Autumn 1988

Living the Therapeutic Touch: Healing as a Lifestyle by Dolores Krieger

Therapeutic Touch: A Practical Guide by Janet Macrae

Diet for a New America by John Robbins

The Search for The Beloved: Journeys in Sacred Psychology by Jean Houston

Godseed: The Journey of Christ by Jean Houston

Winter 1988

Old Age by Helen M. Luke

The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in Our Time by Marilyn Ferguson and Jeremy P. Tarcher

The New Age: Notes of a Fringe Watcher by Martin Gardner

Otherworld Journeys: Accounts of Near-Death Experience in Medieval and Modern Times by Carol Zaleski

Channeling: Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources by Jon Klimo and Jeremy P. TarcheR

Spring 1989

Adam, Eve, and the Serpent by Elaine Pagels

Other Peoples' Myths: The Cave of Echoes by Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty

Many Mansions: A Christian's Encounter with Other Faiths by Harvey Cox

Unitive Thinking by Tom McArthur

Summer 1989

New World, New Mind: Moving Toward Conscious Evolution, by Robert Ornstein and Paul Ehrlich

Autum 1989

The Nag Hammadi Library in English, Third, Completely Revised Edition edited by James M. Robinson.

The Chakras and the Human Energy Fields, by Shafica Karagulla, M. D., and Dora van Gelder Kunz

Winter 1989

The Upside Down Circle: Zen Laughter by Zen Master Don Gilbert

Jung: A biography by Gerhard Wehr

Spring 1990

The Trial of Socrates by I. F. Stone

Summer 1990

The Goddess Within: A Guide to the Eternal Myths that Shape Women's Lives by Jennifer Barker Woolger and Roger J. Woolger

Immortal Sisters: Secrets of Taoist Women translated and edited by Thomas Cleary

New Religions and the Theological Imagination in America by Mary Farrell Bednarowski

Autumn 1990

Philosophy Gone Wild by Holmes Rolston

The Way Of The Lover: The Awakening & Embodiment of the Full Human by Robert Augustus Masters

The Jefferson Bible by Thomas Jefferson,

Winter 1990

Spiritual Ecology: A Guide to Reconnection with Nature by Jim Nollman

Mother Earth Spirituality: Native American Paths to Healing Ourselves and Our World by Ed McGaa, Eagle Man

Dharma Gaia: A Harvest of Essays in Buddhism and Ecology edited by Allan Hunt Badiner

Sacred Places: How the Living Earth Seeks Our Friendship by James A. Swan

Waiting for the Martian Express: Cosmic Visitors, Earth Warriors, Luminous Dreams by Richard Grossinger

Words to Live By: Inspirations for Every Day by Eknath Easwaran

Spring 1991

Imaginary Landscape: Making Worlds of Myth and Science by William Irwin Thompson

Circular Evidence by Pat Delgado and Colin Andrews

The Eye of the Heart: Portraits of Passionate Spirituality by Harry W. Paige

Summer 1991

The Language of the Goddess by Marija Gimbutas

The Once and Future Goddess: A Symbol for Our Time by Elinor W. Gadon

The Heart of the Goddess by Hallie Iglehart Austen

For the Love of God: New Writings by Spiritual and Psychological Leaders, edited by Benjamin Shield and Richard Carlson

In The Footsteps of Gandhi: Conversations with Spiritual Social Activists by Catherine Ingram

The Fireside Treasury of Light: An Anthology of the Best in New Age Literature edited by Mary Olsen Kelly

A New Creation: America’s Contemporary Spiritual Voices edited by Roger S. Gottlieb

At the Leading Edge: New Visions of Science, Spirituality and Society by Michael Toms

Iron John: A Book About Men by Robert Bly

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette

Freedom in Exile: The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama by the Dalai Lama

Ocean of Wisdom: Guidelines for Living by the Dalai Lama

To the Lion Throne: The Story of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama by Whitney Stewart

White Lotus: An Introduction to Tibetan Culture edited by Carole Eichert

Cutting Through Appearances: Practice and Theory of Tibetan Buddhism by Geshe Lhundup Sopa and Jeffrey Hopkins

Taming the Monkey Mind by Thubden Chodron

Reaching for the Moon by Kenneth W. Morgan

Healing, Health, and Transformation by Elaine R. Ferguson,

Prayers of the Cosmos: Meditations on the Aramaic Words of Jesus by Neil Douglas-Klotz

Autumn 1991

The Yoga of the Christ by Ravi Ravindra

Science and Spirit edited by Ravi Ravindra

Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D

Reimagination of the World: A Critique of the New Age, Science, and Popular Culture by David Spangler and William Irwin Thompson

Winter 1991

Grace and Grit: Spirituality and Healing in the Life and Death of Treya Killam Wilber by Ken Wilber

The Earth Mother: Legends, Ritual Arts, and Goddesses of India by Pupul Jayakar

Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt by John Anthony West

The Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt by John Anthony West

Spring 1992

Holy Madness: The Shock Tactics & Radical Teachings of Crazy-Wise Adepts, Holy Fools, & Rascal Gurus by Georg Feuerstein

Biosphere Politics: A New Consciousness for a New Century by Jeremy Rifkin

On a Spaceship with Beelzebub: By a Grandson of Gurdjieff by David Kherdian

Summer 1992

Sacred Paths: Essays on Wisdom, Love and Mystical Realization by Georg Feuerstein

Food for Solitude: Menus and Meditations to Heal Body, Mind and Soul by Francine Schill

