The Torrent Complex

840105-313055-530919-150929 Hillview Avenue Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone. BT70 3DLTel: 028 87769051Summer Camps 2019Big numbers expected.... Get your form in early to avoid disappointment!!!3505200125095-44259595250CAMP 1: Monday 1st July – Friday 5th July 2019CAMP 2: Monday 5th August – Friday 9th August 2019Time? 10am – 1pm Who? Girls and boys aged 3-6 and 7–12 years oldWhat? Jam packed with games and sports inc. Basketball, Badminton, Volleyball, Rugby, Rounders, Gaelic football, Soccer & more.Fee? ?35 per child per camp. (?5 discount for every additional child from the same household). Where? Sports Hall & PitchesWhat to Bring? Packed lunch for each day and appropriate weather gear.(Sun Cream if necessary!)Will Receive? A Ball for camp 1 and a Torrent Complex T-shirt for camp 2 (Please select gear size on the application form for camp 2) 00CAMP 1: Monday 1st July – Friday 5th July 2019CAMP 2: Monday 5th August – Friday 9th August 2019Time? 10am – 1pm Who? Girls and boys aged 3-6 and 7–12 years oldWhat? Jam packed with games and sports inc. Basketball, Badminton, Volleyball, Rugby, Rounders, Gaelic football, Soccer & more.Fee? ?35 per child per camp. (?5 discount for every additional child from the same household). Where? Sports Hall & PitchesWhat to Bring? Packed lunch for each day and appropriate weather gear.(Sun Cream if necessary!)Will Receive? A Ball for camp 1 and a Torrent Complex T-shirt for camp 2 (Please select gear size on the application form for camp 2) Important Information: Completed Application forms & payment should be left at The Torrent Complex. (DO NOT SUBMIT APPLICATION FORMS TO SCHOOL). Please address to Damian McCaul c/o The Torrent Complex. Cheques should be made payable to Donaghmore District Community Association. 4731385330835Please CUT Here00Please CUT HereIf your child will be walking to or from the camp a signed permission slip MUST be submitted along with the summer camp application. center-70040500Name of Child:______________________________________________376060226225Date of Birth: _______________Age: ________TEL: (H)_________________________ (W) _________________________ (M) _________________________School: ___________________________________Medical Information: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________Camp Attending (Please Tick):39452555524500Camp 1: Monday 1st July – Friday 5th July39452557112000Camp 2: Monday 5th August – Friday 9th AugustPlease Tick Gear Size (CAMP 2 ONLY):430149034925003292475317500023348953175000141605034925004768853492500561975031750003-4 yrs5-6yrs7-8yrs9-11yrs 12-13yrsNB. Camp 1 applications must be returned by Thur 27th June.Camp 2 applications must be returned by Thur 25th July in order to guarantee requested gear size.Money Enclosed: ?_____527685017907000I give permission for my child’s photo to be taken for The Torrent Complex media, Local Newspapers or various publications we may produce throughout the year. 342900565150010121905651500YES NOSignature: Parent / Guardian: _____________________________________Office Use: Paid:Y / N Amount Paid: ________ Date: ___________Torrent Complex Signature: ______________________________________ ................

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