City Academy Counseling Office

Scholarship Newsletter Issue # 6

February 2016

|Website |Due Date |Requirements |Scholarship Amount |

|Society of Women Engineers |Varies |For female high school seniors interested in technology. |Unknown |

| |check for local | | |

| | | |

|ps | | | |

| Avon Foundation President's Recognition Program Scholarship |2/29 |For high school seniors whose mother or grandmother are |$4,000 |

| | |Avon Representatives. | |

| | | |

|tion-program-scholarship | | | |

| Allstate’s Keep the Drive High School Journalism Wards |3/1 |Scholarship Eligibility |$2,000 Scholarship |

| | |Open to legal residents of the 50 United States and the | |

| | |District of Columbia, who are current high school students | |

| | |between the ages of 13 and 18 during the Program Period. | |

| | |Employees of The Allstate Foundation (“Sponsor”), Allstate | |

| | |Insurance Company, and their respective parents, | |

| | |subsidiaries, affiliates, promotion and advertising | |

| | |agencies, and members of their immediate family (spouse, | |

| | |mother, father, sister, brother, ward, daughter or son and | |

| | |their respective spouses, regardless of where they reside) | |

| | |and persons living in their same households, whether or not| |

| | |related, are not eligible to enter or win. | |

| | | | |

| | |Application Overview | |

| | |Journalists may enter either the Print Category or | |

| | |Broadcast Category, but not both. Print Category | |

| | |submissions are articles written and published by students | |

| | |in high school newspapers. Broadcast Category submissions | |

| | |are broadcast segments in journalistic style written and | |

| | |produced by students and aired within the high school. | |

| | | | |

| | |Purpose | |

| | |The Allstate Foundation is sponsoring the Keep the Drive | |

| | |High School Journalism Awards to encourage teens to educate| |

| | |their peers about the dangers of texting while driving. | |

|Hadden Scholarship |2/29 |The Hadden Scholarships are awarded to exceptionally |$16,000 over four years |

| | |worthy, financially needy, secondary school seniors. | |

| | | | |

|The American Chemical Society Scholars Program |3/1 |For high school seniors and college students who are |$20,000 ($5,000) per year |

| | |underrepresented minorities interested in a |for up to four years |

| |chemically-related field. | |

|-program | | | |

|The Maureen L. & Howard N. Blitman, PE Scholarship to Promote |3/1 |For high school seniors who are members of an |$2,500.00 |

|Diversity in Engineering | |underrepresented ethnic | |

| | | | |

| | | |

|ity-Engineering | | | |

|University of Utah Access Women in Science & Mathematics |3/1 |7 week summer school program which includes 3 general ed |$3,500.00 scholarship & |

|Scholarship | |requirements for study in math/science |$1,000.00 housing waiver to|

| | | |live on campus |

| | | | |

|Sandra J. Bromley Scholarship |3/1 |12th graders who apply to the University of Utah majoring |4-year award covering 15 |

| | |in Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics, or Astronomy. 3.0 |credits for 8 semesters |

| for more info or to apply | |minimum GPA | |

|Freshman Scholarship in Science & Mathematics |3/1 |Multiple awards will be made to 12th graders who apply to |$1,000.00 |

| | |the University of Utah and declare a major in the College | |

| for more info or to apply | |of Science | |

|Eugene Loh Fly’s Eye Cosmic Ray Scholarship |3/1 |Award for 12th graders who apply to the University of Utah |4-year award covering |

| | |who declare a major in Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics, |tuition & fees |

| | |or Astronomy. Preference is given to Chemistry, Math, and | |

| for more info or to apply | |Physics majors. 3.5 minimum GPA | |

|Peace Scholarship |3/1 |Scholarship Eligibility |$500.00 Scholarship |

| | |You are eligible for this scholarship if both of these | |

| | |apply: | |

| | | | |

| | |* You are a high school senior or college freshman at time | |

| | |of application, AND | |

| | |* You can provide evidence of leadership and/or personal | |

| | |initiative in activities or in an organization (including | |

| | |volunteer or paid work) relating to peace and social | |

| | |justice, nuclear disarmament, and/or conflict resolution. | |

| | | | |

| | |Application Overview | |

| | |Complete the application form, write a short autobiography | |

| | |and provide letters of recommendation. | |

| | | | |

| | |Purpose | |

| | |In 17 years, we have given away more than $45,000 to more | |

| | |than 175 young people who have demonstrated leadership and | |

| | |personal initiative in activities involving: Peace and | |

| | |Social Justice, Nuclear Disarmament, and/or Conflict | |

| | |Resolution. | |

| Alexander Graham Bell Association Scholarship |3/1 |Scholarship Eligibility |$10,000 Scholarship |

