AP Psychology Syllabus – FALL Semester 2018

North Cobb High School - Melanie Shelnutt, teacher

Students and parents are reminded that AP Psychology is a college level course in both content and context and should be approached accordingly.

• Work email- melanie.shelnutt@


• Phone app – “Remind Me” - 81010 then text: @meshel1819 (fall) @meshel1919 (spring)

• Personal email: melanie.shelnutt@ (use this if you ever need to email attached word documents. Our school email can’t handle the volume! ()

• Office hours: Make-ups, test corrections and tutorials: 7:10AM– 8:10AM M-F (cancelled if I have parent conferences, IEPs, or am absent – I will let you know on “Remind Me” app!)

Textbook: Psychology, 8th Edition, by David Myers (TAKE HOME – not needed in class)

Forty Studies That Changed Psychology (in class readers)

Required Materials: (MUST be brought to every class)

❖ composition notebook for interactive vocabulary

❖ notebook (3-ring binder suggested) with available dividers and paper

❖ black or blue ink pens & sharpened #2 pencils

❖ highlighter

❖ colored pencils or markers (I’ll give a heads up on days we’ll use these – I have a few but not enough for everyone)

❖ NOT to bring to class – but purchasing an AP Review Book of your choice is STRONGLY recommended. Buy it now, use at home to supplement the text! GREAT for study groups! (

Required Behavior:

❖ Attendance – EVERY day! (Our class is not the same when YOU aren’t here – we MISS you.)

❖ The respect of your promptness to class and your FULL attention during instruction (no cell phones, ear pieces – all technology should be silenced & out of sight – please put in your book bag or purse)

❖ Positive attitudes, self-discipline and “psyched” about psychology (

Brief Description of Course

The AP Psychology course is designed to promote critical thinking as students are introduced to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings. In this class, students learn about some of the explorations and discoveries made by psychologists over the past century. Students will also assess some of the differing approaches adopted by psychologists, including the biological, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, psychodynamic, and sociocultural perspectives. In addition, students will learn the basic skills of psychological research.

Unit Information

Fall 2018 has 80 instructional days to cover the ENTIRE course/book/curriculum! Therefore, each unit will be allotted approximately 15 instructional days and 1 assessment day.

UNIT 1: 131 Vocabulary & Concepts

❖ Prologue: The Story of Psychology - 14

❖ Ch 1 - Research Methods - 30

❖ Ch 2 - Neuroscience and Behavior -56

❖ Ch 3 – Nature, Nurture & Diversity - 31

UNIT 2: 110 Vocabulary & Concepts

❖ Ch 4 - Developmental -42

❖ Ch 5 – Sensation -49

❖ Ch 6 – Perception - 19

UNIT 3: 115 Vocabulary & Concepts

❖ Ch 7 – States of Consciousness - 38

❖ Ch 8 – Learning - 39

❖ Ch 9 - Memory - 38

UNIT 4: 100 Vocabulary & Concepts

❖ Ch 10 - Thinking and Language - 27

❖ Ch 11- Intelligence - 23

❖ Ch 12 - Motivation & Work - 25

❖ Ch 13 - Emotion - 10

❖ Ch 14 - Stress & Health - 15

UNIT 5: 125 Vocabulary & Concepts

❖ Ch 15 - Personality - 40

❖ Ch 16 – Psychological Disorders - 20

❖ Ch 17 – Therapy - 27

❖ Ch 18 – Social Psychology - 38

Content and/or Skills Taught:

Following is a list of the learning objectives for the major content areas covered in the AP Psychology course, and subsequently the AP Psychology exam. The approximate percentages devoted to each content area of the multiple-choice section of the AP exam are also indicated.

History & Approaches (2-4%)

Provide a definition of psychology.

Discriminate from among the different subfields of psychology.

Provide examples of the relevant enduring issues in the field.

Match the historical figures in the field with their theories.

Identify the three main stages in the historical development of psychology.

Describe the major paradigms (theories) in the field.

Differentiate between the terms "race" and "ethnicity."

Research Methods (8-10%)

Describe and provide examples for the various research methods.

Explain the strengths and weaknesses for the various research methods.

Compare and contrast the educational backgrounds of the various clinicians.

Biological Basis of Behavior (8-10%)

Describe the structure of the neuron.

Trace the path of a neural impulse, and explain how it transmits messages.

Explain how neurons communicate.

Identify the roles of neurotransmitters and receptors.

Describe the divisions and structures of the brain, and explain the role of each.

Describe the divisions and structure and function of the nervous system.

Describe the functions of the endocrine system.

Describe the structure and role of chromosomes

Explain the concepts of dominant and recessive genes.

