College Planning



Westampton Campus

May 2010

Dear B.C.I.T-Westampton Student,

Applying to college is an exciting, tedious, and demanding process. As your guidance counselors, it is our role to help you and your family to simplify college admissions and ensure that colleges view you as favorably as possible.

So much information is available in the media center, bookstores, magazines, newspapers, and on the Internet on how to be a successful college applicant that all this paper and software can be confusing. We at the Burlington County Institute of Technology have developed a packet about applying to college, and it is designed just for you, the B.C.I.T-Westampton Student. B.C.I.T-Westampton procedures and tips are included, as well as some forms for securing recommendations and transcripts. Reference materials and Internet information are also mentioned.

We encourage you and your family to work closely with your counselor through your high school career. It is our goal to make the B.C.I.T.-Westampton student a key player in the competitive world of work and college admissions. We urge you to put forth effort and enthusiasm, and strictly adhere to deadlines.


The School Counselors

College Preparation

Most colleges require a minimum of 16 academic units with a C grade (2.00) or better to be considered for admission. The easiest way to accumulate 16 academic units is to successfully complete 4 academic units each year in high school. Courses taken in the five academic areas (English, Social Studies, mathematics, Science, and World Languages) will count toward these 16 academic units.

Each college determines the specific requirements. While Burlington County College does not require World Languages, the minimum requirements for many colleges are:

English 4 years

United States History 2 years

World History 1 year

Mathematics (Alg. I and II, Geo.) 3 years

Physical/Biological Sciences 3 years

World Languages 2 years

Academic Electives 1 year

Choosing a College

Choosing a college is a family decision. Communicate honestly with your parents/guardians about your goals and how to attain them. College is not an end itself; it is a means to an end. The same holds true for your four years here at B.C.I.T – Westampton. B.C.I.T. is not an end, but more importantly we are the foundation for your adult life, work, military, and college. Discuss what you want in life, and determine with family support how to achieve these wants.

Choosing a college should begin with nine basic questions as listed below:

1. What will our “Major” field of study be?

2. What are your three top college choices?

3. Do they offer a degree in your field?

4. Do you qualify for admission?

5. How many “academic units” are required?

6. What is the minimum SAT score required?

7. What is the cost? Tuition, books, room, and board?

8. Are these colleges accredited?

9. When is the application deadline?

College selection factors

|Large campus? |Typically has many services and facilities such as athletic facilities or computer labs. |

|Public or private school? |School size, number of majors, cost, and selectivity may vary depending on whether it is a state |

| |college/university or private college/university. |

|Small campus? |Allows for more close4 personal contact with students and faculty. |

|Located in an urban area? |Has many opportunities within the community, such as employment, or cultural events. |

|Town? Rural area? |Quiet environment, secure, and usually safer. |

|Far from home? |Chance to feel independent, higher cost for travel. |

|Close to home? |Easy to get home on the weekend. |

|Live on campus? |Allows you to experience the college social life more easily; adds costs to college fees. |

|Commute to campus? |Cuts costs, may not experience the college scene. |

|Good student support service? | Counseling, writing center, student groups, minority support groups. |

|Student body? |Is it diverse? How many minority students attend? |

|Strong faculty? |Do professors or graduate students teach the courses? Do the majority of faculty members hold advance degrees? |

| |Are there opportunities to work with faculty on research? |

|Availability of special opportunities and |Can I study abroad? Can I earn a combined BA/MA? Are there programs that combine opportunities with study? |

|programs? | |

|Quality of program? |Is the school known for its undergraduate science program or humanities program? Do students who receive |

| |undergraduate degrees in specific programs get accepted into graduate school? |

|Cost? |What is the tuition? How many students receive financial aid? What is room and board? Out-of-state vs. |

| |in-state? |

|Athletics/activities? |Does the college offer the sport, club, activity, etc. that I want to join or observe? |

Countdown to College

High School Calendar Checklist

Freshman and Sophomore Years:


| |Make sure high school selections are appropriate for college/career interests. |

| |Seek out quality involvement in school, community-related activities, and volunteer services. |

| |Student Athletes – check NCA Clearinghouse website. |

| |Check your GPA and Class Rank. |

Junior Year:


| |Make sure high school course selections are appropriate for college/career interests. |

| |Check your GPA and Class Rank. |

| |Continue school and community involvement throughout the year. |


| |Take the PSAT for practice taking college admissions tests and to establish eligibility for National Merit competition. |


| |Student Athletes – check NCAA Clearinghouse website. |

| |Attend college fairs and visit college websites. |


| |Confer with your counselor about PSAT scores. |

| |Plan on taking the Spring SAT. |


| |Check semester GPA |

| |Check BCIT websites and college websites for colleges of interest. |

| |Send for college applications. |


| |Schedule visits to schools that are high on your list. |

| |Attend Financial Aid Seminars, if available. |


| |Send for catalogs and applications. |

| |Check year-end GPA. |

| |Develop an Activity Resume. |

| |If portfolios, audition tapes, writing samples, or other evidence of talent are required for admission or scholarships, begin to plan them. |

| |Visit schools that you plan on applying to. |

Senior Year:


| |Make sure your course selections are appropriate for your college/career interests, and that you are meeting graduation and college |

| |admissions requirements. |

| |If you plan to play division 1 or 2 athletics, begin NCAA Clearinghouse Eligibility process. |

