UNIT 32 (Designing Idents for ... - Entity Productions

UNIT 32 (Designing Idents for Television) Task 1 TABLE 1IDENT 1IDENT 2116776581280009201158128000DETAILSBBC Two – Autumnwatch 2015253936516637000Red BeeRTE – RTE 2 ‘This is Me’ 2016 [0:16 to 0:21]252031516637000Red BeeDESIGNDENSITY OF INFORMATIONBBC Two’s 2015 Autumnwatch ident contains very little in the way of textual information with the exception of some on screen graphics at the end of the clip. This textual information consists of the title ‘Autumnwatch’, followed by the link address to the BBC Two part of the BBC’s website and the BBC Two logo.Autumnwatch is one of three programmes including Winterwatch and Springwatch, which has a focus on British wildlife. The ident takes hint from this featuring a flock of Starlings which towards the end of the ident form up to form the shape of a 2, identifying the channel clearly as BBC Two.The ident contains predominantly visual information, which is both a mix of live action footage and computer generated imagery. The premise of the ident is seeing two of the hosts of the programme pretending to bird watch while a flock of starlings form the BBC Two logo behind them. The hosts use some speech, which is then followed by the continuity reader; identifying the programme and the channels it is broadcasted on (BBC Two and BBC Two HD).The setting of the ident looks to be on a cliff face looking towards the sea. Very little land detail is included and the sea is only featured very briefly. Much of the ident is taken up by the sky, which features a few clouds. Both hosts are using binoculars as props and a close up shot of these is included.The RTE 2 ident appears to contain lots of visual content with the addition of some written content, however this is minimal. The ident is made up of a montage of different images, which appear to be directly related to the channels target audience. It has been described by the Creative Director of RTE as, “repositioning a brand that had suffered from confusion amongst its audience and to allow it to create a clear connection with that target audience”. RTE 2 is predominantly aimed at those between the ages of 15 and 35 and the images appear to capture the daily lives of this target audience through the mixed use of pictures, video and gifs. The ident includes two textual elements which consist of the strapline ‘This is Mine’ and the RTE 2 logo. The strapline links directly to the channels ethos of targeting “a generation of multi-taskers who are avid reporters of their own lives through social media”, giving off the impression that the content broadcast on the channel is built around the self-made content its views create. The strapline also directly relates the broadcaster as a whole, being a public service broadcaster funded by a licence fee.SPACE & TIMEThe ident is made up of quite a lot of open space, which is illustrated, by the inclusion of quite baron coastal land, the sea and the sky. The sky makes up the largest proportion of the frame with the land just featuring as a slither at the bottom of the screen. This is likely to have been used to allow for the inclusion of the Starling 2 logo, which featured at the end.Close ups of the two presenters and their binoculars are included within the first six seconds of the ident before pulling out to a wide shot. The wide shot is noticeably made with computer generated imagery. The ident is fifteen seconds long and acts as an accompaniment to a longer advert for the programme. Compared to the Autumnwatch ident review previously, this ident appears to be full of visual content with multiple images being shown at any given time in an animated grid. Any spare space this isn’t used by any other images is filled with brand related colours and or computer generated shapes.The ident appears to flow quite quickly with some sort of animated activity appearing on the screen at all times. This includes on screen graphics and image manipulations to fast changing images popping up in different areas.The ident is five seconds long and manages to squeeze in many different visual items. I feel this speed reflects the way this generation lives and gives a strong sense of energy and vibrancy to the brand.SCREEN TEMPOThe ident is edited quite modestly with the shortest cutaway lasting one second and the longest segment lasting 10 seconds. The ident does not feel rushed in any way and sustained period is left on particular shots where a cut would commonly be expected. This is somewhat relatable to the pace of the general programme is which gives of a calm and informed approach to the topic rather than a fast past live entertainment programme.As mentioned above, this ident has been edited is quite a quick and sharp manor with some images only appearing on the screen for less than a second. The longest a image is displayed on screen is around four seconds however; this is constantly being changed with the use of on screen manipulations and the addition of other graphics/images.The fast speed of the ident is likely to have been enhanced due to