Human Anatomy and Physiology, BI 231

Human Anatomy and Physiology, BI 231

Linn-Benton Community College

Winter 2010

Instructor: Diana Wheat Office Hours:

Office: MH 211 Monday: 2 – 3 pm

Phone: 917-4772 Wednesday: 2 - 4 pm

Email: Appointments also available with 48 hr notice.

Crn: 31891 Lecture 1-1:50 pm / Lab 11-1:50 pm Lecture location - MH 208

Crn: 32509 Lecture 1-1:50 pm / Lab 2 - 4:50 pm Lab location – MH 108

Credit: 4 credits


MATH 065 or higher math courses

BI 112, Cell Biology for Health Care Professionals


Human Anatomy and Physiology, BI 231, is an introduction to the structure and function of the human body. In this term we will study basic chemistry, the cell, tissues, skin, the skeletal and muscular systems. Because the body can best be understood as a unified structure we will emphasize the interrelationships between the body's parts: communication between cells and organs, control systems, and mechanisms of homeostasis.

Course activities include lecture, laboratory work, discussions, homework, student-presentations, and in-class activities such as case studies and exams.

TEXTS: R = Required

S = Supplemental

Textbook:,Marieb, Human Anatomy and Physiology, eighth edition – R

Lab Manual: Marieb, Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual 8th edition update - R

Study Guide: Lebsack and Lebsack, Human Anatomy and Physiology BI 231 Study Guide – R

S - Web site for the textbook http//:

(in front pages of your textbook you will find activation ID and password)

S- 10 Suite CD

S - Atlas of the Human Body second edition

S - Physio-X CD in your lab book


2 Quizzes (22 questions at 2 pts)....................................... 88 A=100 - 90.0%

2 Midterm Exams (44 questions at 2 pts each)................ 176 B=89.9 - 79.0%

Lab Quizzes ...................................................................60 C=78.9 - 68.0%

Lab Activities ..................................................................30 D=67.9 - 58.0%

Homework .......................................................................20 F=57.9% or below

Final Exam...................................................................... 100

Total:*……...…..~ 475

*Approximate distribution, subject to slight change/revision.


The "learning objectives", located at the beginning of each section in the Study Guide, point out major facts and concepts which you should use to direct your studies. One of the most important skills students can learn is Self-Assessment. To be successful in College, you must be able to accurately assess your own level of understanding and preparedness. Reviewing the Learning Objectives will be an important component in this effort. Quiz and midterm questions will be based on, but not limited to, the objectives, material presented in the study guide and other information presented in class or obtained from worksheets given in class. However, it is important to realize that the course is much more than learning a series of related facts and concepts. Throughout the term we will concentrate on critical thinking and problem solving and continue to talk about how people learn and effective study strategies. These may require you to develop new learning skills and strategies. Part of our goal for this class is to facilitate the development of these skills, flexibility is an important component of learning new skills.


You are required to attend all lectures (M,W,F). No grade will be assigned for attendance but to do well in this course it is expected that you will attend ALL lectures. Periodically, I will send around a sign-up roster to monitor participation or there may be in-class activities that will contain critical content. If a situation arises that makes it necessary to miss class it is the student’s responsibility to obtain notes from a peer.

The lecture is a very important part of the course. Advance preparation and attendance is essential for achieving a good grade. There will be a variety of activities occurring during these periods including: lecture, discussions, discovery worksheets, active learning, and group work. We encourage you to use your course calendar to identify the topics that we will focus on during class and scan the appropriate material in your textbook before class – for the sake of familiarity. You are also encouraged to bring to class information from other sources e.g. journals, magazines etc that relate to topics we are covering in class.

*Children are not allowed in the classroom while students are attending class, this is in consideration of your peers to maintain a professional learning environment.


Lab attendance is also an important aspect of this course, and is essential for a complete understanding of the material. In addition to the inclusion of laboratory subject material that will be assessed via the quizzes and lecture exams, there will also be graded lab activities. No grade on lab activities will be permitted for lab sessions not attended. On lab days it will be essential to come to the lab prepared and bring your lab manual, study guide, and textbook and any relevant supplemental materials for the lab – assume you may use all or most of your materials.


Assessment Format:

Quizzes and midterms will consist entirely of multiple-choice questions using a Scantron form. Some questions will test your memory of structures and functions while others will require an application of your knowledge to unique situations and problems. If for any reason you are unable to take a quiz or midterm at the scheduled time, and fail to make arrangements with the instructors prior to the exam, it is up to the instructor’s discretion to file the exam in the testing center or if necessary provide an essay based substitute, but this can only be applied once for a given term. Communication is the key to making certain you have an adequate opportunity for completing all quizzes and exams.