The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas that have Shaped Our World View by Richard Tarnas

Autumn 1992

Being-In-Dreaming: An Initiation into the Sorcerer's World by Florinda Donner

Lila: An Inquiry into Morals by Robert M. Pirsig

How Like an Angel Came I Down: Conversations with Children on the Gospels by Bronson Alcott edited by Alice O. Howell

The Spiritual Life of Children by Robert Coles

The First Buddhist Women: Translations and Commentary on the Therigatha by Susan Murcott

Winter 1992

Unconditional Life: Mastering the Forces that Shape Personal Reality by Deepak Chopra

Profiles in Wisdom: Native Elders Speak About the Earth by Steven McFadden

A Fire in the Mind: The Life of Joseph Campbell by Stephen and Robin Larsen

Matter and Mind: Imaginative Participation in Science by Stephen Edelglass, Georg Maier, Hans Gebert and John Davy

Spring 1993

H.P.B.: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the Founder of the Modem Theosophical Movement by Sylvia Cranston

Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life by Thomas Moore

Facing the World With Soul: A Re-imagination of Modern Life by Robert Sardello

Burma: The Next Killing Fields? by Alan Clements

Summer 1993

The Case for Astrology by John Anthony West

Carmina Gadelica: Hymns& Incantations Collected in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland in the Last Century by Alexander Carmichael

Arktos: The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival by Joscelyn Godwin

A Rosicrucian Notebook: The Secret Sciences Used by Members of the Order by Willy Schrodter

Meister Eckhart: The Mystic as Theologian by Robert K. C. Forman

Magical And Mystical Sites: Europe and the British Isles by Elizabeth Pepper and John Wilcock

Autumn 1993

The Fruitful Darkness: Reconnecting with the Body of the Earth by Joan Halifax

The Eight Gates of Zen: Spiritual Training in an American Zen Monastery by John Daido Loori

Islands of the Dawn: The Story of Alternative Spirituality in New Zealand by Robert S. Ellwood

Winter 1993

Great Song: The Life and Teachings of Joe Miller by edited with an introduction by Richard Power

The Strange Life of P. D. Ouspensky by Colin Wilson

Wholeness or Transcendence: Ancient Lessons for the Emerging Global Civilization by Georg Feuerstein

Spring 1994

Cosmic Consciousness Revisited: The Modern Origins and Development of a Western Spiritual Psychology by Robert M. May

The Making of a Mystic: Seasons in the Life of Teresa of Avila by Francis L. Gross, Jr., with Toni Perior Gross

The Spiritual Athlete compiled and edited by Ray Berry

Summer 1994

The Transcendental Universe: Six Lectures on Occult Science, Theosophy, and the Catholic Faith by C. G. Harrison, edited by Christopher Bamford

The Healing Path: A Soul Approach to Illness by Marc Ian Barasch

Evolution's End: Claiming the Potential of Our Intelligence by Joseph Chilton Pearce

Autumn 1994

Three Books of Occult Philosophy By Henry Comelius Agrippa of Nettesheim edited and annotated by Donald Tyson

Understanding the Present: Science and the Soul of Modern Man by Bryan Appleyard

Winter 1994

Postmodern Ethics by Zygmunt Bauman

The Morality of Pluralism by John Kekes

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

Music and the Mind by Anthony Storr

The Parabola Book of Healing, introduction by Lawrence E. Sullivan

Rituals of Healing: Using Imagery for Health and Wellness by Jeanne Achterberg, Barbara Dossey and Leslie Kolkmeir

Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and The Practice of Medicine by Larry Dossey

Spring 1995

The Masters Revealed: Madame Blavatsky and the Myth of the Great White Lodge by K. Paul Johnson

Mysticism: Its History and Challenge by Bruno Borchert

Spiritual Politics by Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson

The Imagination of Pentecost Rudolf Steiner and Contemporary Spirituality by Richard Leviton

Wise Women of The Dreamtime: Aboriginal Tales of the Ancestral Powers collected by K. Langloh Parker, edited by Johanna Lambert

Summer 1995

Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution by Ken Wilber

The River by Ma Jaya Sali Bhagavali

Homage to Pythagoras: Rediscovering Sacred Science edited by Christopher Bamford

Autumn 1995

Krishnamurti-Love and Freedom: Approaching a Mystery by Peter Michel

Hymns to an Unknown God: Awakening the Spirit in Everyday Life by Sam Keen

The World's Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World's Religions by Philip Nova

Navajo and Tibetan Sacred Wisdom: The Circle of the Spirit by Peter Gold

Winter 1995

The Self-Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World by Amit Goswami

Love and the Soul: Creating a Future for Earth by Robert Sardella

The Power of Place: How Our Surroundings Shape Our Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions by Winifred Gallagher

Prometheus the Awakener: An Essay on the Archetypal Meaning of the Planet Uranus by Richard Tarnas

Suggestions for Thought by Florence Nightingale edited by Michael D. Calabria and Janet A. Macrae

Tirumandiram: A Classic of Yoga and Tantra by Siddhar Tirumular with notes by B. Natarajan, edited by M. Govindan

Spring 1996

Living Buddha Zen by Lex Hixon

New Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science edited by Willis Harman with Jane Clark

Chaos, Gaia, Eros: A Chaos Pioneer Uncovers the Great Streams of History by Ralph Abraham

The Balance of Nature's Polarities In New-Paradigm Theory by Dirk Dunbar

Structures of Consciousness by Georg Feuerstein

Summer 1996

The Tale of the Incomparable Prince Mdoc Mkhar Tshe Ring Dbang Rgyal, translated by Beth Newman

