Congratulations on being appointed a tournament manager ...


Congratulations on being appointed a tournament manager for Moon Township Little League Baseball. The tournament season is often the highlight of the players’ summer. It is a time when the players get a chance to make new friends, learn a lot about baseball and learn about themselves while playing their favorite game. As a manager it is your job to help them on this endeavor. We have prepared this manual as a guide to help you enjoy the tournament season as much as your players.

The objective of the tournament manager is to further develop player skills through advanced training, practicing, and competitive playing. The manager will also further develop sportsmanship and proper behavior among his players, coaches, and parents. The tournament team is now a representative of both Moon Little League Baseball, Inc. and Moon Township, PA.

For first time managers this can seem like a daunting task. It is our intention to help you keep organized by offering pointers in several of the key tasks you are going to face.

We’ve broken the manual down to several critical areas. They are as follows:

1. Team Selection

2. Uniform Selection

3. Mandatory Meetings

4. Hosting a Tournament

5. Tournament Director

6. Concession Coordinator

7. Tournament Selection

8. Sportsmanship Policy

In addition to these topics we’ve included several handouts to help you stay organized.

1. 2011 Baseball Board Contact List

2. 2011 Concession Board Contact List

3. 2011 Concession Worker Contact List

4. Check Requisition Forms-Umpire Money and Tournament Reimbursement

5. Sample Uniform Order sheet

6. Sample Tournament Brackets and Umpire Cost Reference Sheet

7. Umpire Calling Procedure / Moon Umpire List

8. Moon Tournament Recap- Tournament Director’s Report

9. 2011 Tournament Season Recap for Newsletter

10. Accident Incident Report

11. Sample Tournament Rules per age group

Team Selection:

This is the first and perhaps most important job you’ll have. It can also be controversial. Our organization mandates that you hold a try out prior to selecting your team. A piece of advice is for you to attend as many games as possible after you have been appointed manager. This will help you get a better feel for the players in a non try out environment. Also, by being at as many games as possible you can pre-empt complaints from parents whose child is not chosen for your team.

Contact Jon Hower to schedule your tryout date(s)

When choosing players for your team it is also important to carefully consider how many kids you are going to have on the team. Playing on a tournament team requires a significant time investment from the parents. NOTE: A player may only be rostered on ONE Moon Tournament Team while his team is participating in tournament play. In addition to the travel to the games there is also going to be practice time and time spent working on the fields and serving in the concession stand. There is also the expense of the uniform. Because of the time and money commitments parents are going to be sensitive to how much playing time their child gets. You have to strike a balance between having enough players, having the right players, and getting all of the kids playing time. You’ll also play in tournaments that feature roster batting. Carrying too many players on the team can negatively impact the team’s performance.

Uniform Selection and Ordering:

The Board of Directors of our league has chosen two uniform styles. The choices made were to balance price and quality. You may special order other styles, but they will be significantly more expensive. It is important that we keep some consistency among all the tournament team uniforms to unify the community spirit. You are required to use the Moon emblem selected by the Board of Directors on your hats and shirts and to use only the red and white Moon colors. You are also required to order the uniforms from Team Sportswear. Mark Thompson at Team Sportswear is aware of the required emblems and has been affiliated with Moon Baseball for a number of years. His prices are better than anywhere else and Mark will work with you on the inevitable last minute problems that may arise.

You should hold a team meeting as soon as possible after the team has been formed to order the uniforms. Before the meeting, you should get samples uniforms and hats from Mark, and then get sizing from the team at the meeting. We’ve included a sample uniform order sheet for your review. It is important to make the ordering process as simple as possible. Being organized will help to avoid size issues or missing uniform pieces.

Team Sportswear requires payment when the order is picked up, so you may want to collect the money at this meeting if you can.

You need to place your order with Team Sportswear at least 14 days prior to your first tournament.


The league is going to hold a couple meetings that you have to attend. There will be a meeting with the Tournament Committee prior to the start of tournament season that you and your Tournament Director are required to attend. The date for this meeting is Saturday, June 18th at 9:00 am at Baker Field. Following this meeting, you will be able to pick up your tournament equipment, baseballs, practice baseballs, and a tentative practice schedule. The other meeting is for Tournament Directors and Concession Coordinators, which will be Saturday, June 25th at 9:00 am at Devenzio.

It is also important that you have a meeting with the parents of your team to discuss team goals, tournament and practice schedules. You may want to combine this with the uniform meeting mentioned above.

It is also a good idea to hold a team parent meeting prior to hosting your tournament. At this meeting you can discuss the division of labor mentioned below. Another important topic to discuss is conduct. The tournament season is competitive. Not only is it competitive but you are playing against teams from other communities. Sometimes emotions run high. It is the job of the manager and their coaches to ensure that the parents as well as the kids show good behavior. Remember that you are representing all of Moon Baseball when you travel to or host a tournament. The behavior of you and your team will reflect on all of us.

Hosting a Tournament:

Each tournament team is required to host a tournament (except 13 & 14 yr old ‘A’ or ‘B’ teams). These are important fund raisers for our league. Successful tournament seasons help us to keep the registration cost down while still having money available for improvements to the Baker Field Complex.

The first thing you need to do is to appoint a Tournament Director. The duties of the Tournament Director will be spelled out below. You and your TD will be responsible for getting teams to participate. We will post your tournament on the MCAA website and we’ll communicate with you on the number of teams that have expressed an interest in participating. The goal is to get at least 6, but preferably 8 commitments for your tournament. Other communities will be choosing their tournaments as early as May, so you and your TD should start recruiting as soon as you are chosen as the tournament manager. If you wait until mid June to start calling other communities, there is a good chance a lot of them will have their tournament schedules filled. You can get contact information from the MCAA web site (), and from other coaches and League officials.

As previously mentioned, the Tournament season provides significant revenue through our concession stand. You and the TD should arrange to have other food items for sale at the concession stand. The revenue from these other items is to be included with the general concession revenue. Anyone preparing other items can be reimbursed for their costs from the concession stand.

