

U. S. Coast Guard

Sector XXX


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| | SECXXX INST 3120.15



|Ref: |(a) Training and Education Manual, COMDTINST M1500 (series) |

| |(b) U.S. Coast Guard Education Manual, CGI Publication 10460/1560B |

| |(c) USCG National Incident Management System and National Response Plan Implementation Plan |

| |(d) Coast Guard Incident Command System Implementation Plan |

| |(e) Sector XXX Junior Officer Qualification Program |

| | |

1. PURPOSE. This instruction provides a structured program for qualifying Sector XXX personnel for Incident Command System (ICS) positions. The intended users of this instruction are all Sector personnel requesting qualification in a specific ICS position, members of that person’s chain of command, Training Coordinators and the Training Officer.

2. ACTION. All the intended users identified above shall read and follow the provisions of this instruction. Internet release is not authorized.



a. Goal of the Qualification Program. The goal is to provide Sector XXX personnel a means for qualifying in certain ICS positions. Qualifying personnel in specific ICS positions ensures that properly trained personnel are assuming the appropriate incident management team positions for Sector XXX incidents. This will enable Sector XXX to ensure greater adherence to the ICS principles and procedures; better fulfill the requirements of reference (c) and (d) and assume a more robust readiness posture.

b. Qualification Program Process

(1) Sector personnel may qualify only in ICS positions authorized by Coast Guard ICS program managers. The Sector Training Officer shall maintain a complete list of authorized positions. All Sector personnel are eligible for qualification in ICS positions including, Reserves, Civilians and Auxiliarists.

(2) Until requirements for ICS positions at Sectors are finalized, qualifications for ICS positions are voluntary, but strongly encouraged. Those Sector personnel interested in qualifying for an ICS position, should confer and receive permission from their cognizant supervisor before proceeding with the program.

(3) The Sector ICS Qualification Program consists of the following steps:

(a) Completion of an ICS Performance Qualification System Package

(b) Positive endorsement of all representatives within the member’s chain of command.

(c) Satisfactory completion of an oral qualification board.

(d) Final Command approval expressed in a qualification letter.


a. Performance Qualification System (PQS) packages.

(1) Each Sector Department has a Training Coordinator (TC) who shall maintain a complete set of ICS PQS packages for each authorized ICS position. Upon check-in with the TC, each Sector member shall be informed all available ICS qualification packages from the TC. These packages must be available in electronic format, for easy access by all Sector personnel.

(2) The following general rules apply to PQS signoffs:

(a) Only qualified persons may sign off a PQS.

1. Currently personnel qualified in ICS positions are certified according to a typing scheme based on the size and intensity of an incident. Incidents are categorized as Type 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. A Type 1 incident is the most complex, requiring national resources to safely and effectively manage and respond. Examples of a Type 1 incident include the T/V EXXON VALDEZ Oil Spill of 1989 and the Katrina Hurricane Response of 2005. A Type 2 incident is one that extends beyond the capability for local control and is expected to go multiple operational periods. The M/V TONG CHENG Incident of 2006 and the Hawaii Superferry Protester Operations of 2007 are examples of Type 2 incidents that occurred within Sector Honolulu’s AOR. A Type 3 incident is one that exceeds the initial capabilities of the unit and appropriate ICS positions are activated to supplement the routine response capability of the Sector. For a Type 3 incident, the Incident Management Team (IMT) is predominately from the Sector. Type 4 and 5 are smaller less intense incidents, the latter predominately routine in nature. Currently the Coast Guard’s ICS qualification system is based on Type 1 to 3 certifications.

2. Verifying Officials must be at least the same Type or above when signing off a PQS, for example, a Type 3 Verifying Official may not sign a Type 2 PQS.

(b) Each item of the PQS must be signed and dated. Lining through a series of qualifications with one signature and date attached is not authorized.

(c) Sector personnel may receive PQS signoffs from other Coast Guard qualified ICS personnel, however these persons must be approved by the Command in writing and a copy of the Verifying Officials qualification certificate must be submitted with the PQS package for final approval.

(d) Certain items of the standardized Coast Guard PQS packages may be inapplicable due to the uniqueness of the Sector AOR. A PQS item may be deferred. Only qualified officers O-5 or above are allowed to defer PQS items. The reason for deferment must be clearly articulated in the space provided in the PQS package. Additionally, items deferred must be listed on the member’s Qualification Letter. Sector personnel are not authorized to perform a function that was deferred on a PQS.

b. Oral Qualification Boards.

(1) An Oral Qualification Board is required for each ICS PQS package completed. Once a PQS is signed off and a field practical is completed, the candidate must notify the Training Officer and submit a request chit with completed qualifications to request permission to stand an Oral Qualification Board.

(2) Oral Qualification Board members must be approved in writing by the Command. If the Sector is unable to provide the full compliment of Oral Qualification Board members, the Sector may go outside the Command and seek qualified board members from other units or sources (ex: National Strike Force, Pacific Area Incident Management Assist Teams). At least one member of the board has to be from Sector XXX. Not all board members need to be physically present at the Sector for the Oral Qualification Board. Board members may be present by video or teleconferencing. The Sector Commander must still approve the board in writing.

