North Carolina 6 Point Lesson Plan

North Carolina 6-Point Lesson Plan

|Teacher: Ms. Kaleigh Chambers |Grade: 5th Grade |

|Subject: Science |Date: 12/5/2012 |

|Standard: |

|Goal 1: The learner will conduct investigations to build an understanding of the interdependence of plants and animals. |

|Objective 1.01. Describe and compare several common ecosystems (communities of organisms and their interaction with the environment). |

|Activity |Description of Activities and Setting |Materials and Time |

|I. Focus and Review (Establish prior |To hook students into the lesson the teacher will |Time: 10 minutes |

|knowledge) |begin by playing the Ecosystem Song linked to on | |

| |the Lesson Plan page of my website. Before starting|Materials: Smart Board, Computer, Projector, |

| |the song the teacher will ask students to pay |YouTube Ecosystem Song, pencils and paper |

| |attention and write down at least three facts they | |

| |hear. They should be encouraged to not just write | |

| |down the first facts they hear because afterwards | |

| |students will come to the Smart Board and write the| |

| |facts down but they should not repeat facts that | |

| |someone else has already written down on the board.| |

|II. Statement (Inform student of |Given two ecosystems, students will create a Venn |Time: 3 minutes |

|objectives) |diagram comparing and contrasting them with a | |

| |minimum of ten facts. |Materials: Student’s notebooks and pencils |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Students will take out their notebooks and write | |

| |down the objective of the lesson: Understanding | |

| |what ecosystems are, what makes an ecosystem, and | |

| |how do ecosystems compare and contrast to each | |

| |other. | |

|III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, |After the lesson has been introduced through the |Time: 30 minutes |

|information, and guidance) |song and students have written down facts about | |

| |ecosystems on the board the teacher will begin a |Materials: SmartBoard, Computer, Projector, |

| |discussion about the topics on the board asking |Student’s notebooks, pencils, |

| |students what they know about the topics they wrote|chamberse-portfolio., White board, |

| |down. For example, if someone wrote down ‘predators|dry erase markers and eraser |

| |and prey are a part of an ecosystem’ the teacher | |

| |will ask the students to describe what a predator | |

| |is and/or get them to give an example of a | |

| |predator. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |The teacher will use this to lead into asking | |