In the past, it was customary to hold a meeting with all participating teams a few days before the tournament to draw pools and disseminate the schedule. You may do this if you wish, but with everyone’s busy schedule these days, you will probably find very few if any teams will attend this meeting. Alternatively, the other teams will be relying on you to make a fair and balanced schedule. You will find that a number of teams attending your tournament will also be concurrently playing in another tournament. You should try to accommodate their schedule as much as possible without disrupting your tournament too much. Remember, you will want these teams to come back next year. Making a team forfeit a game will almost guarantee they won’t be back again.

During your tournament it is important that you, your coaches, team, and team parents treat the other teams like guests. Be polite. Be helpful. Make them want to come back next year.

Role of the Tournament Director:

The Tournament Director (TD) is crucial to the success of your tournament. It is up to the TD to:

1. establish a grounds crew schedule

2. keep track of the results of each game and post those results in a conspicuous place

3. schedule announcers and people to work the scoreboard during games

4. schedule and pay umpires ( Umpire Fees paid for by the Association)

5. mediate any disputes over rules or umpire decisions

6. communicate scheduling, rules and sportsmanship policy to all visiting managers before tournament

7. serve as the contact for the visiting managers during the tournament

8. alcohol strictly prohibited at all Moon Hosted Tournaments

The TD is critical to the success of your tournament. Organization is the key to this success and will make it more likely that teams will want to come back next year. Every parent of the tournament team needs to help out during the Moon hosted tournament.

NOTE: Umpire calling procedures are listed in this manual

Concession Coordinator:

A tournament hosted by a Moon team will need to have a Tournament Concession Coordinator appointed by the Manager. This coordinator will be responsible for the handling of all concession activities for the tournament being hosted. The coordinator will work with the Concession Stand President or appointed concession board tournament coordinator to establish:

• Menu items to be sold for the tournament. NOTE: Moon Township is hosting other communities and many games are played during dinner time. It is important to have a variety of menu items outside of the normal concession food.

• Scheduling of workers to work the concession stand during the tournament.

• Turning in all receipts for reimbursements to concession treasurer within ONE WEEK of the completion of the tournament. Each tournament team will have a labeled, yellow envelope in bottom of cash box in which to place any receipts for reimbursement. Attach name and address to receipt so that concession treasurer can issue a check for reimbursement. MONEY SHALL NOT BE TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM CASH BOX FOR REIMBURSEMENT.

• Coordinating with a Concession Board member to deposit money into the Bank on a daily basis. Money is not to be kept from day to day. A board member must deposit the money into the bank.

FAQ’s Regarding Tournament Concession Stand:

1. Why do we have to make special foods for tournaments?

Offering a variety of foods other than the usual concession menu is simply a part of being a good hosting team. Many families come to our community straight from work and it is nice to offer them more than just a hot dog. For many years, our tournament menus have received many complements from those outside of our community. Our guest teams and families really do appreciate us going out of our way to provide them with a menu that offers a nice variety.

2. Can I hire someone to work when it is my turn to work in the Concession Stand? Yes. A list of APPROVED persons to work the stand will be available to all tournament teams. If you wish to hire one of these people, you will pay that person from your own pocket. The cost will be $20 for each game worked in the concession stand. NOTE: MONEY SHALL NOT BE TAKEN FROM THE CASH BOX TO PAY A WORKER.

3. Why can’t our team keep the money from the special foods made during the tournament? All money raised through the selling of food/drinks from the concession stand belongs to the Association. The cost of extra foods will be reimbursed by the Association as long as receipts are turned in to the concession treasurer within one week of the completion of the tournament. In other words, the Association buys the ingredients for extra foods, the money made from selling these foods belongs to the Association. If you decide to have a bake sale to raise money for your team, the Association does NOT reimburse for these items.

4. Do we have to stock the concession stand for our tournament?

No. Concession board members will stock the stand with the USUAL items. You may purchase special foods and will be reimbursed through the treasurer. It is your responsibility to fill up the drink coolers each night so that cold drinks are available for the next day. This even includes filling up the coolers after the last game of your tournament, as a courtesy to the next tournament.

5. What are ways that we can raise some money for our Tournament Team to host a party and/or give a small gift to the players after the Tournament Season?

A couple ways to raise money for your tournament team that does NOT take away money from the concession stand include:

• Selling 50/50 raffle tickets for each game played.

• Having another raffle. An example of this is that one team raffled off a bicycle that was donated to the team. Chinese Auctions items have been sold in the past.

• Conduct a Bake Sale.

If you have any questions or concerns about how to raise money for your team, contact a Baseball Board member for clarification and approval.

Tournament Selection:

It is entirely up to you and your team to decide how many tournaments you want to play. Most managers in our league play in 3 or 4 tournaments plus the Little League World Series Tournaments where applicable. Keep in mind that these are only kids so it may not be wise to overlap tournaments.

If you are not sure where to find out about available tournaments you can check the McCandless Athletic Association website at . This is a pretty comprehensive listing of tournaments by age group in western PA

Our organization does not permit teams to participate in outside tournament play until your respective in house league play has concluded, including league playoffs, and July 4th All Star Activities. NO tournaments are to be entered until after July 4th. Exceptions are teams participating in the Little League World Series. Any tournament to be played on or before July 4th must first be approved by the Moon Twp. Little League Baseball, Inc. Board of Directors. If you want to attend a tournament before July 4th, please contact your in-house commissioner, or a current board member with your request. Board member contact information is included in this handbook.

Tournament Entry Fees and other Costs:

As a tournament manager, Moon Township Little League Baseball, Inc. will reimburse the tournament team for the cost of one Tournament outside of the Moon Tournament. The Association will also pay for the Host Tournament entry fee, pay for umpire fees and provide tournament baseballs to host a tournament. The costs of all other tournaments entered and uniform costs are the responsibility of the tournament team. When hosting a Moon Tournament, teams may elect to raise money to help defray the cost of the tournaments and uniforms. Some ways to raise money include:

• Conducting 50/50 raffles for each game, or conduct other raffles.

• Conduct an External Bake Sale. NOTE: Extra items sold through the Concession Stand CANNOT be used for team funding. See section on Concession Coordinator.


This is not intended to be a comprehensive listing of the manager’s role or responsibilities. Rather, it is a guideline of the minimum requirements for a successful tournament season.

