LESSON PLAN – Completing Applications

LESSON PLAN – Completing Applications

Theme – Using Self Presentation Skills

CAREER SKILLS – Career Management

KEY SKILLS – Communication, Working With Others

WORK RELATED LEARNING – Learning For Work, Learning About Work

COMPETENCIES – *ai, *aii, *aiii, *bi, *cii, *di, **ei,**eiii, **evi, **ev, **evi, ***fiii, ***fiv, ***Iii, ***Iiv, ***kiv, ***kvi, ****li, ****mi, ****pi

SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – English, Personal Development

Learning Outcomes

By completing this task students will be able to:

• Understand the main functions of an application form.

• Be aware of the Dos and Don’ts of completing an application form.

• Practice completing application forms.

Preparation and Materials

• Copies of the Info Sheets (1) and (2) and Activity Sheets (1) and (2) “Completing Applications” for each student (can be photocopied back to back).

• Blackboard/flipchart.

• Obtain college and work-based training program application forms from the careers coordinator, careers adviser, local careers service.

• This lesson has optional links to lesson plan “Interview Techniques”.


1. Explain the aims of the lesson using the learning outcomes on Info Sheet (1).

2. Stress the importance of being familiar with application procedures.

3. Brainstorm the most important things to do or check for before completing a form. Write the responses on the blackboard/flipchart.

4. Give out Info Sheet (1) and (2) and discuss the similarities and differences between the list on the blackboard/flipchart and the “key issues” checklist on Info Sheet (2).

5. Give out Activity Sheets (1) and (2). Ask students to complete these specimen application forms as if they were applying for their preferred route i.e. as if it were:

• A college application form.

• A job application form.

• A work-based training application form.

6. ask students to exchange their completed application forms with a partner who uses the “Key Issue” checklist on Info Sheet (2) to comment constructively on the quality of the competed form.

7. The completed application form could be used as a basis for mock interviews.

8. Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson.

9. Summarise the main learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to:

• Understand the main functions of an application form.

• Be aware of the dos and don’ts of completing an application form.

• Practice completing application forms.

INFO SHEET (1) – Completing Applications

INFO SHEET (2) – Completing Applications

“Key Issues” Checklist

most employers, colleges, training organisations etc. produce their own application form, which you will need to complete when applying for a job, course or training program.

This is your first opportunity to create a good impression and meet the standards and criteria set by the company, college and training organisation. Remember you only get one chance to make an initial good impression.

The time taken to complete an application form can be rewarded with an interview, therefore allow yourself plenty of time to complete the form.

• Read the whole form carefully before completing it.

• Make a rough copy and ask someone to check it.

• Write neatly and use black ink or biro.

• Follow instructions exactly, it may ask for BLOACK CAPITALS in some sections.

• Answer the questions fully, using sentences where possible.

• Write your address in full, not forgetting the post code.

• Make sure you list all course and qualifications. List examinations taken or about to be taken. Enter estimated grades if known.

• Compete the section on previous employment by entering part-time jobs, paid or voluntary, and your work experience placement.

• Include the things you enjoy doing in your spare-time in the interests and activities section.

• Use the opportunity to sell yourself in the section which ask for further information. Try to relate your strengths to the skills and qualities that the employer will be looking for.

• Check that your application is accurate and has no spelling mistakes.

• Keep a copy of your application form for future reference.

• Use your Personal Education Plan (PEP)/progress file and action plan to help you complete the form.

• Return your application form promptly – there is often a closing date for receipt of applications.

• Don’t leave blank spaces, write ‘not applicable’ (N/A for short) or none to questions that do not apply to you.

ACTIVITY SHEET (1) – Completing Applications

ACTIVITY SHEET (2) – Completing Applications


Read the “Key Issues” checklist on Info Sheet (2) before competing your application form

Exchange your completed application form with a partner and use the checklist to see how well your partner has completed the form.

Feed back your thoughts to your partner offering constructive criticism (how could it be improved, what could be done differently?)


Please complete this side of the form in BLOCK CAPITALS.

Surname Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms


Previous Name (if applicable)

Address Postcode

Telephone Number

Date of Birth

Name and addresses of school/colleges attended since age 13 Dates attended

1. from


2. from


3. from


Examinations taken or about to be taken (enter grade if known)

Subject Level Date Grade

Subject Level Date Grade

Please give details of any work experience you have had, including Saturday and holiday jobs

Employers name and address Dates of employment Duties

Please complete this side of the form in your own handwriting unless unable to do so because of physical disability.

Signed date

Inside school Duties

Outside School Duties

Provide examples of where you have worked as part of a team. What was your role/contribution?

Please give details of special achievements and/or positions of responsibility (e.g. prefect, any particular awards)

Outline any activities you have planned and organised, and how you achieved your results.

Please indicate why you are interested in this post, the reasons why you consider yourself suitable and how you see your future with this company.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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