A Brief History of Everything by Ken Wilber

A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art, and Science by Michael S. Schneider

God Talks with Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita. Royal Science of God-Realization by Parahmahansa Yogananda

The Ultimate Maze Book by David Anson Russo

Autumn 1996

A Mythic Life by Jean Houston

Peripheral Visions by Mary Catherine Bateson

The Way of the Explorer: Art Apollo Astronaut's Journey through the Material and Mystical Worlds by Edgar Mitchell, with Dwight Williams

A Parliament Of Souls: In Search of Global Spirituality edited by Michael Tobias, Jane Morrison and Bettina Gray

Winter 1996

The Shambhala Guide to Yoga by Georg Feuerstein

Science, Paradox, and The Moebius Principle: The Evolution of a 'Transcultural' Approach to Wholeness by Steven M. Rosen

January 1997

The Theosophical Enlightenment by Joscelyn Godwin

Realization, Enlightenment and the Life of Rapture by A. E. I. Falconar

January 1997 and June 1997

The New Age Movement: The Celebration of the Self and the Sacralization of Modernity by Paul Heelas

February 1997

K. Paul Johnson's House of Cards? A Critical Examination of Johnson's Thesis on the Theosophical Masters Morya and Koot Hoomi by Daniel H. Caldwell

Technical Terms in Stanza II by David Reigle

March 1997

Spiritual Literacy: Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Mary's Vineyard: Meditations, Readings, and Revelations by Andrew Harvey and Eryk Hanut

Handbook for the Soul edited by Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield

Handbook for the Heart edited by Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield

april 1997

A Doctor's Guide to Therapeutic Touch by Susan Wager

June 1997

Coming into Being: Artifacts and Texts in the Evolution of Consciousness by William Irwin Thompson

The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas

The Philosophy of Classical Yoga by Georg Feuerstein

Henry A. Wallace: His Search for a New World Order by Graham White and John Maze

July 1997

How to Use Your Nous by A. E. I. Falconar

A Treatise on The Pâramîs, from the Commentary to the Cariyâpitaka by Acariya Dhammapala, translated by Bhikkhu Bodi

Medical Intuition: How to Combine Inner Resources With Modern Medicine by Ruth Berger

Les Histoires de Gopal by Louis Moliné translated by Edith Deri

August 1997

The Origins of Freemasonry: Scotland's Century, 1590-1710 by David Stevenson

Autumn 1997

Anger, Madness, And the Daimonic: The Psychological Genesis of Violence, Evil, and Creativity by Stephan A. Diamond

Obscenity, Anarchy, Reality by Crispin Sartwell

Winter 1997

God Is A Verb: Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Buddhism by Rabbi David Cooper

The Metaphysics of Star Trek by Richard Hanley

January 1998

Cumulative Index to Lucifer, Volumes I-XX compiled by Ted G. Davy

Spring 1998

African Exodus: The Origins of Modern Humanity by Christopher Stringer and Robin McKie

Eco Homo: How the Human Being Emerged from the Cataclysmic History of the Earth by Noel T. Boaz

The Symbolic Species: The Co-Evolution of Language and the Brain by Terrence W. Deacon

Thinking about the Earth: A History of Ideas in Geology by David R. Oldroyd

Summer 1998

Spiritualism in Antebellum America by Bret E. Carroll

Tarot and the Tree of Life: Finding Everyday Wisdom in the Minor Arcana by Isabel Radow Kliegman

Choice Centered Tarot by Gail Fairfield

Graceful Exits: How Great Beings Die edited by Sushila Blackman

June 1998

The Psychic Revolution of The 20th Century and our Psychic Senses by Claire G. Walker

The Secret Doctrine: Index by John P. Van Mater

The Secret Doctrine: Electronic Book Edition by Ed. Vincente Hao Chin, Jr.

July 1998

H. P. Blavatsky and The Spr: An Examination of the Hodgson Report of 1885 by Vernon Harrison

October 1998

Sōd: The Son of the Man by S. F Dunlap

Autumn 1998

The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions edited by John Bowker

The Analects of Confucius: A Literal Translation with an Introduction and Notes by Chichung Huang

Lucid Waking: Mindfulness and the Spiritual Potential of Humanity by Georg Feuerstein

Angels in A Harsh World by Don Bradley

Winter 1998

Love & Survival: The Scientific Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy by Dean Ornish

The Mozart Effect: Tapping the Power of Music to Heal the Body, Strengthen the Mind, and Unlock the Creative Spirit by Don Campbell

Poetic Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem-Making by John Fox

Facing Death and Finding Hope: A Guide to the Emotional and Spiritual Care of the Dying by Christine Longaker

Perfect Endings: A Conscious Approach to Dying and Death by Robert Sachs

After Death: How People around the World Map the Journey after Life by Sukie Miller

The Book of Enlightened Masters: Western Teachers in Eastern Traditions by Andrew Rawlinson

The Nine Stages of Spiritual Apprenticeship: Understanding the Student-Teacher Relationship by Greg Bogart

On Common Ground: World Religions in America by Diana L. Eck

January/February 1999

Why Christianity Must Change or Die: A Bishop Speaks to Believers in Exile by John Shelby Spong

Yoga and the Teaching of Krishna: Essays on the Indian Spiritual Traditions by Ravi Ravindra

Christ the Yogi: A Hindu Reflection on the Gospel of John by Ravi Ravindra

Unfinished Animal: The Aquarian Frontier and the Evolution of Consciousness by Theodore Roszak