Sportsmanship Policy

In 2011, the Moon Township Little League Baseball Association, Inc. will be enforcing a zero tolerance policy in regard to the conduct of coaches, players, parents, and spectators during a Moon Twp. hosted Tournament. The policy is as follows:

If a manager, coach, player, or spectator is ejected from a tournament game, they shall take no further part in that game. They may not sit in the stands and may not be recalled. They shall immediately leave the vicinity of the field. The ejected person(s) will have no communication with the players, the manager, or coaches for the remainder of the game. Violation of this rule will result in an immediate forfeit. Anyone ejected from a game will also serve an automatic one (1) game suspension in the team’s next scheduled game, and they may not attend the next game as a spectator or communicate with the manager, coaches, or players during the game(s) of their suspension. A second ejection in the tournament will result in that team being removed from the tournament and tournament entry fees will NOT be reimbursed to the team removed.

Moon Township Little League Baseball, Inc.

2011 Board of Directors Contact List


Moon Township Little League Baseball, Inc.

2011 Concession Board Contact List

President – Jennifer Azen

concessionstand@ – or - jenniferazen@

412-580-8175; 412-299-0243

Vice President – Kim McKee




Treasurer – Joey Manuel


412-780-2985; 412-262-0922




• Sue Ann Papst - sapapst@ - 412-721-1242

• Karen Buzza - kjbuzza@ - 412-913-6389

• Kelly Niehaus - itsmekelly@ - 412-303-7547

• Lisa Lampo - doogda@ - 412-523-2181; 724-457-1019




• Jen Sacco - jennifer.sacco1@ - 412-508-9986

• Megan Suchar - kmcksuchar@ - 412-716-7960

• Tammy McCuen - basketchick@ - 412-480-2607

• Debbie Blaha - debbieblaha@ - 412-956-4090



• Leslie Steratore - fjsfjr@

• Jen Sacco - jennifer.sacco1@ - 412-508-9986



• Claudia Blatchford - cnblatchford@ - 412-721-2039

• Michelle Polster - tpolster@ - 412-478-6530



• Kim McKee - Devenzio - emilyjon712@ - 412-491-9352

• Vicky Morris – Baker - jvremorris@ - 724-457-3619



• Becky Myers - myersbs@ - 412-580-2936


Board Members:

• Colleen Cole - All Star Day - ccole@

• Vanessa Fachet - finosmom@

• Tara Ganni - Startup Crew - taraganni@

• Michelle Guthrie - mgczl983@

• Vicki Hricz - vhricz@

• Lisa McMonigal - Startup Crew - mcmonigal04@

• Beth Santacroce - Startup Crew - rick.572@

• Chelsea Sargent - c4sargent@

• Soni Zimmerman - Night at the Races - sonizim@

Moon Township Little League Baseball, Inc.

2011 Concession Stand Worker List


DeVenzio Concession Stand:

• Please have one adult present during each shift.

(Parents must coordinate to insure one adult is present.)

• No one under age 14 may work in this stand.

• Always schedule 3 people per shift if two minors are working.

Baker Concession Stand:

• No one under age 14 may work in this stand.

• Schedule 2 or 3 people per shift.



|Madison Polster |412-482-2638 |412-200-2620 |

|Lexie Ulven |412-638-0396 |724-457-7635 |

|Alli Steratore |412-398-9828 |412-264-6255 |

|Casey Rockerstein | |412-299-8545 |

|Meghan Taylor | |412-264-6989 |

|Annie McCoy | |412-299-0680 |

|Rachel Morris | |724-457-3619 |

|Emily Bolton |412-719-2699 | |

|Jennifer Ferrone | |412-269-2908 |

|Kaley Meanor | |412-215-9377 |

|Marquesha Mackey | |412-264-7385 |

|Koren McConville |724-457-2211 | |

|Erin Knepper (college) |412-478-7119 | |

|Erin Azen (college) |412-417-5227 |412-299-0243 |

|Mia Castlevetter |412-334-2021 |412-269-9303 |

|Sarah Davis | |724-457-1986 |

Any questions please contact any Concession Stand Board Member if you have any questions.

Check Requisition Form For

Tournament Umpire Fees And

Tournament Entry Fee Reimbursement

|Check Requisition |

| | |

|[pic]P.O. Box 1042 |______________________ |

|Moon Township, PA, 15108 |Pay To |

| | |

| |____ ____ |


| | |

| |________ ________ |



| | | |


| | |

|_____Umpires per game for _____ round robin games at $______ per game |$________. |

| | |

|_____Umpires per game for _____ Semis and Championship games at $______ per game |$________. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |TOTAL |$ |

| | |

| |Authorized by |Date |

| | |

| |Authorized by |Date |


| | | | |

|Check Requisition |

| | |

|[pic]P.O. Box 1042 |______________________ |

|Moon Township, PA, 15108 |Pay To |

| | |

| |____ ____ |


| | |

| |________ ________ |



| | | |


| | |

|Tournament Entry Fee Reimbursement for________________Tournament |$ |

|Played on _______________________(Dates) | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |TOTAL | |

| | |

| |Authorized by |Date |

| | |

| |Authorized by |Date |


| | | | |

Sample Uniform Order Sheet

Year Team


Manager Manager Phone #


Shirt Color Shirt Type

Color of Pants Color of Socks

|Jersey |Player Name |Parent’s Names |Home Phone |

|# | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

2011Tournament Season Recap

For Newsletter


May 25, 2011


Attached you will find a Tournament Team information form. While it is still somewhat fresh in your memory, we would like you to give us information to include in the 2012 Newsletter. The form is self explanatory, but if you have any questions, call or write. Also, if you’d like to submit a picture, please send it to me by regular mail (103 Elmhurst Drive, Moon Township, PA 15108) with the names on a separate sheet. You can also email this form and any picture to my e-mail address listed below. Likewise, you can mail this form back to me if you prefer.

Need to have responses by September 1, 2011.

