Hanford West High School Band and Guard Handbook



1150 W. Lacey Blvd.

Hanford, CA 932308

(559) 583-5903 X 6413

(559) 583-6708

Lisa Butts, Director of Bands hwband@

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|Dear Parents and Mighty Huskies Band and Guard Members, |

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|The Hanford West High School Instrumental Music Department has a proud history and tradition of excellence. The magic formula is that we all |

|work TOGETHER, united as ONE, working toward mutual goals. This year you will notice many new ideas and techniques throughout our time |

|together. They have been designed into our season plans to help you have the best band experience possible. |

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|We are proud and privileged to represent our community and our school as we travel throughout the state. There are a few things you need to |

|know before participating in band. Especially marching band. I want you to be well informed. Here is some of what you can expect: |

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|1. Fall marching season culminates with Hanford Christmas Parade. |

|2. You do receive class credit and a grade for participating. |

|3. Rehearsals are sometimes repetitive but never boring. |

|4. You may sweat when it's hot and freeze when it's cold. |

|5. We rock stadiums, people come to watch, and you will perform in front of over 20,000 of them by the time the season is over. |

|6. Everyone will need to pay his or her Band Fee. Payment plans can be worked out. |

|7. Band Camp is required for field show members. |

|8. After-school practices are Mondays and Thursdays from 6:00-9:00 p.m. for field show members and Mondays and Wednesdays for the color guard.|

|9. It's more fun at the beginning and at the end than it is in the middle. |

|10. Marching band members tend to be more responsible and so earn more privileges. |

|11. Marching band is part of the class curriculum; therefore, your grade depends on your participation and attendance at all rehearsals and |

|performances. |

|12. You will learn skills you can use throughout your life, let alone increase your brain activity and improve physical fitness. |

|13. You will probably have fun and even make new friends. |

|14. Avoid stress and be sure to get in all forms and don't miss any deadlines |

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|Carefully read all the enclosed papers, especially the ones you must sign and return to me. You will see that I believe very strongly that |

|attitude, attendance, and ability are most important, and just as I expect your commitment, I give you mine. I'll do my best to give you the |

|best band experience I can. We will all work hard together, play together, sweat and freeze together, learn a lot from each other, grow tired |

|of each other, and celebrate our achievements together. I can guarantee you that this experience is one you will remember for the rest of your|

|life. I look forward to working with you this year. Let's make this a musical year of which we will all be proud! |

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|Lisa Butts |

|Director of Bands |

|Hanford West High School |



All approved excused absences must be put in writing and given to Mrs. Butts in advance to keep points from being deducted from your grade.

Discipline Policy:

An excused absence not cleared with a written note in the time period required will become an unexcused absence and the student will receive the consequences listed.


Absences due to illness or injury accident, will, of course, be excused with a note signed by parents. (Excuses such as headaches, P.M.S, or sore throats are to be avoided) Excuse notes are due the day following the absence.

Family Tragedy

Family tragedies such as death, life-threatening illness, family crisis, and major surgery are excused. When possible, student or family is asked to notify the director prior to the absence; however, in this case written notification after the absence is accepted.

Medical Appointments

Schedule appointments during periods other than band period in the marching season to avoid conflicts. When the medical appointment cannot be avoided, students are expected to bring in to the director written notification from the parent or medical office a minimum of 48 hours PRIOR to rehearsal.

Parents: please call and notify the band director of same day appointments.

****A note from the doctor or dentist to verify the absence is to be turned in the next day following all medical appointments that conflict with rehearsal.

Once In A Lifetime Events

One-time family events, such as weddings, court hearings, religious events like

Confirmations, Quinceñeras, Bar Mitzvahs, graduations, and once in a lifetime auditions, are excused when the director is notified at least two weeks prior to the event. This would include those events that involve immediate family members.


School exams that cannot be made up any other day will be excused with prior written notice from the teacher/counselor. This does not include college tour days or SAT/ACT tests that can be scheduled on dates that do not conflict. Make note that the band calendar sets aside time specifically for these tests.

