Fahrenheit 451 Article to Novel Connection Project

Fahrenheit 451 Article to Novel Connection Project

Overview: You will make connections between the major topics, arguments, motifs, symbols, and big ideas in the novel Fahrenheit 451 and the world in which we live today. You will select 3 topics/arguments/motifs/big ideas from the novel that relate to 3 present day articles and write about how they connect. All work will be typed and presented in a formal report format.

DUE: Tuesday May 28, 2013

Motifs/Topics/Arguments/Big Ideas. Choose 3 different topics:

Prescription drug addiction

Happiness-what is it? How to achieve?

Suicide trends

Violence-teen violence

TV shows as a distraction from reality

Reality TV & mindless shows

Overuse & reliance on IPods or similar

Book censorship

Illiteracy & lack of reading books

The future of books

The education system: failures and change

Fear of war & surprise attacks

Parenting and neglect

Media violence

A lack of appreciation of nature

Political correctness


Studying the classics

Location technology & tracking GPS

Surveillance technology

Advertising targeted to specific audiences

Online activity monitoring

Student attendance at liberal arts colleges

Value of a college education

Vandalism & juvenile delinquency

Law enforcement-roles and abuse of power


Media spin & deception

Materialism in society

Dying for a cause

Televised police chases

Media sensationalism

Grassroots campaigns & uprisings

Power of the spoken/written word

Bradbury’s predictions in F451

Bradbury’s views on technology

1) Select 3 different topics you would like to explore. Find one article per topic from the Internet, newspapers, and magazines. These articles need to be written within the last 5 years, the newer the better. You cannot use the same topic for more than one article. Be sure to print out a copy of each article you use and turn it in with the final project.

2) For each article, write a one paragraph (6-8 sentences) summary and one paragraph (6-8 sentences) explaining the connection between the article and the novel. Your connection paragraph should be formatted like an ACE paragraph, citing specific evidence from the novel and the article to support your connection. There will be a total of six well-written paragraphs upon completion of the project.

3) Present your articles and paragraphs in a clean, organized, and attractive manner. This can be done in any way you see fit, keeping in mind it needs to be typed and needs to include copies of your three articles. Illustrations and graphics are welcome.

4) At the end of the two paragraphs for each article or on the last page of your project, include a MLA works cited entry for the articles. Each article must have an MLA works cited entry. Use online resources () for help formatting your works cited page.

5) Good places to do your research: CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post, NY Times, LA Times, Wired Magazine, Psychology Today, Newsweek, USA Today, BBC, FOX, NBC, CBS.

-If using a Google search, be sure to make sure you are using a reputable source. Wikipedia and personal blogs, although informative, do not qualify as credible sources of information.

“We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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