CNN STUDENT NEWS Directions: while watching CNN Student …


Directions: Use the following menu items to complete

while watching CNN Student News. On days when you

Menu Option # 6 ? What Would You Do?

may choose your option, be sure to write your menu

Imagine you are a person in one of the news stories.

choice on the sheet. You must choose at least 3

Explain how you would have handled the situation (3-5

different types of menu options for the week

sentences). Is it different than the way it was actually

10 points per day. studentnews


If absent please note the date and look up the CNN Student News video you missed in their Archives. specials/student-newstranscripts

Menu Option # 1 ? What If? What if... - Take one news story and ask the question, "What if this one event had been different?" and state what moment in the story could have changed history if that moment had not occurred/changed. Then write a prediction about how you think the situation would have changed. Explain why you think your prediction would be true.

Menu Option # 2 - Opinion Write down an opinion found in Student News or the topic of one news story. Then tell whether you agree or disagree with this opinion or story. Be sure to be specific about the parts of the story you agree/disagree with. Explain your opinion.

Menu Option # 3 ? Ask Three Questions Choose one important person in a news story and list that person on your warm up. Ask that person 3 important questions about their feelings or actions that are related to the story.

Menu Option # 4 ? Give Advice Choose one important person in a news story and list that person on your warm up. Then offer that person some advice (3-5 sentences) relating to the story that you saw in the news.

Menu Option # 7 ? Acrostic Make an acrostic word poem using a word from a news story. All words should relate to the news story directly. Example below: O peration New Dawn B ringing home U.S. troops A bout 50,000 troops still in Iraq M ounting violence in Iraq as troops leave A nnounced end to Operation Iraqi Freedom on Sunday

Menu Option # 8 ? Word Chain Create a word chain on you paper and then write an explanation of the way the words connect with one another. Example below:

George Bush ? War on Terror ? Operation Iraqi Freedom ? Barack Obama ? Operation New Dawn

President Bush began the War on Terror after the 9-11 attacks. He expanded the War on Terror to include Operation Iraqi Freedom, freeing the Iraqi people from Sadaam Hussein. Barack Obama made a campaign promise to end the war in Iraq and is now overseeing Operation New Dawn, setting up a new Iraqi government.

Menu Option # 9 ? Cause and Effect Choose one news story that involves cause and effect, where one event caused another. Tell about that story using words like because, since, as a result, therefore, and due to. Then tell what you think could have been done to prevent or strengthen that result.

Menu Option # 5 ? Make a Prediction Briefly summarize the topic of one news story (1-2 sentences). Then make a prediction about what you feel will happen regarding this incident in the future, and tell why you think your prediction is accurate (1-3 sentences).

Example: Mining is a dangerous job, causing hundreds of deaths to miners each year. Due to a collapse of a coalmine in Chile, 33 miners were trapped for 69 days. In order to prevent further collapses such as this, Chile's government will need to increase safety of the mines and inspect them carefully. Also, further advances in equipment designed to rescues miners should be developed.


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