Copy of WHS Naviance Handbook.docx

Woodcreek High SchoolNAVIANCE FAMILY CONNECTION Naviance Handbook 2014-2015Student/Parent Resource GuideNaviance is a web-based college, career planning, andadvising program for students and parents. TABLE OF CONTENTSContentPageCounseling Department 3 - 4Naviance Family Connection 5Home Page 6Course Tab 7College Tab 8 - 9Career Tab 10 - 11Roadtrip Nation 11About Me Tab 12 - 13Prep Me 13Personality & Survey Docs 14My Planner Tab 14Holland Codes 15 Woodcreek High School Guidance DepartmentContact InformationBecky Rood – Assistant (916) 771-6565 ext. 4027 Denise Burns – Counselor (A – D) (916) 771-6565 ext. 4024 Don Allen – Counselor (E – K) (916) 771-6565 ext. 4021 Kassie Mendez – (L – Re) (916) 771-6565 ext. 4028 Jim Alstot – (Rf – Z) (916) 771-6565 ext. 4023 Karen Hummel – Special Services (916) 771-6565 ext. 4026 Marcelina Zamora – Intervention (916) 771-6565 ext. 4022 Kim Peter – Learning Support (916) 771-6565 ext. 4029COLLEGE & CAREER CENTER’S BI-MONTHLY NEWSLETTERPlease take the time to read this newsletter as it is packed with valuable information. Newsletters are E-mailed to students and parents and also posted to our website.FRESHMEN ADVISING SESSIONDuring Freshmen Advising in December and January, students will take the “Do What You Are” inventory which will enhance their self-awareness and help them discover their preferences in communication, learning styles, social situations, and relationship strategies. These results will also assist students in making good course selection choices as well as college and career choices. Counselors will also review graduation and college entrance requirements, useful websites and more.SOPHOMORE ADVISING SESSIONSophomore Advising will be held in December and January. Counselors will review transcripts, graduation and college entrance requirements, SAT/ACT information and timelines with students. There will also be an opportunity to complete the “Strength Explorer” inventory and explore related careers. A four year plan will also be developed.JUNIOR ADVISING SESSIONJunior Advising will be held in December and January. Counselors will review transcripts, graduation and college entrance requirements, SAT/ACT information and timelines with students. SENIOR ADVISING SESSION Topics for the Senior Advising session will include the following: college application process, handing letters of recommendation, transcript needs, career search information and critical deadlines.SCHOLARSHIPSScholarships are posted on Naviance under “College” Tab, located at the bottom of the page. There is also a National Scholarship Search link that all students can utilize through Naviance. Each February, RJUHSD makes available to all seniors the Local Scholarship Program. These scholarships are supported by local organizations and seniors are encouraged to apply through the College & Career Center. Please make sure to check NAviance and the Woodcreek High School website for more information.Naviance Family Connection Family Connection from Naviance is a web-based program designed specifically for students and parents. Naviance is a comprehensive web site that you can use to help make decisions about colleges, careers and academic plans. Family Connection will allow you to do the following:· Get involved in the advising process by building a 4-year plan, completing on-line surveys, and managing timelines and deadlines. · Research college information – compare averages of GPA, standardized test scores, and other statistics for previously admitted students.· Sign up to meet with representatives from collegesStudent Account Log-inYou can access Naviance by logging on directly at or go to WHS’s website and click on the “Naviance Family Connection” link. Your username is your Firstname.Lastname and your password is your WHS 6-digit student ID number. Your user name and password are the same as when you log on to a school computer. Once you have logged on to Naviance for the first time, you will have the option to change your password.Parent Account Log-inYou can access Naviance by logging on directly at or go to WHS’s website and click on the “Naviance Family Connection” link. You will click on the “I need to register” tab. Mother and Father registration codes are separate: Mother’s registration code = ID number + P (ie.123456P) Father’s registration code = ID number +PP (ie.123456PP) This Guide was designed to provide an overview of what