Sunday Liberty Pole

Vol.2. No. 33; Aug. 14, 2016 Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Aspen Pittman (AP), Dawn Wildman (DW), Carmen Otto (CO), Tim Marshall (TM), Paul Dowling (PD), J David Lehman (JDL), Stephen Steinlight, PhD. (SS)This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America as a symbol of the colonials’ resistance to British tyranny. The poles were often 100’ tall serving as places to meet or post political news. The Sons of Liberty erected the first one on May 21, 1766 in Boston. Historical records indicate these poles existed across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and GA. Guantanamo Bay:Editor’s Note: Obama’s Lame Duck tantrum to close “Gitmo” before he exits the White House.Obama set to release 9-11 "travel agent"; 8/8/2016 by Spencer Ackerman, Guardian UK; News with details missing in MSM. Review: 5/14/2016 by Spencer Ackerman, Guardian UK. Executive Order to Close Guantanamo (2009); 1/22/2009 Executive Order "Review and Disposition...and Closure" 's Plan to close Guantanamo (2016); 2/23/2016 by Kevin Liptak and Elise Labott at CNN. by Juliette Kayyem, CNN National Security Analyst (COMMENTARY) Clinton got Millions from Sharia Law Teaching Firm; 8/5/2016 by Jack Heretik at the Washington Free Beacon: Follow the babes and money. (MN) K9 Trainer's Post about Hillary: Grrrrr. 8/1/2016 Posted by Ann-Marie Murrell at PolitiChicks (KK) about Hillary's Bizarre Behavior (VIDEO); 8/4/2016 Posted by Paul Joseph Watson: Coughing, laughing, jerking, tantrums—must’ve been a few “short circuits.” to Hide Hillary’s Fits 8/5/2016 by S. Nobel at Independent Sentinel: HRC's "Condition": Shades of?JFK and FDR. of "Establishment" GOP?vow to Vote for Hillary; 8/4/2016 by Michael Snyder at DC Clothesline: So much for party loyalty and sanity. Smear Sounds Familiar: Done to Reagan (News/Commentary); 8/3/2016 by Edmund Kozak at LifeZette: You're crazy! Is it time for political Prozac all-around? Could Have Hacked Hillary (News/Commentary); 8/3/2016 by Kathryn Blackhurst at LifeZette: The emails just keep on ticking. GOP Officials Warn Trump will put USA security "at Risk." 8/8/2016 by David E. Sanger in The New York Times: Watch for it--the "loyal opposition" will strike Trump at key areas of economy and security and be silent on Hillary--just saying. a Thought:Understanding the Military-Industrial ComplexDwight D. Eisenhower Farewell Address 1961: Beware the "Military Industrial Complex" (VIDEO: 16:14 minutes) : Beware the rise of Military Industrial Complex (Speech 10:14) Warning on "stifling descent," Secret Societies, intimidation of citizens, loss of freedom. "Unwarranted Influence": Military Industrial Complex (11:06) : Eisenhower to Obama (15:15) : Explained with graphs (4:58) Explained with links from private firms to government?(VIDEO 3:58) Gadsden Flag: Get your pitchfork Editor’s Note: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) spawned this one: Time to guard the First Amendment and this Revolutionary-era/Tea Party symbol: Government Ruling: "Don't Tread on Me" (Gadsden image) can be Racist 8/4/2016 by Editorial Staff at American Military News: The EEOC issued its “preliminary” ruling after a black employee filed a workplace complaint in 2014. Action Corner: SB 1146Editor’s Note (Repeat): CA bill SB 1146 (Lara) will end the Golden State’s religious exemption law at faith-based colleges and universities if LGBT “Transgender” civil rights are violated. Under the proposed law--currently in the committee process--campus policies from dorm assignments to locker-room showers are at risk of forced change and government funding cuts. California Family Alliance Petition (easy sign-up): clear explanation of impact: “The Intimidation Game”! Kim Strassel, columnist with the Wall Street Journal, penned this Amazon best-seller, which chronicles the IRS Scandal and Big Government’s attack on the First Amendment. Buy copies for gifts throughout this election year. NOTE: The first chapter has an SFVP flare. College Map: Voter Education 201 Map does the Math on 2016 Presidential Election 3/31/2016 by Larry J. Sabato et al Center for Politics, UVA: As of 8/3/2016 on The Kelly File on Fox, Sabato predicts a Clinton win 347 to 191. . Electoral College Map/Facts: Try this educational, fun?interactive format: Use top-of-the-page?slider to get Electoral College maps from 1964-2012 2016 Presidential Electoral Map: 270 to Win: So far 217 for Clinton; 191 for Trump.? Interesting and entertaining. It Up:Editor’s Note: Worthy Radio Interviews "Hillary's America": Dinesh D'souza with Dennis Prager and Glenn