Return of Exams:

Unless special circumstances deem otherwise e.g. inclement weather or instructor illness, generally the exams and quizzes will be returned in the next scheduled lab period following the assessment. This schedule allows for adequate debriefing and examination of the exams when more class time is available. Students are not allowed an “early look” at their test in office hours before the exam is returned, this is for the sake of fairness. Please do not email, call or stop by to “check your exam grade” prior to the scheduled return, no special favors will be granted - again for the sake of fairness. Office hours are for conversations between instructors and students about content relevant to the course, discussions about policies or other face to face circumstances. Keep in mind your instructor has other students in other courses that may also require office hour time for private discussions. Also be aware that exam hard copies are not returned to the student to keep, only the scantron form is returned. It is important to be in class on lab day and to be on time in order to see a copy of the exam after you have taken it, for checking questions that were missed. No exams are posted for public viewing, or placed on reserve - this is to ensure the security and consistency of the standardized tests taken by all A&P students. The only exception will be occasional retired test question sets that may be made available in the library – on a department approved basis.

Make up exams:

There will be NO make-up exams unless I am informed, in writing, PRIOR to the exam that you will need to miss it for a “documentable” reason. You need to talk with me directly for approval to make up an exam, exceptions are rare, but I do understand complications that can make it impossible to meet an exam date. Exams may NOT be taken early, under any circumstances, so plan accordingly. Approved late takes must be made up before the next class session following an exam. No exam or quiz scores are dropped, all assessments are considered grade determining evaluations. If you miss an exam or quiz, the grade is a zero. On the exam day if you have a life situation come up then you must call me and leave a message on my voice mail OR send me an immediate email. Only then, with your instructor’s expressed approval, will you be eligible to take an exam. You will then need to come into the next scheduled office hour period to take that exam or make special arrangements with your instructor e.g. if the instructor is not available the following morning for instance with expressed permission a student may take it in the testing center, but this is for emergency purposes only. We must be diligent to not abuse the privilege of the testing center, it is not a fail safe for lack of preparation, but will be used only when no other options are available.


Course assignments, quizzes and exams give you a chance to review and to be challenged by the material you have learned and help you evaluate how you are doing in the course.

Homework & pre-lab assignments are typically due at the start of the lab. Material presented in lab will both complement lecture material and represent a significant portion of each midterm exam. We will also learn about various “study strategies” in lab. The laboratory will have many assignments that will be due at the end of the lab period. . If you are absent from lab it will be your responsibility to learn the material presented during that lab period, but you will be unable to make up the lab activity for points. No late lab work is accepted. . I also will be changing the composition of your lab groups on a weekly basis. This enables you to work with a variety of people and encourages student interactions and the formation of study groups.

Assignments that are due will be collected at the beginning of class and will NOT be accepted after the first ten minutes of class on the day they are due. If you know that you are going to miss a class then you can e-mail me your homework, you can turn it in the day before or you can give it to someone else to bring to class on the day when the assignment is due, please do not place assignments under the office door, there is no guarantee of receipt and this is an academic risk not worth the effort you put into the exercise.

In the event of missing a lab due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances there, will be one extra assignment in the term that will allow you to substitute for a missing or low score on a lab activity. Generally this assignment is made available in the second half of the course.


Special Accommodations:

Students who may need accommodations due to documented disabilities, or who have medical information which the instructor should know, or who need special arrangements in an emergency, should speak with the instructor during the first week of class. If you have not accessed services and think you may need them, please contact Disability Services, 917-4789. If you have documented your disability, remember that you must complete a Request for Accommodations form every term in order to receive accommodations. It is the student’s responsibility to make any needs known to me within the first week of the semester, in writing, so that I can give appropriate accommodation. This includes but is not limited to disabilities of visual, hearing, learning, dates needed for religious holidays, court dates etc.

Missed lab quiz: If you must miss a lab quiz please arrange with your instructor a time to make up the exam before its scheduled date, you will need to make up the lab quiz before the quiz is de-constructed so this will require immediate arrangement with the instructor.

Academic Misconduct: This will not be tolerated and includes any form of cheating. The student is encouraged to read the student handbook or college catalog for further details. If a student is found to have cheated on an exam, after due process the resulting grade may be a zero on the exam or quiz. All group work should still be written in the student’s own handwriting and language. You must turn in your own interpretation and work even if doing team work projects. Repeat violations of this policy will be referred to the Dean of Science, Engineering and Technology Division. Violations of academic honesty will be met with severe measures that may include failing the course or expulsion from the college.

Plagiarism will result in an F for the assignment. What is plagiarism? Turning in someone else’s work as if it were your own: using sources (another person’s ideas, words, or facts) without giving credit to them, and listing sources at the end of the paper or copying a paper off the Internet; etc. Although collaboration is important in learning, ultimately each student is responsible for demonstrating individual ability.

