MODULE 6: Advanced CBT for Anxiety Disorders


Module Descriptor

|Title |MODULE 6: Advanced CBT for Anxiety Disorders |Code (if known) |

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|Level |11 (SCQF)Masters |Semester & Mode of |Part Time |Credit Rating |

| | |Study | | |

| | | | |15 |

|Module Co-ordinator |Dr Sean Harper |

|Module Team |Dr Andrew Gumley, Dr Rob Durham, Dr Andy Summers, Dr Liz Drewett, Dr Alex Yellowlees, Dr Stirling Moorey |

|Pre-requisites |Modules 1 - 4 |

|Co-requisites |5/6/7/8 |

|Prohibited Combinations | |

|Aims |

|To provide students with an overview of the main CBT theories related to advanced anxiety disorders and CBT interventions appropriate to these |

|disorders. |

|Learning Outcomes |Assessed in this module |A |B |C |D |

|On successful completion of the module the student will be able to: | | | | | |

|L1 |Engage with and critically assess the evidence base for the use of CBT in advanced anxiety| | | | | |

| |disorders. | |√ |√ | |√ |

|L2 |Diagnose, assess and interpret advanced anxiety disorders, using standard diagnostic | | | | | |

| |criteria and psychometric measures. | |√ |√ |√ |√ |

|L3 |Drawing on evidence base, assess, plan and implement and critically reflect upon | | | | | |

| |individualised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for advanced anxiety disorders. | |√ |√ |√ |√ |

|L4 |Critically reflect on therapeutic alliance throughout therapy. | | | | | |

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|L5 |Demonstrate application to therapy of learning gained through supervision processes. | | | | | |

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A – Knowledge and Understanding

B – Intellectual Skills

C – Practical Skills

D – Transferable Skills

|Learning Experiences |

|The module will engage the student in the following types of learning experiences: |

|5 direct days’ teaching – modified lectures, workshops, roleplay = 35 hours |

|Tutorial = 7 hours |

|Clinical supervision = 7 hours |

|Case study write up = 25 hours |

|Background reading/self- |

|directed study = 81-84 hours |

|Audio recording rating and |

|discussion = 8 hours |

|Direct therapy contact = 12 – 15 hours |

|TOTAL = 150 hours |

|Assessment Pattern |

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|Audio recording of therapy session.(Assessed by two independent raters). Weighting 40% |

|Case Study (3,000 words) Review and application of CBT literature to a case of advanced anxiety disorder treated in clinical practice. (Marked by |

|two independent raters) Weighting 30% |

|Supervision assessment . Weighting 30% |

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|All elements must be passed to be successful |

|Can this Module be Anonymously marked? Yes/No If No please provide an explanation. |

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|Yes, apart from supervisor’s assessment which is not anonymous by necessity. |

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|Content |

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|Theories and models of therapy for advanced anxiety disorders including OCD, GAD, Social Phobia, Health Anxiety and PTSD. |

|Diagnostic classifications |

|Therapeutic principles and alliance |

|Communications strategies and skills |

|Principles of supervision |

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|Main Texts |

|Generalised Anxiety Disorder |

|Beck A.T. and Emery, G. (1985) Anxiety disorders and phobias: A cognitive perspective New York: Basic Books |

|Bernstein D.A. and Borkovec, T.J. (1973) Progressive relaxation training Champaign Il Research Press |

|Borkovec, T.D., & Sharpless, B. (2004). Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Bringing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy into the Valued Present. In S. Hayes, V.|

|Follette, & M. Linehan (Eds.), New directions in behavior therapy, pp. 209-242. New York: Guilford Press |

|Borkovec, T.D. (unpublished) Combined self-control desentization and cognitive therapy manual |

|Borkovec, T.D. (unpublished)Applied relaxation training and self-control desensitazation |

|Dugas, M. J., & Ladouceur, R. (2000) Treatment of GAD: Targeting intolerance of uncertainty in two types of worry. Behavior Modification 24, 635-657|

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|Dugas, M.J. (2004) Cognitive Behavioural Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Concordia University: Unpublished Manual |

|Ost, L.-G. (1987) Applied relaxation: description of a coping technique and review of controlled studies. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 25, |

|397-409 |

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|Social phobia |

|Clark, D. M. (forthcoming) Cognitive therapy for social phobia. Unpublished manuscript |

|Clark, D.M. (2005) A cognitive perspective on social phobia in W.R. Crozier and L.F. Alden The essential handbook of social anxiety for clinicians |

|John Wiley and Sons |

|Heimberg, R. (2002) Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Phobia: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Strategies. New York, New York: Guilford |

|Press. |


|Ehlers, A. and Clark, D.M. (2000) A cognitive model of posttraumatic stress disorder Behaviour Research and Therapy 38, 319–345 |

|Ehlers, A. (unpublished draft) Manual for Cognitive therapy for PTSD |

|Foa, E.B. and Rothbaum, B.O. (1998) Treating the trauma of rape: cognitive behaviour therapy for PTSD, New York: Guilford Press |

|Resick, P. A., & Schnicke, M. K. (1993). Cognitive processing therapy for rape victims: A treatment manual. Newbury Park, CA: Sage |

|Resick P.A., Monson C.M. and Chard K.M. (2007) Cognitive processing therapy: Veteran/Military version Washington, DC: Department of Veterans’ |

|affairs |

|OCD |

|Steketee, G.S. (1993) Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder New York: Guilford Press |

|Kozak, M.J. and Foa, E.B. (1997) Mastery of obsessive compulsive disorder: A cognitive behavioural approach Therapist guide New York: OUP |

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|Other relevant details |

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|Signed Dr. Sean Harper |Date 2/4/09 |

|Registry use only |Date received |


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