LEA - SimplyScripts

LEA(Pilot)Written By: Kathi Serrata{Clocks By Coldplay plays in Background} [Scenes of Trees,Streets,City,View of open Road Welcome to california sign.We see Lea sitting in the passenger side of car leaning her head on window,she is Twirling her bracelet. the car pulls into the Two Car Driveway.] EXT. HOUSE - DAY [Lea Steps out of the car and opens the back door. She struggles to take out a Box. Mother who is carrying a light bag Walks toward the House and turns to Lea Mother:[Walking towards] You need Help,hon[Lea Takes out a box.]Lea: Nope, I Got It. [Closes Door With her Hip, They walk toward the house,and stand in front of it.]Mother:[Reassuring smile] thats about everything right?Lea: Yeaup. [Lea sighs and takes a look at the house,Mother Rests her head on lea's shoulder.]Mother:[Resting head on lea's shoulder.] Think of it as a Fresh Start for you.Lea:[leaning head towards mother] Lets hope so.INT. HOUSE - DAY [Opening Credits] [CAMERA: Moves around home,Capturing snapshots of Furniture,Boxes,unpacked stuff,Photographs,clocks,and Soccer trophies. Lea is seen Trying to put up a painting on the wall in her room. CAMERA: Continues capturing around the house. OFF CAMERA: something falls making a loud noise.]Mother:[Going upstairs] Lea, Are you Okay? [Mother Steps in the Room,she sees lea picking up the painting that had fallen.] Lea: Damnit. [Lea is placing painting back on wall. Mother is picking up hangers From the floor and placing them on the bed.]Mother: you scared me. [Continues to pick things from the floor, she comes across a picture of lea and her father at soccer practice. lea has stepped back from replacing the painting on the wall.]Mother:[Sits on bed] Where are you going to put this? [Lea takes picture and sits beside her mother on the bed, she stares at it for a while.]Lea:[Reminiscing] it was the first game I won.Mother:[Sympathetically] He was so proud of you,He always was, but there was a special glow to him that day. [Lea stands and places the photo on the middle of her dresser.]Mother: Do you ever plan on playing again? [Lea turns around and leans on dresser, facing Mother.]Lea:[Shrugs]I don't Know. I haven't given it much thought. [Mother stands from bed.]Mother: You know ill support you with anything you decide to do, but it would make him happy. [kisses leas forehead]Mother:[Walking towards door] Dinner will be ready soon. [Mother exists room. Leas turns to photo.] Lea:[To photo] I miss You Dad. [CAMERA: zooms into photo, music plays]EXT. SCHOOL - MORNING [Car Music is playing in the background,Lea and Mother Pull up to the Front of the School.]Mother: I'll be home after 5 today, You know you can call me if anything.Lea:[Opening car door] I will.Mother:[Leans to lea's side] love ya.Lea:[Smiles] me too. [Lea steps out of the car and closes the door, mother pulls off.lea looks at the school for a while, then proceeds to the Entrance of the school. CAMERA: Zooms out.]INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - MORNING [Lea is seen walking in the hallway searching for her locker, its not to crowed but we see students walking in both directions,some entering classes, some exiting classes, some by lockers.] Lea:[To Self] 416, 416, 416. [When She Reaches her locker, she begins to open it, she's repeating the combination to herself. KATIE walks up to her locker 417 and begins to open hers. she notices Lea is struggling to open her locker, they both take a quick glance at each other and exchange a slight smile,]Katie:[Opens her locker] Try Left, Right, Left. [Lea starts over and succeeds to open it.]Lea:[Smiles] Thanks. [She puts her jackets and bag inside the locker, she takes with her a small binder. Katie is now closing up her locker giving the lock a spin to erase the combination.] Katie: No Problem. Im Katie By the way. [She offers to shake hands, Lea accepts]Lea: Hi, im Lea.Katie: Are you new here? [Lea closes her locker, Katie notices she doesn't do anything to it, so katie proceeds to erase the combination, lea just watches confused,]Katie: Just making sure its completely locked. [They both start walking in the same