Veterans Affairs

Research TitlePrincipal InvestigatorFunding SourceStart YearEnd YearA Feasibility Trial of Cognitive Processing Therapy for Veterans with PTSD and Serious Mental IllnessAakre, J. M.MIRECC20122014Veterans’ Experience of PTSD Self-Stigma and Perceived Societal StigmaAakre, J. M.MIRECC20132014Reducing Internalized Stigma among Veterans with PTSD: A Pilot TrialAakre, J. M.VA RR&D20142016Randomized Trial of a Smoking Cessation Program for Persons with SMIBennett, M. E. VA CSR&D20102014Using Technology to Improve Smoking Cessation in SMIBennett, M. E.MIRECC20122014Improving Negative Symptoms & Community Engagement in Veterans with SchizophreniaBennett, M. E.VA RR&D20152019Helping Veterans with SMI “StayQuit” from Smoking after Inpatient HospitalizationBennett, M. E.MIRECC20162019Pharmacogenetic Treatment with Anti-Glutaminergic Agents for Comorbid PTSD & AUDBennett, M. E.NIH NIAAA20162021Development of a Scalable Intervention to Improve Smoking Cessation in Persons with Serious Mental IllnessBennett, M. E.NIH NCI20202021Anti-Inflammatory Combination Therapy for the Treatment of SchizophreniaBuchanan, R. W.NIH NCI20112015Combined Oxytocin and CBSST for Social Function in People with SchizophreniaBuchanan, R. W.NIH NIMH20132016A Double-Blind of Adjunctive Valacyclovir to Improve Cognition in Early Phase SchizophreniaBuchanan, R. W.Stanley Medical Research Institute20142016Social Processes Initiative in Neurobiology of the Schizophrenia(s)Buchanan, R. W.NIH NIMH20142019Adjunctive Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha) for Persistent Symptoms with SchizophreniaBuchanan, R. W.Stanley Medical Research Institute20182021Kynurenic Acid and Cognitive Abnormalities in Schizophrenia, Project IVBuchanan, R. W.NIH NIMH20192024Prebiotic Treatment in People with SchizophreniaBuchanan, R. W.NIH NCCHI20182020Social Work Training to Reduce Duration of Untreated PsychosisBuchanan, R. W.NIH NIMH20182020Recovery After Initial Schizophrenia Episode (RAISE)Dixon, L. B.NIH NIMH20092016OnTrack: An Online Role-Playing GameDixon, L. B.NIH NIMH20142020Reducing Internalized Stigma in People with Serious Mental IllnessDrapalski, A. L.VA HSR&D20112015Understanding the Needs for Family Planning and Contraceptive Counseling Among Women Veterans with Mental IllnessDrapalski, A. L.MIRECC20122015Multifamily Group Therapy to Reduce Marital Conflict and Disability in Veterans with mTBIDrapalski, A. L.VA RR&D20142018Development of a Reproductive Health Planning Intervention for Women Veterans with Mental IllnessDrapalski, A. L.MIRECC20172018Reproductive Life Planning for Women Veterans with Mental IllnessDrapalski, A. L.VA HSR&D20192020Using Photovoice to Convey the Impact of Gender-Based HarassmentDrapalski, A. L.MIRECC20192021Convergent Genetic and Genomic Analyses of Bipolar DisorderFanous, A.VA CSR&D20122016Convergent Genetic and Genomic Analyses of SchizophreniaFanous, A.VA CSP20122016Infection and Inflammation in Acute PsychosisFischer, B. A.MIRECC20102014VA Augmentation and Switching Treatments for Improving Depression Outcomes (VAST-D), CSP #576Fischer, B. A.(site PI)VA CSP20122015A Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial of a Wellness Self-Management ProgramGoldberg, R. W.VA HSR&D20132017Team Based Behavioral Health Care QUERIGoldberg, R. W.NIMH20162019Social Skills Coach: An innovative multi-platform device to address social impairments among individuals with schizophreniaGoldberg, R. W.NIMH20172018VA Patient Centered Care and African American Racial Disparities in Mental Health CareHack, S.MIRECC20142015Development of a Patient Centered Mental Health Intervention for Recent VeteransHack, S.VA RR&D20162021HEART to HAART: Smartphone Intervention to Improve HAART adherence for Drug UsersHimelhoch, S. S.NIH NIDA20112015Increasing Motivation for Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation: A Pilot InterventionHimelhoch, S. S.NIH NIDA20112015Longitudinal Assessment of HCV Treatment among Veterans with SMIHimelhoch, S. S.MIRECC20132014Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Smoking Cessation in VHA HIV CareHimelhoch, S. S.VA HSR&D20142015Optimizing Smoking Cessation Treatments in Smokers Living with HIV/AIDSHimelhoch, S. S.NIH NHLBI20162019STIRR-IT: Co-located HIV/HCV prevention & treatment in a behavioral health settingHimelhoch, S. S.SAMHSA20142018Adaptation and feasability testing of a gambling-specific SBIRT intervention in the "real world" clinical setting.Himelhoch, S. S.Responsible