Chemistry 20 Unit C – Acids and Bases Assignment

Chemistry 20 Unit C – Acids and Bases Assignment

1. Use the IUPAC formula for each of the following acids. (0.5 marks each)

a) nitric acid __________________________________________


b) hydrocyanic acid __________________________________________


c) chloric acid __________________________________________


d) sulfurous acid __________________________________________

e) sulfuric acid __________________________________________

2. Write the IUPAC name for each of the following acids. (0.5 marks each)

a) H3PO4 (aq) __________________________________________

b) H2CO3 (aq) __________________________________________

c) H3BO3 (aq) __________________________________________

d) CH3COOH (aq) ____________________________________


e) H2S(aq) __________________________________________

3. HBr(g) is bubbled through water, producing a [HBr(aq)] of 0.300 M.

a) Write a balanced chemical equation showing the formation of the hydronium ion in this reaction. Include all states of matter. (1 mark)

b) Determine the [H3O(aq)] in this solution (1 mark). Explain how you can safely make this assumption based on what you know about strong and weak acids. (1 mark)

c) Determine the pH of this solution. Show all work. (1 mark)

4. To make a basic solution, a student adds 2.50 g of solid lithium hydroxide to 1.00 L of water.

a) Determine the concentration of the resulting solution. (1 mark)

b) Determine the [OH-] in the solution (1 mark). Explain how you can safely make this assumption based on what you know about strong and weak bases. (1 mark)

c) Determine the pOH of the solution (1 mark). Determine the pH of this solution. (1 mark)

5. The average pH of a bottle of Coca Cola is around 3.50.

a) Determine the [H3O(aq)] in this bottle. (1 mark)

b) Determine the [OH-(aq)] in this bottle. (1 mark)

6. Name three appropriate acid-base indicators for the pH range in question 5, and indicate the colour change these indicators would make. (2 marks)

7. The LD is a top chef. In his restaurant, Chateau LD, he offers the following breakfast foods:

a) List the courses in order of declining acidity. Show your rational for ordering. (3 marks)

b) If LD ate all of these foods at once, he might get some acid reflux. How could he combat this? Support your answer with an appropriate chemical reaction. (2 marks)

c) A patron complains that LD’s frog egg whites are too acidic, so he dilutes them with water, diluting the concentration by 100 times. What is the new [H3O+] of the whites. Justify your answer. (1 mark)

8. Pickling vinegar has a pH of 2.37. Determine the colour of the solution when 3 drops of bromocresol green and 3 drops of phenolphthalein are added and give an explanation of your result. (2 marks)

9. Four test tubes each contain 10.0 mL of 0.10 mol/L HCl(aq). Each test tube also contains a different indicator as listed below:

Test tube Indicator

1 indigo carmine

2 thymol blue

3 methyl red

4 methyl orange

One drop of 0.10 mol/L NaOH(aq) is added to each test tube, and the colour is noted. A second drop of NaOH(aq) is added to each test tube, and colour is again observed. The same procedure is repeated until all solutions are yellow. In what order did the solutions in the test tubes turn yellow? Justify your answer. (2 marks)

10. LD runs into the chemistry lab, thirsty like a fish for some water. But the distilled water he usually steals to drink is gone, so he reaches for some barium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid and mixes them together in a flask. Before he drinks up, he thinks:

a) What type of chemical reaction just took place inside this flask? Write the balanced chemical reaction. (2 marks)

b) Is the solution safe to drink? Give two appropriate supports to your answer. (2 marks)

Bonus Questions: Answer only ONE!!!

Fair Bonus Question: Name and properly spell one so called SUPERACID!!!

Unfair Bonus Question: What is the name of LD’s Baking soda (the diagram on the front of this quiz)?


LD Breakfast Menu

First Course orange and lime juice [OH–(aq)] = 7.7 × 10–13 mol/L

Second Course frog egg whites [H3O+(aq)] = 3.0 × 10–8 mol/L

Third Course lemonaide [OH–(aq)] = 1.3 × 10–11 mol/L

Fourth Course cape cod [H3O+(aq)] = 6.3 × 10–7 mol/L

Name: __________

Date: __________

Block: __________


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