direction.]Lea: Oh um yea, I uh just moved here From Seattle.Katie: Seattle? Big change Huh?Lea: Sorta. [Lea takes out her Schedule begins to read it,while Katie is waving to a group of friends walking opposite direction, she returns focus on lea.] Katie: What Classes Do you Have? [Lea passes the schedule to katie,She starts to mumble.]Katie: Hmm English…civics.Katie: Great,we have most of our classes together.Except Fouler, you have Fouler. [Late bell rings]Lea: Who's that?Katie: Trig teacher. He's also a Jerk. But we Have English Now With Mrs. Mullin so you're Good. [Lea seems a bit more relieved and comfortable. They walk into Mrs. Mullins class Where there are most seats taken. Mrs. Mullin Greets student and Smiles at Lea who is walking behind Katie.]Mrs. Mullin: Lea Caplin? Lea:[Nods] yeah.Mrs. Mullin:[Smiles] Great, take a Seat. [Lea follows Katie. MARC is sitting in the back and waves for Katie to sit in a saved seat he had for her, she proceeds to the back. there is also an empty seat to katie's left, she points to the empty desk.]Katie: Sit Here. [Lea sits down and places her binder on the desk. Katie hands a notebook to Marc.]Katie: Here, You Left your book in my locker…for like the million time.Marc:[Taking Book] Thanks and its Millionth.Katie:[Rolls eyes] Whatever. [Katie takes her notebook out]Marc:[Looks at lea, Smiles and waves] Hi, Im Marc. [Lea returns the wave and smiles.] Katie:[To Marc] Her Name Is Lea.Marc:[Leans Over to Lea] Where Are You From Lea?Lea: Seattle.Katie: Marc's Mom is From Seattle.Lea:[To Marc] You Don't Live With Your Mom?Katie:[To Lea] No, They Don't Get Along.Marc:[To Lea, Giggles] Leave it to Katie to Know Everything About Every- [Marc catches Mullins attention. Interrupting conversation.] Mrs. Mullin:[To Marc] Marc Class Has Started you can talk all you want After you walk out of this room. [Marc sits back in chair. class quietly giggles Including Katie and Lea.]Marc:[Opens Notebook] Sorry.INT.NAC - AlICES OFFICE - DAY [We see a building with beautiful art decorations and people walking around in suits and very professional attire. In an office you see Some paintings on the wall,bookshelf and a sculpture on the coffee table surrounded by couches. We see the Former Head of the NAC AARON PEATS looking around at some of the art pieces on the wall. When Alice Walks in With Folders She is caught by surprise when she notices aaron in the office.]Alice:[Surprised] Aaron? [Aaron turns around and walks towards Alice]Aaron: Hello Alice [They both give each other a warming hug.]Alice: What a nice Surprise. Please sit. [Alice Makes her way around to her chair. Aaron unbuttons his blazer and sits]Aaron: Thank you.Alice: Can i get you a coffee, or tea?Aaron: Coffee thank you. [Alice Calls MATT and orders coffee.]Alice: So What brings you to NAC after So long? [Slight Giggle.]Aaron: Well, Plural Art is holding an exhibit in about two weeks from now and we need Art, as a former Head of NAC i know how this place works and how well organized it is for events so i want to know you if you would be interested in submitting some of the finest Art it Has? Alice: Of Course Aaron its, Its an honor but no matter how well organized NAC is,two weeks is not Enough time, We need to find artists, and hosts and that alone is alot of work.Aaron:[Leans towards alice] Alice I Gave you my place years ago because i know how well you are at your job. I know you're perfect for this.Alice: What if we don't find the right paintings for the exhibits?Aaron: Incase of that We'll Work with What we got, Its to Raise money, Most of the Art we Put Will be Sold to the public.So thats really nothing to worry about, And it'll help make space For new Displays That come in.Alice:[Sighs] Ill Start making Calls.Aaron:[Sits back] Great. i know i can count on you. Now,How are you holding up after Richard?Alice:[Opens folder] I'am Hanging in there.Aaron: And Lea, With the?