

Before a co-op student begins his/her co-op placement, the Workers’ Education Agreement form must be signed. The employer, teacher, student, and parent/guardian must sign the form before the student begins working at his/her placement. Students (except those students who are placed in a Waterloo Region District School Board school) are covered by Workers’ Compensation through the Ministry of Education during the hours and dates listed on the Work Education Agreement.

An Addendum to the Workers’ Education form must be signed if the employer wishes the student to work outside the normal co-op hours stated on the Workers’ Education Agreement form.

• An employer is responsible for Workers’ Compensation coverage if a student works outside the co-op hours stated on the Workers’ Education form and an Addendum form has not been signed

• a student receives monetary compensation for his/her work


Semester 2 co-op students may begin their co-op placement on February 29, 2016. The end date will be June 17, 2016. Regardless of the number of hours a student has accumulated, he/she must continue to work at the placement as scheduled according to the Workers’ Education Agreement. It is important to find out if a student is working on either a four-credit or a two-credit co-op package in order to determine the number of hours he/she must be at the placement.

2 credits (220 hours)/3-hour work day


4 credits (440 hours)/6-hour work day

Some students will be working on an extra co-op credit and will be required to work an additional 110 hours. The student is required to remain at his/her placement until the noted end date even if the required minimum number of hours have been met before the end date. FHCI’s day begins at 8:20 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m., but co-op hours may be designated outside those hours as long as the Workers’ Education Agreement reflects the times.


A co-op student should not expect remuneration for the hours spent at the training station because he/she is earning credits and gaining valuable hands-on experience.


If your company is unionized, a student placed in a unionized setting must be provided with an orientation to the union.


An Employer Informed Consent Form is to be acknowledged and signed. It outlines the responsibilities of the employer. It is the student’s responsibility to provide his/her own

transportation to and from the job site.


The students are required to attend Integration classes on the following dates:

Semester 2

March 21 May 16

April 4 May 30

April 18 June 13

May 2 June 20, 21 – (exit interviews)


The co-op teacher will visit the workplace to monitor the student approximately once or twice a month.

The supervisor should assist in the assessment of the student’s performance on the job, and discuss the assessment with the teacher and the student

HOUR REPORTING – See Hour Republic Instruction Sheet

A student is required to keep a record of his/her hours, and it is the student’s responsibility to input their hours into the computer. The student is required to obtain your email. Every week, there will be an email sent to you asking you to verify the hours.


The teacher will meet with the placement supervisor early in the semester to develop a learning plan that will outline job responsibilities and reflect the school course content. The Learning Plan should be reviewed throughout the year as the student progresses and is able to meet and accept greater challenges.


Co-operative Education is a commitment. It is important for the student to establish and maintain an excellent attendance record and to communicate in a responsible manner.

It is the responsibility of the student to:

• Inform the placement supervisor before he/she will be absent from work for any reason. If the student does not call, please inform the co-op teacher as soon as possible.

• Plan his/her participation on school teams/organizations so that the activities do not interfere with attendance.

• Make up time missed after absence.

• Be punctual.

If a student is absent from school in the morning, he/she cannot attend the co-op placement in the afternoon.

It is important for the supervisor to notify the co-op teacher of any attendance problem as soon as possible.


All co-op students are required to sign a statement of confidentiality. If a breach of confidentiality should occur, the teacher must be notified immediately.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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