| |and/or describing what an ecosystem is. The teacher| |

| |will explain what an ecosystem is and discuss some | |

| |of the main ecosystems. | |

| | | |

| |The teacher will also discuss elements of the | |

| |different ecosystems, such as climate, animals, | |

| |plant and the different roles they have in the | |

| |ecosystem. | |

| | | |

| |Ecosystems – communities of interacting organisms | |

| |and the environment in which they live. Aka the | |

| |combination and interaction of plants, animals, | |

| |people, and minerals within an environment. | |

| | | |

| |Ecosystems can be as large as an ocean or as small | |

| |as a tiny patch of forest. | |

| | | |

| |Organism/biotic factors – living things in an | |

| |ecosystem | |

| |Animals | |

| |Plants | |

| |Fungi | |

| |Bacteria | |

| |Nonorganic/abiotic factors – nonliving things in an| |

| |ecosystem | |

| |Water | |

| |Rocks | |

| |Soil | |

| |Wind | |

| |Temperature | |

| |Weather | |

| |Climate – average weather in an area over many | |

| |years | |

| |Population – All organisms of the same kind living | |

| |in one location | |

| |Community – Populations of different organisms | |

| |living in one location | |

| | | |

| |Parts of an environment affect one another. | |

| |Predators and prey | |

| |Producers | |

| |Climate and plants | |

| | | |

| |Aquatic | |

| |Make a distinction between freshwater (lakes, | |

| |streams, rivers) and saltwater (ocean, seas) | |

| |ecosystems | |

| |Freshwater plants and animals are used to low salt | |

| |concentrations in the water and wouldn’t survive in| |

| |saltwater | |

| |Temperatures in ponds/lakes change with the season | |

| |Streams and rivers flow in one direction, can be | |

| |found anywhere | |

| |Ocean is largest ecosystem, communities constantly| |

| |change near the shore | |

| |Desert | |

| |1/5 of Earth’s surface | |

| |Less than 50 cm of rainfall a year | |

| |Can be very cold or very hot | |

| |Animals and vegetation used to smaller amounts of | |

| |water | |

| |Soil rich in nutrients | |

| |Few large mammals | |

| |Grasslands – meadows, prairies, savannas | |

| |Used for foresting/harvesting/herding | |

| |Rainforest | |

| |Dense, warm, wet forests | |

| |Millions of plants and animals | |

| |Different levels have different | |

| |environments/ecosystems | |

| |Almost always raining | |

| |Rarely freezes or gets really hot | |

| |Tundra | |

| |Treeless land | |

| |Short growing season for plants | |

| |Long, cold, dark winters | |

| |Less than 5 in of rain a year | |

| |Strong, dry winds | |

| |Animals evolved to withstand harsh conditions | |

| | | |

| |These notes are not all that will be covered. | |

| |Teacher will use ecosystem diagrams on the Lesson | |

| |Plan page of website to go over animals and plant | |

| |life. When discussing animals and plants be sure to| |

| |involve students in the discussion to get their | |

| |input on the food chains. Have students discuss | |

| |what impact certain animals, or the lack of certain| |

| |animals, has or could have on an ecosystem. | |

| | | |

| |More information for the lecture is also found on | |

| |the linked websites on the Lesson Plan page as | |

| |well. | |

| | | |

| |The teacher will alternate between writing on the | |

| |white board and circling/underlining facts on the | |

| |SmartBoard as it is needed. | |

|IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance,|The teacher will demonstrate what is expected of a |Time: 7 minutes |

|provide assessment and feedback) |Venn Diagram. For example, the teacher will draw a | |

| |diagram on the SmartBoard and show students how |Materials: Computer, Projector, SmartBoard, |

| |comparing and contrasting information should be set|pencils, Student’s notebooks |

| |up. Then the teacher will demonstrate how to make a| |

| |Venn Diagram using the Creately site – including | |

| |how students will login, find a template, insert | |

| |text and pictures, and save the diagram as an image| |

| |file for the students to submit online. | |

| | | |

| |The teacher will show the example of the Venn | |

| |Diagram on the Lesson Plan section of the website | |

| |that compares and contrasts a desert ecosystem and | |

| |an aquatic ecosystem. Students will discuss what | |

| |facts they would add to the Venn Diagram. The | |

| |teacher will inform students that they shouldn’t | |

| |copy the example Venn Diagram in their homework. | |

|V. Independent Practice (Retention and |For homework, students will create Venn Diagrams |Time: 5 minutes |

|transfer) |that compare and contrast two ecosystems. They will| |

| |go through their notes for the lesson to write down|Materials: Student’s notes, Paper, Pencils, |

| |a list of facts (a minimum of ten) that will be |Computers |

| |inserted into a Venn Diagram. They should include | |

| |interactions of organisms in the ecosystem as well | |

| |as facts about the environment. | |

| | | |

| |In class, students will create the rough draft for | |

| |their Venn Diagram. They will write a list of facts| |

| |that they will include, making three columns, one | |

| |for each ecosystem and one for similar details | |

| |between the two ecosystems. | |

| | | |

| |It should be made clear to students that they | |

| |should spread out the facts among the columns, | |

| |rather than focus on one and not properly compare | |

| |and contrast the ecosystems. | |

| | | |

| |Students without computer/internet access at home | |

| |are allowed to use the classroom computers during | |

| |free time or before/after school with permission | |

| |from the teacher. | |

|VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) |Students play “Around the World” by standing in a |Time: 5 minutes |

| |circle (in a cleared area in the classroom) and | |

| |tossing a ball to one another –whoever has the ball|Materials: Ball |

| |quickly says one thing they learned in the class | |

| |without repeating what someone else has said before| |

| |passing the ball again. Remind students that they | |

| |will not be able to play again if they violently | |

| |throw the ball or get out of hand. The game | |

| |continues until everyone has shared something | |

| |they’ve learned or until it’s time for class to | |

| |end. | |


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