-Alice:[Searching for pen] She is also, I think Getting her out of seattle Was the best thing for her, She's not around her triggers and she's been calm after she's gotten here. [MATT enters with Two coffees,and places it on table.]Matt:[To Alice] Black Coffee, 3 Sugars.Matt:[To Aaron] and For you sir, Black Coffee, Cream and 2 sugars on the side. Aaron: Thank you.Matt: Enjoy. [Matt walks back to the door.]Alice:[Tastes coffee] Oh Matt, Can you Set up a Meeting With Harold For tomorrow at 10.Matt: No Problem,Alice: Thank you. Matt: Excuse Me. [Matt Exits.]Aaron:[drinks Coffee] Has there been any leads on his cause of Death?Alice:[Flipping through pages] Its Still under investigation But for now its been Ruled as Accidental.Aaron:[Skeptical] Does Lea know its still under investigation?Alice: Ive asked the investigators to keep any information From Lea, Atleast until i Know she can take any news that comes up.Aaron: well,Lets hope that won't be the case. [Alice drinks coffee.]INT.MRS. MULLINS CLASSROOM - DAY [Mrs. Mullin is Instructing the class. Katie opens notebook,rips a piece of paper out and writes a Note to Lea saying "Hey do you Party?". She folds the note in half and puts it on Leas Desk. Lea takes the Note and Reads it, puts it back down on desk she then Looks at Katie and Nods a YES, Katie takes note off leas desk And Writes on it again, she takes a look at teacher who is turned Facing The Board, she Rips the Paper And leans Towards Lea. ] Katie: [Low Voice] Awsome, Are you down to go to a party with me tomorrow night?Lea: [Attentive to teacher, leans towards Katie with low voice.] I don't know, i mean i don't Really know anyone yet.Katie: [Convincing,low Voice] Exactly "yet" Meaning Tomorrow night would be the perfect time to Meet people. C'mon please.Lea: [Considering it] Fine. Katie: [Excited] Yay. [They give each other a smile, teachers voice gets louder, Katie returns to writing in her notebook while Lea sits Back on seat looking a bit uncertain.]INT. LEA'S HOUSE - EVENING [Its pouring rain out and Lea is seen in the living room sitting on the couch wearing comfortable clothes changing the channels,she hears her mom come in while on the phone and carrying a few grocery bags.]Mother:[stepping in with hands full, on phone] I just need you to set up a couple appointments for me in the following week i need to talk to the director of TBC and the founder of the Art community in Santa Barbara i forgot his name but i need him… [Lea walks to kitchen.]Mother:[To Lea] hey would you hon?…okay well make it Happen matt…bye. [Lea takes bags and puts them on counter. Alice closes phone.]Mother:[Taking off coat and places it on chair] thanks, Aaron stopped by today.Lea:[unpacking bags] your old boss?Mother:[walks towards counter] yeah, he wants NAC to send some of its art to this event he is hosting. [Mother Begins To put groceries away.]Lea:[Sits on counter chair] Thats good. right?Mother: yes, but its in 2 weeks, so that means I'm barely going to be home. [Taking ingredients out to cook] Mother: But how was Your day?Lea: It Was Good.Mother: Anything interesting Happen? Did you meet anyone?Lea: I met Katie, we have most of our classes together.Mother:[interested] Does she seem nice?Lea:[Eats peanuts that were on counter] Yeah, in fact she invited me to a party tomorrow night.Mother:[Chops lettuce] A party? Already? I dont think thats a good idea.Lea: I know its pretty soon but its a good chance to meet people you know-Mother:[stops chopping] Its also a very Risky environment. You Remember What Dr. Owen Said.Lea: Yes but I can't avoid alcohol for the rest of my life.Mother: And you Shouldnt be exposed to it Either. Atleast not so soon after coming out of treatmentLea:[Offended] Why? you don't think i can Handle being around it?Mother:[Puts down the Knife] thats not what i said.Lea: But i think thats What you Meant.Mother: I just don't think its a good idea. [Stands up]Lea: iv been clean for over a year now, Im perfectly fine without it. [She Walks up the stairs off camera. Alice os left in the kitchen,she puts her head down.]Lea:[Off Camera] And I'm Going Weather you like it or not.INT. SCHOOL LOCKER - DAY [ Friday mid day at school Lea is at her locker, putting books away.Katie Walks up to her locker and opens it.]Katie: So please tell me you're coming tonight.Lea: [Smiles] Yes. I am looking forward to