ALLERGY HISTORY FORM Date:_________________________


Name of Patient: Age:

Referred By: Primary Physician:

What is the Major Reason(s) for Allergy Consultation:

Nasal and Eye Symptoms:

Check the following if they apply to you: ( NONE

( Nasal blockage ( Sneezing ( Post nasal drip ( Itchy nose

( Itchy eyes ( Headache ( Ear problems ( Other:

When are you symptomatic: ( Winter ( Spring ( Summer ( Fall

Medications taken and their effects:

Suspected or known causes of these symptoms:

( Colds ( Weeds ( Dust ( Latex

( Trees ( Cats ( Mold ( Foods:

( Grass ( Dogs ( Cigarette smoke ( Other:

Skin Problems:


Approximate date symptoms first noted: _____________________________________________________


Known or suspected causes of the rash: ______________________________________________________


Complete the following section if there is a history of

Asthma, Wheezing, Bronchitis, or Chronic Cough:

Date symptoms first noted:

Description of symptoms: ( Wheezing ( Cough ( Shortness of breath ( Chest tightness

( Tightness in throat ( Other:

( Worse at night ( Worse during day ( Problem during day and night

Frequency of symptoms:

Emergency Room visits: Hospitalizations:

Medications taken for this and effects:

Suspected causes of attacks:

( Colds ( Pollen ( Cold air ( Other:

( Animals ( Emotions ( Foods (specify)

( Exercise ( Cigarette smoke ( Latex

Have you had any reactions to Bee/Insect stings?

( None ( Local reaction at sting site ( Rash ( Breathing Problems

( Other: ( Never been stung

Please check any additional problems you are experiencing:

( Depression ( Fatigue ( Visual Changes ( Hearing Problems

( Throat Problems ( Breathing Problems ( Chest Pain ( Palpitations

( Heartburn ( Bladder Problems ( Seizures ( Muscle Aches

( Joint Pains ( Rash ( Itching ( Bleeding Problems

Past Medical History:

List any medications taken in the past week (include aspirin and vitamins)

List all medical conditions: ( NONE

List all hospitalizations: ( NONE

List all emergency room visits: ( NONE

List all reactions you have had to FOODS: ( NONE

Describe problems with medications: ( NONE

Family History:







Environmental History:

List all animals in or around the home:

Note all smokers who live in the home:

BEDROOM: Winter bedroom temperature:

Type of pillow: ( Synthetic ( Feather

Bedding: ( Feather Bed ( Feather comforter

Floor covering: ( Wall to wall carpet ( Area rug ( Wood floor ( Carpet over cement

Description of bedroom: ( Neat ( Cluttered ( Dusty ( Stuffed toys

heating system: ( Forced hot air ( Electric baseboard ( Hot water baseboard ( Wood burning stove ( Other:

AIR CONDITIONING: ( None ( Window ( Central


( None ( Finished ( Unfinished ( History of water leakage

Please describe the type of work or DAILY ACTIVITY:

( Office setting ( Outdoors setting ( Homemaker ( School (grade: )

Please note any other history that you feel the doctor should know about you. If appropriate, note any stress or emotional problems that might affect your symptoms:






Mark E. Weinstein, MD

Board Certified in Allergy and Immunology

5 Franklin Avenue, Suite 102

Belleville, NJ 07109

Phone: (973) 759-5842

Fax: (973) 759-0403

PATIENT INFORMATION DATE____________________

Patient’s Name_______________________________________ Date of Birth_______________

Last First

Address_____________________________________________ Zip Code _________________

City______________________ State_______________ Home Phone_______________

Email Address________________________________________ Cell Phone_________________

Social Security Number ________________________________

Race: □ Caucasian □ Black or African American □ Asian □ Declined to report

Ethnicity: □ Hispanic/Latino □ Non Hispanic or Latino □ Declined to report

Languages Spoken______________________ Marital Status: S M W D SEP (Circle One)

Emergency Contact_____________________________________ Relationship________________

Home Phone__________________ Cell Phone_______________ Work Phone____________


Doctor’s Name___________________________ Name of Practice_________________________

Address________________________________ Phone Number___________________________

Pharmacy Name _________________________ Phone Number___________________________



Name_________________________________ Relationship_____________ DOB___________

Social Security Number___________________ Phone Number______________________________

Address________________________________ City__________ State ________ Zip__________


Primary Company______________________ Secondary______________________________

ID Number____________________________ ID Number______________________________

Group Number_________________________ Group Number___________________________

Subscriber_____________________________ Subscriber______________________________

Co-Pay $________Effective Date___________ Co-Pay $___________Effective Date_________

Referral Required YES NO Referral Required YES NO


1. On my own behalf and on behalf of my spouse and minor children, including stepchildren, I hereby authorized treatment by Hudson-Essex Allergy.

