OPENING COMMENTS - Performance Review Institute

CONFIRMED MINUTESOCTOBER 21- 23, 2013PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, USAThese minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.MONDAY, 21-OCT-13 to WEDNESDAY, 23-OCT-13OPENING COMMENTSCall to Order / Quorum CheckThe Welding (WLD) Task Group was called to order at 8:00 a.m., 21-Oct-2013 by Ralph Kropp.Introductions were made and the roster circulated for completion by attendees.It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)NAMECOMPANY NAME*RobbieAdamsHoneywell Aerospace* OsawonuyiAgbonkonkonParker Hannifin AerospaceBrandonBeasleyParker AerospaceArieBen-DovIAI - ISRAEL AEROSPACE INDUSTRIESJonBiddulphRolls-RoyceRicardoBoveEmbraer *GaryColemanThe Boeing Company*AndyDewhurstBAE Systems Military Air & Information (MAI)*William FitzgeraldNorthrop Grumman Corporation*LarryHamanishiThe Boeing Company*Milan HanykHoneywell Aerospace*LesHellemannGE Aviation*ValereHenrySAFRAN GroupTommyHowlandSpirit AeroSystems*Michael IrvinThe Boeing Company*JerryIsoahoGKN Aerospace Sweden ABMark JacksonTriumph Group, Inc.*KeithKastnerCessna Aircraft Company*RalphKroppMTU Aero EnginesChairperson*HolgerKruegerAirbus*Mario LeclercBombardier*Dag LindlandPratt & Whitney*Scott MaitlandGoodrich (UTAS)DawnMastinGoodrich (UTAS)Steve MichaudParker AerospaceJoelMohnackyHamilton Sundstrand (UTAS)*Marco LuigiPolettoAlenia Aermacchi SpA*BrianRicksRaytheon Company*JohnSandersHamilton Sundstrand (UTAS)Paul SlaterRockwell Collins*Steve TooleyRolls-RoyceVice ChairpersonOther Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)NAMECOMPANY NAME*James AhlemeyerDucommun Aerostructures New York ChristyBallingerDucommun Aerostructures AllanBrellerPCC Structurals Inc. NickFajersonDenison Industries LorraineFloydFlexial Corporation Richard FreemanTWI Ltd. Darron HarrisExotic Metals Forming CompanyJerryHulinGKN Aerospace FiltonScottImelGE Aviation - Unison Engine Components (Terre Haute)Richard KlineX-Ray IndustriesMathewManualEssex Industries*Melinda MittonAdvance Welding*AngeloMonzoBarnes AerospaceJulieMotzBarnes Aerospace*JimOlejarczykAlcoa Forged Products*DavidOsenarPako Inc.ChrisReedDucommun AerostructuresAgostinoSardoFlexider s.r.l.*Mike SchleckmanVoss IndustriesHaokiSogabeMitsubishi Heavy Industries*JackieSternotPako Inc.*Gigi StreeterBarnes AerospaceFredViramonteDelta Heat Treat Viratech Inc. Chris WebbPCC Structurals Inc.PRI Staff Present StanReversIanSimpsonLouise StefanakisCode of Ethics / Antitrust and meeting conduct - OPENThe Code of Ethics / Antitrust policy was reviewed.Review Agenda - OPENIan Simpson reviewed the agenda for the meeting. New business items were identified for inclusion in item 7.0 (in closed meeting) and item 19.0 (in open meeting).Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – OPENMotion made by Keith Kastner and seconded by Michael Irvin to accept the June 2013 minutes as written. Motion passed.RAIL Review – OPENIan Simpson reviewed the action items and status from the June 2013 meeting. There is one open action item on the list relating to the Auditor Conference and is not due until 31-Oct-2013. Also the action item with respect to agenda item 13.0 remains open as the material for this item was not submitted during this meeting.For specific details, please see the current WLD Rolling Action Item List posted at , under Public Documents.Staff Engineer CommuniquéIan Simpson presented a Nadcap Communiqué to the Task Group.1.6.1Revisions to Nadcap Operating Procedure NOP-001, General Task Group Operating Procedure NOP-002, Supplier Advisory NOP-006 and Supplier Merit Program NOP-008. Additional Requirements for the Welding Task Group NTGOP-001 App WLD was approved by the Nadcap Management Council (NMC) and has therefore been issued.1.6.2The NMC have not, at this time, identified the WLD Task Group for Oversight in 2014.1.6.3The next meeting, February 2014, will be held in London, UK. Auditor Conference – CLOSEDReview of 2013 Auditor ConferenceThe Auditor Conference was held on the weekend prior to the Nadcap meeting and included Smart Audit checklists, welder qualification, gas control, GKN Aerospace – Sweden requirements, GE Aviation requirements, Boeing requirements, ISO specification update, hard face welding and visual inspection.Those members of the Task Group who were in attendance at the 2013 Auditor Conference discussed the effectiveness of training. In summary comments received about the Conference were positive. Factors that influenced these comments were: stayed on agenda; handouts worked well; breaking into subgroups worked well for smart audit feedback from auditors; good participation by auditors. Identification of training opportunities for the 2014 Auditor ConferenceA number of items were identified for the 2014 Auditor Conference including training from Cessna, BAE Systems (MAI) and re-fresher training from Bombardier, feedback from Auditors on Smart checklist, filler wire control best practice, Auditor professionalism. The latter item was included after review of training given by the NonDestructive Testing (NDT) Task Group in their 2013 Conference.Auditor Effectiveness – CLOSEDReview of NOP-012Ian Simpson reviewed the latest draft of NOP-012, Auditor Consistency procedure. This procedure is currently in NMC ballot and some comments have been noted that will require resolution, however the basis of the procedure will be implemented in the near future. Hence the Task Group reviewed the requirements and made the following decisionsInitially the Task Group decided that this should be reviewed by the entire group of Subscriber Voting Members in order to ensure everyone is involved in the discussion / decisions. Existing charts showing the difference between each Auditor’s findings and the number of findings at the subsequent audit (red-line chart), number of Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs) per day for initial and reaccreditation audits and the number of NCRs per checklist paragraph will still be reviewed at each meeting.The Task Group started to review the Auditor evaluation created by Audit Report Reviewers and the Supplier feedback. The Task Group decided that the Auditor evaluation data was essentially related to administration of the audit completion and that the best people to give feedback on this is the Audit Report Reviewers. As such the decision was taken not to review this data and only investigate if Audit Report Reviewers inform the Task Group of issues. The Supplier feedback is considered important, however there was not sufficient time to perform this analysis at the meeting, hence Steve Tooley agreed to review this data with Ian Simpson and present the results of this at the February 2014 Task Group meeting.ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to collate any issues due to audit report completion and present to the Task Group at the February 2014 Task Group meeting. (Due Date: 25-Feb-2014)ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson and Steve Tooley to analyze the Supplier feedback data and present to the Task Group at the February 2014 Task Group meeting. (Due Date: 25-Feb-2014)The procedure for identifying training requirements, NIP 6-01 Appendix WLD, will require revision to include specific Task Group training items as required by NOP 012. Ian Simpson will draft the required changes and gain approval from Ralph Kropp and Steve Tooley before balloting.ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to draft changes to NIP 6-01 Appendix WLD in order to meet NOP-012, gain approval from Ralph Kropp and Steve Tooley and then ballot the procedure. (Due Date: 25-Feb-2014)The need for an appendix to the existing Observation form was discussed. The Task Group agreed that this was not required.The Task Group recognized that the data analysis will require targeted observation of some Auditors, however they also noted that they still have the freedom to observe any audits to the requirements of NOP-007 (Audit Observers).The Task Group will review all of the data available at the February 2014 Task Group meeting and at that time will develop a plan for targeted oversight. The Task Group reviewed eAuditNet to establish if there is a secure area that they can utilize to keep observation plan data. The work area that is available for items such as this is currently accessible by Auditors hence the Task Group asked Louise Stefanikis if PRI would investigate if this area could be restricted to PRI Staff and Subscribers only.ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to establish if the work area in eAuditNet can be restricted to Subscribers and PRI Staff in order to have a secure area for Auditor Observation plan data. (Due Date: 25-Feb-13)In order for Auditors to allow feedback to the Task Group, the 2014 Auditor Conference plan was updated to add this item.The requirement to provide annual feedback to the Auditors was discussed. There is reference in NOP-012 to standard format for this, however this was not available at the meeting. The Task Group decided that they wished to review this before a decision is made on this particular item.Proficiency Assessment was discussed. The Task Group already has a system in place that evaluates the required technical skills when an Auditor is contracted. This results in the Auditor only being given approval to audit specific weld technologies. In order to have restrictions removed the Auditor has to demonstrate they have gained sufficient knowledge in that process. The Task Group therefore agreed that they are using an acceptable alternative approach to Proficiency Assessment and therefore decided these are not required.The Task Group acknowledged that an Annual report will be required to be presented to the NMC. The Task Group believes that this will be made by the Task Group Chair as no specific sub-Group has been set-up for the Auditor Consistency review.Ian Simpson reviewed chart showing the difference between each Auditor’s findings and the number of findings at the subsequent audit (red-line chart); chart showing number of Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs) per day for initial and reaccreditation audits; chart for the number of findings for each individual question. The Task Group concluded that there is not a big concern with Auditor consistency. Ian Simpson presented 5 observation audits. No specific actions were identified other than sending the Observation form to the Auditors.During the discussion on this item, Subscriber members enquired how they know if they have been accepted as an Observer. They receive notification that the request for the Observation has been submitted, but do not receive confirmation that the Observation has been accepted by the Supplier.ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to investigate how Scheduling notify Observers that an Observation request has been accepted by the Supplier. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2013)3.4Ian Simpson reviewed Auditor status to update the Task Group on changes in progress for removal of process restrictions for existing Auditors and any new candidates that have contacted PRI. Supplier Advisories – CLOSED4.1Review of Advisories since June 2013 Meeting.5 Supplier Advisories have been issued by WLD since the last Task Group meeting, # 2298, #2299, #2309, #2344 and #2349. These were reviewed. No additional actions were identified.6 Supplier Advisories were issued by other commodities that could have an effect on WLD accreditations. These advisories, # 2281, #2282, #2288, #2293, #2304, and #2311 were reviewed and no actions were identified by the WLD Task Group. Review of Subscriber Advisories.There were no Advisories required from Subscribers.Staff Engineer delegation – CLOSED5.1The Staff Engineer reviewed data for Audit Report Reviewers, including percentage oversight by Task Group, percentage NCRs concurred with by the Task Group and other items pertaining to audit completeness. All requirements of NOP 003 were met for the delegated Audit Report Reviewers and the following Motions were made.Motion made by Michael Irvin and seconded by Keith Kastner to maintain Ian Simpson’s delegation. Motion Passed.Motion made by Michael Irvin and seconded by Holger Krueger to maintain Mike Gutridge’s delegation. Motion Passed.Motion made by Michael Irvin and seconded by Brian Ricks to maintain Wayne Canary’s delegation. Motion Passed.For non-delegated Audit Report Reviewer, Stan Revers, the Task Group reviewed ballot comments from audits since June 2013 and only minor issues noted. Stan has met the requirements of NOP-003 (Delegation to Audit Report Reviewer) and NTGOP-001 App WLD (Additional Requirements for the Welding Task Group) for initial delegation requirements. Motion made by Michael Irvin and seconded by Dag Lindland to grant delegation to Stan Revers. Motion Passed.The Task Group Chair completed t-frm-99k to complete the delegation process.ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to request administrative changes in eAuditNet to recognize delegation for Stan Revers. (Due Date: 31-Oct-2013)ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to submit Stan Revers’ delegation form to Human Resources. (Due Date: 15-Nov-2013)Subscriber Deviations – CLOSED6.1No Subscriber Deviations were requested for review.New Business – CLOSEDAllegation ReviewIan Simpson informed the Task Group of an Allegation that had been received. Nadcap Operating Procedure NOP-001 Para 13 was reviewed to inform the Task Group how allegations must be handled. As required by NOP-001 an Incident Report, #769 has been issued on this item.A WebEx meeting had already been conducted and those Subscribers who were likely affected have already been invited to discuss what actions were to be taken. At this meeting the Task Group agreed that the necessary steps had been taken and that no further action was to be taken by Nadcap.Review Membership Status – OPENThe WLD Task Group reviewed the Membership status.8.1 New members attending their first meeting are:Joel Mohnacky of Hamilton Sunstrand (UTAS)Tommy Howland of Spirit Aerosystems8.2Valere Henry of SAFRAN attended his second meeting. The Task Group Chair agreed to the appointment of Valere as Subscriber Voting Member (UVM) for SAFRAN, and m-frm-01 was completed. Randy Hite of PCC has resigned from his position of Supplier Voting Member (SVM). Per NTGOP-001 App WLD, there is now one available SVM position. The Task Group discussed those Suppliers who have expressed a wish to become a SVM and the following Motion was made.Motion made by Michael Irvin and seconded by Keith Kastner to approve Jim Olejarczyk as SVM for the WLD Task Group. Motion Passed. M-frm-01 was completed.8.4Task Group meeting attendance and ballot participation was reviewed per Nadcap Operating Procedure NOP-001 requirements. Parker Aerospace and BAE Systems E&I have both failed to meet the required ballot participation defined in NOP-001 to maintain Voting Rights. NOP-001 allows the Task Group Chair to maintain Voting Rights when the maintenance criteria have not been met. Ralph Kropp agreed to allow Parker Aerospace and BAE Systems E&I to maintain their voting status on this occasion.ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to remove Randy Hite as SVM. (Due Date: 31-Oct-2013)ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to add Valere Henry as UVM for SAFRAN. (Due Date: 15-Nov-2013)ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to add Jim Olejarczyk as SVM. (Due Date: 15-Nov-2013)Supplier Support Committee (SSC) Report – OPEN9.1 Mike Schleckman gave a presentation on SSC Activities. This gave information on its role, current activities, new suppler initiatives and PRI prospective. SSC provides an avenue for Suppliers to have input and give feedback to the Nadcap system. Provides answers and support for Suppliers who have questions and problems. Current activities involve mentoring Suppliers, metrics, Supplier surveys, new initiatives, help desk at Nadcap meeting, and education. New members are needed on flow-down sub team.NMC Metrics – OPEN10.1Ian Simpson reviewed the NMC metrics, including: Accreditations Issued/Lapsed, Eligible Merit, On-Time Certification, Staff Cycle Time Initial, Staff Cycle Time Reaccreditation, Task Group Cycle Time Initial, Task Group Cycle Time Reaccreditation, Supplier Cycle Time Initial, Supplier Cycle Time Reaccreditation. All metric charts were green, except Task Group Cycle Time Reaccreditation which was yellow. This non-green metric has been previously discussed and the Task Group chose to take no further action.Specification Changes – OPEN11.1Discussion on Weld specification changesIan Simpson gave an update on the status of visual weld inspector requirements of AWS D17.1. Audit Handbooks have been revised to include Subscriber specific details, Suppliers have been sent a reminder of the impending due date of 1st November 2013 for when NCRs will be written in Nadcap audits, Auditors reminded of Task Group requirements on this matter.John Sanders made a proposal that Nadcap develop guidelines to meet AWS B5.2. During the subsequent discussion it was noted that as Nadcap is not the Engineering Authority it cannot provide guidelines on this item.It was noted that while Weld Suppliers have been informed of this change, it would be beneficial to notify Materials Testing Laboratories in case they are asked to perform the Visual Inspection of welds as part of the Welder Qualification process.ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to liaise with Material Testing Staff Engineer and send communication to Material Testing accredited Suppliers to notify them of the requirements of AWS D17.1 for Visual Weld Inspection. (Due Date: 15-Nov-2013)It was noted that the next AWS meeting is November 18-21 in Chicago.The Task Group had previously discussed clear annulus zone in the Industry standards for resistance welding. This was briefly discussed again and it was noted that AWS had discussed this item at their last meeting. Although it was felt that AWS D17.2 was open to interpretation, the fact that metallurgical coupons are required for production welds there was no concern over product integrity. Nadcap has no requirement to drive AWS interpretation and no further actions were deemed necessary on this item. Holger Krueger provided an update on the status of ISO specifications. ISO16338, Resistance spot and seam welding was published in January 2013.ISO 24394 Amd1, Welder and welding operator qualification test was published in November 2012. This revision however contained an error on the welder qualification table and was corrected in May 2013.ISO 24394 is due for its systemic review in accordance with ISO rules. Comments are required by February 2014.ISO 11745:2010D Amd.1, Brazer and brazing operator qualification test received ballot comments that were resolved at the ISO October meeting.ISO/DIS 17533, Welding information in design documents was approved and this standard will therefore be published.ISO/PWI 17927, Fusion welding of metallic components in aerospace. This is a preliminary work item and it is expected to take some time to complete.Potential new ISO topics include, aerospace visual weld inspection, Additive Manufacturing, Electron Beam Welding and Laser Beam Welding.Next ISO TC WG4 meeting in Cambridge UK early April 2014.Forum for Supplier Issues – OPENNo discussion items were identifiedRevision to AC7110/4 (Resistance Weld) – OPENLyle Morris was not in attendance and as such the Task Group decided not to pursue this item at this meetingNew Weld Process – OPENIan Simpson proposed a number of welding processes for discussionAdditive Manufacturing. This process is being used however it is considered proprietary at this time. It was however noted that AMS 4999 exists as an Industry standard and perhaps could be combined with the weld technologies of electron beam, GTAW and laser for which checklists already exist. The Task Group decided that they would work on creating a checklist for this process. Richard Freeman and Robbie Adams agreed to make a draft proposal for the February 2014 meeting in order for discussion on a possible checklist to ensue.ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to provide Richard Freeman and Robbie Adams with current weld process checklists in order for them to start development of an Additive Manufacture checklist. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2013)ACTION ITEM: Richard Freeman and Robbie Adams to develop proposal for Additive Manufacturing checklist for the February Task Group meeting. (Due Date: 25-Feb-2014)Friction stir welding - low volume and proprietary. The Task Group therefore decided that there was no need for a checklist.Resistance brazing – too few suppliers and highly specialized. The Task Group therefore endorsed their prior decision that there was no need for a checklist.Resistance welding of mesh based products. AC7110/4 does not work for this product type. The Task Group however decided that there was no need to develop a checklist. Subscribers will need to approve these types of applications themselves.Hydrogen generator case study was presented by Scott Maitland. This can be used as an alternative to fuel gas and oxygen for torch braze applications. The main items noted were how to verify gas purity and flame type during torch braze audit. The item was tabled due to low usage and a general unfamiliarity of the process. Should this process become more widely used this will be discussed again.Resistance mash welding. No Subscribers are using process. The Task Group therefore decided that there was no need for a checklist.Electrode discharge deposition – casting repair – limited use and proprietary in nature. The Task Group therefore decided that there was no need for a checklist.Task Group succession plan – OPEN15.1Ian Simpson provided a re-cap of procedural requirements and the expected end of current Chair, Ralph Kropp’s tenure. Ralph will be Chair until 30-Jun-2014, hence the Task Group will vote on a replacement at the February 2014 meeting. The preference is for the vice-chair to assume the Chair position and then vote for new a Vice Chairperson. Steve Tooley, the current Vice Chairperson confirmed that he is available to take the Chairperson position. A vote will be taken at the February 2014 meeting to verify this. UVMs who wish to become Vice Chairperson were notified to come to the February 2014 meeting prepared to address the Task Group on what attributes they will bring to this role.Create NMC Feedback Chart – OPEN16.1The Task Group generated the feedback chart for presentation by Ralph Kropp at the Nadcap Management Council (NMC) meeting.NMC Meeting Report – OPENRalph Kropp gave a summary of key items that were discussedA milestone plan to get NOP-012 (Auditor Consistency) up and running has been developed. This will be forwarded to the Task Groups to help them meet key items that are required by NOP-012.Development of new technologies is being monitored. Hence the Task Group may need a more formal plan going forward on the development of the Additive Manufacturing checklist.If an Auditor identifies a finding for an item the Supplier is currently working a corrective action but the corrective action is not completely implemented and closed, the Auditor will still issue a finding in the Nadcap audit.Auditor Advisories – OPEN18.1Ian Simpson reviewed WLD-13-003 that notified Suppliers that GE had changed their approval codes for Independent Laboratories.The Staff Engineer demonstrated where Auditor Advisories are located in eAuditNetNew Business Items – OPENA question was asked on tack welder qualification requirements. If you have a qualified weld operator, are they qualified to make manual tack welds? Per current industry specifications, the qualification of an operator does not automatically qualify that person for manual welding of tack welds. However, if the welding operator makes the tack weld on the qualification part and then welds the part with an automatic/mechanized process and the part passes Engineering requirements, the welding operator can be qualified under the special application provision to weld the complete part including tacking.Checklist Items – OPEN20.1Handbook revisionsHandbooks have recently been revised to include how AWS D17.1 requirement for visual weld qualification will be handled, Specific Subscriber flow down, filler wire purchase order and filler wire stub disposal. A Handbook to support Smart checklist for job selection will be required – see item 20.3. As checklists are revised for Smart checklist, handbooks will need to be revised to align with the new checklist.The current handbook for AC7110/5 makes no comment on the need for calibration of mass flow meters. The Task Group agreed that this type of flow meter does require calibration and as such developed verbiage for a revision in the AC7110/5 Audit handbook.ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to update the handbook for AC7110/5 to include the calibration requirement of mass flow meters. (Due Date: 31-Dec-2013)There was some discussion on eye sight requirements. Jon Biddulph provided information on the new specifications for NDT personnel, however it was noted that these are not necessarily required for weld personnel. It was noted that eyesight requirements are a topic of discussion with both AWS and ISO.20.2Checklist RevisionsAC7110/5 (fusion weld checklist) has completed a letter ballot to the Task Group. Formal notification was circulated that the comments would be resolved at this Task Group meeting. All ballot comments were reviewed and dispositioned with unanimous approval fron the Task Group.ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to update eAuditNet ballot for AC7110/5 with Task Group dispositions. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2013)ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to make changes to AC7110/5 as required per the ballot comment disposition and re-ballot to Task Group on an affirmation ballot. (Due Date: 15-Dec-2013)The Task Group maintains a rolling list of items for requests on checklist revision. Since the last Task Group meeting, 9 requests have been submitted. The Task Group made dispositions on these items. Those items that were agreed to will be included in the next revisions of the checklists.Smart ChecklistThe Task Group is continuing to pursue the use of Smart Checklist technology. This will allow the Task Group to include more job audits at mature suppliers by reducing the amount of procedural questions. AC7110/5 checklist has been balloted to the Task Group with changes that incorporate this and there have been no negative comments on this approach.At the last meeting it was recognized that guidance will be required on the selection of job audits once checklists that incorporate this technology are issued. The test audit, that was conducted, highlighted items for inclusion in job audit selection. Therefore in conjunction with the Auditor who conducted the test audit, Steve Tooley had developed guidelines for this item. This was further discussed and refined with the Auditors at the Auditor Conference. Steve Tooley presented the recommendation for job selection in Smart checklist audits to the Task Group. Motion made by Michael Irvin and seconded by Mike Schleckman to issue smart checklist job selection table once the checklist and procedure allow Smart checklists to be used. Motion passedA number of items had been raised by Auditors during the Auditor Conference. The majority of these were resolved during the Conference, however the outstanding items were discussed.What happens if a Supplier still has significant procedural deficiencies after their 3rd audit? Will they still be subjected to modified scope at their next audit or will another full scope audit be conducted? The Task Group decision was that in these cases the Audit Report Reviewer would open a forum discussion and a decision made on a case by case basis.The Job selection table requires an Auditor to review the parts audited on the prior audit. Where the prior audit had Export Controlled parts the part number is not however available on the prior audit. Most Task Group members at the meeting believed that part number is not part of the Export Control restrictions and therefore proposed that the ‘EC’ restriction against part number be removed. Subscriber members agreed that they would check on this requirement and provide guidance to the Staff Engineer in order to make this change for the re-ballot of AC7110/5.ACTION ITEM: Task Group members to notify Ian Simpson if part number is an Export Controlled item. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2013)Ian Simpson presented draft changes to NTGOP-001 App WLD to allow the use of Smart Checklists. The Task Group agreed to the modified verbiage. This procedure will therefore be balloted once the higher level procedure NTGOP-001 is issued.ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to ballot NTGOP-001 Appendix WLD once NTGOP-001 is issued. (Due Date: 31-Dec-2013)The next scheduled checklist for Smart Checklist implementation is AC7110/4. This checklist was already modified for the test audited conducted earlier in the year. The Task Group reviewed this and agreed that it should be balloted, even though information on changes to AWS D17.2 that could affect the checklist had not been formally conducted. ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to ballot AC7110/4. (Due Date: 31-Dec-2013)Resolution of Questions from Auditors – OPENThe only outstanding items for the Auditor Conference were on the Smart Checklist which were addressed in item 20.3.Review of Action Items – OPENAll action items were reviewed for proper assignment and due date. Review of Meeting Effectiveness – OPENThe TG provided feedback for the meeting effectiveness form.\sNext Meeting – OPENFebruary 25-27, 2014, London. UK As the meeting schedule has the NMC meeting on Thursday, the Task Group wishes to meet Tuesday to Thursday at this meeting.The agenda will contain the standard agenda item. Time will be allocated to Additive Manufacturing (Wednesday if possible). Ian Simpson will review if there are regular annual items that need to be included.ADJOURNMENT – 23-Oct-13 – Meeting was adjourned at 3 p.m.Minutes Prepared by: Les Hellemann (les.hellemann@)***** For PRI Staff use only: ******Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one)YES* ? NO ?*If yes, the following information is required:Documents requiring revision:Who is responsible:Due date:NTGOP 001 App WLDIan Simpson31-Dec-13NIP 6-01 App WLDIan Simpson31-Dec-13 ................

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