it. [Lea closes her Locker forgetting to do mix lock combination.waiting for katie.]Katie: [Excited] Great, now we need to find something hot to wear. [Katie take out Marc's books from her locker.]Katie: Ugh, Marc! I hate when he leaves his stuff here, he's a mess,I'm not messy this is all him. [Closes locker hard, and mixes combination,she looks at leas locker and does the same, they start walking down the hall.]Lea: So, are you and Marc together?Katie: [Laughs at the idea] No way, we are just Really close we met Back in kindergarden.Lea: [giggles] oh, but do you like him?Katie:[Thinking] We know each other too well it would be kind of weird, but I can see it happening. [The Football Team walk out of a class, and start throwing a football around. NEIL the team captain throws it to Riley, other teammates are making loud noises Riley throws it back to NEIL who accidentally bumps into Katie as he's trying to catch the football again.]Katie: dude! Neil: Sorry. [Hi gesture] Ladies. [The team walks past them some giving the hi gesture to Katie and Lea, the go into the Mens LockerRoom, the loud noise Fades,]Katie: Come with me to Lunch? Lea: Sure.INT. SCHOOL CAFETERIA - DAY [Lea and Katie Walk into the cafeteria, Katie sits down with RODGER who is Laughing with Katie's sister TORI.]Katie: [To Table] Whats up guys. [Rodger and tori look up, and watch as lea takes a seat.]Rodger: [Friendly] Whats up Kat And… [Katie gives lea a nudge] Lea: Lea.Rodger: Lea. hi im RodgerLea: [Smiles] hi.Tori: [To Lea, Smiles nicely] Hi, im Tori Katie's Older Sister. [Lea looks a bit confused]Katie: Yea right. [Katie takes fries from tori's plate.]Lea: Its nice to meet you.Tori: Same here.Katie: [To tori ] So Tor Lea is coming with us to niel's party tonight. Rodger: [Looks at tori] Gilbert? the Jock Katie: [Takes another Frie from tori] yeapRodger: Since when are you guys cool?Katie: [Takes a drink] Well since he invited us to his party Tonight.Tori: [To Lea] So where are you from?Lea: Seattle.Tori: [Nosey] Oh,Did you leave any love behind?Lea: [Shy] NoKatie: [Goes for another fri] Oh C'mon you didn't leave anyone behind- [Tori Slaps Katie hand away and gives her a look.]Katie: [Takes hand back] Ow. [Katie returns her attention to Lea.]Lea:[Giggles] I didn't really Have time For Boyfriends.Katie: I feel you girl. [Tori Stands From Table.]Tori:[Looks at time] Well i Would love to stay and Chat but If Security Catches Me Here Again,I'm Screwed. [Lea Smiles, Tori Picks Bag up and books]Tori:[Friendly] See you guys Later. [Tori exits the cafeteria. only Lea and Katie are left at the table after Rodger also left a while ago. the bell rings and Everyone Starts to Get up and leave including Katie And Lea.]INT. LEAS ROOM - NIGHT [Low music plays in background. Lea is wearing a dress a little higher than her knees.she is slipping on her black pumps when her Mother walks in.]Mother:[Walks up to Lea Impressed] Wow Honey, You look great.Lea:[Looks in mirror] You Think So?Mother:[Reassuring] You do, Look i am sorry about yesterday, i know i tend to-Lea:[turns to Alice] Its okay Mom, i got carried away,i just i need you to trust me on this-Mother: I know and i do. [They give each other a hug] Mother: Now i want you to go enjoy yours-... [DoorBell Rings]Mother: …-elf tonight.And Please remember that i love you. ill go get that. [Lea Looks outside her bedroom window she sees a white car parked outside, she sees tori move to the back seat. Lea then loosens her hair,bends over to shake it, Katie Walks into the Room.]Katie:[exaggerate] Oh my God. Lea you Look so Good.Lea:[Shy] Thanks. You too.Katie:[Excited] c'mon lets go. [Lea grabs her purse and they head downstairs.Mother is not in sight.] Lea:[Shouts] Im off mom!Mother:[Off Camera] Bye sweety! [Both Lea and Katie Get into The car, Tori is sitting in The Backseat,Katie Drivers seat and Lea passengers seat. Katie Starts driving.]Tori: I love your dress.Katie: Its hot right?Lea: Thanks. [Katie Looks over at lea who looks a bit nervous and in deep thought.]Katie: You Should loosen up, are you always this quite. Do you Drink?Lea:[Scared to reveal her Drinking Problem] Not