
Page 986left4191000Minutes of the Meeting of Hilton Parish Council on Monday 2nd March 2020 at 19:30 in The Village Hall, HiltonPresent: Cllr G. Barradell (Chair), Cllr P. Balicki, Cllr L. Chorlton, Cllr A. Goodridge, In attendance: The Clerk (N. Webster) and 2 parishioners.Meeting commenced at 19:3019/20-170. To receive any apologies for absence and declarations of interest.Apologies received from Cllr K. Dunk (work), Cllr I. Stott (holiday) & Cllr S. Walker (unwell). Cllr R. Collard was absent.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that these apologies are accepted by the Council, Cllr P. Balicki 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that these apologies are accepted by the Council.Meeting closed 19:32No comments received from the members of the public.Meeting reopened 19:3219/20-171. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 3rd February and the Planning Committee Meetings on Tuesday 4th February and Tuesday 18th February.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 3rd February 2020 were approved as a true record, Cllr L. Chorlton 2nd, all Cllrs in favour, It was resolved that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 3rd February 2020 were approved as a true record.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 4th February 2020 were approved as a true record, Cllr P. Balicki 2nd, 3 Cllrs in favour, 1 Cllr abstained.It was resolved that the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 4th February 2020 were approved as a true record.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 18th February 2020 were approved as a true record, Cllr A. Goodridge 2nd, 3 Cllrs in favour, 1 Cllr abstained.It was resolved that the Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 18th February 2020 were approved as a true record.19/20-172.Matters arising from the last meeting including Clerk’s report – information only. No discussion and no decisions can be made – Local Government Act 1972 s12 10(2) (b) states that business must be specified.Clerk ReportCouncillor VacancyPage 985Cllr Sara Partridge has resigned, and the appropriate notice has been issued. The notice has now expired with no election being called.B1040 at Five Arch BridgeNotification received that the retaining wall has collapsed at Five Arch Bridge on the B1040 and so a 40mph speed limit has been imposed until this is repaired. A copy of the order has been posted on the website and the information posted on Facebook. Stewardship Circle Co-Design DayAn invitation has been received to attend the Cambridgeshire Think Communities Approach Stewardship Circle Co-Design Day on 30th March. Please let the Clerk know if you would like to attend.PoliciesAll the adopted policies are now on the website.LHI BidA website page has been created for the 2020/21 LHI bid.CAPALC Incorporation Proposal, CCC Climate Change and Environmental Strategy Consultation and JPAG feedback surveyAgreed responses have been sentPlayground BinClerk has emailed HDC to request a bin, but no response received yet; Clerk will follow up.Playground SignThis project is ongoing.Church Lane EasementClerk followed up with Huntingdonshire District Council and received advice regarding how this application could be progressed. The Clerk has passed this information to the residents concerned.19/20-173.To discuss and decide upon the recruitment process for a co-opted Councillor and agree deadlines.Cllrs discussed the options for co-option. Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the deadline is Saturday 28th March and Clerk to draft adverts for Facebook, website & noticeboard, Cllr A. Goodridge 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the deadline is Saturday 28th March and Clerk to draft adverts for Facebook, website & noticeboard.19/20-174.Review the management accounts and budget analysisCllr G. Barradell proposed that the Council receive the financial reports, Cllr P. Balicki 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that that the Council received the financial reports.19/20-175. Hilton Traffic Group19/20-175.1 To receive a report from the working groupCllr A. Goodridge read the report from the Hilton Traffic Group. Hilton Traffic Group is organising a meeting with Cambridgeshire County Council to discuss the issues. The Group is also looking into interactive HGV signage and considering the next application for the Local Highways Improvement Initiative funding bid. Cllr L. Chorlton added the report from the HCV meeting and the results of the diamond area steering group, which does not currently include Page 984Hilton. Recommendations from the diamond area steering group are speed reduction within the area and repeating the lorry movements survey.19/20-175.2 To discuss and decide upon repeating the 2012/13 environmental and monitoring checks on the B1040 as part of 6 parishes to provide evidence regarding the HCVs in Hilton – estimated proposed cost approximately ?530.Other Parish Councils are not committed yet.