Gaming20162018The Interactive Effects of Perceived Burden and Resilience on Suicide Risk in Male VeteransJahn, D.VA VISN 5 Pilot Research Program20152016Perceived Burdensomeness and Help-Seeking in Older VeteransJahn, D.MIRECC20152016Readiness for Health Behavior Change in Persons with SMI: A Comparison Across Health DomainsKlingaman, E.MIRECC20132016CBT-I for Psychosis: Optimization, Preliminary Efficacy, and Functional OutcomesKlingaman, E.VA RR&D20152019Exploring Sleep Neurophysiology of Veterans with Schizophrenia in CBT-IKlingaman, E.MIRECC20182020Enhancing Access to Insomnia Care (EASI Care): Implementing Brief Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia in Primary Care Mental Health Integration ClinicsKlingaman, E.(site PI)VA HSR&D20202024A Smartphone Intervention to Improve Adherence to Antipsychotic MedicationsKreyenbuhl, J. A.NIH NIMH20112015Feasibility and Acceptability of Using the M-Pathy Telepsychiatry Intervention in an ACT TeamKreyenbuhl, J. A.UM Pilot and Exploratory Interdisciplinary Research Grant20132015Qualitative Study of Metabolic Effects of Medications for SMI in Female VeteransKreyenbuhl, J. A.VA HSR7D20152017Addressing Psychiatrist Workforce Shortages in the U.S. with Psychiatric Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs)Kreyenbuhl, J. A.NIH NIMH20172020Using VA Administrative Data to Identify Novel Pharmacologic Targets for the Treatment of Serious Mental IllnessesKreyenbuhl, J. A.Stanley Medical Research Institute20172018PRIME Care (PRecision medicine in MEntal health Care)Kreyenbuhl, J. A.(site PI)VA HSR&D20172022RCT to Improve Internalized Stigma and Services Engagement among People with SMILucksted, A. A.NIH NIMH20112015Veteran Identity Measure Pilots: Recruitment & Domain DevelopmentLucksted, A. A.MIRECC20182020Using the Cultural Formulation Interview with Veterans with Psychotic Disorders and Their Family Members: A Feasibility DemonstrationMuralidharan, A.MIRECC20142015Mobility Function in Older Veterans with Psychotic DisordersMuralidharan, A.MIRECC20162017Peer Support for Exercise in Older Veterans with Psychotic DisordersMuralidharan, A.VA RR&D20162021Mobility Function as a Predictor of Community Function Among Older Adults with Psychotic DisordersMuralidharan, A.Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center Grant20182020Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Recovery among Vietnam Era VeteransPeeples, A.MIRECC20162017Suicidality Among Patients with Early PsychosisPhalen, P.MIRECC20192020Toxoplasma gondii and personality related risk factors for self-directed violencePostolache, T. T.American Foundation for Suicide Prevention20132015Toxoplasma gondii, inflammation, obesity and metabolic syndromePostolache, T. T.UM Mid Atlantic Nutrition Obesity20132015Interactions between Vitamin D level, Inflammation and Neurotropic Infection in SchizophreniaPostolache, T. T.MIRECC20152016Toxoplasma gondii and the environmental risk of infection in the Old Order AmishPostolache, T. T.FDA/ JIFSAN20152016Toxoplasma gondi, the kynurenine pathway, and suicidal behavior in veteransPostolache, T. T.VA CSR&D20162020Optimizing Long-Term Outcomes for Winter Depression with CBT-SAD and LightPostolache, T. T.(site PI)NIH NIMH20182023Biotypes Among SMI Suicide Attempters: A Feasibility StudyRyan, A.MIRECC20182020Exercise in Schizophrenia: Impact on Cognition and Brain Plasticity.Schwartz, B. L. (site PI)Georgetown- Howards University, Center for Clinical and Translational Science20132015Exercise Encourages Trial (ExERT): Exercise-Induced effects on neurocognition in schizophreniaSchwartz, B. L. MIRECC20152016OEF/OIF Veterans with PTSD in Mental Health Residential Treatment ProgramsSlade, E. P.VA HSR&D20122015Cost-Effectiveness of an Intervention to Improve Care for SchizophreniaSlade, E. P.VA HSR&D20122014Impacts of payment reform on racial disparities in psychiatric hospital careSlade, E. P.NIH NIMHD20162020Impacts of payment models on the organization and outcomes of hospital care for persons with mental illnessSlade, E. P.NIH NIMH20162019Chronic Pain Experience and Management among Veterans with Bipolar DisorderTravaglini, L.MIRECC20172018Improving the Assessment and Treatment of Chronic Pain in Veterans with Serious Mental IllnessTravaglini, L.VA RR&D20182023Caring for Behaviorally and Medically Complex Inpatients in VHA: Assessment of Program Needs and Models of CareVinson, L. D.MIRECC20172018 ................

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