Naviance has to offer. We encourage you to utilize this program and to try the various search links and career surveys to expand your knowledge and gain a better perspective on your goals.Naviance offers (5) main “Tabs” in addition to the Home Page as follows:Home PageCourse TabCollege TabCareer TabAbout Me TabMy Planner TabSome of the links on the tabs are inter-changable and can be accessed and/or bring you to another tab once you utilize them.The following pages will provide you with some of the planning tools Naviance offers along with a summary of what items can do for you.HOME PageCATEGORYITEMDESCRIPTIONAVAILABLE TO THE FOLLOWING GRADE LEVELSE-MAILSE-mails sent by WHS9 - 12CONTACT USE-mail link to WHS9 - 12COLLEGE VISITS TO WHSList of upcoming College Admission Representatives scheduled to visit WHS. Students can sign-up to meet with these representatives. Students need to follow specific sign-up instructions.9 - 12DOCUMENT LIBRARYForms for student use are filed here9 - 12Naviance Family Connection COURSE Tab Item SummaryCOURSE TabCATEGORYITEMDESCRIPTIONGRADE LEVELSMy CoursesVIEW MY COURSE RECORDSWe currently do not utilize this function. For access to your transcript, log on to your Homelink account.9 - 12My CoursesINTERESTING COURSESStudents can “tag” courses of interest and they will be saved in this section. This can be used if students don’t want to go back and search the entire course catalog.9 - 12My CoursesTHOUGHTS ABOUT MY COURSE PLANSThis area allows students to keep personal notes about courses or academic planning.9 - 12My CoursesMANAGE MY COURSE PLANSThis is the link you will click on to manage your 4-year academic plan. We encourage students to continually update their graduation plan as we use this feature for course registration purposes.9 - 12My CoursesVIEW MY CURRENT MULTI-YEAR PLANThis is a direct link to view your 4-year course plan by grade level.9 - 12Naviance Family Connection College Tab Item SummaryCOLLEGE TabCATEGORYITEMDESCRIPTIONGRADE LEVELMy CollegesCOLLEGES I AM THINKING ABOUTYou can create a list of colleges of interest. This is a great way to save information on potential colleges so that you don’t have to search for them every time you log on. 9 - 12My CollegesCOLLEGES I AM APPLYING TOThis list represents the where you will submit an application.9 - 12My CollegesCOLLEGES VISITING WHSIn addition to the HOME page, you can access all of the scheduled college representative visits here and sign-up for the colleges that interest you.9 - 12College ResearchSuperMatch COLLEGE SEARCHYou will be able to target your college searches by average SAT scores, GPA, major, location, size, etc. (demo videos are provided.) This is a great place to start your college search or to refine your college list.9 - 12College ResearchCOLLEGE MATCHA list of colleges that may or may not be of interest to you. The colleges in the list have accepted students that are similar to you (based on GPA, test scores, etc.)9 - 12College ResearchCOLLEGE COMPARECompare your GPA and test scores to the average GPA and test scores of WHS students who were admitted to the colleges you are considering.9 - 12College ResearchCOLLEGE LOOK-UPThis research tool provides comprehensive information on thousands of colleges. In addition to general and admissions information, further data is presented on academics, cost and financial aid, student body characteristics, extracurricular and athletic programs. A link to each of the college’s webites is provided.9 - 12College ResearchCOLLEGE SEARCHEnter criteria such as size, location, cost, availability of specific majors or athletic programs to produce a list of colleges that meet your criteria.9 - 12Naviance Family Connection COLLEGE Tab Item SummaryCOLLEGE TabCATEGORYITEMDESCRIPTIONGRADE LEVELCollege ResearchCOLLEGE RESOURCESCollege resources provides links (military, financial aid, athletics, etc.) that can help you in your college and career search.9 - 12College ResearchCOLLEGE MAPSThis link provides maps that show where our former students are attending, where our students have applied etc.9 - 12College ResearchSCATTER - GRAMSScattergrams are a graphic view of application outcomes (accepted, denied, waitlisted) at a college for recent WHS applicants using GPA and SAT scores. Students can guage their chances of acceptance by comparing their own GPA/SAT numbers with those of successful applicants.9 - 12College ResearchACCEPTANCE HISTORYThis feature shows all colleges to which WHS students have been accepted, as well as the number of students accepted and the number of those enrolling at each college.9 - 12College ResearchENRICHMENT PROGRAMSThis feature provides lists of current local, national and international Enrichment Programs. 