the fact that it is not advertising a certain feature or programme on the channel. INTERACTION WITH VIEWERSSome thought is required to be had by the viewer as at the start of the ident, no visual reference is made to the starlings despite the inclusion of the sound of the flock in the background as well as the reference by the hosts that they are looking for something in the air. It is only in the third shot where we see a glimpse of the flock behind the hosts before cutting to a wide shot of the flock. As the flock are constantly moving, it will also take some identification before the audience will be able to clearly see that the starlings have formed to create the number 2, referencing to the channel. A running gag of the starlings forming up behind the hosts and them not spotting them but hearing them would also likely occur some interaction from the audience.Some in-direct interaction may need to be required by viewers in order for them to be able to interpret all the images that appear on the screen. Due to the fast pace of the advert and the grid effect which means that photos are made smaller and or only appear on the screen in their full form for very short periods. The multi screen activity (in the context where there are a number of different images on the screen at the same time) of the ident will require some concentration in order for the interpretation to be made in the short period of RMATION OR ENTERTAINMENT LEDThis particular ident is more entertainment led, despite its intention of also informing the viewers of the programme, where it is going to be broadcasted as well as publishing a website address on where the audience can find out more information.The comedic value of the ident is designed to entertain potential viewers by advertising the programme in a lighthearted way. This is different to other such programmes that may wish to focus on more serious aspects of wildlife such as endangerment and hunting for example. The comedy aspect of the ident is also relatable to the audience whom may also have experienced embarrassing incidents when taking part is similar activities and or those who choose to do it for fun. This ident is primarily entertainment led as no reference to up-coming programmes or channel content is mentioned throughout it. It is also unlikely that it was designed to inform the viewer on what life is like for the target audience, as most will be aware of this.The ident gives a sense that it is aimed at telling the audience that this channel and its content is for you (target audience) and it has been made for you with the use of the strapline and by displaying relatable images on the screen.It was reported by the idents developers that the brand needed to create an emotional connection to the more programme-loyal age group of 15 to 35 rather than more traditional channel-loyal individuals.PURPOSEIDENTITY: DEFINABLE & RECOGNISABLEThe identity of Autumnwatch within the ident is clear primarily through the inclusion of two of the shows hosts. The close up shots of the host’s faces as well as the use of their voices will help to instantly identify the idents link to the programme.As well as the inclusion of the hosts, the nature of them bird watching in what looks like a remote location with the addition of bird calls all references the typical expectations from the programme.With most re-brands, it is always the aim of the broadcasters/companies to change the way they are seen within the public domain, often with quite radical changes in style. Many companies who have significant heritage or cultural significance will create references to older more familiar branding within their changes.RTE’s ident has accordingly been completely changed in order to maintain some sort of consistency, which has been absent from the channel for some time. In order to make the brand feel recognisable, the use of the colour green in the ident has been used heavily. This is a pre-owned colour and has been used within RTE 2 branding for some time. The use of this makes the ident feel recognisable and familiar despite other major changes. In order to maintain the contemporary feel of the ident, the developers chose to use the colour in more interesting ways, presenting it in different shades and within a flexible grid. The different shades of green have also been designed to adapt to different moods at different times. BRANDINGAs with most broadcasted idents and adverts, this ident finished with two features of branding from the channel. This includes the 2 logo, which is often used in BBC Two idents, as formed by the Starling flock. The BBC Two box logo is also used in the final parts of the ident and is placed prominently at the bottom right of the frame. The logos colour has been changed to better suite the background image and optimises the use of white text and a faint box outline. This allows for a degree of continuity within the ident. No branding or theme tunes are used in relation to Autumnwatch.The general ethos of the ident being around documentaries and nature fits in nicely with