Date 8/26/15? PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINESYesterday's Prophecies - Today's HeadlinesHEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH?TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY should be annihilated, Iranian official says Iranian Intel chief: Israel's Mossad plotting to undermine stability in Iran Iran nuke deal erases Obama's red linesHundreds of US rabbis sign letter against Iran deal Iran denies plans to swap prisoners with US Iran's policy in the Persian Gulf region - 'charm' offensive alongside terror IAEA says Iran sent 'substantive' data over its nuclear past After Parchin report, Iran threatens IAEA over 'leaks' Analysis: Focus on a nuclear Iran obscures other developing nuclear threats Rivlin: Israel has 'right' to settle in West BankZahar: Hamas not near a truce with Israel, should focus on taking over the West Bank Jewish group denies Palestinian claim of 'ethnic cleansing' in Jerusalem neighborhood Vatican asks to be removed from Palestinian flag initiative at United Nations Shin Bet thwarts terror plot hatched in Gaza to attack Jews at Joseph's Tomb Report: Israeli weapons being used in South Sudan conflict Girl suicide bomber kills 5, injures 41 in NigeriaHezbollah throws weight behind protests, deepening crisisJordan's king tells Putin he must help find solution on SyriaSyria's Assad signals little chance of alliance against Islamic State Rights group: Toll of Syrian air strikes near Damascus rises to 247 in 10 days Hollande: Turkey needs to do more against Islamic State, talk to Kurds 800 potential Isil terrorists back in Europe 'prepared to do anything'German Social Democrats evacuate party HQ after bomb threat Russia 'sends more troops to eastern Ukraine' as leaders get together for crisis summitUkrainian filmmaker, who opposed Crimea annexation, gets 20 years in prisonSouth Korea says willing to discuss North's demand to lift sanctions 5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Takanabe, Japan3.5-magnitude earthquake shakes West TNColima volcano in Mexico erupts to 23,000ftSabancaya volcano in Peru erupts to 18,000ftSheveluch volcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to 15,000ftTyphoon Goni Cuts Path Through Japan's Kyushu; Injuries Reported Hawaii Remains Alert for Tropical Threats as Systems Brew in East PacificTropical Storm Erika is Born in Atlantic, Threatens Leeward Islands at MidweekCalifornia sinking faster than thought, aquifers could permanently shrinkEPA withholds mine spill documents from CongressOil Fluctuates Below $40 as U.S. Supplies Seen Worsening Glut Wall Street rally goes up in smoke, indexes end lower U.S. stocks stage dramatic reversal, erasing rally and raising new fearsDow falls 205 points to 15,666.44 China Anxiety Resurfaces to Torpedo Relief Rally in U.S. Stocks Wall Street ends down after China rate cut fails to calm nervesCurrency volatility upsets Asian growth plansThe World Struggles to Adjust to China's 'New Normal'Obama Calls Economy 'Stronger' After Historic Crash On Wall StreetPat Robertson: Stock Market Crash Is God's Punishment For Abortion, Planned ParenthoodBorn alive? New anti-abortion video focuses on 'intact specimens'Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Buyer Laughs About Shipping Severed HeadsOrgan Buyer: Happiness is 'Another 50 Livers a Week'Planned Parenthood sues to stop funding cuts in LouisianaCommonly prescribed pharmaceuticals make people angry, violent and more likely to kill, researchers discoverUS reports unusual spike in human plague casesBlood Rave to douse Amsterdam dancers in gallons of bloodWhat is the devil's favorite sin? An exorcist respondsIRS Getting Pressured To Crack Down On TelevangelistsClergy sex abuse claims drive Archdiocese of Milwaukee to file for bankruptcy'Free the Nipple' Movement Could Bring Nudity to Assemblies of God Stronghold Teacher and Students Taken Hostage at West Virginia High School by 14-Year-Old with GunOhio School District Tests Fingerprint Scanners for Lunch PaymentsPROPHECY UPDATE NEWSLETTERSTAY INFORMED, GET EQUIPPED, BE ENCOURAGEDPre-Millennium - Pre-Tribulation - PrePARED*If you missed an issue or did not receive your daily copy - All Newsletters are archived at:?? are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members.Click below to download!"AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING"IN TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...?Featured Article: Shemitah the Lord in the Air??Israel Watch: The Destruction of Jerusalem?Can Israel Survive Obama's Presidency??Why Isn't Gaza Being Rebuilt???Concerning the Times: Global Situation Update?The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease Revisited?Daily Jot: Judgment or Consequences?Daily Devotion: No Room for Prejudice?September 2015 - Something Wicked This Way Comes*Watch and Share*FEATURED ARTICLE?Shemitah the Lord in the Air? - Wendy Wippel - marks the next completion of the seven-year cycle (known as the Shemitah) established by God as a Sabbath for the land. God instructed the Children of Israel to work the land (and profit from the proceeds from selling what their families didn't require) for six years, but in the seventh year (the Shemitah year) they were to? let the land lay fallow. They were instructed, in that Shemitah year, to also allow the poor to glean whatever the fields produced (grain, grapes and olives) for their own consumption.?No doubt this had agricultural benefit-experience in the US confirms that "fallowing" the land in dry climates allows water reserves in the soil to replenish, producing larger crop yields going forward.?But the Shemitah cycle was about more than just agricultural yields. The end of the Shemitah cycle also required? Jewish individuals to release any Jewish slaves and forgive any debts owed them by other Jews.?In other words, the end of the Shemitah cycle served as an economic reset.?Which means the next month should be interesting. Because if you're paying attention, although the Shemitah has only again been an issue for Israel since 1948, it would seem that God has repeatedly marked the end of the Shemitah cycles by His own economic resets.?At least as long as Wall Street has been Wall Street.?In the 1901-1902 Shemita Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 46%?In the 1916-1917 Shemita Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 40%?In the 1930-1931 Shemitah Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 86%?In the 1937-1938 Shemitah Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 50%?In the 1965-1966 Shemitah Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 23%?In the 1972-1973 Shemitah Year - Value of US Stock Market f fell 48%?In the 1986-1987 Shemitah Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 33%?In the 2000-2001 Shemita Year - Value of US Stock Market fell 37%?In the 2007-2008 Shemita Year-Value of U.S. Stock market value fell 50%?2014-2015 Shemita Year??? Don't know yet, but there are 16 days left. And, given the end of last week, we would seem to be seeing the birth pangs, potentially, of a major financial earthquake in the making. The Dow Jones average closed at the highest level ever in May of this year (18,312) and we could well be looking at the biggest crash yet.?To make it just a little more interesting, the crash of 2011 occurred on the very last day of the Shemitah year, the 29th of Elul . Shortly after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. That crash was, in fact, the largest one-day crash in all of history..?Up till then. ?Because in the? next Shemitah year, 2008, the Dow dropped 777 points. Also on the 29th of Elul, and 7 years to the day from the 9/11 attacks. ?And now the next 29 Elul of a Shemitah year-September 13 on the current calendar-- looms on the horizon.?One word of comfort, we do know for sure, at least, that the Stock Market will not crash on the 29th of Elul but only because that's a Sunday. And the pattern implies a crash in the Shemitah year. So the next couple weeks will be crucial.?And nerve-racking. What really worries me is that a global financial collapse would ultimately set the stage for events that could have profound ramifications for Israel. Events which, curiously, seem to be piling up right behind the economic crisis developing.?Rosh Hashanah, for example, a festival that always kicks off the first day of a new Shemitah cycle begins on September 13.??It's a festival set aside for repentance. Interestingly, the Hebrew word translated "festival" is actually a word meaning rehearsal. In other words, Rosh Hashanah is a rehearsal for a real period of repentance to come before Israel's redemption. ?That would be what's more commonly known as the tribulation.? Which, in view of the fact that this improbable synchronicity of multiple events with potentially devastating impact on Israel seems to be taking shape at the same time as the beginning of the new Shemitah cycle, would seem to indicate that the world's introduction to the Antichrist may be right around the corner. ?Namely:?