Talk to her, until Shantrel looks for MC, make the ...


- - Walkthrough: -Shantrel- Work in the workshop, get the three keys. - In the morning with breakfast with Shantrel, - Tickle - the shin let the scene continue,The scene open with new option ? Tits Nearby - this way go to the end with three options. On Monday evening, go have coffee until you see the option that you can no longer, at night, go to Shantrel's room talk to her, choose the option - Don't Sleep -, I never found a hotspot there, but MC ask to ? Grope -, in the butt. When you find the room key, MC can sleep with her in the Thursday and Friday (After some time, in Wednesday too) , if you're in Laura's way, leave Friday for Her. In the evening you need to meet with her in the place that has office, club and where you enter for coffee, on Thursday and Sunday, always give 1000 to have the fastest way. In the beach Thursday evening give ? Money ? in the first time, and do this every week. On tuesday after MC has the key, He can see and talk with Shantrel in the - Bathroom - the scenes will open one by one till the - End -.

On the days that you sleep with Shantrel, always have coffee before You go, choosing the option ? Don't Sleep - until the day you wake up and She is no longer in the room, after that, choose the option - Sleep - for two days and the scenes need to change. She wakes up with MC with her leg on top of her and, on the other hand, she has the leg on top of the MC, so choose Again - Don't Sleep - let the scene continue. - In the kitchen after Shantrel is wearing the red dress choose ? Money - continue doing the scene until Shantrel no longer wants to kiss the MC, wait for the MC to say that she will not talk to Shantrel anymore, avoid Shantrel for a week Don't

talk to her, until Shantrel looks for MC, make the reconciliation., look for the hotspot - Up - in the dress, - When MC goes to sleep again with Shantrel, you'll see that he has opened new options, - Bad dream - or Good dream ? if You did all paths of Shantrel's beach and have the - End in the Saturday's in the - Bad Girls ? You can begin look for the - Swinsuit ? You need $3500 for buy it, keep playing. -

In the kitchen choose - Up - in the red Dress of Shantrel make all the options, after that look for, save before and choose - Money - see if the option - Clean the sink - appeared, if it doesn't have. Load again and go choosing - Up - and see if you don't forgot anything. - When MC -Up - Your skirt and after He says - But I want more - MC has to avoid studying for a whole week until Shantrel - Hit - him on Sunday, new options in the Shantrel's room. - You need end the way of Shantrel's room, and kitchen paths choose ? Money ? and two options appear choose ? Ask -. - Now on I believe these two paths go in to the - Heart -, and - End - I put these two paths together because one opens options in the other. ? After MC can look for in the shin of Shantrel, Monday morning other hotspot ? Tickle -

On Wednesday evening and saturday evening, it's the two easy ways, give cash on Wednesday and the option comes at the end of this version. On Saturday you have to give money to Shantrel until you open two options, Don't -, and ? Turn On Porn - choose the second option and enjoy Shantrel, and after having done all other ways choose ? Don't -, do it until open the MC scene with Shantrel sleeping and Choose ? Play a Joke - , look for the new option that open choose - ... -. - Look for Shantrel in the Friday evening, and She ask for money, say - No -, the scene change and go to school, wait and in the end MC say that he need skipping school for a week, do it till the next Friday, and say - No - again, MC are punished in Sunday. In the next week, go for school in the whole week, and in the Friday say - No - again, and from now on, MC need talk - No - in the next weeks always on Friday, and see what happens. New scenes with shantrel in the bathroom open automatically on Tuesday. - In the Wednesday evening, the scene go further, look for the hotspot. In the Wednesday and Friday evening has new scenes of Shantrel, MC only need choose the right option. Another scene in the Saturday evening, when MC see TV with

Shantrel, Choose - Turn On Porn ? after choose ? Off ? for the next Weeks, and see what happens - I really think that is all, if I forgot things, please let me know. - I don't talk what happens, you'll see -

- - Walkthrough: Lala - On Tuesday when she dances, Slap Her Ass and Pull The string - and continue. - In the Saturdays in the bathroom, MC should always say ? No -, stay at the student level because during the week when you help to do homework, if you are on another level you will not see the "hotspot" when she sleeps and the two options appear - Wake up - or - Let sleep - look in the panties and you will find the hotspot "Poke", click until the heart appears - End -. - On the Wednesday after you have made the Shantrel path, choose pass by and enter Lala's room . You will see the hotspot - Hide Under the Bed - and choose - Wait - when She sleeps, you'll find three hotspots - Tits - Ass - Feet, I advise save it before entering the room, if the sequence is not right you can give load And try again, you have to click on the three hotspot, and choose one more for it works, to choose the first three for me was - Butt - Feet - Breast - and then the other is not always the same, you can trying again another option until it works out. You need to make She turn to other side of the bed, and wait the end appear, and MC can in the Wednesday evening ? Pull the Strings and enjoy the dance. I think it is all. - Talk to Lala on Thursday. She talks about the club, then looks for Mina on Friday at the club and asks for a ticket, if she doesn't give you, go talk to her at - Cops - with coffee and cake in the morning. Next Thursday, talk to

Lala again and let her go to the club on Friday evening. Do the same for the next two weeks, She lies to you, wait for her to ask again about the club, choose the third option, goes appear one hotspot in the panties of Lala. after look for the hotspot (hidden) in MC and see the scene, next Wednesday, pass by and enter the room, hidden under the bed. When the options appear, choose the first one and enjoy. After In the Sunday morning MC can look for Lala in the bathroom and chose ? Look - enjoy. I only don't talk what happens, because you'll see -

