Blooms Hierarchy of Cognitive Thinking

Blooms Hierarchy of Cognitive Thinking


|•remembering |•subdividing something to show how it is put together |

|•memorizing |•finding the underlying structure of a communication |

|•recognizing |•identifying motives |

|•recalling identification |•separation of a whole into component parts |

|•recall of information | |

| |A list of examples at this level include the following: recognize|

|A list of examples at this level include the following: know |unstated assumptions, recognize logical fallacies in reasoning, |

|common terms, know specific facts, know methods and procedures, |distinguish between facts and inferences, evaluate the relevancy |

|know basic concepts, know principles, describe different parts. |of data, analyze the organizational structure of a work (art, |

| |music, writing), describe evidence for an action, diagram a |

| |process, distinguish among the functions of a plant. |


|•interpreting |•creating a unique, original product that may be in verbal form |

|•translating from one medium to another |or may be a physical object |

|•describing in one's own words |•combination of ideas to form a new whole |

|•organization and selection of facts and ideas | |

| |A list of examples at this level include the following: write a |

|A list of examples at this level include the following: |well organized theme, give a well organized speech, write a |

|understand facts and principles, interpret verbal material, |creative short story (or poem or music), propose a plan for an |

|interpret charts and graphs, translate verbal material to |experiment, integrate learning from different areas into a plan |

|mathematical formulae, estimate the future consequences implied |for solving a problem, formulate a new scheme for classifying |

|in data, justify methods and procedures, explain causes and |objects (or events, or ideas), predict the next actions, design |

|effects, describe the parts of an entity, explain the relevance |or create something to address a new challenge. |

|of certain actions. | |


|•problem solving |•making value decisions about issues |

|•applying information to produce some result |•resolving controversies or differences of opinion |

|•use of facts, rules and principles |•development of opinions, judgments or decisions |

| | |

|A list of examples at this level include the following: apply |A list of examples at this level include the following: judge the|

|concepts and principles to new situations, apply laws and |logical consistency of written material, judge the adequacy with |

|theories to practical situations, solve mathematical problems, |which conclusions are supported by data, judge the value of a |

|construct graphs and charts, demonstrate the correct usage of a |work (art, music, writing) by the use of internal criteria, judge|

|method or procedure, describe the significance of an event. |the value of a work (art, music, writing) by use of external |

| |standards of excellence, describe the importance of something, |

| |determine the priority of something, make a decision, take a |

| |position on an issue and defend your arguments. |

From Bloom, et al., 1956

Blooms Taxonomy Verbs

|Knowledge |Comprehension |Application |Analysis |Synthesis |Evaluation |

|Arrange |Choose |Apply |Analyze |Arrange |Appraise |

|Define |Cite examples of |Choose |Appraise |Assemble |Argue |

|Duplicate |Classify |Demonstrate |Calculate |Collect |Assess |

|Identify |Demonstrate use of |Dramatize |Categorize |Compose |Choose |

|Label |Describe |Employ |Compare |Construct |Compare |

|List |Determine |Generalize |Conclude |Create |Critique |

|Name |Differentiate |Illustrate |Contrast |Design |Defend |

|Order |Discriminate |Initiate |Correlate |Devise |Estimate |

|Recall |Discuss |Interpret |Criticize |Develop |Evaluate |

|Recognize |Explain |Measure |Deduce |Formulate |Judge |

|Record |Express |Operate |Debate |Manage |Predict |

|Relate |Give in own words |Practice |Detect |Modify |Rate |

|Repeat |Identify |Relate |Determine |Organize |Revise |

|Reproduce |Indicate |Schedule |Develop |Plan |Score |

|State |Interpret |Sketch |Diagram |Prepare |Select |

|Underline |Locate |Solve |Diagnose |Produce |Support |

| |Pick |Use |Differentiate |Propose |Validate |

| |Practice |Utilize |Distinguish |Predict |Value |

| |Recognize |Write |Draw conclusions |Reconstruct |Test |

| |Report | |Estimate |Set-up | |

| |Restate | |Evaluate |Synthesize | |

| |Review | |Examine |Systematize | |

| |Recognize | |Experiment |Write | |

| |Respond | |Formulate | | |

| |Select | |Identify | | |

| |Tell main ideas | |Infer | | |

| |Translate | |Inspect | | |

| |Simulate | |Inventory | | |

| |Summarize | |Predict | | |

| |Trace | |Question | |2/08 |

| | | |Relate | | |

| | | |Solve | | |

| | | |Summarize | | |

| | | |Test | | |


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