*September 15:? The UN General Assembly Convenes in NY, with France, as widely reported, planning to propose U.N. recognition of a Palestinian State. Up until now the US has been pretty much the only dissenter, but it would seem that the current administration is ready to support Israel's division. *September 15:? The Jade Helm exercises conducted by the US military (directed primarily at states considered definitely or putatively hostile to the current administration, confirmed by the Washington Post) ostensibly to judge how difficult government takeover of such states would be.*September 20: The World Council of Churches begins The "World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel." Which kind of sounds all warm and fuzzy until you check out their website, which tells you what the week is intended to accomplish: ?"The Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum (PIEF) of the World Council of Churches invites member churches, faith-based communities, and civil society organizations around the world to join together in 2015 for a week of advocacy and action in support of an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine and a just peace for all in Palestine and Israel. Congregations and individuals around the globe who share the hope of justice shall unite during the week to take peaceful actions, together, to create a common international public witness."*September 21: The official UN International Day of peace, (speculated to be the day that the UN will make the announcement that the UN resolution for a Palestinian State has passed). *September 23: The Pope meets with Obama at the White House. Maybe to decide which one gets to be the antichrist and which one has to be the false prophet?? It would appear that they are going to have to decide pretty quickly, because ...last but not least...*September 23: The UN (kicked off by the, Pope himself) intends to unveil? their update to UN Agenda 21. Now known as Agenda 20/30. ?AKA, a "new, universal agenda for humanity"'?And universal it is, calling for global management of the economy, education, health care, land management, energy conversation, and pretty much everything else. Apparently an extension of the pope's call for global government in order to institute climate control and land management measures. Which, according to the Huffington Post, Obama intends to augment by an Executive Order commiting the U.S. to align itself with the Vatican/UN Agenda.*Also September 23 (or September 25, it just gets more and more bizarre) Cern, (owner of the Large Hadron Collider) a research facility doing physics research aimed at unraveling the very basic fabric and origin of our universe, intends to unveil some sort of significant research results, results that have the internet scientists all riled up.? ?Probably for good reason.?The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's premier particle collider, buried miles below the surface near Geneva, Switzerland and completed in 2008 in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists from hundreds of universities and laboratories in more than 100 countries. The collider, which generates energy by colliding subatomic particles, has increased the energy achieved rapidly, from less than 2 TeV per beam in 2010 to 6.5 TeV in May of this year.?At full capacity, the Large Hadron Collider can smash protons together at an incredible rate of a billion per second-an exercise which other physicists fear has the potential to alter the very foundations of our existence. What possible consequences could this have for humanity?? Apparently they don't really know. According to Sergio Bertlucci, the director of the Swiss Laboratory, the large hadron collider "may possibly create or discover previously unimagined scientific phenomena, or for instance an extra dimension". It may open a door to other dimensions, and according to Bertulucci,?"Out of this door might come something".?Finally, September 28:?The Feast of Tabernacles begins, in perfect unison with the last of the four blood moons that have accompanied the Jewish Holy Days during the Shemitah year just ending.? Four blood moons on High Holy Days being a portent of events that will impact the nation of Israel.?If Obama and the Pope manage to put in place a centralized world government, you can bet your sweet bootie it will impact Israel. And it's not too hard to imagine a scenario in which Israel is forced to make a treaty with this new world government in order to stay alive.?And we all know what that means. It's the starting point for tribulation.?Sure, it's speculation. But an awful lot of events significant to the future of Israel occurring all at the same time begs an explanation. And if a world government is established in NY in September, it would seem that events in Daniel and Revelation are about to unfold. ?And if I read my Bible right, that means we'll be meeting our Lord in the air.?Fortunately, I am completely convinced that if so, we'll be watching the new world leaders orchestrate the events revealed in Revelation from the mezzanine. Because the seven year periods known as Shemitah are also grouped in seven, and the 50th year is the year of Jubilee.?Curiously, the Hebrew word translated Jubilee is from the root word yabal, which means: "to bear along, to bring, to carry away, lead away to be brought, be led, be conducted." That's also pretty much the definition of the rapture. To be "snatched up".?Curiously, Cern and the UN's "Anno lucis, "year of Light??It also means "Year of Lucifer". Coincidence??I guess we'll see..? Israel Watch: The Destruction of Jerusalem - Jim Fletcher - new YouTube clip shows Iranian troops conquering Jerusalem. ?Talk about video games.?It's an animated piece, with combined forces from Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Hamas, Iraq's Badr group, and Hezbollah combining to take the city from the Israelis. It is a scenario that is plausible to too many across the globe, including pro Israel individuals and groups, and allies.?But it isn't biblical.?The headline of the clip states:?"Preparation of the complete destruction of Israel by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Islamic Revolution in Iran."?One recalls a long history of regimes in the region either conquering or wanting to conquer Jerusalem, when it was under Jewish control. The dreadful Assyrian invasion in the eighth century B.C., followed by the Babylonian invasion two centuries later, left an emotional stamp on Jews that lingers to this day. The recent date on their calendar, the 9th of Av, is a remembrance of the destruction of the Temples, under the Babylonians and Romans.?It is indicative of the Iranian arrogance from the recent win-win for them in Obama's "deal" that they actually believe they can destroy Israel and capture Jerusalem-a prime element in their zeal to establish a new caliphate.?Recent reports spotlight the Iranian activity on Israel's northern border, as the new Persian Empire strengthens jihadist groups from Hezbollah to more obscure groups. It is also true that the infighting between Shi'ite and Sunni forces will keep the Iranians somewhat pinned-down until the smoke clears from Obama's "Arab Spring" chaos.?According to Al Jazeera:?"On August 10, 2015, Jaysh al-Fatah reported that its forces had taken over the entire area east of the Orontes River in the Ghab Plain. This was followed by reports of the withdrawal of the Syrian Army and Hezbollah forces from the area."