Toxic Plants & Shrubs - Avian Studios


Toxic Plants & Shrubs

see also, FDA Poisonous Plant Database:


Amaryllis bulbs Andromeda Arrowhead vine Arum lily Asparagus fern Autumn crocus

(meadow saffron) Australian flame tree Avocado Azalea leaves Balsam pear Baneberry Beans: castor, fava

broad, glory, horse, mescal, navy, precatroy, rosary peas, scarlet runner Bird of paradise Bishop's weed Bittersweet Black laurel Black locust Bleeding heart (Dutchman's breeches) Bloodroot Bluebonnet Blue-green algae Boston ivy Boxwood Bracken fern Brunchberry Buckthorn Bulb flowers: amaryllis daffodil hyacinth iris narcissus Burdock Buttercup Cacao Caladium Calla lilly Camel bush Cardinal flower Castor bean

Horsetail Hyacinth bulbs Hydrangea Indian turnip

(jack-in-the- pulpit) Iris (blue flag) Ivy: English and all

other varieties Jack-in-the pulpit

Chalice vine (trumpet vine) Cherry laurel Cherry tree Chinaberry tree Choke cherry Christmas candle Chrysanthemum Clematis (Virginia bower) Cocklbur Coffee (senna) Coffee bean

(rattlebush, rattlebox, coffeeweed) Coral plant Coriander Corncockle Coyotillo Cowslip Creeping Charlie Creeping fig Crown of thorns Cutleaf Philodendron Daffodil bulbs Daphne berries Datura berries Deadly amanita Deadly Nightshade Death Camus Delphinium Devil's ivy Dieffenbachia (dumb cane) Eggplant Elderberry Elephant ear (taro) Emerald duke English ivy Ergot Eucalyptus Euonymus (spindle tree) European bittersweet False hellebore False henbane Flame tree Felt plant (maternity plant, (Indian turnip) Jade Jasmine (jessamine) Java bean (lima bean)uncooked Jerusalem cherry Jimsonweed (thornapple) Jonquil Juniper

air plant, panda plant) Firethorn Four O'Clock Foxglove Fungi: meadow mushroom fly agaric destryoing angel puff ball ergot jack-o-lantern inky cap beefsteak edible moral teonanactl false moral Glacier ivy Glottidium Golden chain Grass: broomcorn Johnson sorghum Sudan Ground cherry Heartleaf, Philodendron Heaths: andromeda azaleas black laurel, kalmia leucotho mountain laurel peires rhododendron Heliotrope Hemlock, poison & water Henbane Hens-and-chickens Holly berries Honeysuckle Horse chestnut (buckeye)

Kentucky coffee tree Lantana Larkspur Laurel Lilly of the Valley Lily, arum Lobelia Locoweed (milk vetch) Locusts: black, honey

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Toxic Plants & Shrubs

see also, FDA Poisonous Plant Databas:

Lords and ladies (Cuckoopint)

Lupine Majesty Malanga Mandrake Marble queen Marijuana (hemp) Mayapple (mandrake) Meadow saffron

(Autumn crocus) Mescal bean Mexican beadfruit Mexican poppy Milkweed (cotton bush) Mistletoe Mock orange Monkshood Moonseed Morning glory Mountain laurel Mushrooms (amanita) Narcissus bulbs Nephthytis

Arrowhead vine Nettles Nightshades:

bittersweet black deadly eggplant garden Jerusalem cherry woody Oak Oleander Parlor ivy Parsley Persimmon Periwinkle-all varieties Philodendrons Leaf Split Swiss cheese Pigweed Poinciana Poinsettia Poison ivy Poison oak: western & eastern Poison sumac Pokeweed (inkweed) Potato eyes/shoots Pothos Pot mum Privet hedge

Pyrancantha Ragweed Rain tree Ranunculus (buttercup) Rape Rattlebox (crotalaria) Red Maple Red Princess Red Sage Rhododendron:

azaleas, laurels Rhubarb leaves Rosary pea seeds Saddleleaf Sandbox tree Scotch broom Skimmia japonica Skunk cabbage Snowdrop Snow-on-the-mountain

(ghostweed) Sorrel (dock) Spider mum Split leaf philodendron Sprengeri fern Spurges:

candelabra tree crown of thorns pencil tree snow-on-the- mountain Sweet pea Tansy ragwort Tobacco leaves Tulip bulbs Umbrella plant Veratrum Vetch: common and hairy Virginia creeper sap Wattle Weeping fig White cedar (China berry) Wisteria Yam bean Yews: American English Japanese Yellow Jasmine

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