Best regards,

Steve Meneskie








Name Tournament

TEAM OR INDIVIDUAL HIGHLIGHTS: (i.e. outstanding hitting, pitching, close games, come from behind, etc.) ____________________________________________________________________________





Accident Incident Report Form



NAME: _______________________________________ DATE: ___________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________ PHONE: ___________________

CITY and ZIP: __________________________________ PARENTS’ NAME: ____________________

(No treatment needed__ (First aid at field__ (To doctor__ (To hospital__ (Ambulance__ (Other__





Struck by: Collision with: Other:

1. Pitched ball __ 5. Other player __ 9. Tripped/fell __

2. Batted ball __ 6. Fence __ 10. Over-exertion __

3. Thrown ball __ 7. Backstop __ 11. Hit dirt too hard while sliding __

4. Bat __ 8. ____________ __ 12. Concession Stand mishap __

13. ___________________________ __



1. Uneven field surface, such as holes, humps, etc. __

2. Foreign objects, such as glass, rakes, stones, bottles, etc. __

3. Congestion during practice or games __

4. Weather conditions, such as rain, sun, darkness __

5. Lack of, or poor-fitting, protective equipment __

6. Other: _______________________________________________________ __


1. Mishandled ball __ 7. Wild pitch __

2. Mishandled bat __ 8. Wild throw __

3. Poor evasive action __ 9. Wild swing with bat __

4. Incorrect sliding form __ 10. Lack of attention __

5. Not watching the ball __ 11. Horseplay __

6. Lack of grip on bat __ 12. Other _____________ __

Brief statement of what happened: ____________________________________________________________________


Recommended corrective measures needed: __________________________________________________


Name of person completing form: _____________________________________________

Phone Number: _______________________ Date: ____________________

Function: (Manager __ (Coach __ (Observer __

NOTE: This form is for Little League purposes only. When an accident happens, obtain as much information as possible. Within 24 hours, send a copy of this form to League Safety Officer at the following address.

Scott Zimmerman -

938 Harper Road, Crescent Twp., PA 15046

In case of medical emergency, telephone the Safety Officer within 24 hours at 412-720-0870 (cell) or 724-457-7725 Home).




1. Managers shall be responsible for their players, coaches and fans. The umpires are instructed to warn the manager one (1) time concerning abuse and misconduct from any of the above. If not controlled the game could be forfeited to the opposing team.

2. Any coach who disputes or argues with an umpire over a call may be ejected from the game. Only the manager may question a call or make a formal protest. (Managers may not dispute a judgment call).

3. Protests may be made by the team manager (or acting manager) to the umpire at the time of the incident. The umpire will sign the scorebook, along with his/her brief description of the incident.

4. No protests, other than those pertaining to the playing rules, can be made after the first pitched ball following the incident which may result in a protest.

5. All protests will be decided by the tournament director.

6. Any player or coach throwing equipment in anger is subject to ejection from the game at the discretion of the umpire.

7. Obscene or abusive language will not be tolerated. Any violation of this rule will result in removal from the field and stands. This rule is in effect for players, coaches, and spectators. The player, coach, or spectator removed for obscene or abusive language or behavior will be subjected to General Conduct rule #8 below.

8. If a manager, coach, player, or spectator is ejected from a tournament game, they shall take no further part in that game. They may not sit in the stands and may not be recalled. They shall immediately leave the vicinity of the field. The ejected person(s) will have no communication with the players, the manager, or coaches for the remainder of the game. Violation of this rule will result in an immediate forfeit. Anyone ejected from a game will also serve an automatic one (1) game suspension in the team’s next scheduled game, and they may not attend the next game as a spectator or communicate with the manager, coaches, or players during the game(s) of their suspension. A second ejection in the tournament will result in that team being removed from the tournament and tournament entry fees will NOT be reimbursed to the team removed.


1. Official PONY Baseball, Inc. rules are in effect, except as written separately in these rules.

2. Each Team shall provide their own liability insurance. Moon Little League Baseball Inc. shall not be responsible for any injuries occurring before, during, or after any game to any person or persons connected to the team.

3. Players must be _____ years old or less on April 30, 2010.

4. A player cannot play for more than one (1) team in the tournament.

5. A team roster must be presented with the name, shirt number, date of birth and age before the first game and may not be altered after the first game. If requested by the Tournament Director, a proof of age must be readily available. If a proof of age is not available, then that player is ineligible until proof of age is presented to the Tournament Director.

6. All players must wear uniforms. All shirts must have numbers on the back. Catchers are required to wear a mask, chest protector, leg guards and a cup. Metal spikes are permitted.

7. Moon Township Little League Baseball will assign an official scorekeeper for each game. This official scorebook will be the only record accepted by the tournament director. The umpire must sign the official scorebook at the end of each game.

8. Only the manager, two (2) coaches, a scorekeeper and 15 players are allowed in the dugout area. The player roster will be limited to maximum 15 players.



1. The home team will be decided by a coin toss prior to the game. The team traveling the furthest will call the coin toss. If it is not agreeable on furthest distance, then the Tournament Director will decide who calls the coin toss. In the Semi-Final games, the higher seeded team will have choice of home or away. The Championship game home team will be decided by coin toss as described above.

2. The batting cages will be available for use before the game.

3. Every attempt will be made to adhere to the starting time for each game. However, teams will be given a fifteen (15) minute grace period after the scheduled starting time. After the 15 minute grace period elapses the tournament director may declare a forfeit. Every reasonable attempt will be made to avoid forfeits.

4. Due to limitations related to field availability and other team’s commitments, scheduling changes will be considered by the tournament director only in emergencies and on a case by case basis. When possible, the tournament director will attempt to assist teams in resolving schedule conflicts because of other tournaments. Decisions of the tournament director will be final.

5. Ground rules will be discussed prior to the start of each game.


1. Nine (9) players will be used on the field with three (3) outfielders.

2. All players on roster, present at the game, must play a minimum of three (3) innings in the field.

3. A runner must avoid contact on a play at a base or the runner will be called out. The runner may do this by sliding, stopping or stepping around the fielder. This is considered a judgment call and not subject to protest.

4. The infield fly rule is in effect.

5. The umpire will give each team one (1) team warning for throwing the bat. Any player doing so after that will be called out.

6. All games will be seven (7) innings. After four (4) full innings the Fifteen (15) Run Rule is in effect except for the championship game(s). After five (5) full innings, the Ten (10) Run Rule is in effect except for the championship game(s). Games called before completion will be considered complete if the home team is ahead after three and one half innings (3 ½), or the visiting team is ahead after four (4) innings. The losing teams must bat at least 4 times. If the game is not considered complete it will be replayed in its entirety.