Beck 7/28/2016 posted by American Conservative University (ACU): Nearly 50-minute radio interview. Wow. Angeles:San Fran: Something's "Fishy" about this Smell; 8/2/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: Time for Glade? in CA: Welfare is the New Work (News/Commentary); 8/2/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: Looks like "Work?!" Maynard G. Krebs of "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis" must?be employed?in Sacramento. declares August "Muslim Appreciation and Awareness" Month; 8/4/2016 at MRCTV (Media Research Council):?What's next, Atheist Appreciation week? , CA voters: School Bonds get a "C" for Corruption (News/Commentary); 7/27/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: An F for crony capitalism. faces Power Shortages: 7/31/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: Yeah, we don't need coal, dams or oil; just ask Gov. Moonbeam and Mr. Obama. Unified School District: Separate and Unequal (Commentary); 7/31/2016 by Stephen Frank at California Political Review: Hey, LAUSD, go to the back of the bus. ’s Note: Voter Education 301 for November.CA Ballot Measures: ?CA 2016 Ballot Propositions: Ballotpedia explains and lists the 19 surviving November ballot initiatives. 2016 Ballot Measures--Total Contributions Click on the underlined Proposition number and title to follow the money: Lots of union money. Tea Party: Proposition Analysis by Dawn Wildman, executive director of CATPG. Meet the CA Tea Party Groups (VIDEO) Think you know who the TEA party is? Case You Missed It:Citizen with Concealed Carry permits saves OH Cop: 7/29/2016 by Bre Payton at the Federalist: The 2A at work in the hands of a good citizen. to Target DC and London in Next Wave of Attacks; 7/27/2016 by Editorial Staff at American Military News: Time to ban bombs, guns and knives in the USA? serves 35,000 Welfare Recipients a Bitter Pill; 5/3/2016 by Jerome Hudson at Breitbart: Seeds of dependence bear fruit? and Consequences:The Highlight Reels:Clinton Cash: Story and Video:"Clinton Cash" scores at Internet Theatre; 7/31/2016 by Jerome Hudson at Breitbart: Follow the bimbos, bucks and booze. "Clinton Cash" (Full Movie) Simple Uses for Vinegar (VIDEO) News about?Ear Wax (VIDEO) People of Wal-Mart (VIDEO) the Hearth: Our Editorial Page.ISIS Rejects Pope's Interpretation of Islam (Commentary): 8/2/2016 by Steve Skojec at One Peter Five (1P5). (MN) 's Executive Action to Stunt Economic Growth (Commentary): 8/4/2016 by Kenny Stein at Freedomworks: Nothing matches burning taxpayer's money for a Progressive glow. Washington's "Purple Heart" (Historical/Commentary): 8/7/2016 by Bill Bennett and T.E. Cribb in the American Patriot's Daily Almanac. to a Kill: Jihad v the West: 8/8/2016 by Paul Dowling at Eagle Rising: Read while eating a pork taco. Schools dumbing down Kids (Commentary/Survey); 8/5/2016 by Craig Huey at Craig Huey: Wonder when teachers will get participation trophies. Dismiss Voter Fraud: Reality Won't Disappear (Commentary); 8/8/2016 by John Fund at National Review: Cites recent court cases and research. Bingo. (SS) Fraud: Easier than you Think (Commentary); 1/12/2014 by John Fund at National Review: The "Big Apple" rots from the inside-out. policy: The “Sunday Liberty Pole” is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town square’ themes. If you have an opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor: Sunday Liberty Pole to klkenneyphd@ for a future edition. New! Sunday Liberty Pole archives. Readers’ choice: a DOCX or PDF version of previous editions at Infiltrates World Vision Christian Charity (News/Opinion) 8/4/2016 by JNi.Media in The Jewish Press: Evil takes roots under the Cross. (TM) by Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily (related story) of Clinton Emails to Iranian Scientist's Death: 8/7/2016 by Jacqueline Klimas at the Washington Examiner: Incompetent actions have consequences--like Benghazi. Read this one with Pepto-Bismol. (TM) "Islamic Circle" official:?Propaganda to promote?Islamophobia: 8/10/2016 by Joe Kaufman at Front Page Magazine: More lies. shows Obama "hostage" funds MSM denies Exists: 8/5/2016 by Daniel Greefield at Front Page Magazine: Non-ransom story doesn't fly. Got cash AND money laundering? Sounds like the Mafia to us. the Wire: Joint FBI-DOJ Probe of Clinton Foundation; 8/11/2016 by Richard Pollock at The Daily Caller: Maybe Karma is a… Bias: Week in Review (VIDEO) 8/11/2016 by Dan Joseph at MRC (Media Research Council) TV: Take 2 aspirin with strong tea. ................

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