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Council agree in principle to a spend of ?530, subject to the other Parish Councils committing, Cllr A. Goodridge 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Council agree in principle to a spend of ?530, subject to the other Parish Councils committing.19/20-176.To discuss and decide whether to pursue the suggestion from Community RoadWatch to install pedestrians crossing warning signs at The Paddocks and to discuss and decide upon whether to accept the offer from Community RoadWatch to contribute ?500 towards these signs.Cllrs discussed the maximum estimate of ?3,000 for the installation of these signs. Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Council does not pursue the suggestion to install pedestrian crossing warning signs at this time, Cllr P. Balicki 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Council does not pursue the suggestion to install pedestrian crossing warning signs at this time.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Council does not accept the donation from Community RoadWatch, Cllr P. Balicki 2nd, 3 Cllrs in favour, 1 Cllr abstained.It was resolved that the Council does not accept the donation from Community RoadWatch.19/20-177.To discuss and decide additional fee for CILCA (Certificate in Local Council Administration) registration with the SLCC (Society for Local Council Clerks) – cost ?350.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Council agree to the additional fee of ?350, Cllr P. Balicki 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Council agree to the additional fee of ?350.19/20-178. To receive a report from the Media Group regarding the Website Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 in accordance with The Public Sector Bodies (Website and Mobile Applications No.2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. To discuss and decide upon spend on a website audit to assess compliance with these guidelines – cost ?395 - ?2000.Cllr P. Balicki explained the Website Content Accessibility Guidelines. Cllrs discussed the options.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Council agree to Quote D to audit the website and ask them to quote for rectification and ongoing compliance audit, Cllr P. Balicki 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Council agree to Quote D to audit the website and ask them to quote for rectification and ongoing compliance audit.19/20-179. To discuss and decide upon the response to the CAPALC (Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Association of Local Councils) Survey as part of the CAPALC Business Review.Cllrs discussed the survey.Page 983Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Clerk will respond to this survey, Cllr L. Chorlton 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Clerk will respond to this survey.19/20-180.To discuss and decide upon the response to the survey regarding the application of business rates to public conveniences owned by local councils.Cllrs discussed the survey.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Clerk complete the survey in favour of the removal of business rates to public conveniences, Cllr P. Balicki 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Clerk complete the survey in favour of the removal of business rates to public conveniences.19/20-181. To discuss and decide upon sending a representative to the Eastern Area Community Forum for the A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet improvements.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Clerk attends the forum with a Councillor if available, Cllr A. Goodridge 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Clerk attends the forum with a Councillor if available.19/20-182.To discuss and decide upon the necessary works to restore the path between the end of Church Lane and the entrance to the churchyard.?Cllrs discussed the damage to the path.Cllr PB proposed that Clerk approach CCC and Highways England A14 delivery team regarding whether they could repair this path, Cllr A. Goodridge 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that Clerk approach CCC and Highways England A14 delivery team regarding whether they could repair this path.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Council asked the Green Open Spaces Group to look at the repair of this footpath and also other footpaths in the village, Cllr P. Balicki 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Council asked the Green Open Spaces Group to look at the repair of this footpath and also other footpaths in the village.19/20-183.To discuss and decide upon the motion to purchase 2 silver birch trees to be planted between the brow near the ford and the Lych Gate.?