?That is quite interesting. The Syrian Army and Hezbollah are Iranian proxies, and indicate that while Iranian design teams dream up goofy video games, the reality on the ground is that there will not be an Iranian-led caliphate based in Jerusalem.?Zechariah the prophet of course tells us that some type of international coalition will come against Jerusalem (soon), and will be defeated supernaturally in the great and terrible Day of the Lord.?It is not unthinkable, however, that an Iranian coalition force (perhaps Ezekiel 38-39) will combine elements from Russian and European forces (NATO?) to invade Israel. The news this week that Russia is lifting its ban on selling SAM missiles (S-300s) to Iran. Those deadly projectiles would no doubt be used in the event of an Israeli airstrike to take out Iran's nuclear program.?Once again we see a tin-pot dictatorship promising to wrest Jerusalem from the Jews. Sometimes news articles and analyses make us anxious, as various weapons systems are discussed, etc. Yet we know that no matter how many evil regimes envision themselves looking down on the Holy City from the surrounding mountain tops, the Lord Himself will fight for the Jews.?And that makes all the SAM missiles in the world worth nothing.?Jim1fletcher@ ? Can Israel Survive Obama's Presidency? - Noah Beck - , in 2012, I authored a cautionary tale about the dangers of a nuclear Iran, I never imagined a U.S. president who would, just a few years later, actively try to strengthen Iran's geopolitical and financial position while providing international legitimacy to the Iranian nuclear program. But sometimes truth is scarier than fiction.?In my thriller, 35 Israeli submariners must decide what to do after Iran gets the bomb. In an unexpected twist on fiction, a small group of undecided members of Congress may similarly have to determine the course of history. They represent the last chance for a democracy to reject the nuclear appeasement of the Ayatollahs. There are reportedly 26 Senate Democrats currently in favor of President Obama's Iran deal; so eight more are needed to sustain Obama's veto of a Congressional resolution disapproving of the Iran agreement.?But as ineptly negotiated as the Iran agreement is, defeating it would probably be worse, given the political realities. The best possible outcome, at this point, would be a Congressional resolution that rejects the Iran deal but then gets vetoed by Obama.?Why? Because if Congress overrides Obama's veto and defeats the deal, Iran will likely use that as an excuse to abandon whatever limited and temporary constraints it accepted under the agreement. Iran can then-at a time of its choosing-race toward nukes while Obama is still in office, secure in the knowledge that Obama wouldn't dare to stop Iran militarily.?If Obama cowered from enforcing his no-chemical-weapons "red line" against the far-weaker Syrian regime in 2013, there is no chance Obama would militarily confront Iran over its nuclear program (and he essentially admitted as much in an Israeli television interview). Lest anyone doubt Obama's enforcement laxity, he has already accepted Iran's brazen violations of existing sanctions.?Incidentally, Obama claimed that "diplomacy" could handle the Syrian chemical weapons threat more effectively than force could, but now ISIS is gassing the Kurds with impunity, which undermines any notion that diplomacy will prevent nuclear abuses. In the Middle East, strength is far more respected than diplomacy, and it's clear that Obama projects weakness to foes and friends alike. Indeed, senior Iranian military leaders have openly laughed at the emptiness of Obama's military threats.?Not only will Obama fail to take any military action against Iranian nukes, he will probably thwart any Israeli operations to that effect. The Obama administration reportedly floated the idea of attacking Israeli jets en route to destroy Iran's nuclear program. Incredibly, Obama's Iran deal arguably obligates the U.S. to help Iran protect its nuclear program from an Israeli attack.?The Islamic Republic couldn't have a greater ally in the White House, and therefore would probably exploit a Congressional defeat of the Iran deal in order to race towards a nuclear weapon with impunity.?American Jews would also be harmed by the defeat of Obama's Iran deal: Obama and his supporters would fuel anti-Semitism by alleging excessive Jewish power even more than they already have, and Jews and Israel would be blamed if Iran abandoned the agreement and dashed toward nukes-particularly if any military conflagration ensued.?As dangerous and risky as it is for Israel to undertake a unilateral military strike on Iran's hardened and dispersed nuclear sites, such an operation is effectively impossible as long as Obama is in office. During Operation Protective Edge last summer, Obama reminded Israel that he could endanger the tiny state in the middle of war by refusing to resupply its military, and his FAA isolated Israel by imposing a ban on flights to Israel after just 13 days of conflict (it took about three years of war in Syria for the FAA to take the same action there).?On the diplomatic front, Obama has already threatened to withhold diplomatic support for Israel at the U.N. on the Palestinian issue, so on the Iranian nuclear issue-his legacy foreign policy "achievement"-he would be far more dangerous to Israel at the U.N.?The Obama administration has also leaked highly sensitive information to Israel's detriment, from Israel's attacks on Syrian weapons transfers to Hezbollah, to details about Israel's nuclear program.?In addition to the already abundant evidence of Obama's anti-Israel animus, Michael Oren, Israel's former ambassador to the U.S., detailed Obama's hostility towards Israel in his recently published memoir, Ally.?Given the Obama administration's willingness to harm Israel, the Jewish state simply cannot risk a major military operation as long as Obama is in office. Thus, the pro-Iranian nuclear deal is now, thanks to Obama, the only way to stop Iranian nukes until Obama leaves office.?Fifty-six percent of Americans think Congress should reject the deal with Iran, and 60 percent disapprove of Obama's handling of the U.S. relationship with Iran, according to the latest CNN/ORC poll. Congressional rejection of the deal will officially reflect these sentiments and undermine the deal's legitimacy (despite Obama's subsequent veto)-particularly because Obama purposely rammed the accord through the U.N. Security Council in order to make it a fait accompli that deprives Congress of any meaningful constitutional role in the process.?But if Congress officially rejects Obama's disastrous deal and it survives only by Obama's veto, the next president can more legitimately rescind it and-with the help of traditional Mideast allies-stop Iranian nuclear ambitions and hegemony.?Unfortunately, Obama's policies have made the job of his successor much harder. The next president will face a far stronger and less isolated Iran, economically empowered by a world rushing to do business with the Ayatollahs. Iran's $150 billion post-sanctions windfall will increase Iranian financial support for terrorist groups (as Obama officials now concede) and boost Iran's military capabilities. (Russia just agreed to sell Iran its advanced, S-300 long-range, surface-to-air missile systems, complicating future missions to destroy Iranian nukes.)