March/April 1999

The Best Guide to Meditation by Victor N. Davich

Twenty-Five Doors to Meditation: A Handbook for Entering Samadhi by William Bodri and Lee Shu·Mei

The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict between Word and Image by Leonard Shlain

Emerson Among the Eccentrics: A Group Portrait by Carlos Baker

Emerson: The Mind on Fire by Robert D. Rlchardson, Jr

Walt Whitman's America: A Cultural Biography by David S. Reynolds

May/June 1999

Victorian Fairy Painting by Ed. Jane Martineau

The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy and Practice by Georg Feuerstein

Other Creations: Rediscovering the Spirituality of Animals by Christopher Manes

Becoming Osiris: The Ancient Egyptian Death Experience by Ruth Schumann-Antelme and Stephane Rossini

July/August 1999

O Lanoo! The Secret Doctrine Unveiled by Harvey Tordoff

The Common Vision: Parenting and Educating for Wholeness by David Marshak

Holistic Science and Human Values, transactions 3 by Theosophy Science Centre

September/October 1999

Apparitions of The Self: The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan Visionary: A Translation and Study of Jigme Lingpa's Dancing Moon in the Water and Dakki’s Grand Secret-Talk by Janet Gyatso

Labrang: A Tibetan Buddhist Monastery at the Crossroads of Four Civilizations by Paul Kocol Nietupski

Healing From The Heart: A Leading Heart Surgeon Explores the Power of Complementary Medicine by Mehmet Oz, with Ron Arias and Lisa Oz

The Couch and the Tree: Dialogues in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism edited by Anthony Molino

The Books in My Life by Colin Wilson

November/December 1999

For the Time Being by Annie Dillard

Essential Sufism edited by James Fadiman and Robert Frager

Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy, an Introduction to Hindu Tantrism by Georg Feuerstein

January/February 2000

Forest of Visions: Ayahuasca, Amazonian Spirituality, and the Santo Daime Tradition by Alex Polari de Alverga

Reading the Bible: An Introduction by Richard G. Walsh

Atlantis: The Andes Solution: The Discovery of South America as The Legendary Continent of Atlantis

J. M. Allen

March/April 2000

Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations by Robert M. Schoch with Robert A. McNally

Innocence and Decadence: Flowers in Northern European Art 1880-1914 by Chichester

The Politics of Myth: A Study of C. G. Jung, Mircea Eliade, and Joseph Campbell by Robert Ellwood

May/June 2000

H.P.B.: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky, Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement by Sylvia Cranston and Carey Williams

The Seekers: The Story of Man's Continuing Quest to Understand His World by Daniel J. Boorstin

Mysticism, Mind, Consciousness by Robert K. C. Forman

Celebrate!: A Look at Calendars and the Ways We Celebrate by Margo Westrheim

The Rosicrucians: The History, Mythology, and Rituals of an Esoteric Order by Christopher Mcintosh

July/August 2000

Adyar: The International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society. Introduction by Radha Burnier

Adyar: Historical Notes and Features up to 1934 by Mary K. Neff, Henry S. Olcott, Annie Besant, Ernest Wood, J. Krishnamurti, George S. Arundale.

Mary Moody Emerson and the Origins of Transcendentalism by Phyllis Cole

God in Concord: Ralph Waldo Emerson's Awakening to the Infinite by Richard Geldard

Asian Religions in America: A Documentary History by Ed. Thomas A. Tweed and Stephen Prothero

The Secret Doctrine of the Kabbalah: Recovering the Key to Hebraic Sacred Science by Leonora Leet

The Clouds Should Know Me by Now: Buddhist Poet Monks of China edited by Red Pine and Mike O'Connor

Realizing Emptiness: The Madhyamaka Cultivation of Insight by Gen Lamrimpa

Subtle Wisdom: Understanding Suffering, Cultivating Compassion through Ch'an Buddhism by Master Sheng-yen

The Last Laugh: A New Philosophy of Near-Death Experiences, Apparitions, and the Paranormal by Raymond A. Moody Jr.

The Eastern Christian Churches: A Brief Survey by Ronald Roberson

Vedanta and Shelley by S. R. Swaminathan

The Mission of Art by Alex Grey

Inner Revolution: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Real Happiness by Robert Thurman

The Knight in Rusty Armor by Robert Fisher

Teachings of Yoga edited by Georg Feuerstein

Waking Up in Time: Finding Inner Peace in Times of Accelerating Change by Peter Russell

Mahabharata: The Greatest Spiritual Epic of All Time by Krishna Dharma (Kenneth Anderson)

The Gift: A Magical Story about Caring for the Earth by Isia Osuchowska

Her Father's Garden by James Vollbracht

Prince Siddhartha: The Story of Buddha by Jonathan Landaw and Janet Brooke

Two Views of Mind: Abhidharma and Brain Science by Christopher deCharms

Encyclopedia of Transcendentalism edited by Wesley T Mott

Biographical Dictionary of Transcendentalism edited by Wesley T Mott

American Transcendentalism and Asian Religions by Arthur Versluis

Transcendental Hermeneutics: Institutional Authority and the Higher Criticism of the Bible by Richard A. Grusin

Jung's Circle of Women: The Valkyries by Maggy Anthony York Beach

September/October 2000

The Shambhala Encyclopedia of Yoga by Georg Feuerstein

How Large is God? Voices of Scientists and Theologians by John Marks Templeton

The Elusive Messiah: A Philosophical Overview of the Quest for the Historical Jesus by Raymond Martin