7. If there is a rain delay you may not take your team home until official notification is given by the tournament director.

8. Teams must have a minimum of 8 players to start a game.

9. The batter and all base runners must wear helmets.

10. Bats must conform to the rules of PONY Baseball Inc., and cannot exceed 2 ¾” diameter.

11. Any team may challenge any player from another team about his/her age. If a player is challenged, the manager must present the player’s birth certificate to the tournament director. If the player is found ineligible, the game(s) his team has won be forfeited. If a player’s birth certificate is not presented all games will be forfeited and that player will no longer be permitted to participate in the tournament.

12. There is a free substitution allowed for all non-pitching positions.

13. Catcher Courtesy Rule: With two outs the catcher may be replaced on the bases with a pinch runner to allow the catcher to get his equipment on. The pinch runner will be the last player to make put out.

14. No Tobacco in any form is allowed to be used by anyone while on the field or in the dug out area.

15. Tie breakers will be decided by 1) Head to Head, 2) Run allowed, 3) Run differential (maximum of ten (10) runs per game) and 4) Coin toss. Note: that in the event of a forfeit the score will be counted as 10-0 for tie breaker purposes.


1. A pitcher is permitted to pitch up to seven (7) consecutive innings per game. Any pitcher, who has pitched four (4) consecutive innings, may not pitch in the next game. One thrown pitch in an inning constitutes an inning. A pitcher may pitch in consecutive games if he/she has not pitched more than four (4) innings in the preceding game. In the event of double header, the combined innings cannot exceed four (8) innings. A pitcher may not exceed fourteen (14) innings in the tournament.

2. A pitcher removed from the mound for any reason during a game may not return to pitch in that same game.


1. Managers shall be responsible for their players, coaches and fans. The umpires are instructed to warn the manager one (1) time concerning abuse and misconduct from any of the above. If not controlled the game could be forfeited to the opposing team.

2. Any coach who disputes or argues with an umpire over a call may be ejected from the game. Only the manager may question a call or make a formal protest. (Managers may not dispute a judgment call).

3. Protests may be made by the team manager (or acting manager) to the umpire at the time of the incident. The umpire will sign the scorebook, along with his/her brief description of the incident.

4. No protests, other than those pertaining to the playing rules, can be made after the first pitched ball following the incident which may result in a protest.

5. All protests will be decided by the tournament director.

6. Any player or coach throwing equipment in anger is subject to ejection from the game at the discretion of the umpire.

7. Obscene or abusive language or behavior will not be tolerated. Any violation of this rule will result in removal from the field and stands. This rule is in effect for players, coaches, and spectators. The player, coach, or spectator removed for obscene or abusive language or behavior will be subjected to General Conduct rule #8 below.

8. If a manager, coach, player, or spectator is ejected from a tournament game, they shall take no further part in that game. They may not sit in the stands and may not be recalled. They shall immediately leave the vicinity of the field. The ejected person(s) will have no communication with the players, the manager, or coaches for the remainder of the game. Violation of this rule will result in an immediate forfeit. Anyone ejected from a game will also serve an automatic one (1) game suspension in the team’s next scheduled game, and they may not attend the next game as a spectator or communicate with the manager, coaches, or players during the game(s) of their suspension. A second ejection in the tournament will result in that team being removed from the tournament and tournament entry fees will NOT be reimbursed to the team removed.


1. Each Team shall provide their own liability insurance. Moon Little League Baseball Inc. shall not be responsible for any injuries occurring before, during, or after any game to any person or persons connected to the team.

2. Players must be ___ years old or less on April 30, 2010.

3. A player cannot play for more than one (1) team in the tournament.

4. A team roster must be presented with the name, shirt number, date of birth and age before the first game and may not be altered after the first game. If requested by the Tournament Director, a proof of age must be readily available. If a proof of age is not available, then that player is ineligible until proof of age is presented to the Tournament Director.

5. All players must wear uniforms. All shirts must have numbers on the back. Catchers are required to wear a mask with a THROAT GUARD, chest protector, leg guards and a cup. No metal spikes are permitted.

6. Moon Township Little League Baseball will assign an official scorekeeper for each game. This official scorebook will be the only record accepted by the tournament director. The umpire must sign the official scorebook at the end of each game.

7. Only the manager, two (2) coaches, a scorekeeper and 15 players are allowed in the dugout area. The player roster will be limited to maximum 15 players. During the game, the players and coaches not on the field must stay in the dugout.

8. The batting order may not be changed once the game begins unless there is an injury or the game is started without all players. Players arriving after the start of the game will be placed at the end of the batting order in order of their appearance.

9. The entire roster shall bat continuously.

10. There will be a NO On-Deck circle in effect. Violation of this rule will result in a team warning for the first offense. On a second offense, the manager will be ejected and the ejection rule will be in effect. Further offenses may result in a team forfeiting the game. This rule is in place for the safety of all players and spectators. This rule can be called by the umpire as well as the tournament director.


1. The home team will be decided by a coin toss prior to the game. The team traveling the furthest will call the coin toss. If it is not agreeable on furthest distance, then the Tournament Director will decide who calls the coin toss. In the Semi-Final games, the higher seeded team will have choice of home or away. The Championship game home team will be decided by coin toss as described above.

2. The batting cages will be available for use before the game.

3. Every attempt will be made to adhere to the starting time for each game. However, teams will be given a fifteen (15) minute grace period after the scheduled starting time. After the 15 minute grace period elapses the tournament director may declare a forfeit. Every reasonable attempt will be made to avoid forfeits.

4. Due to limitations related to field availability and other team’s commitments, scheduling changes will be considered by the tournament director only in emergencies and on a case by case basis. When possible, the tournament director will attempt to assist teams in resolving schedule conflicts because of other tournaments. Decisions of the tournament director will be final.

5. Ground rules will be discussed prior to the start of each game.


1. Official Little League Baseball rules will be in effect except as written in these rules.

2. Nine (9) players will be used on the field with three (3) outfielders.

3. All players on roster, present at the game, must play a minimum of three (3) innings in the field.

4. Stealing of bases is permitted, but there are no leads. Runner may not leave a base until a pitched ball passes the batter. A player leaving the a base early will be required to return to the base he/she left, unless the runner was called out trying to steal the next base the runner is out.