?Until the 45th president assumes office on Jan. 20, 2017, those concerned about Obama's reckless and feckless foreign policy and his increasingly imperial presidency need to keep him on the defensive by focusing public attention on Obama administration controversies, many of which involve abuses of power that should interest the mainstream media. The busier Obama is defending his prior excesses, the less he can commit new ones during the rest of his tenure.Why Isn't Gaza Being Rebuilt? - By Jonathan Tobin -'s been a year since the last summer's war in Gaza ended and those who lost their homes during the fighting are still waiting for them to be rebuilt? To listen to Palestinian propagandists, this is the fault of Israel. That's the conceit of an op-ed published Monday in the New York Times by author Mohammed Omer. ?According to Omer, Gaza is a "Gulag on the Mediterranean" still suffering under Israel "occupation" even though the Jewish state withdrew every last soldier, settler and settlement ten years ago. ?All the strip's problems can, he writes, be attributed to an Israeli siege that imprisons and stifles the Palestinians living there. But, oddly enough, a slightly more realistic evaluation of their problems was to be found in a news article published by the Times the day before. The reason why not a single one of the 18,000 homes destroyed or damaged in the war has not been made habitable isn't because the Israelis are preventing it from happening. ?Even Hamas government officials concede that the Israelis haven't stopped the shipment of cement and other building materials designated for civilian reconstruction from entering Gaza. Some of the problem lies in a cumbersome process needed to approve such shipments. ?The failure of international donors, especially from the Arab world, to make good on their pledges to help Gaza is also huge. But the main problem is that although homes aren't being rebuilt, there is a lot of construction going on in Gaza. ?Unfortunately, the work is concentrated on the building of terror tunnels and other military infrastructure that will enable Hamas to launch another war on Israel if it suits their political needs or the whims of their Iranian allies. ?Omer's argument is a familiar one. Israel ought not to be allowed to prevent free entry in and out of Gaza for people or goods. The siege - in which Egypt plays as much a role as Israel though Omer barely mentions that point - reduces the Hamas government to a "municipal authority." ?But this is nonsense. ?The reason why the international community has no problem with the loose blockade of Gaza is that it is run by a terrorist organization. ?Gaza is an independent Palestinian state in all but name, and its government believes its main purpose is to wage a war on Israel to end the "occupation." But by occupation, it doesn't refer to an effort to get the Israelis to withdraw from the West Bank or even Jerusalem. ?Rather, as Hamas tells us over and over again in the public statements made by their leaders and its charter, occupation refers to all of Israel. Their war is not a limited one but an existential conflict whose only goal is to end Israel's existence. It maintains its tyrannical control over the strip by trying to focus public anger at the Israelis and their Fatah rivals in the West Bank. ?The reconstruction problem is terrible for the people of Gaza, but it also points out how the propaganda about Israel creating a humanitarian crisis there is a myth. Every day truck convoys of food, medicine and construction material approved by the joint commission run by United Nations, the PA and the Israelis arrives. ?But somehow that has not resulted in the rebuilding of homes since, as the Times reports, homeowners who are able to purchase the needed material resell it on the black market. That ensures it winds up being used, alone with Iranian aid smuggled into Gaza, to build more tunnels along the border with Israel or other military projects. Everyone knows that the joint monitoring system has failed to stop the use of international aid for Hamas terror projects. ?Meanwhile, as the Times notes, 37,000 tons of cement allowed in by Israel sits unused in warehouses. This is largely due to Hamas incompetence and the fact that the Arab world is dubious of sending money to Gaza that won't be used to help people. ?This is a tragedy, but sympathy for suffering Palestinians and criticism of Israel won't make anything better for them. Had the Palestinians used the Israeli withdrawal to build a free society and their economy, it might have thrived. Instead, the bloody Hamas coup enabled the terror group to transform the strip. But instead of a prison, it is a terror fortress. ?Last summer, Israeli fire destroyed many Palestinian homes. But that happened because Gaza's government fired thousands of rockets at Israeli cities and towns and used their tunnels to launch terror raids while turning down cease-fire offers until their appetite for creating misery was sated. ?Instead of defending Palestinians, Hamas used the people and homes of Gaza were to shield terrorists. There were plenty of shelters there, but they are still for Hamas's bombs, not the people. There is plenty of excavation going on, but it is not for the purpose of digging foundations for new homes but for tunnels that will be used to facilitate kidnapping and murder of Israelis. If demands by so-called human rights groups for granting Gaza an open border, it would result in the strip becoming even more of a military menace both to Israel and Egypt, not freedom for its people. ?As the Times reports in a separate article, across the border in the Israeli towns and agricultural villages that faced constant terror attacks, there is a determination not to let Hamas win. Instead of fleeing a clearly dangerous place, Israelis are moving in and building homes demonstrating their determination to survive. Meanwhile, Israel continues to pour more money into efforts that will shield their people from harm in the form of terror rockets instead of staking them out as human shields as Hamas does. ?The problems of Gaza will only be solved when it is run by leaders that value the lives and the property of their people as much as the Israelis do. With Iran looking to invest some of the vast wealth that will come to it under the nuclear deal in aiding Hamas, there is little doubt there will be more bunkers and tunnels built in Gaza but few homes. ?Instead of blaming Israel for what is happening in lands they've already given up in the hope of peace, it's time for the international community to focus on the real problem. When they are no longer under the thumb of a group that is obsessed with an ideology of hate that prompts them to fight for Israel's destruction, the Palestinians will rebuild Gaza and there will be no more danger of another war. ???NOW SHIPPING!!!?The Rapture and the Thief in the Night - Trailer??We must all face the facts and realize that all of us have friends and family members that are going to miss the rapture. In our new video, "The Rapture and the Thief in the Night," we give a step by step explanation of what has happened, why it happened, what to expect next, and what they must do and what they must not do!?Prayerfully our friends and family members will watch this DVD before the Rapture and not miss it, but some will certainly be Left Behind! Every believer needs to watch this video and share it with their unsaved friends, and family members. This video explains why the Rapture is the Blessed Hope of every believer and how this event is different from the Second Coming. It also explains what a person is to do if they miss the Rapture, and the events of the Tribulation, the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast. It is an excellent witnessing tool that will prayerfully keep many from missing the Rapture, at the same time it's also, a valuable guide for those Left Behind. ??To Order your copy of "The Rapture and the Thief in the Night" - please visit our store using the following link:?VISIT STORE???If you chose to mail in your gift of support or your order, please mail it to:?Prophecy UpdatePO Box 40516Bakersfield, CA 93384?CONVERGENCE - of the End Time Signs - DVDIs Now Shipping!!!?Now, also available on USB?Flash-drive?or as a Digital Download???CONVERGENCE Reviews:?Randy,? I just watched "Convergence" this morning and it was excellent!!? So well done, my friend.? The graphics and the news footage used are wonderful!? I love that you put in print what the narrator is saying!? The people's comments are good and the prayer is wonderful, too!?? I am so pleased and grateful to be putting this DVD in my packets!? God bless you.? Please pray with me that God will use these packets and DVDs for His glory and that people will watch the DVDs!!!!? I see how the USA is pushing Israel to give up their God-given land so things could rapidly decline for this nation.? I am so happy to be warning people and to put this excellent DVD in their hands!? Thank you again! - L. Rhone (Iowa)?"I loved this DVD, from beginning to end the message was clear that all the End Time Signs are converging upon the world, just as the Bible predicted. I cried during the part about the Jewish Aliyah when they landed in Israel and kissed the ground. Great Job!" ?