The Concept of Universal Religion in Modern Hindu Thought by Arvind Sharma

One Taste: The Journals of Ken Wilber

The Whispering Pond: A Personal Guide to the Emerging Vision of Science by Ervin Laszlo

Monastic Journey to India by M. Basil Pennington

Confucius Lives Next Door: What Living in the East Teaches Us about Living in the West by T. R. Reid

November/December 2000

The Temples of Karnak by R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz

Ai-Kemi: Hermetic, Occult, Political, and Private Aspects of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz by Andre VandenBroeck

At The Corner of East and Now: A Modern Life in Ancient Christian Orthodoxy by Frederica Mathewes-Green

Parent as Mystic, Mystic as Parent by David Spangler

January/February 2001

The Mystery Schools by Grace F. Knoche

The Golden Dawn Scrapbook: The Rise and Fall of a Magical Order by R. A. Gilbert

Food for Thought by Adam Moledina

The Mythic Journey: The Meaning of Myth as a Guide for Life by Liz Greene and Juliet Sharman-Burke

Hidden Wisdom: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions by Richard Smoley and Jay Kinne

Western Esotericism and The Science Of Religion: Selected Papers Presented at the 17th Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, Mexico City 1995, Ed. Antoine Faivre and Wouter J. Hanegraaff

The Flowering of Mysticism: Men and Women in the New Mysticism, 1200-1350 by Bernard McGinn

Lightposts for Living: The Art of Choosing a Joyful Life by Thomas Kinkade

Vehicles of Consciousness: The Concept of Hylic Pluralism (Ochêma) by J. J. Poortman

Outposts of the Spirit by William M. Justice

Son of Man by Andrew Harvey Boulder

Rumi: Voice of Longing by Coleman Barks

Poems of Rumi by Robert Bly and Coleman Barks

Love Is Fire and I Am Wood: The Sufi's Mystical Journey Home by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Divine Bliss: Sacred Songs of Devotion from the Heart of India by Shri Anandi Ma

B'ismillah: Highlights from the Fes Festival of World Sacred Music

Shaman, Jhankri, and Nele: Music Healers of Indigenous Cultures by Pat Moffitt Cook

March/April 2001

Cassadaga: The South's Oldest Spiritualist Community edited by John J. Guthrie, Jr. Philip Charles Lucas and Gary Monroe

The Incredible Births of Jesus by Edward Reaugh Smith

Physician: Medicine and the Unsuspected Battle for Human Freedom by Richard Leviton

Other Worlds, Other Beings: A Personal Essay on Habitual Thought by Lathel F. Duffield, with Camilla Lynn Duffield

May/June 2001

Afterwards, You're A Genius: Faith, Medicine, and the Metaphysics of Healing by Chip Brown

The Journal of Spiritual Astrology by Ed. Alexander Markin.

Theosophy as the Masters See It: As Outlined in the Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom by Clara M. Codd

Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle by Daniel Stashower

Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing by Russell Targ and Jane Katra

Mind Science: An East-West Dialogue, The Dalai Lama et al, edited by Daniel Goleman and Robert A. F. Thurman

Letter to a Man in the Fire: Does God Exist and Does He Care? by Reynolds Price

Relax, It's Only a Ghost: My Adventures with Spirits, Hauntings, and Things That Go Bump in the Night by Echo L. Bodine

The Lives and Liberation of Princess Mandarava: The Indian Consort of Padmasambhava translated by Lama Chonam and Sangye Khandro

July/August 2001

American Dreamer: The Life and Times of Henry A. Wallace by John C. Culver and John Hyde

Future Memory by P. M. H. Atwater

Kalachakra Tantra: Rite of Initiation: For the Stage of Generation. A commentary on the text of Kay·drup·ge·lek-bel·sang·bo by Tenzin Gyatso, the fourteenth Dalai Lama, and the text itself. Edited and translated by Jeffrey Hopkins

Realizing the Self Within by Sue Prescott

Historical Dictionary of Hinduism by Bruce M. Sullivan

Historical Dictionary of Judaism by Norman Solomon

Historical Dictionary of Taoism by Julian F. Pas, in cooperation with Man Kam Leung

Historical Dictionary of The Baha'i Fa by Hugh C. Adamson and Philip Hainsworth

To Bathe In the Golden River of Love: Lessons of Death by a Registered Nurse by E. V. Elam

The Monk and The Philosopher: A Father and Son Discuss the Meaning of Life by Jean-Francois Revel and Matthieu Ricard

September/October 2001

John Dee's Conversations with Angels: Cabala, Alchemy, and the End of Nature by Deborah E. Harkness

Science and The Sacred by Ravi Ravindra

The Practice of Mahamudra: The Teachings of His Holiness, The Drikung Kyabgon, Chetsang Rinpoche by Ed. Ani K. Trinlay

The Sacred Art of Shakespeare: To Take upon Us the Mystery of Things by Martin Lings

Yoga for Wellness: Healing with the Timeless Teachings of Viniyoga by Gary Kraftsow

Martial Arts Teaching Tales of Power and Paradox: Freeing the Mind, Focusing Chi, and Mastering the Self by Pascal Fauliot

Rogue Messiahs: Tales of Self-Proclaimed Saviors by Colin Wilson.