Always.Tori: Do you smoke?Lea:[Looks back at tori confused] Smoke What? [Katie looks at tori through Rear View mirror tori shrugs.]Tori: Cigarettes,Weed?Katie:[To Tori] Tor!Lea:[Timid] Its okay.Katie: So do You?Lea: No.Katie:[Looks at tori through rear view mirror] Oh.Lea: I mean i couldn't Because i Played Soccer. So there was no way to get away with it.Tori:[Curious] Do you still play?Lea: No, i haven't for a longtime.Tori:[smiles] Well if you want you know where to find me. Katie:[Surprised] You didn't! Tori: Don't i ever? [They pull into the drive way, they are hearing music and they see people walking in to Niels house. Katie is confused at what tori had just said. Lea was giggling.]Katie: What? [They get out of the car and Katie and Lea are ahead of tori who is walking a bit Crippled, her heels are bothering her she is trying to fix them.Katie rings bell.]Tori: Ugh, I shouldn't of worn these heels.Katie:[Ringing Bell] C'mon whats taking long? Its Col-old. [Neil opens the door with a drink on his hand. inviting them in.]Neil: Aye, Whats up Girlies, come in, come in, Make yourself comfortable. [As he is closing the door he checks out Lea who is looking around at the people and house. tori greet and wonders off heading to kitchen]Niel: [To Lea] And you are?Katie: [Annoyed] Lea, she's new to the school. [Bianca walks up to Niel, who puts his arm around her, she looks at lea up and down, Katie is looking around unaware of Bianca's Looks towards Lea. Bianca take Niels cup and drinks.]Niel: [To Lea] Yea, i remember you, the Hallway right? earlier today?Lea: [Smiles] Yea. [Katie turns and Bianca and her exchange mean looks. Bianca gives niel a "lets go" face.]Niel: [Points to kitchen]drinks are in the kitchen and noone is allowed in any of the bedrooms. [Bianca and niel exchange flirty look.]Niel: [Smiles at Bianca] Well Except for me.Katie: [Grossed] C'mon Lea lets look for Tor. [To Niel] Excuse us. [CAMERA: Focuses on Niel and Bianca who kiss and walk into living room.] INT. NIELS KITCHEN - NIGHT [Katie and Lea Reach the Kitchen where they see a group of people to the right smoking by the back door, to the left some are hooking up by the Basement door. Tori walks toward Lea and Katie holding a Drink.] Tori: [To Lea and Bianca] Quick note. Guy by the Fridge Waisted and Smells, Ice in cooler so don't bother checking the freezer, My recommendations Strawberry Vodka, Or Sunset Malibu, but don't mix cus you'll end up [Points to drunk guy] like that guy. [Tori Exits kitchen.]Katie: [Rolls eyes] Which is why i bring her. [Lea giggles. They walk to the cooler Katie Grabs two cups off the Table. Lea is a bit nervous shell be asked to have a drink. She hasn't told Anyone about her A.A yet. Katie holds a cup up to Lea.]Katie: Here.So What do you Want to Try? I'm thinking maybe the Mali… [Katie's Voice Fades out. Lea is Seen Staring at the Bottle of vodka and Voices in her head are Repeating the Meeting she had with Dr. Owen the day she left rehab. Katie is seen looking at lea.]Katie: Uh Lea? [Returns to Katie Who's tasting her drink. she looks at cup.]Lea: Sorry I-Katie: Geez, did you Hear what i even said?Lea: I kinda of Zoomed outKatie: I mean duh,Well anyways [Holds Drink To Lea] Try This.Lea: Um i think ill just Have Some Coke.Katie: [Disappointed] No way! Your Going to Let Me Drink Alone?Ugh, Well Just Try it Please. [Lea starts to contemplate wether to drink or not. she's looking at the cup thats in front of her. She Grabs the cup and looks at Katie who's waiting on her to try it. She Takes one big Sip of the Drink which is really strong.]Katie: [Taking Drink back] So… don't i make a good drink or what?Lea: [Smiles Nervously] Yea. [Katie is Enjoying the loud music and her Drink.Lea is very upset to have fallen into Drinking She feels the Want to Leave all of the sudden.Bianca And Samantha Walk into the kitchen]Bianca: [To Samantha] So i told him it wasn't fair for him to kick me out of the team, i mean all i did was just accedently spill paint on her favorite blouse.Samantha: don't you mean her Only Blouse. [Bianca and Samantha start laughing, Bianca looks at Lea and Grabs a cup]Bianca: [To Lea] Nice Dress. [Samantha Checks Out the Dress and looks At Lea.tilting her head]Lea: Thanks. [Bianca Gives Lea a Fake Smile. Katie Rolls Her Eyes at Bianca And Samantha and continues to drink.]Lea:[To Katie] Hey, Wheres the Bathroom?Katie: Upstairs, second door to the right,Here ill Take you. [They exist kitchen, Samantha and bianca Watch them leave.]Samantha: I don't Remember seeing her around.Bianca: She's new. [Takes a drink]Samantha: She's Pretty hot.Bianca: [Shrugs] Eh.INT. NEILS BATHROOM - NIGHT [Lea looks anxious she is staring in the mirror]Lea: [To self] It was one drink, Just one. [Turns around leaning her hands on the sink] [sighs. she looks at her phone that shows no messages or calls. She sits on toilet Seat and texts Mother LEA: "Mom"She Looks at wall While Waiting For Reply, Phone Beeps MOM: "Hey honey, everything okay?". she contemplates wether telling her mom. Katie Knocks on door.]Katie: [Over loud Music and noises] Lea, Are you okay?Lea: [Jumps] Yea, ill Be out in a min.Katie: [Loud] Uh, Okay ill Be downstairs, They're Playing BEERPONG Downstairs, want me to save you a spot?Lea: No, Its fine.Katie: Okay, Call if You need Me. [Lea returns to phone finding another message from Mom:"Lea?…". She feels a little more Relieved and replies LEA: "Im good mom. love yah." she's stand up and looks in the mirror again.]Lea: [To self] Im Good. no more. [Shuts light. Exits Bathroom] INT. NIELS LIVINGROOM - NIGHT. [downstairs in the living room a big table is set up in the middle of the from, Niel, bianca, samantha and extras are playing agains Marc Tori, Katie and extras at BEERPONG, Marc Goes into kitchen to get more beer and Lea goes in to get water.]Marc: [To Lea, opening cooler] Hey Lea. Did you come with Katie?Lea: [Pouring water into cup] Uh. Yea i did.Marc: [Opening Beer] oh i Didn't See you.Lea: I was in the restroom.Marc: oh, you drink? [Offering Beer to Lea]Lea: No thanks.Marc: [Takes a Drink] Okay well Come Play with us. [They Both walk into the living room, and lea leans on the wall as she laughs at tori Who is chugging Down a cup of Beer. Marc gets back into the game and Katie looks at lea.]Katie: [Giving a Come Gesture] Come play Lea.Lea: Its Okay ill Watch. [Katie Shrugs. Marc hands her the ball and she starts to aim at the other cups. Lea checks her phone to see 3 missed calls from her mom, she takes phone and makes her way into the hallway while bumping and dodging some drunk people and couples.she lands unexpectedly in Niels Bedroom.]Lea: [On Phone] Hello?…Hi Mom…… no no I'm fine…i know mom…ill be home later….okay…..love you too. [She Hangs up the phone and notices she's in Niels Room she's beings to take a look around and sees pictures and trophies reminding her of her dad, sending her into a flashback.]EXT.SOCCER FIELD - FLASHBACK [lea and her Dad are both outside practicing soccer Having a Goodtime When the Dad Richard Gets a Call Lea Watches dad Take the Call and continues to kick the ball towards the goal.]Richard: [On the Phone] Hello? Yes…How about Saturday?…. i can't Make it sooner.Lea: [Makes Goal] Dad You Saw That? [while On the phone, he does a thumb up and continues to talk.Lea picks up ball and Walks towards him.]Richard: [Rushes to hang up] Great Saturday….Bye.Lea:[Curious] Everything okay? Richard: Yea. Are You Ready To Go?Lea: um Yea.i guess.Richard: Okay. You're Going To do Great At your next Game.Lea:[Grabbing bag] Yea, we haven't done this in a while.Richard: I know iv been busy.Lea: Yeah.Richard: i love you. [Puts Arm Around Lea. they Walk away.]INT. NIELS BEDROOM - PRESENT [Lea is seen smiling at the Trophy. she then notices a small Box on the Dresser and picks it up. in the box is a rolled joint and a little bag of weed. she's curious about it and picks up the joint. Bianca Walks in.]Bianca:[Walking up to lea] What are You doing?Lea:[Startled] uh I'm so sorry i just Came in to make a call and -Bianca:[Takes joint From Lea] And What? Snoop Through my Boyfriends Stuff? ugh. Get out. [Lea Walks out of the room embarresed Bianca Follows. Katie enters the Kitchen When Lea and Bianca also enter.]Katie: There You are.Bianca:[Walking