- D. Koerner - (California)?Randy,? "Convergence "is so good I am watching if for the 3rd time! - L. Rhone (Iowa)?Outstanding video! Come quickly Lord Jesus! - ?monstermovieman? Just shared on my facebook, hoping to get some people to wake up and ask the Lord into their hearts! - L. TownHi. This is Cheryl, from New Hampshire. Thank you? so much for Convergence. I just received it today. I just finished watching it.??It was FANTASTIC!!? I Praise God for your Ministry. I've been praying that God would prepare the hearts of my family members when I show them the video. I'm praying that God would give them the understanding and?keep them interested to watch it to the end and also keep them awake. ???-------------------------------------------------?Our Best DVD Ever?I believe CONVERGENCE, is the best DVD that we have ever produced! It's jammed packed full of stunningly vivid images and Hi-Def clips, that thoroughly show that we are in the end of the End Times, right before the Rapture and the?Tribulation.??100 % Worded?This DVD is 100% worded for the hearing impaired. Every word the narrator speaks, is clearly on the screen.?A Must See DVD?Every believer needs to watch this DVD and then share it with their friends, family members, and co-workers. Every church, and small bible study group, should watch this DVD and use it to evangelize. There is an?invitation?at the end of the DVD, that gives everyone the opportunity to ask Jesus into their lives!?Evangelistic?tool?It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, well, then a DVD, with thousands of images, must be priceless. Today's generation does not read books as much as us old school people. But, hand them a DVD, and they are more than?likely?to watch it.??Timely?The CONVERGENCE DVD could not be more?timely! It coincides exactly with today's headlines and current events, leaving no doubt, that all the end times signs are happening, just as Jesus predicted.?ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY!??CONVERGENCE of the End Time Signs"CONVERGENCE of the End Time Signs" -?Bible Prophecy fulfillment is in a period of acceleration, a time of Quickening, the world is racing towards Armageddon, now more than ever we must be ready! We are about to enter a time like no other time, a time that no man has ever seen, a time like no other time in the history of this world, as a matter of fact we are about to enter the end times. Since the dawn of mankind, there have always been wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, pestilences, disease, strange-weather and false Christ's just as Jesus predicted. Fast forward nearly 2,000 years since Jesus made this prediction, and you have today's headlines lining up exactly with the Word of God. The big thing?isn't?that these events?are happening today, is that they are all happening at the very same time! Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right before our very eyes.? Fulfilled prophecy is increasing in frequency and intensity just like birth pains, and Jesus said when you see these know that I am near, even at the door.All the signs of the last days are converging at the same time. Bible Prophecy is happening right before our eyes and like birth pains, ?the predicted events are happening more frequently and more intently. Never, in the history throughout the world have so many forces, including economic, scientific, techno-logic, ecologic, cultural, geopolitical, moral, spiritual and religion, converged together to bring this world that's already teetering over the edge into the abyss, to a point of no return. "CONVERGENCE" brings it all together and will clearly show where all this heading and what people need to do!CONVERGENCE -This DVD is Now Shipping!!!CLICK HERE TO ORDERCHECK OUT ALL OUR AMAZING DVD'SThe End of Times - Israel God's Timepiece - The Rapture - After the Rapture - As in the Days of Noah - Gog and Magog - Perilous Times - The Antichrist - Living on Borrowed Time - Angels, ?Aliens & Armageddon - There will be Tribulation - Jerusalem A Cup of Trembling -?The Revelation Series -?The Daniel SeriesWelcome to Prophecy UpdateVISIT OUR STORE BY CLICKING HERE??READ SOME OF OUR REVIEWS:?"Awesome - Great Work - Congratulations!"? - D. Koerner?"I found it really moving" - D. Bower?"The scene inside the church was awesome. I need to go home and lay on my face. Great work man!"- R. Miller?"Awesome video! I watched it last night with my family, and we loved it, and plan to share the word about it" -?? C. Young?"My wife and I watched the video and it is outstanding. Biblically?solid...... we especially like the clear bible referencing and quoting. The video is a moving tapestry tightly weaved with spectacular photography, bible references, and the signs of the times put together like a jigsaw puzzle. The gospel is presented clearly with tender love. We pray that this DVD gets distributed far and wide. I hope youth ministers have the courage to show this DVD rather than the garbage materials of the emergent church movement." - John Wicklund Board President for Olive Tree Ministries ?"I received The End of Times DVD today. It is Superb! For those that don't know much, or anything about Bible Prophecy, this DVD should really open their eyes, a great teaching tool. For those that have grown cold or indifferent in the Lord, this should awaken them." T. Nelson??"The DVD provides an effective mix of biblical teaching and history, interspersed with the happenings in Israel today.? Particularly effective is the emotional ending showing the return of Jewish people worldwide back to Israel and traveling with a sense of destiny.? Many commentators have said Israel is God's hour hand, Jerusalem is the minute hand, and the Temple Mount is the second hand on God's timepiece.? The video is a great introduction and myth-buster for those who do not know of the importance of Israel in God's eyes or who believe Israel has as much significance in today's world as Madagascar or the Canary Islands." - John Wicklund, Chairman Olive Tree Ministries Board of Directors?Got the DVD today and just finished watching it...outstanding!!! Loved it!!! - G. Madison - Oklahoma??I watched "Israel God's Timepiece" last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. I have loved Israel ever since I read the book "Exodus", when I was in the Army in 1958. I do everything I can to support Israel and get people involved in what they are going through, and more than that, to pray for Peace in Jerusalem, according to Psalm 122. Your DVD was a fitting tribute to this wonderful, spectacular country and God's very own "baby". Thanks for taking the time to put it together. Very well done. - J. Masters - Mississippi?It is really a professional production and I see why it is so well received. In fact we felt it is actually the best film we have seen on end time events. - Bill & Brenda Hicks??At first I thought it was going to be another routine message but as it progressed it became more and more impressive. It was a great message. Congratulations on a very well presented and produced DVD. - R. Webb - Williamsburg?Another effective witness from Randy and Prophecy Update. The "There will be Tribulation" video describes the purpose and the sequence of events during the final seven years prior to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The linkage to many Old Testament prophecies clearly show the importance of the nation of Israel to this seven-year period. The pictures in the video document a world already full of tribulation- how terrible will be those seven years. Great teaching tool for small groups and youth ministers to present the gospel message through the topic of bible prophecy. - John Wicklund Chair- Olive Tree Ministries Board of Directors??"Moving and Inspirational" - D. Koerner, Bakersfield, CA??"Your Presentation will literally scare the h-ll out some people. There is enough scripture and warnings of what is coming to cause, anyone, who has put off accepting the Lord's salvation through Jesus to repent now!" - Don Mills - Director of Programming - CSN Radio - Twin Falls, ID??Brother Randy, to say it was a great movie documentary is an understatement. Thank you for doing the Lord's work. This movie gave me the chills. - Terrance Alan - Kaukauna, WI??Thanks so much for the DVD There will be Tribulation...I watched it the other day, finally.?? It is well done and really holds your