(3) A Type 3 board shall consist of at least two persons who are qualified and have at least four months of experience. For Type 2 qualifications, the Oral Qualification Board must consist of at least three Type 2 personnel or two Type 1 personnel. At least one of these members must be a representative from Sector, unless a waiver is granted by the Command. Type 1 personnel may only be qualified by three Type 1 qualified personnel and must undergo review and final approval by the Coast Guard Incident Command System program managers.

(4) Oral Qualification Boards shall conduct an administrative pre-board meeting without the presence of the trainee. This is to discuss the candidate’s PQS package, develop qualification board questions and review board procedures. This may be conducted immediately preceding an Oral Qualification Board.

(5) The purpose of the Oral Qualification Board is to evaluate the candidate’s knowledge and experience within the ICS position under consideration. The Oral Qualification Board members test the candidate’s ability to apply the ICS position knowledge he or she is striving for in the qualification process. The Oral Qualification Board shall use scenario based questions to the fullest extent possible.

(6) To pass an Oral Qualification Board, their must be a unanimous vote by all the board members. Board members may impose a condition on the trainee to provide additional evidence of the member’s competency to assume the qualified position. This can be achieved in a number of ways, including but not limited too; requiring a written response to a question, conducting additional research and/or re-taking part of the board over again.

(7) The lead member of the Oral Qualification Board will act as the Final Verifying Official and sign the PQS package as appropriate.

c. Qualification Letters.

(1) Upon satisfactory completion of the qualification PQS, field practical, and an Oral Qualification Board, a qualification letter is drafted by the Department Training Coordinator. The Sector Commander is authorized by policy to sign a Type 3 Qualification Letter. Type 2 and above qualification letters must be forwarded directly to the ICS Program Managers for review, approval and distribution.

(2) A copy of the signed qualification letter must go to the Training Officer to ensure the qualification is marked complete on the Sector qualification tracking spreadsheet and then forwarded to the Department Training Coordinator to ensure proper documentation in TMT.


a. Qualified ICS Personnel.

(1) Qualified ICS personnel must participate in at least one ICS incident, event or exercise within their position at least once every year to maintain proficiency. If the member does not have the ability to participate in one ICS incident, event or exercise within their position, they may take the on-line Intermediate ICS Refresher course (ICS-305).

(2) In addition, Qualified ICS personnel must participate in at least one ICS incident, event or exercise within their position at least once every five years to maintain proficiency.

(3) If time lapses beyond a year without completing the ICS-305 course, or three years for an incident, event, or exercise, the qualified member must be recertified.

(4) Recertification consists of a field practical with a follow-on convening of a Qualification Board to gauge the member’s competency. The Verifying Official for the field practical must provide his or her observations and recommendation before a Qualification Board. The Qualification Board decides on whether the member is allowed to retain his or her qualification. No Oral Qualification Board is necessary, but can be requested by the Qualification Board if they are unable to make a determination based solely on the observations and recommendations of the Verifying Official.


a. Sector Personnel.

(1) A Sector member is ultimately responsible for ensuring he or she gets qualified in accordance with this instruction.

(2) Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

(a) Meet with the Department Training Coordinator to obtain the necessary qualification materials.

(b) Meet with the Training Officer to ensure information about the member and his or her qualification requirements is entered in the Coast Guard’s TMT database.

(c) Submit short term training requests to obtain the necessary schools required for a qualification.

(d) Keep the Training Officer continually informed of qualification progress to ensure an accurate reflection of the officer’s progress in the Sector’s qualification tracking spreadsheet.

(e) Ensure qualification sign-offs are conducted in accordance with section 5.a.2 of this instruction.

(f) Upon completing the PQS package and field practical, immediately inform the Training Officer and submit a request chit to through the chain of command to stand an Oral Qualification Board.

(g) Upon receipt of a qualification letter, the member shall meet with the Department Training Coordinator to enter the qualification into TMT. The member is ultimately responsible for ensuring information is entered into the Coast Guard’s training database (TMT). Officers are also strongly encouraged to add qualifications to their Professional Data Record to ensure this information is available for promotion boards.

b. Sector Training Coordinators, Verification Officers, Training Officer and the Training Board.

(1) Each Department’s Training Coordinator shall maintain complete sets of ICS PQS packages. They must ensure PQS packages are readily accessible in electronic format to all members requesting them.

(2) Training Coordinators are required to ensure a member’s qualifications are entered into TMT, once a signed qualification letter is provided.

(3) Qualified ICS Verification Officers are responsible for shepherding members through the qualification process. They must make themselves reasonably available for qualification sign-offs. They have a shared responsibility for getting a Sector member qualified, but the ultimate responsibility remains with the individual.

(4) The Training board is required to recommend changes for improving this instruction. Responsibility for changing an updating this instruction belongs to the Training Officer.

c. Department Heads.

(1) Department Heads shall hold all subordinates, within their Department, who have responsibility for ICS Qualifications, accountable for following this instruction. This includes individuals, Supervisors, Training Officer(s), Verification Officers and Training Coordinators.

d. Command Cadre.

(1) The Deputy Sector Commander is overall responsible for the integrity of the ICS Qualification Program and shall review all qualification letters and packages submitted to the Command or ICS Program Managers for approval.

(2) All Sector Qualification letters shall be signed by the Sector Commander and may be delegated to the Deputy as necessary.

7. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT AND IMPACT CONSIDERATIONS. There are no environmental aspects or impacts from this instruction.

8. FORMS/REPORTS. There are no formal forms and reports required by this Instruction.




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