5. A runner must avoid contact on a play at a base or the runner will be called out. The runner may do this by sliding, stopping or stepping around the fielder. This is considered a judgment call and not subject to protest.

6. A runner may not slide head first, except when returning to the base they just left.

7. Bunting is permitted. No swinging bunts are allowed, a player attempting or is successful at a swinging bunt will be called out. All runners will return to their original bases.

8. The infield fly rule is in effect.

9. Only Little League approved bats up to thirty three (33) inches and a 2 ¼ inch diameter may be used.

10. The umpire will give each team one (1) team warning for throwing the bat. Any player doing so after that will be called out.

11. All games will be six (6) innings. After 3 full innings the Fifteen (15) Run Rule is in effect except for the championship game(s). After four (4) full innings, the Ten (10) Run Rule is in effect except for the championship game(s). Games called before completion will be considered complete if the home team is ahead after three and one half innings (3 ½), or the visiting team is ahead after four (4) innings. The losing teams must bat at least 4 times. If the game is not considered complete it will be replayed in its entirety.

12. If there is a rain delay you may not take your team home until official notification is given by the tournament director.

13. Teams must have a minimum of 8 players to start a game.

14. The batter and all base runners must wear helmets.

15. Any team may challenge any player from another team about his/her age. If a player is challenged, the manager must present the player’s birth certificate to the tournament director. If the player is found ineligible, the game(s) his team has won be forfeited. If a player’s birth certificate is not presented all games will be forfeited and that player will no longer be permitted to participate in the tournament.

16. There is a free substitution allowed for all non-pitching positions.

17. Catcher Courtesy Rule: With two outs the catcher may be replaced on the bases with a pinch runner to allow the catcher to get his equipment on. The pinch runner will be the last player to make put out.

18. No Tobacco in any form is allowed to be used by anyone while on the field or in the dug out area.

19. Tie breakers will be decided by 1) Head to Head, 2) Run allowed, 3) Run differential (maximum of ten (10) runs per game) and 4) Coin toss. Note: that in the event of a forfeit the score will be counted as 10-0 for tie breaker purposes.

20. Little League International has banned the use of composite barrel bats. It will be the responsibility of each manager to ensure that no player uses an unapproved bat in game or at practice. If a player uses an unapproved bat in a game, the bat will be removed from the game and the player and manager will each be given a tournament warning not to use it again. A second offense could result in suspension. If a player reaches base and his bat is determined to be unapproved BEFORE a pitch is thrown to the next batter, the player will return to the plate with the same count he had prior to reaching base and all runners will return to the base they occupied prior to the pitch. The pitch delivered at the time will still count for the pitcher’s official pitch count.


1. A pitcher is permitted to pitch up to six (6) consecutive innings per game. Any pitcher, who has pitched three (3) or more consecutive innings, may not pitch in the next game. One thrown pitch in an inning constitutes an inning. A pitcher may pitch in consecutive games if he/she has not pitched more than three (3) innings in the preceding game. In the event of double header, the combined innings cannot exceed six (6) innings. A pitcher may not exceed twelve (12) innings in the tournament.

2. A pitcher removed from the mound for any reason during a game may not return to pitch in that same game.

3. A pitcher hitting two (2) batters in the same inning or three (3) in the same game must be removed from the pitching position.

4. On the second visit to the mound by the manager or coach that pitcher must be removed from the pitching position. Visits to the mound between innings do not constitute a visit for the purpose of this rule.


1. Managers shall be responsible for their players, coaches and fans. The umpires are instructed to warn the manager one (1) time concerning abuse and misconduct from any of the above. If not controlled the game could be forfeited to the opposing team.

2. Any coach who disputes or argues with an umpire over a call may be ejected from the game. Only the manager may question a call or make a formal protest. (Managers may not dispute a judgment call).

3. Protests may be made by the team manager (or acting manager) to the umpire at the time of the incident. The umpire will sign the scorebook, along with his/her brief description of the incident.

4. No protests, other than those pertaining to the playing rules, can be made after the first pitched ball following the incident which may result in a protest.

5. All protests will be decided by the tournament director.

6. Any player or coach throwing equipment in anger is subject to ejection from the game at the discretion of the umpire.

7. Obscene or abusive language or behavior will not be tolerated. Any violation of this rule will result in removal from the field and stands. This rule is in effect for players, coaches, and spectators. The player, coach, or spectator removed for obscene or abusive language or behavior will be subjected to General Conduct rule #8 below.

8. If a manager, coach, player, or spectator is ejected from a tournament game, they shall take no further part in that game. They may not sit in the stands and may not be recalled. They shall immediately leave the vicinity of the field. The ejected person(s) will have no communication with the players, the manager, or coaches for the remainder of the game. Violation of this rule will result in an immediate forfeit. Anyone ejected from a game will also serve an automatic one (1) game suspension in the team’s next scheduled game, and they may not attend the next game as a spectator or communicate with the manager, coaches, or players during the game(s) of their suspension. A second ejection in the tournament will result in that team being removed from the tournament and tournament entry fees will NOT be reimbursed to the team removed.


1. Each Team shall provide their own liability insurance. Moon Little League Baseball Inc. shall not be responsible for any injuries occurring before, during, or after any game to any person or persons connected to the team.

2. Players must be ____years old or less on April 30, 2010.

3. A player cannot play for more than one (1) team in the tournament.

4. A team roster must be presented with the name, shirt number, date of birth and age before the first game and may not be altered after the first game. If requested by the Tournament Director, a proof of age must be readily available. If a proof of age is not available, then that player is ineligible until proof of age is presented to the Tournament Director.

5. All players must wear uniforms. All shirts must have numbers on the back. Catchers are required to wear a mask with a THROAT GUARD, chest protector, leg guards and a cup. No metal spikes are permitted.

6. Moon Township Little League Baseball will assign an official scorekeeper for each game. This official scorebook will be the only record accepted by the tournament director. The umpire must sign the official scorebook at the end of each game.

7. Only the manager, two (2) coaches, a scorekeeper and 15 players are allowed in the dugout area. The player roster will be limited to maximum 15 players. During the game, the players and coaches not on the field must stay in the dugout.