School Sports

Band students are excused for LEAGUE sports competitions when advance notice is given. Early communication, with both Mrs. Butts and your coach is the key to avoiding conflicts. Students should inform Mrs. Butts in advance who are trying out for a sports team, and provide a copy of the sports calendar once on the team Students should also provide their coach with a calendar of band activities. Our school sports conflict policy is performance before practice. You are to miss the practice not the performance if a conflict arises.


A great life skill that musicians learn is the ability to recognize the value of responsibility, reliability, and respect for others. Communicating an expected absence IN ADVANCE, excused or not, is always the best policy. Don't create a reputation of being a "no-show". Communicating and timing is key! The best practice is to recognize the commitment you have made to the team and avoid unexcused absences. When a conflict does arise, communicate well in advance and be willing to accept the consequence for your conflict.


At no time and under no circumstance is work considered an excused absence from scheduled rehearsals or a performance. Students are NOT allowed to leave major performances or scheduled rehearsals early due to work. Arrangements can be made when a conflict arises for minor performances and extra non-scheduled rehearsals when advance communication with the band director takes place. Most employers in our community work with the schools. Students should communicate with their employer prior to accepting a job that they are involved in band. Usually a conflict with work exists only when the student does not communicate honestly or well in advance with the employer. Students should provide a schedule of band activities to their employer in advance to avoid conflicts of schedule.

Medical Appointments

Non-emergency medical appointments are NOT excused. We must be guaranteed at least one practice a week where everyone, barring emergencies or illness, is in attendance. Avoid any medical and dental appointments on rehearsal days whenever possible, medical appointments should be scheduled during times when there are no band activities.

Parent Visitation

Students who miss a performance because of visitation rights are not excused. Band performances are an extension of the classroom, and are graded. Parents who are separated or divorced and have joint custody agreements are encouraged to work the weekend arrangements around band performances.

Non-School Functions

Non-school related music groups, sports teams, or non-emergency family activities such as family trips or weekend getaways are NOT excused. These types of conflicts are handled on an individual basis. Contact the band director at least two weeks in advance for consideration, or plan the trip after the band performance. There aren't that many performances in a school year.

Other School Related Activities

Students need to take responsibility to avoid over-committing themselves. There is always a question about band students involved in other school-related activities which could include cheerleading, sports, student government, and so on. Specific arrangements must be made with the director WELL IN ADVANCE of the event when there are conflicts with other SCHOOL activities. Notification with less than 1-week notice will be considered unexcused, so please plan ahead to avoid conflicts. The music department supports students involved in other school activities when it does not compromise the quality of performance or the group itself. Some school activities conflict with the music calendar and must be avoided. Band is one of the most involved school activities of any high school. Everyone wants to have the band play. To have that happen, there must be support and understanding of what it takes to put a band in the public eye and perform. Before you take on all that a typical high school has to offer, plan out your time. When in doubt, talk to Mrs. Butts. After you have invested 3-4 years to learn an instrument and get to some level of ability, it is a shame to throw that investment of time and money away. Most adults will tell you that they wished they had kept music and band in their lives. It is hard to come back to it once you let it go. So don't let it go. Everyone needs music in his or her lives!


Attendance at all scheduled rehearsals is mandatory.

Scheduled Rehearsals

The band director defines these as those that are on the calendar or posted in class.


Students are expected to attend all scheduled rehearsals in their entirety. Students in band are enrolled in a curricular subject in which attendance and participation is part of their grade. Everyone must understand that band is a complete team effort and rehearsals are an integral part of the class activities. When someone misses a rehearsal, even though they may feel their part is unimportant, the result is that the rehearsal is compromised and everyone suffers.

Extra Rehearsals


These are rehearsals that are scheduled with less than 10 days notice and are usually requested on an "as needed" basis. These do not include sectional rehearsals.


Students are expected to attend all rehearsals. However, conflicts that may result when extra rehearsals are called without sufficient notice will be excused when Director is notified in writing by parent at least 24 hrs. PRIOR to rehearsal.

Discipline Policy:

A student who fails to attend a scheduled or extra rehearsal without an approved excuse in writing PRIOR to the rehearsal will have points deducted from their grade and jeopardize their privilege to participate in the upcoming performance. A second offense will result in the student losing the privilege to perform in the next two performances and points deducted from their grade and so on.

Family emergencies and illness may be cleared after the fact; a note or phone call from a parent is still required.

