Meeting Agenda/Minutes Template

|Meeting: | |

|Meeting Title: |Ulmarra Public School P&C Meeting |

|Date/Time: |14/6/2016 |

|Location: |Ulmarra Public School School Library |

|Attendees: |Vanessa Cavanagh, Tanya Watts, Katie Sullivan, Bev Small, Susie Fletcher, Kobie Harris,Kylie Jagoe |

|Apologies: |Ken Cowan |

|Agenda/Minutes: | |

|Item |Item Details |Moved (M) Seconded (S) |Resolution/Notes/Actions |

|1.0 |Moved to approve the previous meeting minutes. Date:14/6/2016 |(M) Katie | |

| | |(S) Tanya | |

|1.1 |Business Arising from previous minutes | | |

| |25-year anniversary held on Friday the 24th of June and Saturday 25th| | |

| |June. Saturday open day to the public. Orders for Pavers and | | |

| |Memorabilia can be made on the day | | |

| |Bunnings BBQs to be held on Sunday July the 10th and September the | | |

| |11th. Tanya to organize time slots for any volunteers who are willing| | |

| |to help out. Money raised to go towards helping the year 4,5,6 | | |

| |excursion bus costs. Plenty of time slots left. | | |

| |Better organizing of Father’s Day craft was discussed. A monthly | | |

| |craft class has been put in place to help with ideas and items to be | | |

| |created for upcoming father’s day. Last Friday of each month was | | |

| |mentioned. | | |

| |Election Dates 2nd of July and Local Election on the 10th of | | |

| |September. Markets to be held on both days. No car wash for the 2nd | | |

| |of July markets as its been too cold.19 stalls booked for 2nd of | | |

| |July. | | |

| |Grandparents day was mentioned to be held on a day next term. | | |

| |Year 6 end of year day to be held at school with jumping castle etc. | | |

| |Waiting for all legalities. | | |

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|2.0 |P&C President Report: No report Given. | |Noted- Ken was absent |

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|3.0 |Treasurer’s Report: none given(to be organized this week) |(M)Kobie |Current balance was read out as $6193.61 |

| |Motioned: Tanya Watts to help Current treasurer Susie Fletcher while |(S)Katie |as cheque made out for $100 and 10cents |

| |on Maternity | |interest. |

|4.0 | Ulmarra Public School Principal report: Given by Vanessa |(M) Nes |Noted |

| | |(S)Bev | |

|5.0 |Canteen Report |(M)Tanya |Milkshake muffin day made $150 |

| |Sausages to be ordered (unsure on how many as many events are coming |(S) Bev |Canteen Balance as of 14/6/2016 is |

| |up-) | |$3652.51 |

|6.0 |General Business: | | |

| |>125-year anniversary next week. Mostly organized. | | |

| |>19 stalls booked in for voting day markets that are on the 2nd of | | |

| |July. | | |

| |>Last term 5 cent fundraiser $132.70 try to keep kid involved and | | |

| |bringing the coins in. So far $80 this term | | |

| |>Father’s Day Stall to be held on the 2nd of September. | | |

| |>Fundraising ideas-Sippah straw? Mentioned by Ali. | | |

| |>Iscream to be booked for the Xmas Concert which will be held on the | | |

| |2nd of December. | | |

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|6.0 |Meeting closed:10.25am | | |

| |Next meeting:9.30am 9/8/2016 | | |

PP&C Secretary: ___Kobie Harris_________________________________________ Date: ____14/6/2016___________


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