| | |* Spoken communication must be the applicant’s primary mode| |

| | |of communication. | |

| | |* Hearing loss must have been diagnosed before the | |

| | |applicants fourth birthday. | |

| | |* Hearing loss must be bilateral and in the moderate to | |

| | |profound range. Applicants must have an unaided Pure-Tone | |

| | |Average (PTA) of 60dB or greater in the better-hearing ear | |

| | |in the speech frequencies of 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz. | |

| | |Applicants with cochlear implants meet this eligibility | |

| | |requirement. Unilateral (one-sided) hearing loss does not | |

| | |qualify.  | |

| | |* Applicant must be enrolled in or have applied to a | |

| | |mainstream and accredited college/university as a full-time| |

| | |student. | |

| | |* Applicants in the United States must have a minimum | |

| | |cumulative un-weighted GPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale | |

| | |(equivalent minimums: 4.06 on a 5.0 scale or 81.25 on a | |

| | |scale of 100).  | |

| | |1) For high school seniors, this is a cumulative GPA for | |

| | |grades 9-11 and the first semester of grade 12.  | |

| | |2) For college freshman, this is cumulative GPA for grades | |

| | |9-12 and the first semester of college.  | |

| | |3) For college sophomores or higher, it is the cumulative | |

| | |GPA on your college transcript for all semesters completed.| |

| | | | |

| | |Application Overview | |

| | |* Completed Application.  | |

| | |* For applicants who use hearing aids, an unaided Audiogram| |

| | |performed within the past 24 months  | |

| | |(this should be one-page, not the entire narrative report);| |

| | |for applicants with cochlear implants, a  | |

| | |cochlear implant programming report performed within the | |

| | |past 24 months. | |

| | |* Official transcripts for high school and/or college.  | |

| | |* Verification of the applicant’s application, acceptance | |

| | |or enrollment to a mainstream and accredited | |

| | |university/college.  | |

| | |* Applicant Essay (maximum of one single-sided page).  | |

| | |* Three letters of recommendation from three different | |

| | |individuals. | |

| | | | |

| | |Purpose | |

| | |The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard| |

| | |of Hearing (AG Bell) offers several scholarships for | |

| | |full-time students who are pursuing an undergraduate or | |

| | |graduate degree. | |

|Good Tidings Foundation | |will be awarded to high school seniors who recognize the |$5,000.00 scholarship |

| | |benefits of serving their community and have financial need| |

| | | | |

| EngineerGirl! Engineering Essay Contest |3/1 |Scholarship Eligibility |$500.00 Scholarship |

| | |* The contest is open to individual girls and boys in each | |

| | |of three categories (Choose your category by grade-level | |

| | |unless you are unsure of your grade): | |

| | | | |

| | |1) 3rd grade to 5th grade (Ages 8-11) | |

| | |2) 6th grade to 8th grade (Ages 12-14) | |

| | |3) 9th grade to 12th grade (Ages 15-18) | |

| | | | |

| | |* If you are a prior winner and have received a cash prize | |

| | |from EngineerGirl! in any of the above grade categories, | |

| | |you may not enter again in the same age group. | |

| | |* Management, employees and families of the National | |

| | |Academy of Engineering (NAE) are prohibited from winning | |

| | |any prizes offered by EngineerGirl! | |

| | | | |

| | |Application Overview | |

| | |Think about how engineering has affected your life. How has| |

| | |it improved peoples’ quality of life? What further needs of| |

| | |society could be addressed by engineering? | |

| | | | |

| | |In honor of the NAE’s 50th anniversary, we invite you to | |

| | |imagine how engineering might change our lives over the | |

| | |next 50 years, in one of the following areas: | |

| | | | |

| | |* Nutrition | |

| | |* Health | |

| | |* Communication | |

| | |* Education | |

| | |* Transportation | |

| | | | |

| | |It is challenging to imagine what the future will bring, | |

| | |and we think that you are up to the task. In 1500 words or | |

| | |less describe how engineering has addressed one of these | |

| | |five areas of societal need (e.g. Transportation) in the | |

| | |past 50 years and suggest ways that engineering could | |

| | |address this area of need in the next 50 years. | |

| | | | |

| | |Purpose | |

| | |The EngineerGirl website is part of an NAE project to bring| |

| | |national attention to the opportunity that engineering | |

| | |represents to all people at any age, but particularly to | |

| | |women and girls. | |

| Rice University Trustee Diversity Scholarship |3/1 |Scholarship Eligibility |$24,000.00 Scholarship |