– This definition and policy set forth by (C. & S. Lebsack, 2009)

Withdrawing from Classes (Dropping a Class After the Refund Deadline):

To drop a class or withdraw from school, you must turn in a “Schedule Change” form at the Registration Counter or at an community center or use the SIS system. If you withdraw from a course after the refund deadline, you will receive a "W" grade in the class, you will forfeit all claims to refunds, and you will be financially responsible for any tuition and fees. Failure to drop a class may impact your grade point average and financial aid eligibility. Note: For classes meeting eight or more weeks, the deadline to withdraw from the class is 5 p.m. on Friday of the seventh week of the term. 

Incomplete Policy: An incomplete (IN) will only be issued when a student is unable to complete the last exam by the end of the term, and each incomplete grade will be accompanied by a signed contract specifying the conditions necessary to complete the course. This contract will be signed by the student and the instructor and placed on file in the Division office. The Y grade can only be issued if the student has attended no more than 25% of class time and less than 25% of the course work was submitted. The deadline to drop the course is the end of the 7th week.

Cell Phones: As a courtesy to your fellow students and instructor, please turn off all cell phones and pagers during the instructional period. Cell phones are not to be used in class. It must be put away while class is in session. If you leave class to answer/place a call/text message, you will be expected to leave for the rest of the day. Break times are the only exception. Anyone who needs to have a phone connected (e.g., spouse close to labor, a child sick at home) must clear it with the instructor at the beginning of the class period. Cell phones may not be used for calculators or cameras during class, labs, or exams - you must use the calculators provided in lab or bring your own – no exceptions.

Personal Computers (Notebook/Laptop/PDA): To use a computer such as a Notebook, Laptop or PDA for class notes please make an appointment to speak with the instructor outside of class time to fully understand the limitations and responsibilities for their use. Computers in the labs are only to be used for class or lab activities, not for personal reasons and under no circumstances should downloads of software be attempted on the lab computers. This can be a call for disciplinary action, due to a need to protect our class computers from viruses.

Inclement Weather Policy: If the campus is open class will be given, including any scheduled exams. Only if the campus is closed will an exam be postponed, and this will occur on the next scheduled class date following the closure. No special exceptions will be made for those who could not make it to class - be prepared for alternate methods. Please listen to local media coverage for notice of closures such as T.V. & radio stations.

Study Suggestions:

There are many study strategies that can help you be successful in this class. The following recommended lists are known strategies that work for many students.

> Attend all lectures and labs - many productive methods for mastering the material and concepts have been developed by LBCC faculty through the years to help you; this should be your first priority for an effective strategy. Often “approach” for study is offered by your instructor during class periods, including frequent review questions and opportunities for clarifications.

> It is vitally important that you keep up with the material and not get behind - come to class prepared. A little prep each day goes a long way in your learning versus massive study sessions just prior to exams. There will be a LOT of material covered each week and procrastination is probably the number one reason for students not having success in this course in the past.

> Read/skim textbook & lab manual assignments prior to lecture/lab and then re-read areas that were unclear to you that we covered in class. Develop a disciplined approach of reading every day in a quite location and interacting with the text frequently. Take notes and keep them organized in a notebook!

> Be sure to get assigned work turned in on time. No late work will be accepted without documentation to support your missed attendance on a due date.

> Study regularly and frequently in short intervals. The human brain has a difficult time holding onto and processing information for periods longer than 20 minutes. It is far better to study intensely for short periods and then give yourself a break compared to studying and cramming for hours on end; which is not only grueling but ineffective for most people.

> Use color to assist you in your study. Many people find it useful to hi-light or color code their notes e.g. definitions are always in blue, processes in green etc. Humans are highly responsive to picking up info that is colorful and visually appealing.

> Create a consistent time every day to review (even just 10 minutes). This is far more effective than waiting to study everything all at once before an exam or quiz. Many successful students have reported in the past that reviewing material immediately after a lecture (or as soon as possible) is the most crystalline time to “capture” the learning objectives – even if only 5-10 minutes of focused time can be allotted.

> Be affirmative – this is a challenging course for many students, and many have survived - you will too. It can be quite easy to feel overwhelmed in an Anatomy & Physiology course but if you can develop a positive outlook and a “Can Do” attitude this will serve you well. Surround yourself with other positive people, this is one of the secrets to success in any field or profession.

> Start a study group or attend TASS sessions early on to develop a consistent time to interact with others studying the same material. Getting a jump start on this process is often what propels the high scoring students compared to the average student.

> Utilize your resources if you are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or in need of assistance BEFORE your achievement goals become critical. Be aware that there are tutors available in the learning center, counselors to assist with personal issues, the Diversity Achievement Center for helping you navigate your way through college life and most importantly your instructor who can meet with you in a private conference. We all are here to help and guide your learning process.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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