Sensation & Perception (6-8%)

Describe the difference between absolute threshold and difference threshold.

Trace the path of light from eye until receptor cells.

Distinguish between rods and cones, and list their characteristics and functions.

Explain how messages entering the eye are processed in the visual system.

Describe the three basic properties of color.

Describe the two main theories of color vision.

Identify the characteristics of sound and the theories of pitch discrimination.

Describe the structure and functions of components of the ear.

Explain the importance of kinesthetic and vestibular senses.

Describe the skin as a sense organ, and explain smell and taste.

States of Consciousness (2-4%)

Explain daydreaming.

Describe the stages of sleep.

Explain why REM sleep is also called paradoxical sleep.

Define the sleep disorders of insomnia, narcolepsy, and apnea.

Explain the theories of the nature and content of dreams.

Explain the difference between substance abuse and substance dependence.

Explain the effect of depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens.

List two negative effects of each of the following drugs: alcohol, marijuana,

amphetamines, barbiturates, the opiates, cocaine, and the hallucinogens.

Explain the biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors related to addiction.

Describe meditation and hypnosis.

Learning & Memory (7-9%)

Define learning.

Define: US, UR, CS & CR.

Describe the experiment with little Albert.

Describe desensitization therapy.

Distinguish between classical and operant conditioning.

Explain the principle of reinforcement (primary & secondary reinforcer)

Define positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement & punishment.

Explain: extinction, spontaneous recovery & stimulus generalization.

Explain discrimination and higher-order conditioning.

Identify four schedules of reinforcement and their patterns of response.

Explain contingency theory.

Describe latent learning, insight, and observational learning.

Describe the path information takes from the environment to long-term memory.

Explain the characteristics of short-term and long-term memory.

Outline storage and retrieval in long-term memory.

Define schema and how schemata are used.

Describe and explain the brain structures relating to learning & memory.

Cognition (8-10%)

Define phonemes, morphemes, and grammar.

Distinguish between the concepts of "surface structure" and "deep structure."

Define cognition.

Differentiate between images and concepts.

Explain the use of prototypes.

Summarize the relationship between language and thinking.

Explain & cite criticisms of Whorf's linguistic relativity hypothesis.

Describe the basic steps of problem solving & describe the solution strategies.

Discuss various obstacles to problem solving.

Distinguish between problem solving and decision making.

Distinguish between heuristics and algorithms.

Motivation & Emotion (6-8%)

Define motive and emotion.

Differentiate between the different theories of motivation.

Describe how hunger, thirst & sex are controlled in the brain.

Define Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and list some factors of causation.

Discuss biological & psychological influences on sexual motivation.

List the characteristics of exploration, curiosity, manipulation and contact.

Define aggression. Discuss three theories of aggressive behavior.

Distinguish between the motives for achievement and affiliation.

Identify the five categories in Maslow's hierarchy of motives.

Describe and differentiate among the prevailing theories of emotion.

Describe the role of nonverbal communication in emotion.

Developmental Psychology (7-9%)

Distinguish between longitudinal & cross-sectional methods (re: development).

Describe prenatal, infant, and child development.

What are the four stages of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

Explain moral development.

Trace language development from infancy through age 6.

Explain the importance of secure attachments between a caregiver and child.

Explain how sex-role identity is formed.

Summarize the important physical and cognitive changes of adolescence.

Discuss adolescent problems: self-esteem, depression, suicide, and violence.

Identify the central concerns and crises of young, middle and late adulthood.

Personality (5-7%)

Define personality.

Summarize the interaction of elements of personality according to Freud.

Identify Freud's five stages of psychosexual development.

Differentiate between the theories of Jung, Adler, and Horney.

Identify Erik Erikson's eight stages of personality development.

Contrast Carl Rogers' humanistic theory with Freudian theory.

Explain trait theory.

Describe what recent evident shows about the genetic basis of personality traits.

Compare cognitive social-learning theories to early views of personality.

Describe the four basic tools psychologists use to measure personality.

Testing & Individual Differences (5-7%)

List the characteristics of intelligence.

Summarize the early views of Spearman, Thurstone, and Cattell.

Summarize the contemporary theories of Sternberg, Gardner, and Goleman.

Trace the development of intelligence tests from Binet through Terman.

Describe the standard procedure for the Stanford-Binet Scale.

Distinguish the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III from the Stanford- Binet.

Distinguish between individual and group tests.

List the advantages and disadvantages of group tests.

Define reliability in mental tests. Identify techniques for measuring reliability.

Define validity. What are two measures of validity?

Identify research exploring intelligence related to heredity & environment.

List criteria used to identify mental retardation.

List and describe causes of mental retardation.

Define creativity, and explain methods that have been used to measure it.