attention. In fact, it's unrelenting...which of course is what it needs to be. - Rich and JoAnne - Temecula, CA??VISIT OUR STORE BY CLICKING HERE???Concerning the Times: Global Situation Update - Howard Green - , Concerning The Times will devote a weekly article to focus on global trends and rapidly converging prophetic events to get the big picture. God knows everything past, present, and future. When we step back and view current events through the lens of scripture, the things taking place in recent weeks and months seem less random and more like they are belonging to the end time scenario. We will cover several topics and focus on two that are certainly prophetic in scope. Here is the current Global Situation Update:?When we look at the world with a discerning eye, it doesn't take very long before we recognize that there is trouble brewing everywhere. It is difficult to pick a corner of the globe and not find turmoil. If we turn to Africa we have the growing nightmare that is Ebola. In Africa we also see a major surge in persecution of Christians at the hands of radical Islamists. Europe is becoming reacquainted with an old evil.....antisemitism. From Hungary to France, to the EU leadership itself, it appears that many want to make Israel and the Jewish people the reason for all of the world's problems.?When we turn to Asia we see a region that could ignite at any moment. Territory, natural resources, and unimpeded access to the international waters around China are all major issues. China has shown increased aggression towards it's neighbors and is claiming more airspace and waterways as it's sovereign territory. The other house of cards in Asia is the volatile Korean peninsula. The evil and darkness that is North Korea is always one miscalculation away from major conflict.?In the United States we have double digit unemployment, a stagnant economy, and by the way......our borders are open. The threat to national security that is represented by the border situation has been well documented, but it bears repeating. Disease, violent drug cartels, human trafficking, criminals, and terrorists are what we are leaving our borders open to. Unfortunately, this situation hasn't abated and we can only hope that serious threats posed to the public never materialize.?Ebola has made it's way here as well. It remains to be seen how this disease will affect America, but there have been many mistakes made by officials thus far. Now we have approximately 4,000 of our soldiers in the hot zone in West Africa. In my opinion, this is a very poor decision by this administration and the DOD to send these men and women to "fight ebola." We were told by officials that they wouldn't be in harms way or have direct contact with patients. That may or may not be the case, but that leads one to question the 21 day quarantine in Italy for soldiers on the way back to the US.?Now I want to turn our attention toward two key situations that I believe are lining up with the end time scenario the Bible lays out. First we will look at Russia:?Ezekiel 38:10?? "Thus says the Lord GOD: On that day, thoughts will come into your mind, and you will devise an evil scheme and say, 'I will go up against the land of unwalled villages. I will fall upon the quiet people who dwell securely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having no bars or gates,' to seize spoil and carry off plunder, to turn your hand against the waste places that are now inhabited, and the people who were gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell at the center of the earth.?Russia has been making a lot of headlines in recent months. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been on the media's back burner so to speak, but this may be short lived. Two weeks ago, Russian President Putin ordered the approximately 17,000 Russian troops to pull back from the border region of Ukraine. Putin has done this before and it remains to be seen if the temporary peace will hold. It's worth noting that the two countries did strike a deal to allow natural gas to flow from Russia to Ukraine this winter. In light of the declining Russian ruble and the need bolster it's economy, the move makes sense.?When we look at the big picture in the region and increased Russian military aggression, the temporary peace may be just that.....temporary. There has been a major surge of Russian military activity in the last year which seems to be meant as a message to NATO. Moreover, in just the past 6 months we have seen numerous incursions into NATO country airspace. In the last week alone, there have been dozens of flights by Russian strategic nuclear bombers in close proximity to Norway, Portugal, Great Britain, and along our west coast near Alaska and California. When we take hard line rhetoric coming from Moscow that's being directed to Washington into account and the unusually high amount of "practice runs" their long range bombers are making, the message to the west seems clear: Russia is bolstering it's military and political presence worldwide and it seems to be deviating from the business as usual stance with the US and EU.?In my opinion....the timing of Russia's resurgence isn't coincidental. Looking at the picture the Bible gives us for the last days, we see why Russia will be on a path to dominance. It was written by Ezekiel over 2,500 years ago....Russia and it's evil coalition will make a move to plunder the riches of Israel. When we begin to see recent activity set the stage for future events, it's just more evidence that the prophecies in God's word are 100% spot on. When we want to discern what is going on in this world, Russia is one area that needs to be watched. One last comment on Russia: In recent days....the White House computers were subject to a hacking attack and many media sources report it originated from inside of Russia. This is just another indication that Russia is bent on a course of increased boldness and at the very least....open political conflict with the US. America seems to be sitting on the sideline when Russia makes it's move on Israel. We can see the current decline in the US economy, military, and global leadership as a potential catalyst to allow for aggression against Israel mentioned in Ezekiel. I featured a piece in March titled:? The Hook in Russia's Jaw.....you can find it on our articles page.?Let's look at Israel as our second area of interest:?Zechariah 12:1?? The oracle of the word of the LORD concerning Israel: Thus declares the LORD, who stretched out the heavens and founded the earth and formed the spirit of man within him: "Behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the surrounding peoples. The siege of Jerusalem will also be against Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it.?When we read Zechariah 12:3 in it's context, we know the ultimate fulfillment will be at the Battle of Armageddon. But we are beginning to witness a preview of what will be the political situation at the end of the age. It's true that for decades now....Israel and it's surrounding 'neighbors' have been in an almost constant state of conflict. I keyed in on the term neighbors for a reason. It's because most of us are not in the least bit surprised when we see violent Islamic extremists and rogue regimes ruthlessly attack Israel with weapons and harsh rhetoric.?Here is what is becoming increasingly evident in recent months:?? The EU is becoming an antagonist with it's words and one sided policies directed at Israel. During the last summer and the conflict with Hamas, Israel was vilified over and over again by many in the European and liberal US media. Israel defends itself from ruthless rocket attacks and the EU quickly rebukes the Israeli government for using "disproportionate force."