9 - 12Scholarships & MoneySCHOLAR - SHIP MATCHThis feature will access any scholarships that are uploaded to Naviance by our College and Career Center and match them to students who may meet the criteria.9 - 12Scholarships & MoneySCHOLAR - SHIP LISTThis feature provides lists of all scholarship opportunities that come to the attention of our College and Career Center.9 - 12Scholarships & MoneySCHOLAR - SHIP APPSStudents can record any scholarship applications that they submit9 - 12Naviance Family Connection Career Tab Item SummaryCareer TabCATEGORYITEMDESCRIPTIONGRADE LEVELScholarships & MoneyNATIONAL SCHOLAR - SHIP SEARCHThis is a link to a National Scholarship Search sponsored by Sallie Mae9 - 12Explore CareersFAVORITE CAREERS & CLUSTERSThis link allows you to save the careers that interest you. Your counselor can also view this link to see what careers you are interested in to better assist in your investigation.9 - 12Explore CareersEXPLORE CAREERS & CLUSTERSYou can investigate the various career paths based on your personality and interest test results. This link will bring you to an array of careers and career clusters you will be able to research and investigate. Careers that are of particular interest to you can be saved to your “My Careers” link in Naviance. 9 - 12What are my interests?PERSONALITY TYPEThis link will bring you to “DO WHAT YOU ARE” Self Discovery Personality Type Assessment. Every student is asked to complete this assessment during their 9th grade advising session. This assessment provide valuable insight into your personality type.9 - 12CAREER Tab ContinuedCATEGORYITEMDESCRIPTIONGRADE LEVELWhat are my interests?CLUSTER FINDERFind Career Clusters that match your personality9 - 12What are my interests?CAREER INTEREST PROFILERThis link brings you to the Career Interest Inventory that will provide you with your Holland Codes. The Holland Codes provide job categories that fit your personality.9 - 12ROADTRIP NATION INTERVIEW ARCHIVERoadtrip Nation is an innovative self-discovery curriculum that empowers students to explore opportunities for their future by watching videos of real people sharing their own life stories. There are over 3,500 videos featuring stories from around the world including rocket scientists, sports writers, business leaders and even a professional surfer who share their stories of fulfillment, perseverance and dedication as they build their life’s passions.Naviance Family Connection ABOUT ME Tab Item SummaryABOUT ME TabCATEGORYITEMDESCRIPTIONGRADE LEVELSuccess PlanGOALSYou can record and set your goals here.9 - 12Success PlanTASKSYou can record your daily tasks here.9 - 12My AssessmentsSTRENGTHS EXPLORERDiscovering your strengths and interests will lead to better academic performance, higher scores, and ultimately the ability to reach your full potential after high school. Take this quick survey and discover your greatest strengths. You might be surprised!9 - 12My AssessmentsDO WHAT YOU AREYou can take the DO WHAT YOU ARE Personality Test and see your results.9 - 12My AssessmentsCAREER INTEREST PROFILERThis link brings you to the Career Interest Inventory that will provide you with your Holland Codes.9 - 12My AssessmentsCLUSTER FINDERFind Career Clusters that match your personality.9 - 12Interesting Things About MePORTFOLIOPut some information about yourself here. This could be an informal “cover letter” for anyone who looks at your portfolio. You could talk about where you were born, where you are going to school, and your goals.9 - 12Interesting Things About MeFAVORITE COLLEGESYou can view and save your favorite colleges here.9 - 12Interesting Things About MeFAVORITE CAREERS & CLUSTERSYou can view and save your favorite careers here.9 - 12Interesting Things About MeRESUMEYou can create and save your resumes for future use. 9 - 12Interesting Things About MeGAME PLANThis link provides students with a framework to explore and create their post high school plan.9 - 12ABOUT ME Tab (Continued)CATEGORYITEMDESCRIPTIONGRADE LEVELInteresting Things About MeDOCUMENTSWHS does not use this feature at this time.9 - 12Interesting Things About MeJOURNALKeep your journal notes here.9 - 