| |Request application materials for admission and financial aid from colleges if you have not already done so. |

| |If portfolios, audition tapes, writing samples, or other evidence of talent are required for admission or scholarships, finalize them. |

| |Early Action and Early Decision candidates should file applications. |

| |If colleges require a recommendation, ask your teachers/counselor early. |


| |Narrow college search to final choices. |

| |Devote time, energy, and thought to writing and rewriting any required essays. |


| |Complete applications and submit transcript requests to Guidance. |

| |Continue to seek private scholarships. |

| |Register for SAT or SAT II, if necessary.. |


| |Have your parent/guardian complete the FAFSA. |

| |Check end of semester GPA. |


| |Review your financial package with your parent/guardian. Be sure that you understand the terms and conditions that accompany each kind of |

| |aid. |


| |Be aware of deadlines for college deposits and summer orientation sessions. |

Counselor recommendation request

Burlington County Institute of Technology

Westampton Campus

Guidance Services

Student Information Sheet

School Year _______________ Grade ________________

Student Name ______________________________________________________________________

Career Major ______________________________ Student ID # ________________

List three teachers whom your counselor may contact regarding your performance in class and your probable college success.


I would describe myself as a person whom:


The most important thing in my life to me is and WHY:


What do you consider to be your principle strengths? Why?


In what areas would you like to improve?


What is the most challenging event you have had to face? How did you cope with this event?


Are there any unusual circumstances that you would like the college admissions counselor to be aware of? (i.e. Circumstances that affected your high school achievement. Attach an extra sheet, if necessary.)


What are your current career goals? Discuss them in terms of probable college major and your suitability for this area. (Attach an extra sheet, if necessary.)


Please list the colleges to which you plan to submit applications.


I understand that meeting college application deadlines is strictly my responsibility. I understand that recommendation requests must be submitted to my counselor at least 2 weeks before I expect them to be mailed.

_______________________________________ _________________________________

Student Signature Date

Student resume for college applications

Many college applications ask for information regarding out-of-school activities, awards, work, and volunteer experience. Rarely does the college application provide enough space to adequately (or neatly) respond to this category.

A short resume is a good way of addressing this issue while giving a college application an air of maturity and polish. Choose a format that you like best. In all cases, try very hard to keep the document to one page. Highlight awards, leadership activities, and school-to-work programs. Write, “see attached” in the space on the application that calls for this information.

As with anything you place in the college application, make sure it is neat, well organized, spelled correctly, and properly labeled.

There are two general approaches to compiling this document, by grade level or activity.

A grade level summary might be organized as follows:

Grade 9:

• Freshmen Basketball

• Member, Church Youth Group

• Member, Interact Club

Grade 10:

• Varsity Basketball

• Hospital Volunteer

• Member, Interact Club

• Member, Robotics Club

• Member, Key Club

An activity format might be organized as follows:

Musical Activities:

• Studied Violin for 11 years

• Studied Piano for 8 years

• Member, Church Choir

Leadership Activities:

• Grade 9 – Student Council Representative

• Grade 10 – Student Council Treasurer

• Grade 11 – Varsity Basketball Captain

• Grade 11 – Delegate, American Legion New Jersey Boys State

Student Activity Resume

John Q. Senior

222 Happy Lane

Westampton, NJ 08060


SSSN #: 123-45-6789

Burlington County Institute of Technology

Westampton Campus

9th Grade

• Member of Freshmen Basketball team

• Member of Interact Club

• Volunteered 50 hours in ABC Soup Kitchen

• Member of Robotics Club

• Student of the Month for History (February)

10th Grade

• Started Varsity Basketball 9 games

• Worked part time at Sea Horse Pools (unloading trucks)

• Member of Interact Club

• Member of Robotics Club

• Student of the Month for mathematics (October)

11th Grade

• Varsity Basketball starter

• Member of Student Council

• Member of Interact Club

• Delegate at American Legion New Jersey Boys State

• Worked part-time at Chili’s restaurant (bussing tables and cooking food)

• Member of Robotics Club

• Student of the Month for Science (March)

12th Grade

• Varsity Basketball starter

• Captain of Varsity Basketball

• Member of Student Council

• Member of Interact Club

• Member of Robotics Club

• Student of the Month for English (November)

• Principal’s Student of the Month (November)

• Worked part-time at Chili’s restaurant (bussing tables and cooking food)

Helpful career and college websites:

College Planning:

| |College planning, financial aid, scholarships, etc |

| |All about the college process |

| |Assistance in choosing a major |

|studentaid.e |Source to research your career and college options, and FAFSA |


| |Scholarship Athletics |

|imagine- |Scholarships and award programs |

| |Scholarships |

College Athletics:

| |College Athletics |

| |NCAA Clearinghouse-Eligibility for Division I and II Athletics |


| |SAT Information and Registration |

Financial Aid:

|fafsa. |Free application for Federal Student Aid |

|pin. |Apply for a PIN for the FAFSA |

| |New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority |

| |Student guide to financial aid |

Career Websites:

| |Job Database, Job Trends, and on-line job fairs |

| |Job Database, Job Trends, and on-line job fairs |

| |Burlington County Workforce Investment Board helps students ages 14-21 with career pathways and |

| |employment opportunities |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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