?I find recent developments between Washington and Jerusalem very telling. We know that there is coming a day when every nation will turn against Israel. Many western nations have been firm allies of the Jewish nation since it's modern rebirth. But look closely at what's happening....I'm referring to the last few weeks.?Washington is engaged in a war of words and policies against Israel. The current administration has done an about face and systematically fractured what was once a longstanding vital relationship between the US and Israel. Please understand, I get that no previous administration was perfect and there has been misguided policy which has strained relations with Israel before and I'm not here to attack the current administration.?I do want to call out is the outright antagonistic and disrespectful tone taken by our leadership against Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu has repeatedly been the target of unmerited ridicule. New Jewish settlements in east Jerusalem are labeled as illegitimate by the US. Moreover, Washington seems bent on forcing it's will for a two state solution that would imperil the security of Israelis.?What I find most shocking is that the US is about to make a deal with Iran regarding it's nuclear program. When will Washington wake up and realize it's making a deal with a regime that ultimately wants to destroy it? Here is the sad truth. It is becoming more evident that the US is moving from being a close ally of Israel and now it seems like the US is on course to becoming part of what the Bible says will be the end result:?? All nations will gather against Israel.?We are living in very pivotal times and students of the Bible can see that world news echoes the sentiment: This is not the time for business as usual. Friends, keep your eyes on Israel because ultimately the nation is the axis on which we will see end time prophecy fulfilled. I hope that all of us will look at the events taking place right before our eyes through the clear lens of God's word. Looking at the present global situation.....it serves as a reminder that Jesus is coming soon.The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease Revisited - By Grant Phillips -??? ?When I was in school we boys would love to rake our finger nails across the black board to aggravate the girls. They would scream and hold their hands over their ears while we laughed. Of course, we had to make sure the teacher wasn't around or we would get our tails tanned with a razor strap. Young'uns these days probably don't know what a black board is, and I'm sure they have never seen a razor strap. Personally, I think they (the razor straps) should be returned to the class room, the dust blown off, and used.?? ??My point is, if you want to get attention, just rake your finger nails across the board and you'll get it. This is exactly what some groups in our society are doing. Don't think so? Consider this; It is stated on Wikipedia that the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) says that 1.6% of Americans consider themselves to be homosexual and .7% consider themselves to be bi-sexual. Who gets the attention in our society? Exactly.??We hear and read about idiots murdering others of another race. I don't know what the percentage would be, but sure it is infinitesimal to our total population. Most Americans wouldn't even think of such an atrocity, but guess who gets the coverage?? ??Personally, I think if our government wants to outlaw guns because of these evil air-heads why stop there. Let's outlaw all cars and knives. Why don't we outlaw doctors? 1.3 Million babies are murdered every year in the United States by doctors, and 43 million world-wide. Oh, and nurses too. They help.??But since unborn babies aren't really human beings, forget the doctors and nurses. And since we need a knife to cut our steak, we can't go there either. Ask me to do without my vehicles?! Forget it! So what is left? Guns. This is how political morons think.? ??Bulletin! Unborn babies are human beings! Therefore, it is called murder. And guns do not kill people any more than vehicles do. It's the person that controls the gun or vehicle that kills.? ??Now obviously outlawing doctors, nurses, knives, vehicles and guns is ludicrous, but since a few are raking their finger nails over the black board to outlaw guns, look for the day to come for this to happen. They will come after our guns just as they have in shoving homosexuality, abortion and the removal of anything related to God down our throats.? ??But let's talk about more pleasant things concerning our title of "The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Grease Revisited." Let's briefly talk about prayer.??"Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.? ??He said: "In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought.? ??And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, 'Grant me justice against my adversary.' ??"For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, 'Even though I don't fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won't eventually come and attack me!'"? ??And the Lord said, "Listen to what the unjust judge says.? ??And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?? ??I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:1-8 NIV)??The New International Version (NIV) provides a heading of "The Parable of the Persistent Widow" for these verses. In other words, she was not obnoxious but rather persistent in what she wanted. Notice particularly verse one where Jesus' purpose is to tell His disciples to "always pray and not give up."? ??Are we guilty about praying about something very important to us, then nothing happens within our time frame, so we just give up and stop praying? Come now. Sure you are. I've been guilty of it. Surely you have too if you would just admit it.? ??I have even asked God something like, "God if you know everything anyway why do I need to pray about it?" I have also thought "Why should I ask Him more than once. He knows what is best. Pray about it, and don't pester Him with it. He heard you the first time. Besides, wouldn't that show my faith is weak? Just trust Him and move on." Now I was certainly not trying to be disrespectful toward God, but I was wrong.? ??By the way, He wants us to ask questions (respectfully). That's how we learn. Has anyone ever noticed that a child will ask a million questions when they are young? They're learning. Be patient, and be thankful that you are the source for their answers. That leads me to say that God is all Truth, so why would we go elsewhere to ask our questions? Also, a child can be quite annoying when asking over and over for something they want or want to do. Anyone ever notice that???Jesus wants us to follow His pattern of living, and one thing He did consistently while on earth was pray. God wants us to pray. It allows the Holy Spirit within us to open us up to the fellowship we need with our Heavenly Father. Jesus wants us to have that same fellowship with the Father that he enjoys. So let us pray.??Jesus was about to die on the cross and experience something He had never known personally in all eternity past; i.e. separation from the Father, sin, and condemnation by God the Father. None of us could ever know what He experienced while paying for all our sins upon that Roman cross. Dying on the cross was bad enough, but being separated from the Father and being condemned by the Father because of our sins that He took upon Himself is a horror that only God the Son could ever understand. Obviously, it was even worse than the physical act of suffering and dying.? ??We do know that it was so horrific that He prayed three times to the Father that perhaps there could be another way and He could avoid the cross. I feel this is so important for us to read, I'm including the passage below for your convenience.??"Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, "Sit here while I go over there and pray."? ??He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled.? ??Then he said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me."? ??Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."??Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. "Couldn't you men keep watch with me for one hour?" he asked Peter.? ??"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."??He went away a second time and prayed, "My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done."??When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy.? ??So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing.??Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, "Are you still sleeping and resting? Look, the hour has come, and the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners.??Rise! Let us go! Here comes my betrayer!" (Matthew 26:36-46 NIV)??What was the answer Jesus received? The answer was "No."