CCS Software Migration Tool (SMT)

[pic] PNA Code Translator Software Overview (cXL)

General Information

The PNA Code Translator Software is an independent Windows Application designed to run on the PNA product family.

1) The software adds a legacy language parser to PNA products. The parser can be used to run existing legacy language 8753, 8720 and 8510 NA programs directly on Agilent PNA products.

2) The cXL software also includes a built-in language translator. Legacy language translation can be used to generate SCPI or COM commands from legacy 8753, 8720 and 8510 NA language syntax.

3) The cXL supports a language switch that may be used when lines of legacy source code can be modified. This mechanism can be used as a workaround for problems where the end-user is willing and able to modify lines of legacy source code.

4) The cXL supports User Defined Commands as a second alternative workaround mechanism for problems. User-defined commands enable end-users to modify cXL behavior for specific commands. Factory involvement is not required to modify cXL behavior and to add User Defined Commands.

Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide for PNA Code Translator

|1 |[pic] |

| |System familiarization. Learn how the old software behaved with the legacy product. |

|2 |[pic] |

| |Install cXL Application on PNA. Run the application. Set the configuration settings appropriate for the legacy |

| |product. |

|3 |Expected Result |Congratulations! |

| |Unexpected Result: |Use Debug Tools and Help System to learn more |

| | |Use Language Switch. Modify source code. |

| | |Use User Defined Commands. Call new lines of code to replace existing code |

| | |without modifying source code. |

| | |Save Translated Lines of Code. Get help modifying old code. Transition |

| | |software to the new syntax. |

Key Features

Software Emulation

CXL adds GPIB legacy language support to the PNA product family. Software programs written for the 8753, 8720, or the 8510 NA family will run with PNA product family when this feature is enabled.

Typically some minor modifications to the legacy programs may be required for legacy programs to run correctly.

Bus Activity Log

The cXL software maintains a log of all bus activity. Easy-to-understand icons appear when the software is running. An icon will appear on the top-most Windows surface. Each logged item is associated with a user-friendly icon. Additional pop-up messages appear when unusual events occur.

Built-In Debugging

Additional debug support is included to simplify trouble-shooting. The emulator can run in Fast or Slow mode and can be set to Stop on Errors.

Native Language Switch

Customers may use a native language switch to re-write critical software components within existing legacy software programs. The switch allows the parser to receive SCPI syntax commands when enabled. When disabled, the parser receives legacy language commands.

Software Program Generation

CXL includes syntax translation. The Program Generation feature creates pseudo-language software programs from legacy code. The pseudo-language software is similar to Windows VB Script syntax.

To generate SCPI language programs or COM programs with PNA Code Translator Software, run the legacy software. Save the COM or SCPI pseudo-language syntax to a file.

User Defined Commands

The cXL software includes the capability for end-users to redefine specific commands. The feature is used by a simple-to-follow GUI that allows individual commands to execute specified executables in place of the normally defined function. This mechanism can be used to over-write commands that normally are not supported or commands that are behaving incorrectly.

For example, non-supported commands may be re-directed to execute specified .exe., .vbs or other Windows executable functions. These replacement executables can be created by the end-users. (During execution of User Defined commands, GPIB bus activity is blocked until completion of the called executable.)

Summary of Options

Options include 1) the ability to run with software emulation 2) the ability to select a native language switch, 3) the ability to save translated syntax file outputs and 4) the ability to add User Defined Commands.

PNA Code Translator Software Specifications


o CXL software application performs GPIB language translation.

o Installable on PNA series products.

o Adds a legacy command language parser to PNA series products.

o Enables PNA to perform real-time programmatic emulation of 872x/5x or 8510 NA products.

System Requirements:

o PNA Network Analyzer of any hardware vintage.

o PNA revision firmware A.04.00 and later.

o Language dependence. NONE. The software will work with HP-VEE, VB, RMB or other software language programs that support GPIB control of the NA.


o Downloadable software product from the PNA Service homepage. Revision A.01.00 scheduled release in November 2004.


o Agilent Technologies software license agreement (FREE)

Revision A.01.00 Features:

Application features:

o Auto Start (Available with future PNA firmware releases)

o Run/Stop/Single Step

o Product Specification (8510 or 875x/2x)

o Foreground/Background Mode

o Log File (Record results of command execution).

o Verbose On/Off

o Save Log File

o Save SCPI File

o Save COM File

o Print Log File

o Break on Error

o Run Fast/Slow

o Status Reporting

o Language Switch

o Built-in help system and language cross-reference

o Customizable IDN? instrument identification string “prod no., serial no., version”

Legacy commands supported: (Green Commands)

o Basic Measurement Setup

o Basic Calibration

o Markers

o PNA Save and Recall

o Sweep Control

o Data Transfer

*(Yellow commands implemented)

o Edit Segment List

o Edit Limit Table

Legacy commands not supported:

(Red Commands)

o User Interactive Front Panel Operations

o Soft Keys

o Test Sequencing

o User Graphics

o External Device Control


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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