the described output of BBC Two. The corporation describe BBC Two as having factual programmes at its heart, which range from arts, history, science and human-interest documentaries.RTE has a very strong brand and on screen presence similarly to other broadcasters such as the BBC. The recognisable RTE 2 logo is included only once within this ident towards the beginning of the feature.The rectangular shaped logo allows it to be placed in the corners of any of the pictures (within the flexible grid) displayed neatly.Similarly to BBC Two, the number 2 is also shown occasionally in some areas of the flexible grid. This is also used in other RTE idents and is often formed on the screen by animated amalgamation of smaller 2’s.As mentioned above, the colour green is the main colour used in the channels branding and different shades of this are used throughout the ident.MARKETINGThis ident is primarily aimed at advertising and making people aware of Autumnwatch and where it is broadcasted. This ident is one of a wave of new idents used by the BBC that are solely linked to a particular programme that is about to be broadcast on its network. This tends to be limited at the moment to flagship programmes broadcast on either BBC One or BBC Two within the primetime slots (around 8pm/9pm). Other such idents have been made for Sir David Attenborough’s ‘The Hunt’ on BBC One as well as its flagship drama ‘War and Peace’ broadcasted in early 2016.Despite the aim of advertising a certain programme, not logos or branding commonly associated with Autumnwatch is used within the ident, hence keeping it separate from direct programme advertisements/promos.In this particular ident, no reference to any specific programme or feature is made within it. The ident is reflective of the channel and its target audience, displaying relatable images that “captures the lives of real Irish youth” with a “tell it like it is” attitude. PACKAGING & RE-PACKAGINGThis is not applicable to this ident.This is not applicable to this ident.SCHEDULINGAs mentioned previously, the BBC to advertise primetime evening shows around the 8pm and 9pm slots with, 9pm being the prime slot for most BBC One drama, has commonly used idents like this. Autumnwatch is broadcast at LIVE 8pm with a target audience of adults and children alike. It is therefore likely that this ident will be broadcast at around 8pm as well as in the run up to the broadcast.Although no specific reference is made to the scheduling of this ident, I would evaluate that it would likely be used as a general-purpose ident used throughout the day, breaking up programmes.SEGMENTATION WITHIN SCHDULINGThis is not applicable to this ident.This is not applicable to this ident.SOURCES CITATION You155 \l 2057 (YouTube, 2015) CITATION RSP16 \l 2057 (RSPB, 2016)CITATION BBC161 \l 2057 (BBC, 2016) CITATION Wik161 \l 2057 (Wikipedia, 2016)CITATION Red16 \l 2057 (Red Bee Creative, 2016)CITATION Red161 \l 2057 (Red Bee Creative, 2016) CITATION Wik162 \l 2057 (Wikipedia, 2016)TABLE 2IDENT 3IDENT 4850265114300009074155842000DETAILSDAVE – Channel Refresh [0:12 to 0:21]253936514986000Red BeeCNN International – This is CNN Sting252031514986000The Ident GalleryDESIGNDENSITY OF INFORMATIONThe indent is quite busy with both visual and textual information in the majority of the frame.The ident is set within a consumer electronics store similar to those in chains such as Curry’s and PC World. It sees the camera move down a typical aisle, which in this case is dedicated to displaying alarm clocks, before reaching the middle of the aisle, which is taken up by a hen. Many products can be seen on shelves and part of the stores ceiling can also be seen at the top of the frame. Along with the products on the shelves, they also include text related to the type of clocks on display, small labels that cannot be read but act as price tags and packaging resembling boxes contain toasters and kettles.When the hen comes into shot, this then becomes the focal point of the ident with the camera following the movement of the animal before cutting to the next shot.There is no speaking during this particular indent with only the inclusion of background music but with prior knowledge, I understand that continuity readers when broadcasted add a voice over to it. This usually consists of what key programmes are coming later and what programme is about to be shown now. The end board to this particular indent consists of writing as well as a small comedic graphic below it set on a dark grey N has chosen to create an ident for its rolling news channel in quite a minimalistic way using mainly on screen textual information with the use of only one image.The ident uses three main elements in three stages. These stages are built around the strapline of ‘This is CNN’. Each of the three elements is joined together through a quick animated transition before reaching the final stage, which sees the CNN logo appear. A voice over and a theme song are used over the graphics. The VO artist is simply talking over each of the three segments with ‘This is