? ??Jesus later had an Apostle named Paul who also prayed to God three times for a thorn in his flesh to be taken away, but again the answer was "No."? ??"...Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.? ??Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me.? ??But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.? ??That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Corinthians 12:7-10 NIV)? ??The widow in our Lord's parable finally got a positive response. That's what we all want! Yes! Give me a "Yes!" That's what I want. She got it, but ...??The Son of God and His greatest Apostle both got a negative response from the Father. Or did they?? ??Because Jesus willingly, and with untold love for us, continued on to the cross after being told basically, "I'm sorry my Son. This is the only way if we want to save them," billions of souls have been snatched from Satan's grasp. Because the Father said "No" we who know Jesus will be embraced with the open arms of our Savior and Lord when we see Him face to face.?? ??Also, because Paul was told "No, my grace is sufficient," he was kept from becoming conceited and therefore served his Lord with humility. Can anyone count the number of souls who have come to Christ by Paul's life?? ??Jesus, the Son of God, and His Apostle Paul were more than satisfied with their answers to repeated prayer, and their lives accomplished their purposes.? ??In my opinion, if the need in our life is so important to us that it is a burning issue that maybe even steals our sleep, then we should wrestle in prayer until we have the answer, as Jacob did (read Genesis 32:22-32).? When we finally get the answer, we will be happy with either "Yes" or "No" because we know then it is God's will and we are in it. Knowing this, let us remain constant and steadfast in prayer.??"rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation,? continuing steadfastly in prayer; (Romans 12:12 NKJV emphasis mine)? ??Grant Phillips??Email:? grantphillips@ ?????Pre-Rapture Commentary:? Rapture Ready? Daily Jot: Judgment or Consequences - Bill Wilson - ?The crash of the stock market against the backdrop of Planned Parenthood selling baby parts, the Iran nuclear deal, and the redefinition of marriage has caused many to believe that America is under God's judgment. The recent Daily Jots have tried to explain the difference between judgment and self-inflicted consequences. This has prompted legitimate questions such as: "So you think anything that happens to America from now until the fire falls during the Tribulation is not God's judgment?? What about ancient Israel, the destruction of the Temple, their going into exile?? That was all due to their disobedience, but did not God orchestrate it all?" Short answer: Israel is an example, but America is not the same as Israel in God's eyes. ?My study of the Bible indicates that God went into covenant with Israel. There was a covenant relationship. His prophets warned Israel and Judah of the coming judgments if they did not follow his precepts. And the Lord, as always, was/is true to his word. God has not entered into covenant with America. While my ancestors on the Mayflower, and those at Jamestown, proclaimed covenant with the Lord about this land, it is not the same as God establishing covenant. God's covenants are everlasting. Man's are not. Notwithstanding, 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." The laws of God are for all mankind.?America's Founders knew "the laws of nature and of nature's God." The laws of our nation are derived from the precepts set forth by God as recorded in the Bible. There is established law as given by God and it began with the Ten Commandments and culminated in what we see in books like Deuteronomy where the statutes and their consequences are given. Now to the question of God's judgment. When we go against God's law as individuals or as nations, there are "just" consequences. Your reap what you sow. If we walk in front of a speeding train, we are going to get hit. Is that God's judgment? While we did not walk circumspectly as God's word tells us, this is not judgment, but consequence of action. ?The stock market crash is the consequence of breaking the natural law of stewardship. Murder, covetousness, abominations all have their consequences. God knows the beginning and the end, but gives us free will to choose our way. So between the beginning and the end, we have a lot of headway to decide what happens to us. God does intervene-I have experienced it through prayer, repentance and even seeing His hand of protection--but for the most part, we live our lives-either in obedience or in disobedience; with the appropriate consequences. Ultimately, He judges us righteously. God judges the world/nations in the Day of the Lord and people as in Hebrews 9:27, "...it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment." Modern prophetic declarations of judgment make for good storylines, but are not necessarily accurate.?Daily Devotion: No Room for Prejudice - Greg Laurie - ?Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them. -Acts 8:5?Being an effective communicator of the gospel requires a willingness to reach out to people who are different from you. We tend to want to hang around people who look like us, who talk like us, and who are just like us. But how willing are we to leave our comfort zone and go to a person completely different from us with the message of the gospel??To put it another way, are we willing to acknowledge that all prejudice is wrong? Everyone needs Jesus, and we need to go without embarrassment and share the gospel with them. We can talk all day about how to do evangelism effectively. We can go to classes on how to share our faith and read books about it. We can memorize a list of conversation-starters that can help turn a conversation toward evangelism. All these things are good. But none of them will matter if we don't care about others. People can tell whether or not we care about them. Even a dog can tell. And a person will know whether you are sharing the gospel out of sincerity or a mere sense of duty.?The Bible gives us the example of Philip, who had a heart for unbelievers. Along with Stephen and others, he was called to be a deacon in the church. And when Stephen was martyred and Saul of Tarsus began to attack Christians, where did Philip go? To Samaria. Philip was a Jew, yet he went to Samaria. This was significant, because Jews hated Samaritans, and Samaritans hated Jews. Yet Philip went to these people, people whom Jews normally would not speak to, much less want to reach.?May God give us compassion for people who do not yet know Him. Philip had that, and we should too.?FROM THE HEART??IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY,?TRULY,?THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT??Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks!??If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now!What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake?"Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!""Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack.2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others.3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update.I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks!Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13Prophecy Update is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt -?non-profit?organization, and all your donations are tax deductible.??If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to:DONATE NOW?Or Visit our website: write us at:?Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516????If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven?Find out, visit:Prophecy Update - GoodSearch Toolbar Prophecy Update Toolbar is free to download and allows you to raise money for our cause every time you search or shop onlineDID YOU KNOW?You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email:prophecyupdate@bak.Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly)??"On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand."??"Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!"??YBIC-RandyStay Connected?? ?? ?? Prophecy Update - PO Box 40516 - Bakersfield, CA 93384 ................

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