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Skip to main content Best Buy (BBY) Headlines Busy Week of Retail EarningsOur preview of the upcoming week's earnings reports includes Best Buy (BBY), Dollar Tree (DLTR) and Deere (DE).13 Best Infrastructure Stocks for America's Big Building SpendThese 13 infrastructure stocks represent several themes that could enjoy a boost now that America's $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill has become law.5 Beaten-Down Stocks to Buy on the DipThe market has delivered some nauseating volatility of late. The good news? That has teed up a few great stocks to buy at a discount. Stock Market Today (8/25/21): Financials Lead as S&P 500, Nasdaq Set Fresh HighsUpward pressure on Treasury rates Wednesday helped spur gains in the financial sector on a modest up day for the major indexes.5 Best Industrial Stocks for the Economic RecoveryAs the global economy continues to rebound, this list of industrial stocks could benefit.Stock Market Today 2/19/21: Stocks Tread Water, Bitcoin Joins the Trillion-Dollar ClubThe Dow finished flat as a pancake as the stock market continues to stall against all-time highs, but Bitcoin continued building a head of steam. Data de-duplication technology has emerged as a key technology in the effort to reduce the amount of data backed up on a daily basis, which in many enterprises is growing at more than 100% every year. For example, John Thomas, IT manager at Atlanta-based law firm Troutman Sanders LLP, was able to use data de-duplication technology to reduce the amount of data streamed from more than a dozen remote offices and thereby cut his backup window from 11 hours to 50 minutes. Thomas says his compression ratio for his backups run as high as 55:1.Vendors have taken different approaches to the technology resulting in multiple distinct products that users should become familiar with in order to choose the flavor that best suits their environments.Data de-duplication uses commonality factoring to reduce the amount of data either at the backup server or at the target storage device. As a result of enormous compression ratios achieved by data de-duplication technology, disk is becoming more attractive as a viable, online alternative to traditional tape-based backup. For example, people working at remote and branch offices need instant access to all the data and applications available at their company's headquarters. So IT shops typically set up remote mini data centers, with application servers, block and file data storage, backup tape and report printers, sacrificing administrative control. By utilizing data de-dupe technology, backups can be performed over the WAN using spare nighttime bandwidth, eliminating the need for tape at remote sites.Greg Schulz, senior analyst at The StorageIO Group, says de-duplication technology mainly resides in the backup space, complementing traditional tape libraries with the purpose of lowering costs and reducing data.The main benefit to de-dupe technology is that you're not seeing your virtual tape library fill up, and you're "not seeing your backup targets fill up as fast as it normally would," Schulz says. De-dupe can be done at the target of a backup stream (the storage array or tape drive) or at the source of the data being backed up (the application server). Traditionally, de-dupe products had been used as a target for backup data, but Schulz says there is "a growing emphasis de-duping back on the server."Target de-dupe products are generally used as part of a final repository for backup data. Most backup software today supports tape volumes, files or raw disk as targets. Target de-dupe products mimic a tape library and support virtual tape libraries (VTL), or they can act as a network-attached storage file server supporting network file system (NFS) or Common Internet File System files. Target dedupe technology can also work on raw disk supporting Internet SCSI or Fibre Channel logical unit numbers (LUN). Prominent target based de-dupe products are sold by Data Domain Inc., Diligent Technologies Corp., ExaGrid Systems Inc., FalconStor Software Inc., Quantum Corp., and Sepaton Inc. Today, de-duping data at the target is the leading method, but de-duping data at the source where the data is coming from is even more disruptive, and the benefits are far greater, Schulz says.Source de-dupe products replace backup software used in a client/server configuration, where remote clients de-dupe data being backed up and only transmit unique data to the central server. This reduces bandwidth requirements considerably, according to Schulz. Some prominent source-based de-dupe products include Asigra Inc.'s Televaulting for Enterprises, EMC Corp.'s Avamar, Network Appliance Inc.'s SnapVault, and Symantic Corp.'s NetBackup Pure Disk.In band or out of bandAnother characteristic used to discriminate target de-dupe products is when data de-duplication processing occurs. Data de-duplication takes time to compute and find commonality in the data being backed up. To minimize the effect on backup performance, some vendors de-dupe data in the background. These de-dupe products buffer the backup stream to disk and then after the fact reduce its size via deduplication. ExaGrid, FalconStor and Quantum provide target de-dupe products that do background data de-duplication. Photo Courtesy: Diego Cervo/EyeEm/Getty Images Since rising in popularity, autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) videos have carved out their own little subsection of the internet. But