, 2007)Stiglitz, Equal Opportunity, our national myth, NYT (Feb 16, 2013)Brown, America: Choosing Security over Liberty since 1798, Foreign Affairs (x out the subscription option)The American Dream, Time (July 2, 2012)Mounk, America is not a Democracy, The Atlantic (March 2018)Cohen, Congress, the Constitution and war: The Limits on Presidential Power, NYT (Jan 29, 2007)Roth, Learning as Freedom, NYT (Sept 2, 2012).The World Can Still be Destroyed in a Flash, NYT (Aug 6, 2020). ................

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