JULY 18, 2007



These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.


Call meeting to order & record attendance

The following representatives were in attendance:

NMC Voting Member in Attendance:

|Rossella |Andreozzi |Alenia Aeronautical |

|Bob |Bodemuller |Ball Aerospace & Tech |

|Corwyn |Berger |Bodycote |

|David |Burger |Rockwell |

|Mark |Cathey |Spirit AeroSystems |

|Chetan |Date |Honeywell |

|John |Haddock |BAE Systems MAS |

|Arne |Logan |Boeing |

|Jay |Park |Northrop Grumman |

|Michel |Pierantoni |Eurocopter |

|Manfred |Podlech |MTU Aero Engines |

|Mark |Rechtsteiner |GE Aviation |

|John |Reid |Bombardier |

|Vern |Talmadge |Alcoa |

|Camille |Valmy |Airbus |

|Jerry |Whalin |AAA Plating |

|Kevin |Ward |Goodrich |

|Larry |Wilson |Lockheed |


|Bouchet |Alain |Safran France |

|Derek |Alts |Bodycote |

|Windsor |Amundsen |Honeywell |

|Mbel |Anger |Bombardier |

|Ali |Askari |Cem Wrekham |

|Peter |Atwell |Airbus |

|Mariel |Auzannne |Airbus |

|Gabor |Awout |Alcoa |

|Yalcin |Aydin |GE Aviation |

|Okan |Bahtiyar |TAI |

|Andy |Banewou |E.M. Inspection Co. Lab SPS Technologies |

|Paul |Bardwell |Pratt & Whitney |

|Lloyd |Barker |Alcoa |

|Nicolas |Bartheletix |Euro Copter |

|Iihan |Bayram |TAI |

|Michael |Bemis |Goodrich Aero Structures |

|Sergio |Bizbao |ITP |

|Greg |Blount |Consultant |

|Peter |Bonarrigo |Bombardier |

|Herkann |Brarthaler |Ahag Rolling Gaba |

|James |Bratton |Lockheed Martin |

|Jon |Biddulph |Rolls-Royce |

|JIm |Chan |Honeywell |

|Stephan |Chaumeil |UITS GAUION |

|Masson |Christian |Airbus |

|Richard |Citmielewski |The Barden Corp. |

|Michael |Coleman |Boeing |

|Jerry |Colombo |Spirit Aero Systems |

|Rica |Costantino |Goodrich |

|John |Cristman |X-ray ind |

|Nerea |Cuevas |ITP |

|Terry |Curtland |Ball Aerospace & Tech |

|Marilyn |Custer |AAA Plating and Inspection INC. |

|Robert |Custer |AAA Plating and Inspection INC. |

|Marsha |Davis |Lockheed Martin |

|David |Day |GE Aviation |

|Karyan |Deming |Goodrich |

|Rainer |Endress |MTU Aero Engines |

|Gokhan |Ertem |TAI |

|Ergun |Eurdnsel |TAI |

|Mike |Gallagher |Lockheed Martin |

|Fabio |Gasparotto |Boeing |

|Philipe |Gastebois |ASD-Pro |

|Stephan |Gehrke |Euro Copter |

|Jose |Gilson |Safran France |

|Mark |Gleason |GE Aviation |

|Dov |Goldman |Precision Roued Product |

|Sirir |Goupilion |Eurocopter |

|Stephan |Greimers |Thyssen Crupp |

|Jacky |Gualandri |SKF |

|Bernhard |Gulcle |Aerotech Peissenberg |

|Richard |Haberbosch |Aerotech Peissenberg |

|Uwe |Hallmann |Aerotech Peissenberg |

|Milan |Hanyk |Honeywell |

|Hiroki |Hashitsume |MHI |

|Dale |Hermon |Cincinnati Thermal Spray |

|Trevor |Hiscox |Airbus |

|Bernhard |Honemann |Airbus |

|Darlene |Hook |PTW |