Sources of the Grail: An Anthology, Selected and introduced by John Matthews

All is One Life: Golden Moments of Insight, Inspiration, and Awareness by Bert Gerlitz

Religions of the World by Huston Smith

November/December 2001

The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky collected by Daniel H. Caldwell

The Mystic Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World's Religions by Wayne Teasdale

An Introduction to Comparative Philosophy: A Travel Guide to Philosophical Space by Waiter Benesch

A Greater Psychology: An Introduction to Sri Aurobindo's Psychological Thought by Aurobindo Ghose

Essentials of Significant Living by Elmore Giles, Jr

The Art of Spiritual Warfare: A Guide to Lasting Inner Peace Based on Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" by Grant Schnarr

History of Energy Transference: Exploring the Foundations of Modern Healing by Willy Schrodter

Altars: Bringing Sacred Shrines into Your Everyday Life by Denise Linn

The Way of the Saints: Prayers, Practices, and Meditations by Tom Cowan

The Awakening of Freddy Tadpole: A Story for Seekers of All Ages by Victor B. Eichler

January/February 2002

The Foundations of Tibetan Buddhism: The Gem Ornament of Manifold Oral Instructions Which Benefits Each and Everyone Accordingly by H. E. Kalu Rinpoche

Freud, Jung, and Spiritual Psychology by Rudolf Steiner

Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions by Ed. Wendy Doniger

When Oracles Speak: Understanding the Signs and Symbols All around Us by Dianne Skafte

Visitations from the Afterlife: True Stories of Love and Healing by Lee Lawson

Budo Secrets: Teachings of the Martial Arts Masters by Ed. John Stevens

A New Religious America: How a "Christian Country" Has Now Become the World's Most Religiously Diverse Nation by Diana L. Eck

The Odyssey of A New Religion: The Holy Order of MANS from New Age to Orthodoxy by Phillip Charles Lucas

Circling the Sacred Mountain: A Spiritual Adventure through the Himalayas by Robert Thurman and Tad Wise

Riding Windhorses: A Journey into the Heart of Mongolian Shamanism by Sarangerel

March/April 2002

Emerson in His Sermons: A Man-Made Self by Susan L. Roberson

Emersonian Circles: Essays in Honor of Joel Myerson edited by Wesley T. Moll and Robert E. Burkholder

The Spiritual Teachings of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Richard G. Geldard

The Zen of Listening: Mindful Communication in the Age of Distraction by Rebecca Z. Shafir

Ethics for the New Millennium by the Dalai Lama

Spiritual Marketplace: Baby Boomers and the Remaking of American Religion by Wade Clark Roof

Blake, Jung, and The Collective Unconscious: The Conflict between Reason and Imagination by June Singer

The Crystal and The Way of Light: Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu

The Atlantis Blueprint: Unlocking the Ancient Mysteries of a Long-Lost Civilization by Colin Wilson and Rand Flem-Ath

Wandering Joy: Meister Eckhart's Mystical Philosophy translated by Reiner Schurmann

May/June 2002

Nature's Open Secret: Introductions to Goethe's Scientific Writings by Rudolph Steiner

The Nature of Music: Beauty, Sound, And Healing by Maureen McCarthy Draper

Verses from the Center: A Buddhist Vision of the Sublime by Stephen Batchelor

The Veneration of Life: Through the Disease to the Soul by John Diamond

Ancient Egyptian Mysticism and Its Relevance Today by John Van Auken

On the Meaning of the Mahabharatra by V. S. Sukthankar

The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist's Guide to Enlightenment by Amit Goswami

The Traveler's Key to Ancient Greece: A Guide to Sacred Places by Richard G. Geldard

Have You Been To Delphi? Tales of The Ancient Oracle For Modern Minds by Roger Lipsey

Remembering Heraclitus by Richard G. Geldard

July/August 2002

The Buddhist and Theosophical Movements, 1873-2001 by C. V. Agarwal

Buddhism with an Attitude: The Tibetan Seven-Point Mind-Training by B. Alan Wallace

Mystics, Masters, Saints, and Sages: Stories of Enlightenment by Robert Ullman and Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman

Touching My Father's Soul: A Sherpa's Journey to the Top of Everest by Jamling Tenzing Norgay with Broughton Coburn

Still the Mind: An Introduction to Meditation by Alan Watts

Unconditional Bliss: Finding Happiness in the Face of Hardship by Howard Raphael Cushnir

Jesus Through Jewish Eyes: Rabbis and Scholars Engage an Ancient Brother in a New Conversation edited by Beatrice Bruteau

September/October 2002

Healing Lazarus: A Buddhist's Journey from Near Death to New Life by Lewis Richmond

The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and Stories in Islamic Literature edited and translated by Tarif Khalidi

The Ways and Power of Love: Types, Factors, and Techniques of Moral Transformation by Pitirim A. Sorokin

Life Lessons: Two Experts on Death and Dying Teach Us about the Mysteries of Life and Living by

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessler

The Annotated Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum

Heart, Self, & Soul: The Sufi Psychology of Growth, Balance, and Harmony by Robert Frager

The Essential Aurobindo: Writings of Sri Aurobindo by Ed. Robert A. McDermott

In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and How It Changed a Nation, a Language, and a Culture by Alister E. McGrath.