while ASMR has amassed millions of loyal fans around the world, it's still met with skepticism by those who don't understand it. So, what exactly is ASMR -- and is it a valid, scientifically-backed therapeutic tool or just another trend? The term ASMR was originally coined by Jennifer Allen back in 2010. Though Allen wasn't a scientist, she discovered that she was one of many people looking to put a name to a certain sensation -- one that proved difficult to describe. Even now, with more awareness, it can be hard to put ASMR-related sensations into words. One study described ASMR as "the experience of tingling sensations in the crown of the head, in response to a range of audio-visual triggers." Photo Courtesy: WhispersRed ASMR/Youtube In far less scientific terms, an ASMR-induced sensation is sort of like that feeling of intense well-being you get when you see a beautiful sunset or hear an incredible piece of music. It feels like something between goosebumps and that delightfully shivery feeling you get when someone whispers in your ear. Above all, it tends to get you very relaxed -- and very quickly. So, why are people so skeptical of it? Well, because it's one of those things that's hard to explain unless you've experienced it first hand, ASMR is often misunderstood by folks just discovering the term. Many nonbelievers have mistakenly concluded that an ASMR sensation is inherently sexual, but, in actuality, it's more along the lines of how a sound machine might trigger a specific sensation. Another barrier? Some of the earliest ASMR studies suggested that not everyone may be capable of experiencing such sensations, hence the ongoing skepticism, confusion and misunderstanding. So, what sort of auditory or visual cues trigger an ASMR response? The short answer: Everyone is different, but there are some common threads. If you're curious about what might trigger an ASMR sensation for you, you'll undoubtedly find a lot to comb through on dedicated Twitch and YouTube channels. Photo Courtesy: ASMR Rooms/Youtube A few of the most common auditory ASMR triggers include the sound of rain or waves; acrylic nails tapping on a solid object; whispering; book pages turning; a pen or pencil being used to write; crackling fire; and wind. As mentioned earlier, ASMR can also be triggered by certain types of visuals, such as watching someone brush their hair; seeing someone pet or cuddle with a pet; viewing a repetitive task, like folding laundry; watching someone move their hands slowly; and observing someone who is painting or drawing -- think Bob Ross, the accidental ASMR pioneer. Be it visual or auditory, typing, tapping, and scratching are often linked to ASMR sensations too. As mentioned above, sampling cues on YouTube or Twitch is one of the easiest ways to discover what triggers your ASMR sensation(s). For example, ASMRSurge has a great YouTube video that provides over 50 different potential triggers. When it comes to understanding how, exactly, ASMR works, the jury's still out, but a few studies have shown that experiencing these sensations might have some solid health benefits. If you're interested in doing a deep dive into these studies, we recommend checking out ASMR University. The site was founded by Craig Richard, a professor of biopharmaceutical sciences at Shenandoah University. Dr. Richard became so fascinated with ASMR that he even wrote a book about it called Brain Tingles. Photo Courtesy: ASMRSurge/Youtube Throughout his studies on the subject, he's pulled together a list of apparent ASMR health benefits. Some of these include: Inducing sleep and relaxation Reducing stress and anxiety Reducing depression Increasing focus for studying, learning, and working Coping with chronic pain While ASMR is not a one-stop fix for any major condition, it seems to be going a long way toward providing listeners and viewers with ways to manage their health concerns. For many ASMR fans, it's not really a matter of whether science can explain ASMR, but, instead, it's about the fact that it works for them. Whether you're already into ASMR or just starting out, there are several great YouTube and Twitch channels worth exploring. With nearly 3 million followers, Gibi ASMR is one of the undisputed ASMR queens of the internet. From her calming voice to her wide blend of sound props, she's bound to get you relaxed in a matter of seconds. Looking for something more music focused? Try ASMR Zeitgeist, whose 1.9 million followers love his sensory DJ vibe. Photo Courtesy: MaryJLeeee/Twitch If food sounds are your thing, look no further than SAS-ASMR, which is the unofficial place to be for over 9 million foodie fans from around the world. And while it doesn't have as huge of a following yet, ASMR Rooms provides the perfect escape right now. Why's that? Well, this ASMR artist recreates the ambiance of popular settings from movies, like Lord of the Rings, so that you can escape into a calming, ambient atmosphere. On Twitch, you'll find tons of streamers whose channels are dedicated to various kinds of ASMR artistry. Among them is the ever-popular MaryJLeeee, who creates rhythmic ASMR sound experiences -- from running her nails over objects to whispering -- in order to help listeners with insomnia, anxiety and relaxation. As MaryJLeeee points out on her channel, "most ASMR is binaural, meaning left and right sounds are heard separately," and, with this in mind, she recommends listening with high-quality headphones to get the best possible experience.

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