2. I understand that payment of the required co-pay is due at the time of service. I direct and assign payment from any third party payor to Hudson-Essex Allergy. I understand that my insurance policy is a contract between my and the insurance company and that I am responsible to Hudson-Essex Allergy for any charges not covered by insurance. I also know that payment by the insurance company is not considered payment in full and that I am responsible for any amounts left un-paid by insurance, for any reason.

3. Should your insurance company require a specialist referral from your primary care physician before you can be seen by our physician, it is your responsibility to obtain that referral prior to your appointment. Our contracts with the insurance companies prohibit us from seeing you without a referral and billing them for services. In the event that services are provided and your insurance is not in effect that day, or if your contract contains a pre-existing clause, remember that you, the patient, guarantor are responsible for payment.

4. I hereby authorize the release of any and all medical and/or charge information as is necessary for third-party reimbursement from Medicare, Blue Shield and/or any other agency involved in payment of my treatment or that of my family.

5. I understand that I will be charged the finance charge of equal to 1% per month on any balance billed to and left unpaid more than 30 days. I further understand that any amount left unpaid for more than 30 days will be considered delinquent, and may be referred to a collection agency or attorney as well as reported to the various credit reporting agencies.

6. If my account is referred to a collection agency and/or attorney for collection, I agree to be responsible for the payment of additional collection fee in an amount equal to 30% of my outstanding balance, inclusive of accrued interest. I also understand there is a $20.00 returned check fee should, a check be returned for any reason.

Signature of Patient/Responsible Party

Date: __________________________

Relationship to Patient: ____________________________________

I hereby acknowledge that I have been presented with a copy of Hudson-Essex Allergy’s notice of privacy practice.

Signature: _______________________________________________

Printed Name of Patient: ____________________________________

Notice of Privacy Practices

To our patients. This notice describes how health information about you, as a patient of this practice, may be used and disclosed, and how you can get to your health information. This is required by the Privacy Regulations created as a result of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA).

Our commitment to your privacy

Our practice is dedicated to maintaining the privacy of your health information. We are required by law to maintain the confidentiality of your health information.

We realize that these laws are complicated, but we must provide you with the following important information:

Use and disclosure of your health information in certain special circumstances

The following circumstances may require us to use or disclose your health information:

1. To public health authorities and health oversight agencies that are authorized by law to collect information.

2. Lawsuits and similar proceedings in response to a court or administrative order.

3. If required to do so by a law enforcement official.

4. When necessary to reduce or prevent a serous threat to your health and safety or the health and safety of another individual or the public. We will only make disclosures to a person or organization able to help prevent threat.

5. If you or a member of U.S. or foreign military forces (including veterans) and if required by the appropriate authorities.

6. To federal officials for intelligence and national security activities authorized by law.

7. To correctional institutions or law enforcement officials if you are an inmate or under the custody of a law enforcement official.

8. For Workers Compensation and similar programs.

Patient Consent for Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information

I hereby give my consent for Hudson-Essex Allergy to use and disclose protected health information (PHI) about me when needed to carry out treatment, payment and health care operations (TPO). (The notice of privacy practices provided by Hudson-Essex Allergy described such uses and disclosures more completely). By signing this form I attest that I have received, read and understand the Notice of Privacy Practices.

Hudson-Essex Allergy reserves the right to revise its Notice of Privacy Practices at any time. I have the right to request that Hudson-Essex Allergy restrict how its uses or discloses my PHI to carry out TPO.

With this consent, Hudson-Essex Allergy may call my home or other alternative location and leave a message on voice mail or in person in reference to any items that assist the practice in carrying out TPO, such as appointment reminders, insurance items and any calls pertaining to my clinical care, including laboratory test results amongst others. Yes________________ No________________

With this consent, Hudson-Essex Allergy may mail to my home or other alternative location any items that assist the practice in carrying out TPO, such as appointment reminder cards and patient statements. Yes_________________ No__________________

With this consent, Hudson-Essex Allergy may email to me any information or notices that assist the practice in carrying out TPO. Yes__________________ No_______________

The following person(s) may contact Hudson-Essex Allergy inquiring in regards to my health information. You have my permission to release my health information to them.

Name:__________________________ Relationship:_____________________

Name:__________________________ Relationship:_____________________

I may revoke my consent in writing except to the extent that the practice has already made disclosures in reliance upon my prior consent. If I do not sign this consent, or later revoke it, Hudson-Essex Allergy may decline to provide treatment to me.

Signature of Patient or legal Guardian: _____________________________

Print Patient’s Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________

Print Legal Guardian’s Name, if applicable: ____________________________________


( None

( 1-2

( 3-5

( > 5

( None

( 1-2

( 3-5

( > 5

( Less than twice a week

( 3 or more days a week

( Every day

( More than 2 nights a week


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