8. The batting order may not be changed once the game begins unless there is an injury or the game is started without all players. Players arriving after the start of the game will be placed at the end of the batting order in order of their appearance.

9. The entire roster shall bat continuously.

10. There will be a NO On-Deck circle in effect. Violation of this rule will result in a team warning for the first offense. On a second offense, the manager will be ejected and the ejection rule will be in effect. Further offenses may result in a team forfeiting the game. This rule is in place for the safety of all players and spectators. This rule can be called by the umpire as well as the tournament director.


1. The home team will be decided by a coin toss prior to the game. The team traveling the furthest will call the coin toss. If it is not agreeable on furthest distance, then the Tournament Director will decide who calls the coin toss. In the Semi-Final games, the higher seeded team will have choice of home or away. The Championship game home team will be decided by coin toss as described above.

2. The batting cages will be available for use before the game.

3. Every attempt will be made to adhere to the starting time for each game. However, teams will be given a fifteen (15) minute grace period after the scheduled starting time. After the 15 minute grace period elapses the tournament director may declare a forfeit. Every reasonable attempt will be made to avoid forfeits.

4. Due to limitations related to field availability and other team’s commitments, scheduling changes will be considered by the tournament director only in emergencies and on a case by case basis. When possible, the tournament director will attempt to assist teams in resolving schedule conflicts because of other tournaments. Decisions of the tournament director will be final.

5. Ground rules will be discussed prior to the start of each game.


1. Official Little League Baseball rules will be in effect except as written in these rules.

2. Nine (9) players will be used on the field with three (3) outfielders.

3. All players on roster, present at the game, must play a minimum of three (3) innings in the field.

4. Stealing of bases is permitted, but there are no leads. A runner may not leave a base until a pitched ball passes the batter. A runner leaving the a base early will be required to return to the base he/she left, unless the runner was called out trying to steal the next base the runner is out.

5. A runner must avoid contact on a play at a base or the runner will be called out. The runner may do this by sliding, stopping or stepping around the fielder. This is considered a judgment call and not subject to protest.

6. A runner may not slide head first, except when returning to the base they just left.

7. Bunting is permitted. No swinging bunts are allowed, a player attempting or is successful at a swinging bunt will be called out. All runners will return to their original bases.

8. Only Little League approved bats up to thirty three (33) inches and a 2 ¼ inch diameter may be used.

9. The umpire will give each team one (1) team warning for throwing the bat. Any player doing so after that will be called out.

10. All games will be six (6) innings. After 3 full innings the Fifteen (15) Run Rule is in effect except for the championship game(s). After four (4) full innings, the Ten (10) Run Rule is in effect except for the championship game(s). Games called before completion will be considered complete if the home team is ahead after three and one half innings (3 ½), or the visiting team is ahead after four (4) innings. The losing teams must bat at least 4 times. If the game is not considered complete it will be replayed in its entirety.

11. If there is a rain delay you may not take your team home until official notification is given by the tournament director.

12. Teams must have a minimum of 8 players to start a game.

13. The batter and all base runners must wear helmets.

14. Any team may challenge any player from another team about his/her age. If a player is challenged, the manager must present the player’s birth certificate to the tournament director. If the player is found ineligible, the game(s) his team has won be forfeited. If a player’s birth certificate is not presented all games will be forfeited and that player will no longer be permitted to participate in the tournament.

15. There is a free substitution allowed for all non-pitching positions.

16. Catcher Courtesy Rule: With two outs the catcher may be replaced on the bases with a pinch runner to allow the catcher to get his equipment on. The pinch runner will be the last player to make put out.

17. No Tobacco in any form is allowed to be used by anyone while on the field or in the dug out area.

18. Tie breakers will be decided by 1) Head to Head, 2) Run allowed, 3) Run differential (maximum of ten (10) runs per game) and 4) Coin toss. Note: that in the event of a forfeit the score will be counted as 10-0 for tie breaker purposes.

19. Little League International has banned the use of composite barrel bats. It will be the responsibility of each manager to ensure that no player uses an unapproved bat in game or at practice. If a player uses an unapproved bat in a game, the bat will be removed from the game and the player and manager will each be given a tournament warning not to use it again. A second offense could result in suspension. If a player reaches base and his bat is determined to be unapproved BEFORE a pitch is thrown to the next batter, the player will return to the plate with the same count he had prior to reaching base and all runners will return to the base they occupied prior to the pitch. The pitch delivered at the time will still count for the pitcher’s official pitch count.


1. A pitcher is permitted to pitch up to three 3 consecutive innings per game. Any pitcher, who has pitched three (3) consecutive innings, may not pitch in the next game. One thrown pitch in an inning constitutes an inning. A pitcher may pitch in consecutive games if he/she has not pitched more than two (2) innings in the preceding game. In the event of double header, the combined innings cannot exceed four (4) innings. A pitcher may not exceed twelve (12) innings in the tournament.

2. A pitcher removed from the mound for any reason during a game may not return to pitch in that same game.

3. A pitcher hitting two (2) batters in the same inning or three (3) in the same game must be removed from the pitching position.

4. On the second visit to the mound by the manager or coach that pitcher must be removed from the pitching position. Visits to the mound between innings do not constitute a visit for the purpose of this rule.


1. Managers shall be responsible for their players, coaches and fans. The umpires are instructed to warn the manager one (1) time concerning abuse and misconduct from any of the above. If not controlled the game could be forfeited to the opposing team.

2. Any coach who disputes or argues with an umpire over a call may be ejected from the game. Only the manager may question a call or make a formal protest. (Managers may not dispute a judgment call).

3. Protests may be made by the team manager (or acting manager) to the umpire at the time of the incident. The umpire will sign the scorebook, along with his/her brief description of the incident.

4. No protests, other than those pertaining to the playing rules, can be made after the first pitched ball following the incident which may result in a protest.

5. All protests will be decided by the tournament director.

6. Any player or coach throwing equipment in anger is subject to ejection from the game at the discretion of the umpire.

7. Obscene or abusive language or behavior will not be tolerated. Any violation of this rule will result in removal from the field and stands. This rule is in effect for players, coaches, and spectators. The player, coach, or spectator removed for obscene or abusive language or behavior will be subjected to General Conduct rule #8 below.