– cost ?112Cllr G. Barradell proposed to amend this motion to 1 silver birch tree and 1 Amelanchier tree, Cllr A. Goodridge 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the motion is amended to 1 silver birch tree and 1 Amelanchier tree.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Council agree to purchase 2 trees to a maximum cost of ?112, Cllr P. Balicki 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Council agree to purchase 2 trees to a maximum cost of ?112.19/20-184.To discuss and decide upon whether to participate in the Great British Spring Clean and to agree to the proposed date of Saturday 4th April 2020.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Council participate in the Great British Spring Clean on Saturday 4th April and the Clerk will advertise it on the website, Facebook and noticeboards, Cllr A. Goodridge 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Council participate in the Great British Spring Clean on Saturday 4th April and the Clerk will advertise it on the website, Facebook and noticeboards.19/20-185.To discuss the consultation on the Local Enforcement Plan for Minerals and Waste Development in Cambridgeshire – closing date 8th April.Page 982Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Clerk responds to state that the Council support the draft enforcement plan on the basis that Cambridgeshire County Council will enforce when required, Cllr P. Balicki 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Clerk will respond to state that the Council support the draft enforcement plan on the basis that Cambridgeshire County Council will enforce when required.19/20-186.To discuss the application for the 2021/22 Local Highway Improvement funding bid – proposed closing date 31st May 2020.Cllr A. Goodridge suggested that the Hilton Traffic Group suggest options for the LHI bid after their upcoming meetings, for discussion at the April meeting.19/20-187.To discuss the correspondence received from the Village Hall Committee regarding financial support from the Parish Council for the Village Hall.Cllrs discussed the correspondence. Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Clerk ask other Clerks in the area how their Parish Councils support or run their village halls, Cllr L. Chorlton 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Clerk ask other Clerks in the area how their Parish Councils support or run their village halls.19/20-188.To discuss and decide upon remedial actions regarding the Village Hall car parkCllrs discussed the potholes in the Village Hall car park.Cllr G. Barradell proposed that the Council ask the Green Open Spaces working group to look at remedial actions regarding the Village Hall car park, Cllr A. Goodridge 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Council ask the Green Open Spaces working group to look at remedial actions regarding the Village Hall car park.19/20-189.To receive an update from the Clerk for the recruitment process for the Maintenance Person.The Clerk advised the Council regarding the process; the Clerk will issue a new advert with the corrected weekly hours (3 hours per week) and the Clerk and the Green open Spaces Officer will short-list and interview candidates.19/20-190.To discuss and decide upon the purchase of a new minute book – cost ?78 plus ?27 for paperCllr G. Barradell proposed that the Council purchase a new minute book at a cost of ?105, Cllr P. Balicki 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that the Council purchase a new minute book at a cost of ?105.19/20-191.Approve paymentsMinute RefPayeeDescriptionAmountMethodLegislation19/20-191.1JSC ServicesMaintenance Contract - Feb?660.00S/OOpen Spaces Act 1906 s10 - Power to maintain open spaces19/20-191.2EcotricityElectricity Supply - Feb?8.12DDLocal Government Act 1972 - s111 - Subsidiary powers19/20-191.3Nicola WebsterSalary - Feb?628.33S/OLocal Government Act 1972 - s112 - Power to appoint staff19/20-191.4MicrosoftOffice Package - Feb?11.28BACSLocal Government Act 1972 - s111 - Subsidiary powers19/20-191.5OpusStreet Lighting Energy - Dec & Jan?296.35DDLocal Government Act 1972 - s111 - Subsidiary powers19/20-191.6Charlie Vince Tree Surgery LtdTree Work?1,260.00BACSOpen Spaces Act 1906 s10 - Power to maintain open spaces19/20-191.7Atlas Tree Surgery LtdTree Work?1,176.00BACSOpen Spaces Act 1906 s10 - Power to maintain open spacesCllr G. Barradell proposed that these payments are approved, Cllr A. Goodridge 2nd, all Cllrs in favour.It was resolved that these payments are approved.Page 98119/20-192.Councillors items – information only. No discussion and no decisions can be made – Local Government Act 1972 s12 10(2) (b) states that business must be specified.No Councillors items were raised.There being no further business to transact the meeting was closed at 21:03.Signed…………………………………………………………………………………………… Date………………………………. ................

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