Abnormal Behavior (7-9%)

Distinguish among the standards for defining abnormal behavior.

Summarize historical attitudes toward abnormal behavior.

State the four current models of abnormal.

Explain how the DSM-IV-TR classifies mental disorders.

Distinguish between the two basic kinds of affective disorders.

Describe the anxiety disorders.

Describe the psychosomatic disorders and the somatoform disorders.

Characterize three different types of dissociative disorders.

Define and give examples of the sexual disorders.

Define gender-identity disorders.

Define personality disorders.

Describe four types of schizophrenic disorders and identify possible causes.

Treatment of Abnormal Behavior (5-7%)

Differentiate between insight, behavior, cognitive & group therapies.

Discuss the criticisms of psychoanalysis.

Explain how client-centered and Gestalt therapists interpret emotional problems.

Summarize the behavioral therapist's interpretation of disorders.

Describe aversive conditioning, desensitization, and modeling.

Describe stress-inoculation, rational-emotive & Beck's cognitive therapy.

List the advantages and disadvantages of group therapies.

Discuss the effectiveness of insight therapy and behavior therapy.

Outline the available biological treatments.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of biological treatments.

Summarize the inadequacies of institutionalization.

List the alternative to institutionalization.

Social Psychology (8-10%)

Describe the process by which we form first impressions of other people.

Identify three factors that influence personal perception.

Explain three aspects of attribution and explain attribution errors.

Explain the dynamics of interpersonal attraction.

Identify the components of attitudes.

Explain how attitudes are acquired and how they change.

Explain the origin of prejudice & how it can be reduced.

Discuss the dynamics of attitude change and the process of persuasion.

Explain the theory of cognitive dissonance.

Explain how culture, conformity, compliance & obedience exert influence.

Identify the four types of social action.

Summarize how groups can be effective and ineffective in solving problems


“The Shelnutt Six” - Strategies for Success

1. Interactive Reading – You are encouraged to print the power point PDF worksheets for each chapter from my blog (with the blank spaces to the side for your own explanations and examples). There will NOT be time given during instruction for you to write all info from pwrpnt in class. I will address the questions you bring from the reading and they will be discussed with the whole class.

2. Interactive Vocabulary Notebook (IVN) will be required this semester. For every chapter in the Myers text, you will produce & show a depth of understanding and application of all concepts covered. An example sheet will be provided in class. Applying the psychological concept is the #1 skill necessary for successful performance on tests. A 100% on the unit’s IVN is REQUIRED for earning the privilege of completing test corrections! With every 100% earned on Unit IVN checks, the following bonus points will be added to THAT unit’s exam grade BEFORE TCs have been added: Unit 1 – 2pts, Unit 2 – 4 pts, Unit 3 – 6pts, Unit 4 – 8 points and Unit 5 exam – 10pts!

3. Test corrections are a privilege and must be EARNED! How?

← 100% on that unit’s IVN

← Take the “in class” unannounced quiz (1 quiz per unit)

← Complete the other “in class” assignments (labs, article reviews and FRQs) for that unit.

← TCs MUST be completed the 1st 5 days – post exam date! You have ONE week. In the case of a school approved trip, the test must be taken BEFORE the trip to keep TC privilege

4. Form a study group and meet regularly – NO EXCUSES!!! Not only is this a great social outlet, it is the BEST way of discussing and thoroughly understanding each and every psychological concept. The best way to learn anything is to teach it to someone else. If 5 are in your group, divide it this way and rotate the roles weekly:

← Rehearse & review interactive vocab. Share examples! (

← Rehearse & review quiz and reading notes.

← Rehearse & review all charts/graphs/pics from chapters.

← Rehearse & review the people, research and findings.

← Review study guides with discussions of WHY the answer is correct.

5. Expectations for Student:

← Maintain good attendance and a positive attitude

← Assume YOUR responsibility for learning: use my “Remind Me” app, my blog, study groups and tutorials!

← Prepare for class daily & weekly – (1 hour is average) AND check my blog at least 2x’s a week – ALWAYS SUNDAY NIGHTS!

← Participate fully in instructional activities.

← EXCUSED absence work IS DUE THE DAY YOU RETURN TO CLASS – no exceptions! *see “prepare” above. Don’t procrastinate!

← Seek all available tutorial help when necessary

← Participate in the April/May review sessions AND take the AP exam on May 9, 2019!

6. Expectations for Instructor

← Maintain good attendance and a positive attitude

← Assume responsibility for instruction

← Weekly review of work and assignments

← Learner support beyond regular class meetings – see office hours!