Zen Master Class: A Course in Zen Wisdom from Traditional Masters by Stephen Hodge

November/December 2002

The Beejum Book by Alice O. Howell

Ésotérisme, Gnoses & Imaginaire Symbolique: Mélanges offerts a Antoine Faivre edited by Richard Caron, Joscelyn Godwin, Wouter J. Hanegraaff, and Jean-Louis Vieillared-Baron

Coming Back to Life: The After-Effects of the Near-Death Experience revised and updated by P. M. H. Atwater

January/February 2003

Jung: A Journey of Transformation by Vivianne Crowley

The Esoteric Origins of the American Renaissance by Arthur Versluis

Nature Loves To Hide: Quantum Physics and the Nature of Reality, a Western Perspective by Shimon Malin

Confucianism: A Short Introduction by John H. and Evelyn Nagai Berthrong

The Way of Virtue: An Ancient Remedy to Heal the Modern Soul by James Vollbracht

The Wisdom of Confucius translated by William Jennings

The Wisdom of the Confucians by Compo Zhou Xun with T. H. Barrett

The Pk Man: A True Story of Mind over Matter by Jeffrey Mishlove

Fighting the Waves: The Wandering Peacemaker by Roger Plunk

March/April 2003

Within Time and Beyond Time: A Festschrift for Pearl King by Ed. Riccardo Steiner and Jennifer Johns

The Hidden Gospel: Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Aramaic Jesus by Neil Douglas-Klotz

The Spirituality of Success: Getting Rich with Integrity by Vincent M. Roazzi

Alchemical Psychology: Old Recipes for Living in a New World by Thom F. Cavalii

Heart without Measure: Work with Madame de Salzmann by Ravi Ravindra

Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing by Stephan A. Hoeller

The Fall Of Sophia: A Gnostic Text on the Redemption of Universal Consciousness translated with commentary by Violet MacDermot

Spirit and Art: Pictures of the Transformation of Consciousness by Van James

May/June 2003

The Mandaeans, the Last Gnostics by Edmonda Lupieri

The Fall of Sophia: A Gnostic Text on the Redemption of Universal Consciousness by Violet MacDermot

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene by Jean-Yves Leloup

In Search Of The Unitive Vision: Letters of Sri Madhava Ashish to an American Businessman 1978-1997 compiled by Seymour B. Ginsburg

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Buddhist Wisdom by Gill Farrer-Halls

Luminous Emptiness: Understanding the Tibetan Book of the Dead by Francesca Fremantle

The Mind of the Universe: Understanding Science and Religion by Mariano Artigas

Alive in God's World: Human Life on Earth and in Heaven as Described in the Visions of Joa Bolendas by Joa Bolendas

The Rivers of Paradise: Moses, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muhammad as Religious Founders edited by David Noel Freedman and Michael J.McClymond

The New Buddhism: The Western Transformation of an Ancient Tradition by James William Coleman

Pilgrimage: Twenty Journeys to Inspire the Soul by David Souden

Extraordinary People Who Changed the World in The Past Century by Ed. Ira Rifkin

July/August 2003

The Summer Solstice: Celebrating the Journey of the Sun from May Day to Harvest by John Matthews

Bhagavad Gita: Annotated and Explained translated by Shri Purohit Swami

Healing Beyond the Body: Medicine and the Infinite Reach of the Mind by Larry Dossey

The Power of Partnership: Seven Relationships That Will Change Your Life by Riane Eisler

Sacred Trees: Spirituality, Wisdom, and Well-Being by Nathaniel Altman

The Buddha by Karen Armstrong

Buddhism and the Emerging World Civilization edited by Ramakrishna Puligandla and David Lee Miller

The Oneness/Otherness Mystery: The Synthesis of Science and Mysticism by Sutapas Bhattacharya

From The Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race by Andrew Collins

The Last Barrier: A Journey through the World of Sufi Teaching by Reshad Field

Art Treasures of the Mahabharata by Bhaktisiddhanta

Meeting God: Elements of Hindu Devotion by Stephen P. Huyler

Born In Lhasa: The Autobiography of Namgyal Lhamo Taklha by Namgyal Lhamo Taklha

September/October 2003

The Psychology of War by Lawrence LeShan

War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning by Chris Hedges

From Science to God: A Physicist's Journey in the Mystery of Consciousness by Peter Russell

Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom, Bride of God by Cait1in Matthews

To Light a Thousand Lamps by Grace Knoche

Psychosynthesis: A Psychology of the Spirit by John Firman and Ann Gila

November/December 2003

The Hebrew God: Portrait of an Ancient Deity by Bernhard Lang

Radical Optimism: Practical Spirituality in an Uncertain World by Beatrice Bruteau

Lighting the Lamp of Wisdom: A Week Inside a Yoga Ashram by John Ittner

Intellectual Traditions in Islam by Ed. Farhad Daftary

Spiritual Perspectives on Globalization by Ira Rifkin

Spiritual Perspectives on America's Role As Superpower by Ed. Skylight Paths

January/February 2004

Pagan Theology: Paganism as a World Religion by Michael York

Samadhi: The Highest State of Wisdom, Vol. I. by Swami Rama

A Concise Encyclopedia of The Philosophy of Religion by Anthony C. Thiselton

Reading the Pentateuch by John J. McDermott

March/April 2004

A Secret History of Consciousness by Gary Lachman

Rumi: Gazing at the Beloved by Will Johnson

Sake & Satori: Asian Journals-Japan by Joseph Campbell

The Dawn of the New Cycle: Point Lama Theosophists and American Culture by W. Michael Ashcraft

May/June 2004

Holidays and Holy Nights: Celebrating Twelve Seasonal Festivals of the Christian Year by Christopher Hill

Selections From The Gospel Of Sri Ramakrishna by Swami Nikhilananda.

