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Helpful Electronic Media ResourcesUnit and TopicType of MediaShort Description/NotesLinkBelief Systems: Islam; TerrorismNews ArticleYezidi Post News Article: March 23, 2016: “Kurdish Muslims abandoning Islam for Zoroastrianism is disgust at ISIS.” Islam, Zoroastrianism, Terrorism, IraqSynthesisAnalysis of SourcesCompare and ContrastContextualization, CommunismNews ArticleUSA Today Article: May 16, 2016. “China buries memories of violent Cultural Revolution 50 years later.” Useful for POV, CommunismPrimary SourcesPrimary sources about the Long March, communismYoutube“Mao’s Great Famine”Great Leap Forward, communism YoutubePeople’s Century: Great Leap Forward, communismYoutubeGreat Leap Forward Summary, 6 minutes WarYoutubeHow powerful are modern nuclear weapons? WarNews ArticleCNN News Article: September 8, 2015. “North and South Korea agree to family reunions in October.” WarNews Article/VideoPBS News Article with Video: February 24, 2016. “As Pentagon overhauls nuclear triad, critics advise caution.”Cold War LegacyCCOTPOVs WarNews ArticleNew York Times Article: November 6, 2015. “Günter Schabowski, the Man Who Opened the Wall.”End of the Cold WarBerlin Wall CollapsingPOV WarNews ArticleUSA Today Article: February 13, 2016. “Russian Prime Minister says there’s a new Cold War.”CCOTCompare and ContrastSynthesis WarWebsiteExplanations of each lyrics/historical topic from Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” WarWebsiteWorld History Project: Cold War Timeline WarYoutubeDeclassified US Nuclear Test WarYoutubeCBS Video: “Protests break out in Russia over Putin reelection.” Military History: The Price of FreedomResearch on every major US military conflict Learning: Stimuli for Exploration: Columbian ExchangeNews ArticleScience Magazine Article: April 1, 2016: “Mummy genomes reveal just how catastrophic European contact was for New World.”Analysis of SourcesInterpreting EvidenceCCOT RevolutionWebsite14,000 Free images from the French Revolution; Human RightsNews ArticleNew York Times News Article: September 12, 2015. “The Next Genocide.”HolocaustModern Day GenocidesCCOTCompare and ContrastSynthesis ArticleBBC News Article: June 11, 2016. “How British let one million Indians die in famine.”; current eventsNews ArticleThe Atlantic News Article: January 23, 2014. “Global freedom has been declining for nearly a decade.”: Spanish RevolutionYoutubeGuernica in 3D Video: The Israel Palestine conflict: a brief and simple history ArticleUSA Today News Article: June 8, 2015. “Jerusalem: Holy city for three religions long a fulcrum for conflict” animated maps;Eurocentric Maps that Make Sense of the World Academy: Ancient Rome at its PeakCCOTCompare and ContrastSynthesis 11, 2001VideoESPN: “The Man in the Red Bandana”POV 11, 2001VideoESPN: “First Pitch” President Bush ArticleCBS News Article: August 23, 2015. “Ancient temple at Palmyra destroyed in ISIS attack.”Terrorism; ISIS; Archaeology; Roman Ruins News Photographs: August 23, 2015. “The destruction of Palmyra by ISIS.”Before and after photographs Vox Video: The rise of ISIS in 6 minutes ArticleBBC News Article: July 16, 2016. "Turkey coup: Who was behind Turkey coup attempt?" News ArticleUSA Today News Article: March 7, 2016. “Turkey seizes leading paper, tightening grip on press.” War IVirtual TourBBC: Virtual Tour of WWI Trenches War IIYoutubeVimeo video: World War II death count.Visualizing statisticsCompare and ContrastCCOT ................

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