Sectional Rehearsals


Rehearsals scheduled by your student section leader, Coach or Director usually held at lunch, after school or prior to the night rehearsal.


Students are expected to attend all sectionals when their section leader has given them a weeks notice. Conflicts can be excused by notifying the band director in advance.

Discipline Policy:

Unexcused absences from sectionals will result in loss of 5 grade points. Continued disregard for attendance at sectionals can result in loss of privilege to perform with the band.


All performances are mandatory. Students in band are enrolled in a curricular subject in which their attendance and participation is part of their grade. This means you are required to attend and perform as a part of the requirements of the class. Performances are classified as MAJOR or MINOR.


Everyone must understand that a band is a complete team effort and performances are an integral part of the class activities. In fact, performances are the major TESTS of the class and cannot be replaced. When someone misses a performance, even though they may feel that their part is unimportant, the result is less than the best the band can be and everyone suffers. With this in mind, please note the following:


Evening concerts, Band Reviews, Band Festivals, Competitions, Home Football games, and any performances with over 100 people in attendance are designated major by Mrs. Butts.


Rallies, Assemblies, Away Football games, or other performances designated as minor by the director.

Discipline Policy:

An unexcused absence from a major performance will result in a full letter grade drop for the 6-week grading period. A second unexcused absence will result in a grade drop to an "F", and considered a resignation from band performances for the rest of the semester


Using drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes; stealing, fighting, etc.; or breaking any school rules and/or State and local statutes that lead to suspension or expulsion by a band student is a major violation of the band contract. It is hoped that no band students would do any of the above while in class, traveling, and/or performing with the Band and Color Guard. Such behavior is considered a major break of the trust we need in order to offer a successful and wonderful experience for all students. In addition, it jeopardizes the performance outcome for the entire group.


A student shall not use or have in their possession alcoholic beverages or tobacco before, during, or after a band function. School rules are in effect at all band functions.


A student shall not consume, have in possession, buy, sell, or give away any non-prescription or illegal drugs at any band function. Students who violate this policy will be turned over to the local police authorities as well as removed from the band program and subject to expulsion from school. In addition, the word of any reliable adult or chaperone who witnesses any violation of the above rules will be used when reporting to the band director and administration.

Discipline Policy:

STUDENTS FOUND WITH DRUGS OR ALCOHOL WHILE THE BAND IS TRAVELING WILL BE SENT HOME IMMEDIATELY, AT THEIR PARENT/GUARDIAN'S EXPENSE. In addition, students smoking, using alcohol, chewing tobacco, or under the Influence of drugs during any band function will be turned over to the school Administration for disciplinary action. The student will lose his/her membership in the band program and be subject to expulsion from school.

Conducting oneself in a safe and respectful manner is always the best policy for anyone. It is expected that all students will conduct themselves in a manner that would not create a situation that causes or could cause physical harm to themselves or others, and/or bring embarrassment or discredit to the band, school, and community. Each student is expected to be reliable, consistently on time, and loyal to the band program and their peers. For safety reasons, students are to remain in groups of at least three students when on trips with the music department. It is the student's responsibility to see that he/she has eaten prior to participating in band activities. Skipping meals can lead to unsafe conditions should the student faint while marching on the pavement, etc.


All students must have on file in the band office a medical release form prior to traveling on any band sponsored activities. Students are expected to notify Mrs. Butts of any special medical situations prior to participating in band rehearsals or performances. It is the student's responsibility to carry his/her inhaler with them to all rehearsals and performances.


A trip is an extension of the classroom and is governed not only by the school district guidelines for trips but also by the classroom rules and expectations of the teacher. The focus of all our trips is on education, and this philosophy is supported by the itinerary that students receive prior to all of our trips and the expectations regarding use of our time during the trip. Students are encouraged to observe other performing groups and to socialize with other musicians from other schools in attendance. Students are requested to stay with members of the band. School trips are not the arena to plan family outings or time with boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. Students do not "accompany" their parents while on a Band trip. Parents may "accompany" their children as long as all trip rules; including the "3 student rule" is being followed. A list of trip rules is included on the back of most trip itineraries, as well as in this handbook.


All Band Trips begin when the student arrives at school and ends when the student returns and all equipment has been unloaded and returned to it’s place in the band room.

