
Using colored pencils, create a key for the six AP World history themes. Mark each item below with the theme that best matches it. Be able to discuss which theme(s) are best and least represented. What additional items would you add that you remember from last year?


Change and Continuity

Technology and Demography

Social and Gender Structure

Cultural and Intellectual


460,000 BP 1st use of fire, China

100,000 BP Homo sapiens sapiens, Africa

45,000 BP 1st rock art, Australia

10,500 BCE 1st pottery vessels, Japan

9000 BCE Beginning of farming, Middle East

7500 BCE Migrations over Bering Land Bridge

6500 BCE Grain farming, Europe

Earliest metallurgy, Middle East

6250 BCE Catul Hayuk at peak (one of earliest cities- Anatolia- Turkey)

6000 BCE Millet farming, China

5000 BCE Domestication of maize in New World and cattle in Sahara

4300 BCE Cotton cultivated in Mexico

4000 BCE 1st Temple pyramids, Peru

Introduction of plow

3300 BCE Invention of writing, Mesopotamia

3100 BCE 1st Pharoah of Egypt

3000 BCE Introduction of bronze tools

2500 BCE 1st cities- Mohenjo- Daro, Harappa- in Indus

2100 BCE Domestication of horse in Central Asia

Ziggurats in Ur, Mesopotamia

2000 BCE Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh

1500 BCE First wave of Polynesian migrations

1300 BCE Hittite empire, Middle East

1200 BCE Olmec civilization, Mexico

1000 BCE Beginning of Bantu migrations into southern Africa

800 BCE Rise of Greek City states

770 BCE Rise of Nubia (Upper Nile- Africa)

745 BCE Assyrian empire (Middle East)

570 BCE Birth of Guatama (Buddha), India

551- 223 BCE Era of great Chinese philosophers (Confucious, Lao Tse)

500 BCE First ironworking, Africa

438 BCE Completion of Parthenon, Greece, Age of Pericles


332 BCE Alexander the Great conquest of Persian empire

268 BCE Beginning of reign of Ashoka (India)

221 BCE Great Wall began , China

206 BCE Han dynasty founded, China

200 BCE Hopewell culture emerges, US Midwest

4 BCE Birth of Jesus of Nazareth

1 CE Regular trading voyages link kingdoms of India to Roman territories

23 CE Later Han (China), invention of paper, compass

100 CE Chinese silk first marketed in Mediterranean

China conquers Vietnam, Choson (Korea)

Rise of kingdom of Axum (Ethiopia)

Camels introduced from Asia for trade in Sahara

300 CE Start of Classic Maya period (Mexico, Central America)

320 CE Gupta dynasty, India

300 - 700 CE Spread of Buddhism

330 CE Christianity - official religion of Roman empire

350 CE Invention of stirrup, China

400 CE Potato domesticated in Andes

500 CE Bananas well established in Africa (from SE Asia)

552 CE Buddhism introduced in Japan

Turkish empire established rule over much of Central Asia

618 CE Rise of Tang Dynasty in China

Korea established Silla kingdom

632 CE Death of Prophet Mohammad, Arabia

Expansion of Islam under 1st four caliphates

Trans-Saharan trade- gold, salt

690 CE Empress Wu rules China

Peak of Buddhist influence in China

700 CE Collapse of Moche civilization in Peru

Spread of Islam

711 CE Islamic armies invade Spain

750 CE Teotihuacan abandoned, Mexico

Abbasid Dynasty, Middle East

800 CE Charlemagne crowned emperor in Rome

Rise of Ghana, west Africa

Expansion of Trans-Saharan trade

802 CE Khmer state in former Cambodia

842 CE Golden age of Byzantium begins

900 -1100CE Golden age of Muslim scholarship

900 CE New plows, horses used for agricultural

939 CE Vietnam independence from China

960 CE Beginning of Sung Dynasty in China

Beginning of Polish state

980 CE Russian conversion to Orthodoxy

1000 CE Stones quarried, Easter island

1st Viking settlement on Newfoundland


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