|Dave |Isenberg |Parker Aerospace |

|Mira |Jacobs |Boeing |

|Dennis |Keefe |Aerostructures |

|Wolfgang |Kefen |Eads-DS |

|Phil |Keown |GE Aviation |

|Selguk |Kilig |TAI |

|Ralph |Kropp |MTU Aero Engines |

|Robert |Koukol |Honeywell |

|Heiurich |Kuchlbauer |Aerotech Peissenberg |

|Serge |Labbe |Heroux-Devtek INC. |

|Eric |LaCourt |Thales |

|Geerts |Laurent |Sonaca |

|Debaie |Laurret |Sonaca |

|Nathalic |Le Pottier |Euro Copter |

|Mario |Leclerc |Bombardier |

|Mark-Andere |LeFebure |Heroux-Devtek INC. |

|Byron |Leol Nekkans |Rockwell Collins |

|Ron |Levi |Lockheed Martin |

|Frank |Lennert |Boeing |

|Will |Macias |Goodrich |

|Scott |Maitland |Goodrich |

|Alberto |Malias |Eads-casa |

|Susan |Marghein |Rockwell Collins |

|Leah |Markowitz |Honeywell |

|Andreas |Mastorakis |GE Aviation |

|Doug |Matsen |Northrop Grumman |

|Bill |McLean |Honeywell |

|Francisco |Miranda |Pratt & Whitney |

|D.W. |Missel |Lockheed Martin |

|Michael |Niedzinski |Alcan |

|Steve |Nilan |Lockheed Martin |

|Eikichiro |Nishimatsu |Asahi Kinzoku |

|Tom |Norris |Goodrich |

|Clark |Okawa |Pratt & Whitney |

|Jim |Oshea |GE Aviation |

|Bick |Ouellette |Boeing |

|keith |Panuska |Lockheed Martin |

|Alan |Parksons |Bodycote |

|B. Scott |Patterson |Goodrich |

|Richard |Peterson |Rockwell Collins |

|Eddy |Pham |Northrop Grumman |

|Stephen |Pollard |BAE Systems MAS |

|Ken |Prather |Vought Aircraft |

|Doug |Prenevost |Northrop Grumman |

|Rafael |Raban |Pratt & Whitney |

|William |Rae |CAV Aerospace |

|Muralikrishan |Ramalingam |GE Aviation |

|Allan |Robinson |Chromalloy UK |

|RK |Rowe |Honeywell |

|Toshiya |Saito |IHI |

|Jack |Saunders |Honeywell |

|Bobby |Scott |Bombardier |

|Ashnik |Sibad |Lockheed Martin |

|Cecil |Slach |Rockwell Collins |

|Georgia |Spiropoulos |Pratt & Whitney |

|William |Stanwall |Bombardier |

|Susan |Steketee |Ball Aerospace & Tech |

|Voyer |Stephanie |Alcoa |

|Ronald |Stewart |Ellison Surface technologies |

|Alexandrina |Stoica |Bombardier |

|Trevor |Storey |Aerostructures |

|Laurie |Strom |Honeywell |

|Brendan |Sturgeon |Bombardier |

|Yoshiomi |Sukesada |Asahi Kinzoku |

|Takayukz |Takahaskz |MHI |

|Gary |Thompson |Darchem Enginering |

|Norman |Thompson |Bombardier |

|Jeff |Thyssen |GE Aviation |

|Ahmet |Toknanciolu |Turkish AeroSpace |

|Pete |Toreil |Boeing |

|Gary |Trewiler |GE Aviation |

|B. Orkun |Tuncer |Turkish Aerospace |

|Vilmer |Vale |Embraer |

|Eamilh |Valtiy |Airbus |

|Angelie |Vincent |Spirit Aero Systems |

|Laverne |Walkes |Spirit Aero Systems |

|Kevin |Wamo |Goodrich |

|David |Watson |Bombardier |

|Dewwy |Whittaker |Honeywell |

|Mat |Wisbrock |Lockheed Martin |

|Sitar |Zdenek |Honeywell |

PRI Staff in Attendance:

|Jerry |Aston |

|Mark |Aubele |

|John |Barrett |

|Don |Buelher |

|Marcel |Cuperman |

|Joanna |Leigh |

|Bill |Dumas |

|Rebekah |Foutz |

|Jennifer |Gallagher |

|Lisa |Glavan |

|Michael |Graham |

|Bedri |Guctenkorkmaz |

|Arshad |Hafeez |

|Judy |Herilla |

|Rob |Hoeth |

|EJ |Kegerreis |

|Ryuichi |Koyama |

|Liu |Le |

|Jim |Lewis |

|Seema |Martin |

|Yuko |Nakamura |

|Stan |Revers |

|Julie |Rubright |

|Glenn |Shultz |

|Lisa |Shultz |

|Ian |Simpson |

|Rick |Sovich |

|Riki |Tang |

|Bill |Wagner |

1. Opening Comments

1. Call to Order / Quorum Check

2. Introductions

3. Routing of Attendance List

4. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

5. Membership

A motion was made to approve the April 2007 NMC meeting minutes. This motion was seconded and the April 2007 NMC meeting minutes were approved.

It was noted that this Nadcap meeting was the first meeting that was in both Europe and Asia as Istanbul sits on two continents.

Mark Rechtsteiner was announced as the new NMC Vice Chair.

The following awards were presented:

• Recognition awards were presented to the Escapes Team members, Robert Custer, Stuart Sherman, Dave Michaud and Jim Cummings.

• A Leadership award was presented to Lloyd Barker

2. PRI/Nadcap Status Report

▪ Audit Projections

▪ Auditor Projections

▪ Prime Subscriptions

▪ Europe and Asia Progress

Arshad Hafeez presented the PRI/Nadcap status report. Audits scheduled through the end of 2007 are currently at 110% of plan with 3,865 audits scheduled. A Draft MOU to TWI (Welding Institute in UK) is being worked on. A Nadcap workshop in France is planned for September 2007. The July 2007 Nadcap meeting in Istanbul attracted over 60 attendees from Turkey. For more details please see the attached presentation.


3. NMC Chairpersons’ Report

▪ Planning & Operations and NMC Steering

▪ Sub-Team Reports

- Metrics

- Globalization

- Standardization

- Oversight

- Ethics & Appeals

Chet Daté presented the NMC Chairperson’s report. It was announced that the NESPB will be sun setting and its responsibilities will be distributed between the NMC and the PRI Board of Directors. A new training course, the Internal Auditing Program was initiated at this meeting. The supplier survey is now complete and over 1200 responses were received. A sub-team has been formed to analyze the data and a report out will be given at the October 2007 meeting. For more details please see the attached presentation.


The Metrics sub-team report was given by Chet Daté. Chet Daté reported supplier merit is currently at 77%. The cycle time for initial audits is at 60 days and reaccreditation audits are at 53 days. There are no audits open over 120 days. The Verification of Corrective Action (VCA) audit definition was finalized. The metrics sub-team will be reviewing Supplier Advisory data. For more details please see the attached presentation.


Camille Valmy reported major decisions at this meeting. For clarity a specific folder will be created in Public Documents to register all translated documents. PRI will have discussions with CAPE for document translations in Chinese. A request is going to be made to JAQG to create an archived file for Japanese documents removed from the JAQG website. It was also noted that PRI will speak with SAE regarding the distribution of a French translation of AMS2750 as this is an SAE document. For more information please see the attached presentation.


Mark Rechtsteiner gave the Standardization sub-team report. Task Group Chairs agreed to work to establish standardized merit criteria and to participate in sub team. An Agreement on Quorum & Voting and Failure standardization plans was also established. PRI Staff Standardization activities will continue and Staff Delegation work scope is to be formalized. For more details please see the attached presentation.


Jay Park reported that the sub-team reviewed the 2007 audit results for 3 desktop audits and 2 task group audits. These results will be treated as interim results until the on-site audit is completed in October 2007. A pre-on-site meeting is being planned for Wednesday evening October 24, 2007 at the Pittsburgh Nadcap meeting. For more details please see the attached presentation.