Hildegard of Bingen's Spiritual Remedies by Dr. Wighard Strehlow

Friends on The Path: Living Spiritual Communities by Thich Nhat Hanh, compiled by Jack Lawlor

Yoga Hotel: Stories by Maura Moynihan

I Ching: An Annotated Bibliography by Edward Hacker, Steve Moore and Lorraine Petsco

July/August 2004

A Walk with Four Spiritual Guides: Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Ramakrishna by Andrew Harvey

Ehyeh: A Kabbalah for Tomorrow by Arthur Green

Jonathan Edwards's Philosophy of History: The Reenchantment of The World In The Age of Enlightenment by Avihu Zakai

September/October 2004

A Sense of The Cosmos: Scientific Knowledge and Spiritual Truth by Jacob Needleman

Women of Sufism: A Hidden Treasure edited by Camille Adams Helminski

Secret Doctrine Questions and Answers by Geoffrey A. Barborka

The Extravagant Universe by Robert P. Kirshner

The Secret Teachings of All Ages: Reader's Edition by Manly P. Hall

November/December 2004

The Oxford Dictionary of Classical Myth and Religion edited by Simon Price and Emily Kearns

Universal Kabbalah: Dawn of a New Consciousness by Sheldon, Jesse, and Lorraine Stoff

The Wayfarers: The Spiritual Journeys of Nicholas and Helena Roerich by Ruth Drayer

Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas by Elaine Pagels

Wilhelm Reich: Psychoanalyst and Radical Naturalist by Robert S. Corrington

Meditations for the Humanist: Ethics for a Secular Age by A. G. Grayling

Meditation and Its Practices: A Definitive Guide to Techniques and Traditions of Meditation In Yoga and Vedanta by Swami Adiswarananda

January/February 2005

The Spirit of Early Christian Thought: Seeking the Face of God by Robert Louis Wilken

Dancing with Chaos by Patricia Monaghan

The Wonderful World of Zen: The Golden Age of Zen: Zen Masters of The Tang Dynasty by

John C. H. Wu

March/April 2005

Limitless Mind by Russell Targ

The Song of Songs: A Spiritual Commentary by M. Basil Pennington

Cycles of Faith: The Development of the World's Religions by Robert Ellwood

May/June 2005

Prayers to an Evolutionary God by William Cleary

The Process of Self-Transformation: Mastery of the Self and Awakening Our Higher Potentials by Vincente Hao Chin, Jr

In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius In The Shadow of Gurdjieff by Gary Lachman

Gurdjieff: An Introduction to His Life and Ideas by John Shirley

July/August 2005

What The Bleep Do We Know!? DVD Fox Home Entertainment

Helena Blavatsky edited by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

The Essential Edgar Cayce edited and introduced by Mark Thurston

September/October 2005

Keeping the Link Unbroken: Theosophical Studies Presented to Ted, G, Davy on His Seventy-fifth Birthday by Ed. Michael Gomes

The Gospel of Thomas: A Guidebook for Spiritual Practice by Ron Miller

Buddhism Is Not What You Think: Finding Freedom Beyond Beliefs by Steve Hagen

The Inner West: An Introduction to the Hidden Wisdom of the West edited and introduced by Jay Kinney

Encyclopedia of Ancient Asian Civilizations by Charles F. W. Higham

November/December 2005

The Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas: Meditations on the Mystical Teachings by Tau Malachi

Pauli and Jung: The Meeting of Two Great Minds by David Lindorff

The Many Paths of The Independent Sacramental Movement by John A. Plummer

January/February 2006

Ken Wilber: Thought as Passion by Frank Visser

What Is Self? A Study of the Spiritual Journey in Terms of Consciousness by Bernadette Roberts

The Yoga of Time Travel: How the Mind Can Defeat Time by Fred Alan Wolf

Dictionary of Gnosis &Western Esotericism Edited by Wouter J. Hanegraaff

The Way of Story: The Craft and Soul of Writing by Cathrine Ann Jones

March/April 2006

Signs of the Times: Unlocking the Symbolic Language of World Events by Ray Grasse

The End of Karma: 40 Days to Perfect Peace, Tranquility, and Joy by Dharma Singh Khalsa

A Rebirth of Christianity by Alvin Boyd Kuhn

Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe by Leon M. Lederman and Christopher T. Hill

Meditation: A Complete Audio Guide by Eknath Easwaran

May/June 2006

The Oxford Companion to World Mythology by David Leeming

Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Gödel by Rebecca Goldstein

July/August 2006

A Place at the Table by William J. Elliott

Strength in the Storm: Creating Calm in Difficult Times by Eknath Easwaran

November/December 2006

D. M. Bennett: The Truth Seeker by Roderick Bradford

War and the Soul by Edward Tick

January/February 2007

Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell

Invoking Mary Magdalene: Accessing the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine by

Siobhan Houston

The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion

May/June 2007

The Heavens Declare: Astrological Ages and the Evolution of Consciousness by Alice O. Howell

Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Post-Modern World by Ken Wilber

Darkness Visible: Awakening Spiritual Light through Darkness Meditation by Ross Heaven and Simon Buxton

July/August 2007

Yoga Tantra, Paths to Magical Feats by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Dzong-ka-ba, and Jeffrey Hopkins translated by Jeffrey Hopkins

November/December 2007

The Secret Gateway: Modern Theosophy and the Ancient Wisdom Tradition by Edward Abdill

Nagarjuna's Letter to A Friend translated by the Padamakara Translation Group with commentary by Kyabje Kangyur Rinpoche

Sophia Sutras: Introducing Mother Wisdom by Carol E. Parrish-Harra


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