8. If a manager, coach, player, or spectator is ejected from a tournament game, they shall take no further part in that game. They may not sit in the stands and may not be recalled. They shall immediately leave the vicinity of the field. The ejected person(s) will have no communication with the players, the manager, or coaches for the remainder of the game. Violation of this rule will result in an immediate forfeit. Anyone ejected from a game will also serve an automatic one (1) game suspension in the team’s next scheduled game, and they may not attend the next game as a spectator or communicate with the manager, coaches, or players during the game(s) of their suspension. A second ejection in the tournament will result in that team being removed from the tournament and tournament entry fees will NOT be reimbursed to the team removed.


1. Each Team shall provide their own liability insurance. Moon Little League Baseball Inc. shall not be responsible for any injuries occurring before, during, or after any game to any person or persons connected to the team.

2. Players must be 8 years old or younger on April 30, 2010.

3. A player cannot play for more than one (1) team in the tournament.

4. A team roster must be presented with the name, shirt number, date of birth and age before the first game and may not be altered after the first game. If requested by the Tournament Director, a proof of age must be readily available. If a proof of age is not available, then that player is ineligible until proof of age is presented to the Tournament Director.

5. All players must wear uniforms. All shirts must have numbers on the back. Catchers are required to wear a mask with a THROAT GUARD, chest protector, leg guards and a cup. No metal spikes are permitted.

6. Moon Township Little League Baseball will assign an official scorekeeper for each game. This official scorebook will be the only record accepted by the tournament director. The umpire must sign the official scorebook at the end of each game.

7. Only the manager, two (2) coaches, a scorekeeper and 15 players are allowed in the dugout area. The player roster will be limited to maximum 15 players. During the game, the players and coaches not on the field must stay in the dugout.

8. The batting order may not be changed once the game begins unless there is an injury or the game is started without all players. Players arriving after the start of the game will be placed at the end of the batting order in order of their appearance.

9. The entire roster shall bat continuously.

10. There will be a NO On-Deck circle in effect. Violation of this rule will result in a team warning for the first offense. On a second offense, the manager will be ejected and the ejection rule will be in effect. Further offenses may result in a team forfeiting the game. This rule is in place for the safety of all players and spectators. This rule can be called by the umpire as well as the tournament director.

11. Little League International has banned the use of composite barrel bats. It will be the responsibility of each manager to ensure that no player uses an unapproved bat in game or at practice. If a player uses an unapproved bat in a game, the bat will be removed from the game and the player and manager will each be given a tournament warning not to use it again. A second offense could result in suspension. If a player reaches base and his bat is determined to be unapproved BEFORE a pitch is thrown to the next batter, the player will return to the plate with the same count he had prior to reaching base and all runners will return to the base they occupied prior to the pitch. The pitch delivered at the time will still count for the pitcher’s official pitch count.


1. The home team will be decided by a coin toss prior to the game. The team traveling the furthest will call the coin toss. If it is not agreeable on furthest distance, then the Tournament Director will decide who calls the coin toss. In the Semi-Final games, the higher seeded team will have choice of home or away. The Championship game home team will be decided by coin toss as described above.

2. The batting cages will be available for use before the game.

3. Every attempt will be made to adhere to the starting time for each game. However, teams will be given a fifteen (15) minute grace period after the scheduled starting time. After the 15 minute grace period elapses the tournament director may declare a forfeit. Every reasonable attempt will be made to avoid forfeits.

4. Due to limitations related to field availability and other team’s commitments, scheduling changes will be considered by the tournament director only in emergencies and on a case by case basis. When possible, the tournament director will attempt to assist teams in resolving schedule conflicts because of other tournaments. Decisions of the tournament director will be final.

5. Ground rules will be discussed prior to the start of each game.


1. Official Little League Baseball rules will be in effect except as written in these rules.

2. Ten (10) players will be used on the field with four (4) outfielders.

3. All players on roster, present at the game, must play a minimum of three (3) innings in the field.

4. Stealing of bases is not permitted,

5. A runner must avoid contact on a play at a base or the runner will be called out. The runner may do this by sliding, stopping or stepping around the fielder. This is considered a judgment call and not subject to protest.

6. A runner may not slide head first, except when returning to the base they just left.

7. Only Little League approved bats up to thirty three (33) inches and a 2 ¼ inch diameter may be used.

8. The umpire will give each team one (1) team warning for throwing the bat. Any player doing so after that will be called out.

9. All games will be six (6) innings. After 3 full innings the Fifteen (15) Run Rule is in effect except for the championship game(s). After four (4) full innings, the Ten (10) Run Rule is in effect except for the championship game(s). Games called before completion will be considered complete if the home team is ahead after three and one half innings (3 ½), or the visiting team is ahead after four (4) innings. The losing teams must bat at least 4 times. If the game is not considered complete it will be replayed in its entirety.

10. If there is a rain delay you may not take your team home until official notification is given by the tournament director.

11. Teams must have a minimum of 8 players to start a game.

12. The batter and all base runners must wear helmets.

13. Each hitter will receive six (6) pitches or three (3) strikes when at bat. There will be no walks or hit batters. Bunting is not allowed.

14. A hit ball will be dead when the ball is received in control by the pitcher’s helper within the pitcher’s circle. At this time runners who have not passed the line indicated by chalk must return to the last base they achieved. Any runner past this mark will be awarded the next base. If the ball is not returned to the pitcher’s it is still live and plays can be made

15. Any team may challenge any player from another team about his/her age. If a player is challenged, the manager must present the player’s birth certificate to the tournament director. If the player is found ineligible, the game(s) his team has won be forfeited. If a player’s birth certificate is not presented all games will be forfeited and that player will no longer be permitted to participate in the tournament.

16. There is a free substitution allowed for all positions.

17. Catcher Courtesy Rule: With two outs the catcher may be replaced on the bases with a pinch runner to allow the catcher to get his equipment on. The pinch runner will be the last player to make put out.

18. No Tobacco in any form is allowed to be used by anyone while on the field or in the dug out area.

19. Tie breakers will be decided by 1) Head to Head, 2) Runs allowed, 3) Run differential (maximum of ten (10) runs per game) and 4) Coin toss. Note: that in the event of a forfeit the score will be counted as 10-0 for tie breaker purposes.





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