The Ethics and Appeals sub-team report was given by Kevin Ward. The sub-team has decided to add a process flow to appropriate documents and create guidelines for appeals.


4. Task Group Reports

AQS – Mark Covert advised that the task group is working on a change to its accreditation duration, drafting an audit handbook and developing its auditor training plan. For more details please see the attached presentation.


NDT – Phil Keown stated that the task group finalized its auditor training format and content. The task group also addressed applying the standard methodology to failure metrics, formed an ad hoc team to address Phased Array UT and Digital Radiography. It was also noted that the NDT staff engineers were recognized as leaders in cycle time reduction. For more details please see the attached presentation.


NMSE – Mark Gleason reported the task group discussed auditor performance metrics, task group meeting structure and finalized supplier training tools. For more details please see the attached presentation.


WLD – Ralph Kropp stated that the task group is requesting a 2 level quorum (1 for task group meetings and 1 for other business. The task group also agreed on its October 2007 auditor training format and completed training material. For more details please see the attached presentation.


ETG – Ed Nellans advised the task group prepared the Assemblies checklist AC7120 for re-ballot within the task group. The task group also prepared the Printed Circuit Board checklist AC7119 for re-ballot within the task group and had discussions on Flex/Rigid Flex additions for the AC7119 checklist on the next revision proposal. For more details please see the attached presentation.


CP – Ken Prather reported the task group discussed auditor training and completed training scenarios for the auditors. The task group also discussed its Rev. C comment resolution for its checklist. For more details please see the attached presentation.


CT – Jack Saunders advised that the task group reviewed its NTGOP appendix 9. The task group is also developing a supplier survey and its auditor training agenda. It was also noted that the French translation of checklists is approved. For more details please see the attached presentation.


MTL – Christian Schwaminger reported the task group signed an MOU with the Heat Treating task group on Hardness Testing. The task group also made decisions on MOU’s with Welding, Fasteners and Coatings. The task group is making a revision to NOP-002 to include acceptance of AS9100 as well as ISO17025 and plan to ballot this change. For more details please see the attached presentation.


COMP – David Watson advised the task group finalized its October auditor training agenda and completed all revisions to the Non Metallic Materials Testing Checklist, AC7122 and will be submitting it to NMC for ballot in early August. For more details please see the attached presentation.


HT – Doug Matson reported that the task group signed an MOU with Materials Testing on Hardness Testing. The task group finalized baseline checklists and its auditor training plan for October 2007. For more details please see the attached presentation.


5. Supplier Support Committee Report

Derek Alty reported that the Supplier Survey is complete and a full analysis will be presented at the October 2007 meeting. The SSC leadership team is conducting a pilot to collect data for a few task groups to identify areas where checklist requirements are not linked to engineering requirements. The results of this pilot will be provided to the NMC at the October 2007 meeting. For more details please see the attached presentation.


6.0 New Business

The following PRI Staff were recognized:

• Stan Revers – new Business Development Engineer

• Asia Staff – Liu Le, Riki Tang, Ryuichi Koyama, and Yuko Nakamura

Arshad Hafeez presented the future meetings presentation. The Schedule for 2008 was reviewed. It was noted that possible locations for the June 2009 meeting are Paris, or Rome. Several primes mentioned they would like to come back to Istanbul for the June 2009 meeting. It was discussed that a conference agency has presented Kuala Lumpur as a future meeting site as PRI is looking into holding the next Asia meeting (2010). It was noted that there were no objections to holding a meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the destination was accepted by all in attendance. For more details please see the attached presentation.


Next Meeting, October 22-26, 2007

Pittsburgh Marriott City Center

112 Washington Place

Pittsburgh, PA 15219 USA

Rate: $119 single/double

Please register on-line early for the October 2007 meeting to save time and avoid registering the day of the meeting. Please register before October 12, 2007 as the on-line registration will close on October 12, 2007. The on-line meeting registration can be found at:


7.0 Adjournment

Minutes prepared by:

Lisa Glavan: lglavan@



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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