- - Walkthrough: Brenda - First you have to leave home with 5000 and be robbed, so you will go to the police station and meet Mina, you need her on Brenda's way, after that you should keep the student level to follow faster, After breakfast go to school, study for the whole week, do it until you see the scene of the boy clothed just like MC and who raises Brenda's skirt, keep watching this scene until MC have to help Brenda, She ask If you're not guilty, help her to catch him, talking to her again and she'll ask if MC wants see Her to wear the panties of the Grandma's time, the next day do not eat breakfast and head straight to school. You will see 4 hotspot in the school door on the right side choose the second ? Up There ? choose option - Police - and now You need do it again in the next day when Brenda are there ? Click ? the same and you will catch the real culprit, choose option - Police - , go for the police station and see the whole scene, till when Mina talk to MC, and show some photos , after that choose to do nothing with Him, look and see the end of the scene, it's

funny. Let Him go. The next day Brenda will offer help in class, do this until her is sure that you really did not have anything with everything that happened, the MC will ask for a private lesson and she accepts. Now you have to study at Brenda's house, you have to climb to the nerd level until the difficult questions come up, go ahead and you reach the heart with the - End -. On sunday look for Brenda in the evening, click in the bottle, after in the hotspot under in the skirt, and all sunday, You need click in the bottle of wine inside the house beside the sofa, first time click 3 times, after, click only 2 times till the end. From now on you need open all the scenes. After open the scenes, look for Her in the monday, with second option, and in tuesday with first option, two scenes. -

- - Walkthrough: Lisa - Buy coffe till MC can't drink anymore, when coffe stay more expensive, pay, when she ask if you want a coffe more expensive buy a cake too, this open two visible options, don't click there and look for another hotspot over cup of coffe, and be "Happy", now on we need wait next version. -

- - Walkthrough: Stefa - After quitting your job in the workshop, MC need to work with Stefa in the whole week , always save before enter because She can lower your status, continue working till you can ? Blackmail - her,in the first time choose the option that MC desire that She can give Him one ? Blowjob -, when She ask again choose ? Where You like to Suck -, and choose again ? Every day, as Soon as I Come - , But MC only - Lick -,from now on, You need wait several days, Look for um hotspot ? Slap and Smack - in the arm of MC, after go open two options, the way of Stefa go to the end in this version, I don't talk what happens, You'll see -

- - Walkthrough: - Jenny, Ella and Maya (Beach) - Begin at the student level as the only level that progresses in the game, lose until you pay the ice cream, then you have to win, to win easy, choose ? Take a Swipe at Her - You must keep the MC at the end of the game and Maya in the

middle (Look in the page below) the picture, the ball should hit the underside, be quiet, not move, win easily, play several games until Elly ask why no one will save it, save first, You can miss this game and go get ice cream, look for the access point on the back of Ella when you go to the counter to buy the ice cream, only MC and Ella, now MC can lose the game and try find the hotspot (Place For Hands), When you finally find the hotspot, the MC offers a drink, when she goes to the bathroom, save the game and follow her, in the bathroom, you must first click on the latch (Occupied) and then on the lock (Click), look for the spot ? Place For Hands - On Her back, enjoy . The new Maya scene is open at school, just look, after choosing the right option between - Grope - and - No - Choose the second option. MC needs - Nerd and Slacker - level to see all the scenes, when Maya asks MC to go to the beach to see her, MC needs choose ? Take a Swipe at Her ? and then to lose the game without hitting the ball in his body. I do not say what happens, you'll see -

- - Walkthrouh: Christa - Go to Lisa's Store buy coffee and cake, on the day, go for Mina in the police station and give for her, until she offers MC to join the club on Friday and Saturday in the evening, go to the club and talk to Christa, and During the week, look for her on Tuesday and Thursday after breakfast, choose the option - What's Up - until she go with you in the bike to school, continue ... - Go back to the Club, when You can, kiss her, then During the week it will appear - To the right - To the left choose second option, in the third scene look for a hotspot in the ass,

whenever you find with Christa click in the hotspot, and also grow your

level until - Kingnerd ? Look for Yanga and Christa scene for the last sex

scene of Christa, that you will arrive at the heart with the - End -.. I don't

talk what happens because You'll see. -



- -Walkthrough: - Laura's Way - You can start by looking for Laura in the mornings to steal, on Tuesday and Wednesday, on Thursday always look for a hotspot on her legs until three options appear, choose the middle option, in the evening, Thursday And Friday after midnight, when you have the key you can go to her room two days a week, choose all the options, after that choose the second option and choose again - in you face - for two or more days until, she to stay angry of you, now you have to do the - reconciliation - with Her. From there, you should look for Laura in the Park, She asks for Beer, go to Lisa and buy, before entering the Park again, you can save first because if the Guy is with them you have to give load and try again until to be only three girls, give the beer, Laura will ask for flowers. -

In the period of the day, look for in the park you find only one flower, take it to Her, on Monday, Thursday or Friday in the evening, do it, Laura don't want, but her friend asks for the flower, give her because, I'm not sure but it can help Next versions, wait for Friday and buy from Yanga two flowers, Laura does not want either, so wait Monday, leave home before breakfast, in the morning go in the park and look for Yanga and choice - I'm maniac ? (From now on You need to do before, look for Christa and see the Christa and Yanga together, only after MC does it, You can do something more),


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