| | |All admitted incoming freshmen to Rice University. Students| |

| | |whose diverse life experiences and contributions to diverse| |

| | |groups distinguish them within the pool of admitted | |

| | |applicants. | |

| | | | |

| | |Application Overview | |

| | |All admitted freshman applicants are automatically | |

| | |considered for merit-based scholarships, so that no | |

| | |separate application forms or interviews are necessary. The| |

| | |Office of Admission notifies scholarship winners at the | |

| | |time of admission to the university. | |

| | | | |

| | |Purpose | |

| | |Student standouts – that’s what we look for! Merit-based | |

| | |scholarship recipients generally distinguish themselves | |

| | |scholastically and personally even within our highly | |

| | |competitive group of admitted students. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Samsung American Legion Scholarship |4/15 |See Counselor For More Information |Scholarship Award to TBA. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| Utah Boys State |4/15 |Only boys who have successfully completed their junior year|See requirement section. |

| | |of high school and plan to attend school next year as a | |

| | |senior are eligible to attend. Once registered, this will | |

| | |enroll the student for both the Utah Boys State program and| |

| | |as a summer student at Weber State University, from which | |

| | |they will receive three (3) semester hours of 2920 | |

| | |Political Sciences university credit, which is generally | |

| | |transferrable to any university or college across the | |

| | |nation. | |

|Buick Achievers Scholarship Program |3/1 |Scholarship Eligibility |$125,000.00 |

| | |* Be high school seniors or graduates or be current | |

| | |undergraduate students | |

| | |* Plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an | |

| | |accredited U.S. four-year college or university for the | |

| | |entire academic year beginning in the fall of the deadline | |

| | |year (excluding proprietary and online schools) | |

| | |* Plan to major in a specified course of study that focuses| |

| | |on Engineering/Technology or select Design and | |

| | |Business-related programs of study (see the list | |

| | |of eligible majors) | |

| | |* Be interested in pursuing a career in the automotive or | |

| | |related industries | |

| | |* Be U.S. citizens and have permanent residence in the | |

| | |United States | |

| | |* Excluded from consideration are employees and relatives | |

| | |of employees of Scholarship Management Services, | |

| | |Scholarship America and their affiliates and | |

| | |subcontractors, and GM Foundation Directors, Officers, and | |

| | |staff and their relatives (relatives of General Motors | |

| | |employees ARE eligible) | |

| | |* Special consideration will be given to the following | |

| | |applicants: first-generation college, female, minority, | |

| | |military veteran or a dependent of military personnel | |

| | |* Scholarships are renewable up to four years and one | |

| | |additional year for those entering a qualified five-year | |

| | |engineering program | |

| | | | |

| | |Application Overview | |

| | |* Register as an Applicant to begin the online application | |

| | |process | |

| | |* The following information will be necessary for the | |

| | |application: | |

| | |1) A list of your community and school activities, and work| |

| | |experience | |

| | |2) Your transcript of grades (Online transcripts must | |

| | |display student name, school name, grade and credit hours | |

| | |earned for each course, and term in which each course was | |

| | |taken) | |

| | |3) Your parents/guardians' financial information from their| |

| | |most recently filed tax return or your own financial | |

| | |information if an independent student | |

| | | | |

| | |Purpose | |

| | |It starts with good grades. But goes beyond. | |

| | | | |

| | |A dedicated student. A leader in school. A volunteer | |

| | |worker. A college-bound and community-minded individual. | |

| | | | |

| | |The Buick Achievers Scholarship Program wants to reward | |

| | |students who have succeeded both inside and outside of the | |

| | |classroom and who may not be able to attend college without| |

| | |financial assistance. It's a reward for what you've made of| |

| | |yourself and the difference you are making for others. | |

|Life Lesson Scholarship Program |3/1 |The LIFE Lessons Scholarship Program is for students who |$15,000 |

