My IBT Portfolio

Name: Shawn Nagra Due date: Friday November 11 2011

Unit 2 – Culminating Task: Ecozone Postcard

Scenario – You have spent the month of July travelling throughout the NORTHEN ARCTIC

ecozone and have decided to send a postcard home to your family telling them all about the ecozone you have visited.

You will design the front of the postcard. You may illustrate an original drawing or use clip art or photographs. The objective is to visually represent all the ecozone’s physical characteristics. Make it look artistic and professional.

On the back of your postcard, in a brief, hand-written letter home, you need to include details of the following: landform, climate, vegetation, wildlife, human activities, and one city/town you visited; focus on the NATURAL aspects of the ecozone and make it informative, interesting and fun!


1. Research your ecozone; use your notes from Unit 2, Making Connections and the Internet.

2. Write a rough copy of your letter (in the template below). Ensure that it contains sufficient information, a proper “postcard” tone and correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

3. Design the front of the postcard.

4. Create and assemble the good copy. Submit both the rough and good copy with this assignment sheet.


|Criteria |Level 4: 8 - 10 |Level 3: 7 – 7.5 |Level 2: 6 – 6.5 |Level 1: 5 – 5.5 |R/I: 0 – 4.5 |

|How far did my postcard get? |Made it into mom’s |Made it onto the |Made it onto the coffee|Made it into the house |Read & straight to |

| |scrapbook! |fridge! |table | |recycling |

|Knowledge | | | | | |

|/10 |Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Limited |Poor/Incomplete |

|- clear, distinct facts |Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Limited |Poor/Incomplete |

|- all characteristics are described | | | | | |

|- city is mentioned |Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Limited |Poor/Incomplete |

|Application | | | | | |

|/10 |Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Limited |Poor/Incomplete |

|- rough draft is included |Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Limited |Poor/Incomplete |

|- postcard assembled properly & | | | | | |

|professionally |Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Limited |Poor/Incomplete |

|- postcard contains stamp & address | | | | | |

|Thinking | | | | | |

|/10 |Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Limited |Poor/Incomplete |

|-writing and visuals accurately represent| | | | | |

|landscape, climate, vegetation, wildlife | | | | | |

|and human activities | | | | | |

|Communication /10 | | | | | |

|-visual representation is creative, clear|Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Limited |Poor/Incomplete |

|& professional | | | | | |

|-letter contains proper tone, vocabulary,|Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Limited |Poor/Incomplete |

|grammar, punctuation and spelling | | | | | |

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|Dear Mom, | |

|Hi mom, I know your worried about me right now but don’t be, I’m having a good time here. ( All though it get’s| |

|pretty cold here it is still good because of the amazing wildlife I have seen adapted to this weather. | |

|The mean annual temperature here is around -14°C and where I went last summer in the southern parts it was | |

|around -1.5°C. Yeah I know pretty cold. Oh yeah I almost forgot to tell you where I’m staying, for a while I | |

|have been staying in the Arctic Bay, which is a city up north in Nunavut. There are not a lot of people here, | |

|quite a low population if you ask me. Also there hasn’t been a lot of precipitation here, the mean annual | |

|precipitation is very low, ranging from 10–20 cm. As I said before I have saw quite a few animals but not a lot| |

|because of the harsh climates. Did you know that the northern arctic is considered the harshest environment in | |

|all of Canada. I was surprised when a friend of mine told me. On the way I saw a Peary and Barren-ground |____________________________ |

|caribou, muskox, and a red fox. My friend was telling me that we might get the chance to check out some polar |_____________________________________________________|

|bears. Cant wait! ( Also the northern arctic is so big that is covers 1/7 of Canada’s total land area. Up here |_____________________________________________________|

|there are rocky hills and plateaus but my friend was telling me that further west there are lowland plains. Up|______ |

|north the islands are in the middle of ice year-round because of the cold temperatures. I know you love plants | |

|and flowers but up here there are not many, they are limited. Permafrost is continuous here and goes several | |

|hundred meters in depth. Since the soil is so shallow it is hard for plants to attach and root. There are herbs| |

|and lichens that inhabit in the meadows, particularly behind rocks. However the very few plants that I’ve seen | |

|so far look beautiful. The three that I liked the most where the Purple saxifrage, arctic daisy, and arctic | |

|poppy. I haven’t really done much yet, I’ve gone hunting, and fishing which was really fun. I learned how to | |

|set up traps and capture food. I didn’t do too much but, I have to go now, I think my and my friends are going | |

|to go take some pictures and when I come back I’ll show you them. | |

|Sincerely, Shawn | |



22 Lauraglen Cres

Brampton ON, Canada


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