CNN’.Apart from the words and the logo, there is nothing in the way of other graphical elements such as writing and images. A background of colour takes up the majority of the surrounding space in different shades. The colour scheme is mainly based around whites, greys, blacks and greys.SPACE & TIMEThe ident is nine seconds long and consists of two distinct shots. The first one being the main action shot lasting seven seconds before being followed by the one-second-end board.During the main action shot, much of the space is filled with the items associated with a consumer electronics store and gives the perspective of a customer looking down the aisles. There is no graphical text or images added to the shot.The end-board consists of only text located in the middle of the screen and this is surrounded by much space.The first two segments optimize a large proportion of the frame with the words ‘This’ and ‘is’ which are formed from different animated shapes, which take up most of the screen. All the written elements begin at a side of the screen before moving to the centre.The whole ident is five seconds long and each element is shown on the screen for approximately one second. The end logo is on for around three seconds although the movement of the graphics differs in this segment.SCREEN TEMPOThis ident feels particularly fluid without being too slow. The key feature (the hen) appears on the screen after a short build up of around one to two seconds. As soon as the hen appears on the screen, the camera naturally levitates towards this before coming into the centre of the frame around four seconds in.Despite what it sounds as quite a fast paced ident, the steady nature of the camera and the angle it captures from allows for the audience to clearly read some of the key texts on the screen including the channels logo which is published underneath the hen.Due to the nature of the content written on the end-board (a hash tag with the channels strapline “witty banter”), this only appears on the screen just for enough time for the audience to be able to interpret the text before moving on.The tempo of this ident is relatively fast and is most likely used as a quick breakup between features on the channel.The voice over adds the emphasis to the ident and allows the audience to quickly engage to what is being said by the ident despite its quick speed.The CNN logo is shown on the screen for the largest amount of time and within keeping to the background music, it is enlarged to fill quite a bit of the screen in the final seconds.INTERACTION WITH VIEWERSThe mainly comedic value of the ident will require some interpretation by the audience so that they fully understand the nature of the joke being shown. The build up which focuses on the alarm clocks before we see the hen standing on the shelf as if it was a product will require the audience to be able to interpret what this means and why this is amusing in these circumstances.The use of “hash tag witty banter” in the end board encourages the audience to get involved with the channel on social media such as Twitter using a link associated with the channel.This ident requires little interaction from the audience and looks to have been purely designed to simply inform the viewer to exactly what channel they are watching during a short break.Some engagement may be required on the build up, interpreting the graphics and RMATION OR ENTERTAINMENT LEDThis indent is purely entertainment led and has been designed to represent the “offbeat” and “wit” of the channel. The developer describes it as creating “a raft of amusing graphics and filling the gaps between the programme” leading to “benefitting all the witty and entertainment content it broadcasts.”This ident links itself nicely to the “unique personality” of the channel and allows the channel to “act in ways which other can’t” as described by the channels Senior Brand Manager.The ident can be turned into a more in informative ident with the addition of the continuity reader.The developer has described its idents as being able to “add wit to the world” by taking “everyday scene[s] and add[ing] a little bit of Dave to it all, making each ident an informing yet entertaining interlude between programmes.”This ident looks to be first and foremost designed to inform the viewer to the channel they are watching during a short interlude from general programming.The use of a image of the globe which is liked up to the CNN logo gives the viewer and idea of what sort of news is broadcasted on the channel and that CNN has a focus on international as well as national current affairs.PURPOSEIDENTITY: DEFINABLE & RECOGNISABLEThe unique personality of the channel has been championed throughout its branding and identity. It comedic branding and advertising have been carried out right the way through from newspaper advertisements to those it shows on its own channel. The somewhat oddball and out of the ordinary nature of this ident as well as others instantly associates itself with the channel. In addition to this, are adaptations of normal