| | |have experienced the death of a parent or legal guardian. | |

| | | | |

| Glenn Miller Birthplace Society Scholarship Competition |3/1 |For high school seniors and college freshmen who are |$4,000 |

| | |instrumentalists or vocalists | |

| | | |

|hip-competiton | | | |

| Shell Scholarship Opportunities for High School Seniors |3/3 |For high school seniors who have expressed an interest in |$2,500 |

| | |the energy industry and demonstrated an aptitude in | |

| |mathematics and science. | |

|program | | | |

| Michael Yasick ADHD Scholarship by Shire |3/9 |For high school seniors and college students dealing with |$2,000 |

| | |Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. | |

| | | | |

| 11th Annual DNA Essay Scholarship |3/11 |An essay contest for all high school students. |$1,000 plus a $1,000 grant |

| | | |to purchase genetics lab |

| | | |equipment |

| | | | |

| Tzu Chi Scholars |3/11 |A scholarship for high school seniors. |$4,000 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| USPAACC Scholarships |3/13 |For high school seniors Asian Pacific Island heritage |$5,000 |

| | |(except for the Bruce Lee Scholarship). | |

| | | | |

| PMI Utah Northern Chapter Scholarship |3/15 |Juniors and Seniors create a less than 5 minute You Tube |$500-$2,000 |

| | |video about any project you have been invoved | |

| | |pleted application and transcript also required | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Utah Public Employees Association/Mountain America Credit Union |3/3 |Graduating seniors or dependents who belong to both |(3) $1,000.00 |

| | |Mountain America Credit Union and Utah Public Employees |Scholarships |

| | |Association; based on skill, scholastic ability, financial | |

| | |need, community service, and employment plans | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Womens Western Golf Scholarship |3/1 |Graduating female seniors based on academics, financial |$8,000.00 |

| | |need, character, and involvement in golf | |

| | | | |

|scholarship | | | |

|U of U First Ascent Scholars |3/1 |Graduating seniors applying and accepted to the U of U who |Full ride scholarship |

| | |demonstrate an interest in business; 3.0 GPA or higher; | |

| | |demonstrate significant financial need to attend college | |

| | | | |

|YouthLinc Young Humanitarian Award |3/18 |Open to all 11th and 12th graders. Essay, letter of |$1,000.00-$5,000.00 |

| | |recommendation, and above all, focused service efforts. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Honors Grad U Multimedia Scholarship |3/20 |Open to graduating seniors; scholarships for projects in |$1,000.00 |

| | |the following mediums, Art, photography, video, music, and | |

| | |creative writing | |

|graduation-scholarship | | | |

|BYU Management Society Salt Lake City Chapter |3/14 |Open to any student regardless of religious affiliation. |$500.00-$3,000.00 |

| | |Scholarship based on financial need or community service, | |

| | |student must be planning on attending a college or | |

| | |university in Utah, or an LDS Church college on a full-time| |

| | |basis. | |

|Anthem Essay Contest |3/20 |Open to all 8th, 9th, and 10th graders. Essay contest based|$300.00-$2,000.00 |

| | |on the book Anthem by Ayn Rand. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Doodle 4 Google Contest |3/20 |Open to all students K-12. Task is to redesign the Google |$30,000.00 |

| | |Logo. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Moriarty’s Gem Art Rock Hound Scholarship |3/31 |Open to all graduating seniors who fill our survey |$500.00 |

| | |questions and complete a 500 word essay on the given topic.| |

| | | | |

|scholarship | | | |

|Kohl’s Cares Scholarship |3/15 |Open to students ages 13-18. Nomination required by someone|$50.00-$10,000.00 |

| | |21 years or older; parents may nominate their children. | |

| | |Students must have contributed to the community in | |

|kohl. | |meaningful ways | |

|T.H. Bell Teaching Incentive Scholarship/Loan Program |3/27 |Open to graduating seniors intending to go in the teaching |Waiver of tuition and fees |

| | |field. High GPA, ACT or SAT scores are required. All monies|for all public Utah |

| | |must be paid back if student fails to complete a teaching |institutions and up to |