← Parent contact and communication (strengths and weaknesses, behavioral and academic)

Assignments and/or Assessments:

A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 74-79 D = 70-73 F = 0-69

As AP Psychology is equivalent to a college course, the grades are weighted as follows:

65%: Tests (5 Unit Exams and 1 Comprehensive Final)

35%: Non-test assignments:

• class activities, labs, article reviews (5%),

• FRQs, quizzes (10%) (5 – 100s on IVN checks – lowest quiz grade taken is dropped)

• IVN (20%)

There is no opportunity in college for “extra credit” – same goes for my class. Everything you do matters and counts! Do it well the first time, every time, starting now! You’ll be glad you did!

Other important grading info!

← Students will be given a minimum of 4 days notice prior to any unit exam.

← Quizzes and FRQs may be announced or unannounced.

← Homework is EVERY DAY (Reading notes, IVNs, completion of unfinished classwork, online resources) and SOME will be collected and/or checked on the assigned due day. Absent on due day? If absence is EXCUSED, turn in work the day you return! After that, late work will NOT be accepted for credit! (see long term absences on next page)

← Students are expected to keep all AP Psychology work in a 3 ring binder OR organized in a separate section of their binder.

← Success in AP Psychology is based upon a firm foundation of reading. Students who seek to master psychology must be willing to invest significant time not only reading about the basic components of psychological theory such as is represented in the textbook, but also in reading research analyses and case studies.

← The final examination will be REQUIRED, cumulative and equally weighted as all previous unit exams.

← The expectation is that students will register for, and take, the AP Psychology examination in the spring. Students should check the class blog for important announcements regarding these review sessions.

← In addition to their class “3 ring binder”, students are required to have a separate composition book which will be used exclusively for interactive vocabulary. The IVN must be completed as per instructions given in class and submitted to the “AP Psych Crate” by the due date announced in class (and posted on the whiteboard and the blog). A 70 will be given for any completed IVN turned in after that unit’s exam. Therefore, students are strongly encouraged to complete and turn in vocabulary assignments in advance of the final due date. With every 100% earned on Unit IVN checks, bonus points will INCREASE & be added to THAT unit’s exam grade BEFORE TCs have been added: Unit 1 – 2 pts, Unit 2 – 4 pts, Unit 3 – 6 pts, Unit 4 – 8 pts and Unit 5 exam – 10pts! (example? If your 1st 100 is on IVN #3, 2pts are added – with 6 being the maximum added if you complete the last 2 units, too!)

Academic Honesty:

Students are expected to know and follow the expectations for academic honesty as stated in the student handbook. Students’ responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

✓ ensuring that all homework, lab reports, assessments, are completed independently

✓ ensuring that all non-original work is properly cited

✓ Any assignment containing plagiarized or otherwise academically dishonest work will result in a grade of “0” and an administrative referral.

✓ Please see the student handbook for additional information.


✓ You are responsible for getting any notes you may have missed from a fellow classmate, therefore you are encouraged to swap contact numbers with a trustworthy friend. Don’t ask me what you missed – it’s ALL on the blog! ( Use your resources – it’s a college level class.

✓ Students are also instructed to regularly check the class blog for lesson plans, announcements and/or assignments, particularly when absent from class.

✓ In the event of multi-day, long term excused absences: You will have the number of days missed + one day to make up ALL missed work and/or tests. AND remember, if the absence is due to a school approved field trip AND you want to keep the TC privilege, the exam must be taken BEFORE the trip! (Missing school the day prior to a test does NOT excuse the student from taking a scheduled test.)


(Dr. Chew)


Thursday, May 9, 2019 - Noon! (

***Good idea to keep a hard copy syllabus in notebook for future reference!***

REVIEWS – Learning Commons – 3:45 – 5:30PM

Monday, 4/22

Wednesday 4/24

Monday, 4/29

Wednesday, 5/1

FRQ Practice – in class for Spring semester students

Before School for Fall semester students

Student Name_______________________________________ Block __________

Please return this to Ms. Shelnutt by Monday, August 6, 2018. It is an honor to teach you this semester. I truly am looking forward to getting to know you and “infecting” you with the very REAL & dreaded “Shelnutt-itus”! (the ability to see, name and explain psychological concepts EVERYWHERE in the real world) ( Thank you!

“I have read Ms. Shelnutt’s syllabus and understand what is expected of me.”

STUDENT - Print Name: ____________________________________________________

Sign:__________________________________________________________ Date:_____

Block: (circle one) 1 2

“I have read Ms. Shelnutt’s syllabus and understand what is expected of my student in her class.”

PARENT - Signature: ______________________________________________________________

e-mail: PLEASE PRINT: _____________________________________________________________

Daytime Phone:___________________________________________________________________

Evening Phone & Best time to call - ___________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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