everyday situations, which everybody is familiar with, allows the idents to be relatable and achieve its comedic goal. The premise of its idents also clearly sets it apart from mainstream channels that would not venture into this branding area, especially those focused on more cultural subjects like history and current affairs. The CNN logo will be the biggest identifying mark on the ident being a logo that has been used by the channel since its inception. CNN is also the world’s first twenty-four hour news channel and is broadcast to over two hundred and twelve countries. It has also been reported that the channel is accessible to around ninety six million households in the US alone. This will therefore make it the most recognisable mark on the ident.The news style music, which accompanies the ident, also adds the natural suggestion that the channel is a news and current affairs broadcaster.BRANDINGThe Dave logo is shown towards the end of the ident under the key feature (the hen) in the position of the price tag. This again separates this distinctly from the other parts of the shot, which make up the realistic part of the shop. The logo is set against dark background again, providing further differentiation. The end-board uses the same font and colour scheme as other Dave marketing solutions. As mentioned before, the use of the CNN logo, which has been, used by the channel since its inception is the biggest brand mark used on the ident.The colour scheme used in the ident is also identical to other CNN branding whether that be on its channel or through its interactive sources (i.e. mobile app).The use of the slogan, ‘This is CNN’ is a group wide slogan and is often used by broadcasters to give a strong self-brand, stating that the channel the audience are watching is the CNN brand.MARKETINGThis ident is strictly aimed at advertising Dave as a channel and no particular programme or features.This ident is strictly aimed at advertising CNN as a channel and no particular programme or features.PACKAGING & RE-PACKAGINGThis is not applicable to this ident.The use of the CNN logo within a white box and with the inclusion of an image of the Earth sees a slight adaption to the original CNN logo, which just uses the letters CNN joined together.SCHEDULINGAlthough no specific reference is made to the scheduling of this ident, I would evaluate that it would likely be used as a general-purpose ident used throughout the day, breaking up programmes.Although no specific reference is made to the scheduling of this ident, I would evaluate that it would likely be used as a general-purpose ident used throughout the day/night, breaking up content.SEGMENTATION WITHIN SCHDULINGThis is not applicable to this ident.This ident maybe shortened and used briefly during commercial breaks.The short nature of this ident may mean that it is used to break up specific content and or features. It may be used for example when breaking up different news stories.Many rolling news channels often broadcast subject specific features and again, this ident may be used to reinstate the fact that this is the CNN news channel that the audience are watching.SOURCES CITATION Red162 \l 2057 (Red Bee Creative, 2016) CITATION UKT16 \l 2057 (UKTV, 2016) CITATION UKT161 \l 2057 (UKTV, 2016) CITATION UKT162 \l 2057 (UKTV, 2016) CITATION The131 \l 2057 (The Ident Gallery, 2013) CITATION The132 \l 2057 (The Ident Gallery, 2013) CITATION Wik163 \l 2057 (Wikipedia, 2016)Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY BBC, 2016. INSIDE THE BBC - Television. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 February 2016].Red Bee Creative, 2016. DAVE CHANNEL REFRESH. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 February 2016].Red Bee Creative, 2016. Home. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 February 2016].Red Bee Creative, 2016. RT? CHANNEL REBRAND. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 February 2016].RSPB, 2016. Starling flocks: a wild spectacle. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 February 2016].The Ident Gallery, 2013. CNN International : Current Presentation. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 February 2016].The Ident Gallery, 2013. CNN International : Current Presentation : This is CNN sting. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 February 2016].UKTV, 2016. About UKTV. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 February 2016].UKTV, 2016. Home. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 February 2016].UKTV, 2016. Our Channels. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 February 2016].Wikipedia, 2016. CNN. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 26 February 2016].Wikipedia, 2016. RT?2. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 February 2016].Wikipedia, 2016. Springwatch. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 February 2016].YouTube, 2015. BBC Two - Autumnwatch. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 February 2016]. ................

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