| | |degree |$995.00 per semester at a |

| | | |private institution. |

| | | | |

|schools. | | | |

|Lassonde Institute Utah High School Entrepreneur Challenge |3/31 |Open to all students 14-18 years of age. Students must |$22,000.00 |

| | |submit a project; create and prototype a solution; define a| |

| | |customer; create and submit a presentation | |

| | | | |

|National Federation of the Blind Scholarship Program |3/31 |Open to all students who are blind or visually impaired. |$500.00-$1500.00 state |

| | | |level |

| | | |$13,000.00 national level |

| | | | |

|American Fire Association Scholarship Contest |4/1 |Students must write an essay on an assigned topic; include |$1,000.00-$4,000.00 |

| | |a bibliography; application; and letter or recommendation | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Denny’s Hungry for Education Scholarship |4/3 |Open to all high school students with a 2.5 GPA or higher; |$1,000.00 |

| | |300 word essay on how Denny’s can impact childhood hunger | |

| | |in your community. | |

| | | | |

|Ashley’s Dream Scholarship Contest |4/15 |Open to any graduating senior planning on attending an |$2,000.00 |

| | |accredited 4yr college. Think of a project to spread the | |

| | |word about the dangers of drunk driving. If your idea is | |

| | |selected, you will receive $1,000 to complete your project | |

| | |idea. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Independent Insurance Agents of Utah |4/1 |Open to all graduating seniors planning on studying |(3) $1,000.00 scholarships |

| | |business or insurance; 3.0 GPA or higher required; |available |

| | |extracurricular activities at school, church, or work. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Men’s Italian American Civic League |4/1 |Outstanding graduating high school senior of Italian |$1,000.00 |

| | |ancestry may apply. (At least one of the student’s parents | |

| | |must be of Italian ancestry). | |

| | | | |

|Edwards Lifesciences Scholarship Program |4/11 |Open to all graduating seniors seeking a degree in STEM |$2,500.00 for up to 4 years|

| | |(Science Technology, Engineering or Math); demonstrated |totaling $10,000.00 |

| | |financial need as determined by the FASFA application; | |

| | |leadership, participation, in school and community; | |

|edwards@ | |transcript required. | |

|Utah Energy Workforce Scholarship |4/15 |Open to all high school juniors pursuing a STEM course of |$5,000.00 |

| | |study at a Utah institution. Create a video documentary | |

| | |exploring some aspect of Utah’s energy industry. | |

|energyvideos@ | | | |

|Young Native Writers Essay Contest |4/22 |For Native American high school students; essay required |$1,000.00-$5,000.00 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|nativewriters. | | | |

|The Fountainhead Essay Contest |4/26 |Open to all juniors and seniors; essay contest based on the|$50.00-$10,000.00 |

| | |book The Fountainhead written by Ayn Rand. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|CPCU Loman Foundation Scholarship |4/30 |Open to all high school students; 5 essay questions; |$1,000.00 |

| | |financial information; (2) letter of recommendations; | |

| | |community and school activities required. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Nordstrom Scholarship Program |5/5 |Open to high school juniors who have participated in |$5,000.00 |

| | |community or volunteer activities; 2.7 GPA or higher; | |

| | |demonstrated financial need; recommendation and essay | |

| | |required. | |

| | | | |

|nordstromscholarship@ | | | |

|UCB Epilepsy Scholarship Award |5/5 |Open to any graduating senior who has been affected by |$5,000.00 |

| | |epilepsy; successful in school and outside activities. | |

| | | | |

|epilepsy- | | | |

|University Neighborhood Partners Scholarship |5/8 |Open to all graduating seniors who are involved in the |$3,000.00 |

| | |University Neighborhood Partners Organization; must be | |

| | |accepted to a post-secondary program (college, technical | |

| | |school, or vocational program); personal essay required; | |

| | |must have financial need. | |

|Alliance for Unity |TBA |Offered to high school seniors in Utah who exemplify the |(20) $500.00 scholarships |

| | |ideals of unity, civil, and respect of others in their | |

| | |daily lives and have crossed boundaries of culture, | |

| | |religion, and ethnicity to better understand and accept | |

| | |others; students who receive free or reduced are given | |

| | |priority. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|scholarship.html | | | |