Discipline policy:

Students who fail to follow the policy guidelines will remain with a designated parent chaperone at all times for the remainder of that event. A second offense will result in loss of privilege to travel or perform at the next event and a grade penalty.


Students are to travel to and from performances in designated school buses or school arranged car pools. Students are not excused to leave in the middle of any trip. Written requests from parents in the form of a 3rd party transportation form must be given to the band director in advance of the trip and are subject to approval from the band director.

***When approved, students will be released to their parents only.

A school trip begins and ends at school. Plan your time around that time allotment. The band director will handle all student release requests on an individual basis.


Visitors are encouraged to come and watch the performance but at no time are they allowed to associate with band members, unless they are members of the student's family. They will be expected to have their own transportation to and from the event. At no time will boyfriend/girlfriends be allowed to associate with band members at a band function, with or without family members.


Students are to wear required attire at all times whether that be the marching band uniform or concert band uniform, Color Guard or Winter Guard uniform, or Band T-shirt. Clothing should be clean and neat, as well as neatly pressed. Higher standards of grooming and dress for special groups representing the High school will be expected since the band represents the school at public events. School standards of dress as found in the student planner will be followed.


Grades are computed on a percentage of total points possible

90%=A 80%=B 70%=C 60%=D 59%=F

Class Participation 10 points per day

It is expected that you will attend class every day. When a student (you) are absent it is the student's (your) responsibility to check with the teacher and section leader to see if any work has been missed, as well as to obtain any announcements, music or hand outs that were given during the student's absence. Participation points can only be earned when the student is in attendance. Performing Arts classes are based on students actively participating daily to create a finished group product. It is expected that you will come to class prepared every day. This means that you have your equipment and supplies; books, music and folder with pencil; instrument kept clean and maintained; proper clothing and footwear when applicable, and so on. Tardiness causes you to miss class time. 2 Participation points will be deducted for each tardy.

Class Rehearsals outside the School Day 100 points each

Be sure to carefully review the attendance policy detailed in the band handbook and in particular, policy regarding excused and unexcused absences to avoid any unnecessary conflicts or confusion.


It is expected that you will attend all rehearsals in their entirety, prepared and on time. Students seeking permission to be excused from a rehearsal and meet the qualifications, must, PRIOR to that rehearsal, submit a signed parental note to the band director. One Hundred (100) points will be deducted for each infraction and/or unexcused absence.


A student's attitude and behavior in a music class has an extremely powerful effect on the quality of the learning environment and performance level of the other students around them. Students are expected to attend class with a positive cooperative attitude as well as good behavior, and to be on task throughout the class period. Talking and socializing have no place in the rehearsal or performance. Disrespect will not be tolerated. Students demonstrating poor citizenship will have points deducted and may be removed from the classroom or performance.

Extra Credit Points

Extra credit points per quarter can be earned in many ways. They are granted for doing various voluntary jobs assigned by the band director. EX: assisting with the elementary or middle school band programs in an assigned position, participating in other established music organizations approved by the band director, being a tutor for other music students, in both academic and music areas, being in a student leadership position, demonstrating exemplary citizenship. Extra credit points help a student who is absent due to illness and is missing participation points. Extra credit points cannot take the place of a performance or unexcused absence.

Private Lessons

Private lessons can help students grow faster musically, and give you much more direction in your practice. It is highly recommended that all Band members study privately. Some group lessons will be available to students outside the school day as funds permit. Please contact the band director if your student is seriously interested in taking lessons. Up to ten (10) extra credit points may be earned for taking private lessons.

Performances required to attend

Band is a performing arts class and performances are the basis for the class.

It is expected that you will attend all performances. Everyone must understand that band is a complete team effort and performances are an integral part of the class activities. In fact, performances are the major Tests of the class and are unique in that they cannot be substituted. When someone misses a performance, even though they may feel their part is unimportant, the performance is compromised and the result is less than the best the band can be and everyone suffers. Consequences for unexcused absences from performances severely lower your overall quarter/semester grade. Be sure to carefully review the performance attendance policy detailed in the band handbook to avoid any confusion.

Excused Performance absences can be made up by doing the following work:

Band Member:

1. Students must record themselves playing all of the music that the band played during the performance that they missed.