Past Katie] Tell Your New friend here To stay out of my boyfriends Room. [Walks Away]Katie:[To Lea] What Happened?Lea: Nothing,it Was a Misunderstanding.Katie: Well just some Advice, Don't Get on Bianca's Bad Side. [Riley Walks into the kitchen and Gets Everyones Attention]Riley: Neighbors Called the Cops,So everyone Out. [Everyone starts to leave and hide beers and Alcohol. Tori is Entering the kitchen when someone bumps into her]Tori: Aye Watch it! [She reaches Katie and Lea.]Katie: We have to go Before the cops come. [They start To walk towards the door. When they Reach the car the cops pull up in Back of Katie's Car]Tori: Ah Great. [They get in the car.Katie is buckling up her seatbelt,when Cops flashes his flashlight at the car.]Katie: [putting window down] Are you serious right now?Cop: Ladies.Katie: Sir, can you move your Car? we are trying to get home. [He seems amused Cop flashes light to tori and lea then Katie.]Cop: License. [Katie takes out a fake I.D that states she is 21. She hands it to the cop, who's examines it for a while.Lea and Tori are a bit scared.]Cop:[To Katie] Have you been drinking?Katie: Im the Driver. i Haven't Had Anything.Cop:[Hands I.D back] You Ladies get home safe. [He signals the other cop to move the car. he walks away and Katie Raises the window. She puts ID away.]Katie: Always have to be prepared. [Lea looks back at tori,Both give each other a smirk than start laughing.]EXT. LEA'S HOUSE - EVENING [Lea comes downstairs from staying in bed most of the day noone is home all lights are out except the living room light. She walks to the kitchen to find a note on the counter from mom it reads: "Hon, hope you had a fun night,I might be in NAC all day today. theres food in the fridge and pick up the mail, i forgot. love mom" Lea places the note back on the counter she checks the time.she goes outside to get the mail its cloudy and grey skies the wind is blowing hard.The Neighbor Bryan is sitting on the stairs in front of his house He notices Lea walking to the mailbox. he stands up and goes towards her.]Bryan: [Walking towards Lea] Mail doesn't usually come weekends around here.Lea: [Startled] Oh, i i Know, i forgot to pick get it yesterday. [Bryan seems amused,she takes the mail and Closes mailbox.the wind blows]Bryan: [putting hands in pocket] mm sounds reasonable. So welcome to the neighborhood, i been meaning to stop by and welcome you more um [Referring to attire] formallyand better weather. [Lea get embarrassed.]Lea: Im sorry, i kind of been in bed all day.Bryan: [Amused] Long night?Lea: Sort of.Bryan: You live alone? if i may ask?Lea: No, i mean not no as in you may not ask but no as in i don't live alone. [Lea is feeling a little Awkwerd, while bryan is staring at her amused.]Bryan: Boyfriend?Lea: No, With My mom. [wind blows again and thunder strikes, they both look at the sky]Bryan: Its going to come down hard tonight.Lea: Yea, i better get going inside before it starts.Bryan : Yea okay, um Well I'm Right next door if you need me.Lea: oh uh, okay thanks.Bryan: I'll see you around.Lea: Sure. [Lea starts to leave.Bryan stays behind and Watches her go in.]INT. LEA'S HOUSE - EVENING [Lea enters the house and places the mail on the counter.She notices a yellow envelope with name "Lea" in front of it, it doesn't not appear to have a senders address to it or any information of where it came from but the word lea was written on it not typed. She begins to open it, she take out three pictures of her and her Father, 1st picture: Lea and her Father in Soccer field, 2nd picture: her mother,Father, and Lea together. and 3rd picture: just Leas Father. she checks the envelope franticly and finds a small piece of paper that reads "I Miss You Dearly" she's shocked and Confused turning the envelope around the to front again.]Lea: What? how? [picking up the picture of her father she Starts to tear. Music Begins to play in the Background. CAMERA: zooms out. Again we see Camera going Around the House Capturing Pictures and objects pertaining to Richard, Mother and Lea.] {credits Scroll} ................

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