|AEMP Legacy Scholarship Program |5/1 |Does heavy equipment inspire you? Letters of recommendation|$2,000.00 |

| | |from an educator and employer are required; 3.0 GPA or | |

| | |higher. | |

|scholarship.html | | | |

|Athnet Sport Recruiting Scholarship |6/1 |Must be a current or former athlete at the high school |$1,000.00 |

| | |level; graduating senior entering college; write a 400-500 | |

| | |word essay describing how the lessons you have learned | |

| | |through playing sports have positively impacted you as you | |

| | |pursue your college education. | |

| | | | |

|scholarships@ | | | |

|Utah Jump Start Coalition/UHEAA Scholarship |3/27 |Seniors. Demonstrate knowledge of financial literacy |$1,000 |

| | |through an essay. | |

| | | | |

| Joseph James Morelli Scholarship |3/30 |High school student or graduate with evidence of learning |$1,000-$2,000 |

| | |challenge (IEP, 504, or letter from teacher) pursuing a |Renewable |

| | |career in STEM (science, technology, engineering or math). | |

| | |1000 word essay, letter of recommendation and transcript | |

| | |required. 3.0 GPA or above preferred | |

|Kaplun Essay Contest |3/1 |Scholarship Eligibility |(6) $1,800.00 scholarships |

| | |* Must write on essay on the following topic: The Jews are | |

| | |one of the great enigmas of history. What makes us unique? | |

| | |What has given us our resilience, power of survival and | |

| | |ability to adapt to radically new conditions without losing| |

| | |our identity?  | |

| | |* Essays must be typed, double-spaced and a minimum of 250 | |

| | |words. Level 2 essays may not exceed 1,500 words. | |

| | |* The contestant's name, address, telephone number, email | |

| | |address, school name, grade, and date of birth must appear | |

| | |in the top right-hand corner of the first page. The | |

| | |contestant's name must appear on all subsequent pages. | |

| | |* To receive a list of the contest finalists, please | |

| | |enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope along with your | |

| | |essay. | |

| | | | |

| | |Application Overview | |

| | |Essay (with contestant's contact info on first page). | |

| | |Entrance prizes will be awarded to the first 50 essays | |

| | |received in each level. | |

|Dr. Arnita Young Boswell Scholarship |3/1 |Open to all African American graduating seniors who |$1,000.00 |

| | |complete the following: | |

| | |Scholarship Eligibility | |

| | |* Enter an accredited college or university as a freshman, | |

| | |sophomore, junior or senior | |

| | |* Have accumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 or | |

| | |better from your previous or present institution | |

| | |* Be involved in school and community activities | |

| | |* Demonstrate a mastery of written communication skills in | |

| | |a 300 to 500 word essay | |

| | | | |

| | |Application Overview | |

| | |* Complete Application | |

| | |* 4x5 Color Photo of Yourself | |

| | |* 2 Letters of Recommendation | |

| | |* Letters from supervisors and/or copies of certificates of| |

| | |participation from organizations where you performed your | |

| | |community service. (Applicant must have verified volunteer | |

| | |hours) | |

| | |* Official Transcript | |

| | |* 300-500 word Essay | |

|Religious Liberty Essay Scholarship Contest |3/1 |Scholarship Eligibility |(3) $1,000.00 scholarships |

| | |The contest is open to all high school juniors and seniors.| |

| | |There are no requirements involving GPA, faith, | |

| | |extracurricular activities or anything else. | |

| | | | |

| | |Application Overview | |

| | |* Essay registration form | |

| | |* Essay adviser form | |

| | |* Essay of 800-1,200 words addressing the following topic: | |

| | | | |

| | |The religious beliefs and affiliations of presidential | |

| | |candidates often become campaign issues. Is that fair? | |

| | |Should presidential candidates talk about their religious | |

| | |beliefs? Are there certain religion-related questions each | |

| | |candidate should or should not have to answer? In an essay,| |

| | |examine the role religion should play during a presidential| |

| | |campaign. | |

| | | | |

| | |In your essay, you must use and cite sources, such as the | |

| | |U.S. Constitution and news articles. | |

|Wings Over America Scholarships |3/1 |Scholarship Eligibility |(40) $3,000.00 scholarships|