2. Students must record themselves playing all 12 major scales 1 octave for freshmen, 2 octaves for sophomores-seniors.

3. Students must complete a 2 page single spaced report on a composer. The composer will be assigned by the band director.

Guard Member:

1. Video tape themselves doing all the routines from the missed performance.

2. Video tape themselves doing the entire guard warm-up routine.

3. Student must complete a 2 page single spaced report on a composer. The composer will be assigned by the band director.

All make up work must be completed within 2 weeks of the absence or it will not be counted. If the end of the grading period comes before the 2 week make-up period, the make up work must be completed before the end of the grading period. Unexcused absences cannot be made up.

Requirements for JV and Varsity

Letters for the Mighty Huskies Band and Color Guard

Huskie Band JV Letter:

1. 1 full year of Concert or Symphonic Band.

2. Regular attendance at all practices and performances.

3. Must maintain a band G.P.A. no lower than a 3.5

4. Must be a member in good standing with an emphasis on behavior.

5. Must demonstrate proficiency on all 12 major scales


Huskie Band Varsity Letter:

1. 2 full years of Symphoinc Band or 1 full year of Symphoinc Band

and 1 full year of Jazz Band “A”.

2. Regular attendance at all practices and performances.

3. Must maintain a band G.P.A. no lower than a 3.5

4. Must be a member in good standing with an emphasis on behavior.

5. Must demonstrate proficiency on all 12 major and minor scales and perform an etude of high school quality literature.

Huskie Guard JV Letter:

1. 1 full year of Color Guard.

2. Regular attendance at all practices and performances.

3. Must maintain a guard G.P.A. no lower than a 3.5

4. Must be a member in good standing with an emphasis on behavior.

5. Must demonstrate proficiency in all Color Guard maneuvers.

Huskie Guard Varsity Letter:

1. 2 full years of Color Guard and 2 full years of Winter Guard.

2. Regular attendance at all practices and performances.

3. Must maintain a guard G.P.A. no lower than a 3.5

4. Must be a member in good standing with an emphasis on behavior.

5. Must demonstrate proficiency in all Color Guard maneuvers.

HWHS Mighty Huskies Band and Color Guard


I,_____________________________, want to be enrolled in the band/guard program at Hanford West High School and have read and understand the commitment involved to participate in the activities administered by the Band Director that are available to me outside the school day. I have read the information letter and will strive to uphold the highest standard of excellence. I understand what I must do to be eligible to participate in the band competitions and performances, and I agree to:

1. Attend and participate daily in class.

2. Attend all scheduled rehearsals.

3. Attend all scheduled performances.

4. Consistently demonstrate a positive, cooperative attitude.

5. Demonstrate respect towards others, especially those with authority.

6. Adhere to the rules, follow directions, and meet deadlines.

7. Demonstrate commitment and loyalty to other members of the band.

8. Maintain school standards of behavior and all school policies.

9. Keep my uniform and equipment in excellent shape.

10. Support our band's need to fund raise.

11. Allow my parents to be supportive and active members of the Band Backers by assisting with Band Backer events, volunteering to help, and attending the Band Backer meetings held throughout the year.

12. Have no outstanding debts to the band. Payment plans can be worked out.

13. Demonstrate good sportsmanship during all events.

14. Represent Hanford West High School with Pride, Honor, Loyalty and Respect.

Student signature _____________________________________ date _____________________

Student’s email address _________________________________________________________

I have read the information handbook explaining the band program. I agree to follow the policies and standards outlined in the handbook and support my child in higher efforts to participate in band. By agreeing to support my child I understand that I am also supporting all the band students. I agree to see that my child fulfills all time commitments listed. I understand the Band Director is responsible for all decisions regarding the students. I also understand that there would be no marching band without an active Booster organization, and agree to attend meetings whenever possible, and to be a supportive member of the Mighty Huskies Band Backers. I understand that Co-curricular music related activities are funded partly by student and Backer fundraising efforts, and that without these efforts there would be no Co-curricular music program at Hanford West High School. I agree to do my fair share.

Parent (or guardian) signature ________________________________ date ________________

Parent’s email address __________________________________________________________


Hanford West Mighty Huskies

Band and Color Guard Handbook



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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