| | |* Applicant must be able to claim military dependent status| |

| | |in one of the following categories. | |

| | |a) Spouse of U.S. Navy active duty member or former U.S. | |

| | |Navy member (retired, separated or resigned) who are | |

| | |serving or have served honorably: spouses must be currently| |

| | |enrolled in a college or university, pursuing an A.A., | |

| | |A.S., B.A. or B.S. degree, at a accredited college as a | |

| | |full time or part time student taking a minimum of 9 credit| |

| | |hours per year | |

| | |b) Child (or step-child) of U.S. Navy active duty member or| |

| | |former U.S. Navy member (retired, separated or resigned) | |

| | |who are serving or have served honorably: high school | |

| | |students must be graduating seniors planning on attending | |

| | |college on a full-time basis to pursue a B.S. or B.A. | |

| | |degree. College students must be currently enrolled at an | |

| | |accredited college as a full time student taking a minimum | |

| | |of 12 credit hours per semester pursuing a B.S. or B.A. | |

| | |degree. Reserve Officer Candidate Program students | |

| | |(including service academies and ROTC scholarships) are not| |

| | |eligible. They must also be unmarried, up to the age of 23 | |

| | |on April 1st of the applying year. | |

| | |c) Any child (natural born, adopted or step-child) of a | |

| | |member of the U.S. Navy who has died while on active duty | |

| | |serving with a Naval Air Force unit as described above, may| |

| | |qualify, regardless of the length of service of the | |

| | |deceased parent. | |

| | |* The applicant's sponsor must have completed at least | |

| | |eight years of active duty service in a Naval Air Forces | |

| | |command or subordinate command.  | |

| | |* If you DID meet BOTH general criteria requirements | |

| | |listed, you may now proceed and complete the | |

| | |Pre-Qualification Form. Once eligibility has been | |

| | |confirmed, a Wings Over America Scholarship Application | |

| | |will be sent to you. | |

| | | | |

| | |Application Overview | |

| | |* Complete prequalification form. Once eligibility has been| |

| | |confirmed, a Wings Over America Scholarship Application | |

| | |will be sent to you. | |

| | |* Copy of applicant ID card, front and back. If sponsor is | |

| | |honorably discharged and applicant does not have a military| |

| | |ID card, suitable photo ID and supporting documentation to | |

| | |substantiate applicant's relationship to sponsor should be | |

| | |submitted | |

| | |* Attached proof of sponsor eligibility. Officers--Service | |

| | |member's officer data card. Enlisted--the administrative | |

| | |data and career history pages of service member's | |

| | |electronic training jacket or photocopies of member's | |

| | |service record NAVPERS 1070/605. | |

|ESA Foundation Scholarship Program for Minorities |3/1 |Scholarship Eligibility |(30) $3,000.00 scholarships|

| | |* Must be a woman or minority student | |

| | |* Must be pursuing a degree leading to a career in computer| |

| | |and video game arts (high school seniors must already be | |

| | |accepted into a program) | |

| | |* Must be enrolling or enrolled in a full-time | |

| | |undergraduate course of study at an accredited four-year | |

| | |college or university in the United States | |

| | |* Must be maintaining a grade point average of 2.75 or | |

| | |above on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent) | |

| | |* Must be a US citizen | |

| | | | |

| | |Application Overview | |

| | |Register for an account through International Scholarship | |

| | |and Tuition Services (ISTS) and complete the online | |

| | |application. Details are available once registered. | |

|A Nurse I Am Scholarship |3/1 |Scholarship Eligibility |(10) $2,000.00 scholarships|

| | |* Applicants must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in| |

| | |an accredited LVN/LPN, RN degree (ADN or BSN), diploma, or | |

| | |RN-to-BSN program, and must begin/ have begun classes no | |

| | |later than Jan. 31 of the application year. Enrollment may | |

| | |be on a full-time or part-time basis. | |

| | |* Applicants' nursing education programs must be located | |

| | |within the 50 U.S. states. | |

| | |* Applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal residents. | |

| | | | |

| | |Application Overview | |

| | |To participate, you will need to have watched either | |

| | |version of "A Nurse I Am" (available free from provider) - | |

| | |the 32-minute Educational Version or the 62-minute | |

| | |documentary. Complete an application form and write an | |

| | |essay describing which of the attributes of the nurses who | |

| | |appear in the film "A Nurse I Am" would you most like to | |

| | |emulate - and why? Essay word limit: 750 words | |

|ACS Minority Scholarships |3/1 |Scholarship Eligibility |(3) $5,000.00 scholarships |

| | |* Be African-American, Hispanic/Latino, or American Indian.| |

| | |* Be a U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident. | |

| | |* Be a full-time student at a high school or accredited | |

| | |college, university, or community college. | |

| | |* Demonstrate high academic achievement in chemistry or | |

| | |science (Grade Point Average 3.0, "B" or better) | |

| | |* Demonstrate financial need according to the Free | |

| | |Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) and the | |

| | |Student Aid Report (SAR) form. | |

| | |* Be a graduating high school senior or college freshman, | |

| | |sophomore or junior intending to or already majoring in | |

| | |chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering or a | |

| | |chemically-related science OR intending to or already | |

| | |pursuing a degree in chemical technology. | |

| | |* Be planning a career in the chemical sciences. | |

| | | | |

| | |Application Overview | |

| | |* Application Form | |

| | |* Official transcript or grade report  | |

| | |1) College freshmen: Provide a high school transcript in | |

| | |addition to the college transcript | |

| | |2) Transfer students: Submit copies of transcripts from all| |

| | |previous institutions attended (transcripts from current | |

| | |institutions that include transferred credits/courses is | |

| | |acceptable) | |

| | |* ACT or SAT score report (for high school seniors) | |

| | |* Two letters of recommendation (at least one | |

| | |recommendation from a chemistry instructor or someone who | |

| | |is familiar with your work in science) | |

| | |* Copy of Student Aid Report (SAR) | |

|AIGC Scholarship |7/15 |See counselor for more information |Not stated |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|HSF Scholarship |3/30 |See website for more information |Not stated |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Equality Leadership Scholarship |4/15 |Senior legal citizens and residents of the State of Utah, |TBD |

| | |have and maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average (GPA) | |

| | |while receiving the scholarship, show leadership regarding | |

| | |rights and recognition for LGBTQ people, demonstrate | |

| | |financial need. | |

| Latter-Day Pioneer Scholarship |4/15 by |Senior first-generation convert to The Church of Jesus |TBD |

| |5pm |Christ of Latter-day Saints or a child of parents who | |

| | |joined the LDS Church during your lifetime, be admitted or | |

| | |attending an LDS affiliated school including, BYUProvo, | |

| | |BYU-Hawaii, BYU-Idaho, LDS Business College, or Southern | |

| | |Virginia University (proof required) or be actively | |

| | |involved in an LDS Institute of Religion program at a | |

| | |non-Church affiliated school, have a GPA equal to or higher| |

| | |than 3.0 | |

|Willie The Plumber Scholarship |4/15 by |Seniors with 2.0 GPA and who’s parent or guardian is |TBD |

| |5pm |incarcerated with demonstrated financial need. | |

| | | | |

|Gloria Baron Prize For Young Heroes |4/15 |Ages 8-18. Individuals who have shown leadership and |$2,500 |

| | |courage in developing and implementing an extraordinary | |

| | |service project. Must be nominated by an adult other than a| |

| | |relative. Must be a legal resident. | |

|Aspiring Animation Professional Scholarship |6/1 |Senior pursuing an animation related field. Essay required.|$1,000 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Aspiring Fashion Professional Scholarship |6/1 |Seniors intending to pursue a fashion related field. Essay |$1,000 |

| | |required | |

| | | | |

|Aspiring Nurse Scholarship |6/30 |Seniors who plan to pursue college education in nursing. |$1,000 |

| | |Essay required. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Free Scholarship Search Engines |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

Calendar of Important Dates

|Important Dates |Event Name |Location |Time |

|2/25/16 |FASFA Night |East High School |7:00-8:30pm |

|3/1/16 |ACT Exam |City Academy |TBA |

|3/4/16 |Registration deadline for April ACT exam | | |

|3/5/16 |March SAT Exam | | |

|4/8/16 |Registration deadline for May SAT Exam | | |

|4/9/15 |April ACT Exam | | |

|5/5/16 |Registration deadline for June SAT Exam | | |

|5/6/16 |Registration deadline for June ACT Exam | | |

|5/7/16 |May ACT Exam | | |

|6/4/15 |June SAT Exam | | |

|6/11/16 |June ACT Exam | | |



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