12Interesting Things About MeCOMPLETED SURVEYSThis link tracks your completed surveys.9 - 12Official ThingsPROFILEYour profile page contains personal information (name, birthdate, etc.) Your profile also contains your GPA (GPA information should be updated throughout the year.)9 - 12Official ThingsACCOUNTThis link tracks username and allows your to change your password.9 - 12Official ThingsTEST SCORESTHe District Office uploads your SAT, ACT and AP scores here.9 - 12Official ThingsNAVIANCE STUDENT MOBILE APPYou can take Naviance with you by using the Naviance Student mobile app for iPhone and iPod touch. Improve collaboration and help stay organized with an easy-to-use college research tool.9 - 12Naviance Family Connection PREP ME Tab ItemPREP ME TabPREP ME(Located on the left hand side of Family Connection Home Page)Test Prep for : PSAT, SAT & ACT. This is an adaptive learning platform that diagnosies both your individual strengths and weaknesses and creates a personalized study plan based on your needs and timelines.10 - 12PERSONALITY & SURVEY DOCUMENTSWe recommend that the following Surveys and Personality/Career Tests be completed by all students as applicable to their grade level.PERSONALITY & SURVEL DOCUMENTSITEMDESCRIPTIONGRADE LEVELRESUMERecord your high school activities, awards, volunteer work, etc. You can save your resume (or multiple resumes) to use for colleges and/or employers. You should finalize your resume during the summer prior to your senior year.9 - 12Personal ProfileStudents can add to this Personal Profile throughout their high school career but must finalize this profile prior to their college application period. THis personal profile is used by counselors and teachers to assist them in writing letters of recommendation.9 - 12Graduation SurveyThis survey is required by all seniors to be completed prior to graduation. Please list all colleges where you plan to apply. 12My Game PlanMy Game Plan provides students a framework to explore and create their post high school plan.9 - 12Naviance Family Connection MY PLANNER Tab ItemMY PLANNER TabOverview, Goals, To-do-List, Tasks Assigned to MeStudents can make personal notes, goals, daily tasks and journal entries under these tabs. This is an area for students’ personal planning.9 - 12Holland Codes ChartCAREER ASSESSMENT The Holland Codes Chart is a system designed to classify jobs into categories. In the Holland Model these categories represent personality types that match up well with certain types of work environments.Realistic - preference for dealing with ThingsInvestigative -preference for dealing with Things and Ideas Artistic -preference for dealing with Ideas and people Social - preference for dealing with PeopleEnterprising -preference for dealing with Data and People Conventional preference for dealing with Data and ThingsRealistic types tend to be frank, practical, focused, mechanical determined, or ruggedInvestigative types tend to be analytical, intellectual, reserved, independent, and scholarlyArtistic types tend to be complicated, original, impulsive, independent, expressive, and creativeSocial types tend to be helping, informing, teaching, inspiring, counseling, and servingEnterprising types tend to be persuasive, energetic, sociable, adventurous, ambitious and risk-takingConventional types tend to be careful, conforming, conservative, conscientious, self-controlled & structuredAbilities: manipulating tools, doing mechanical and manual tasks, or athletic activitiesAbilities: working with abstract ideas and intellectual problemsAbilities: using imagination and feelings in creative expressionAbilities: interacting with people and concerned with the welfare of peopleAbilities: leading managing and organizingAbilities: ordering activities, paying attention to detailsHolland Code Careers: Craftsman, Fitness Trainer, Optician, Policemen, Fire Fighter, and PE Teacher Holland Code Careers: Biologist, Chemist, Historian, Researcher, Doctor, and MathematicianHolland Code Careers: Artist, Musician, Actor, Designer, Writer, and PhotographerHolland Code Careers: Teacher Clergy, Coach, Therapist, Nurse, Counselor, and SociologistHolland Code Careers: Manager, Lawyer, Business Marketing, Executive, Entrepreneur, and PrincipalHolland Code Careers: Accountant, Banker, Editor, Office Manager, Librarian, and ReporterMajors: Justice Studies, Fire Science, Athletic Training, Martial Arts, Corporate Fitness, and PEPossible Majors: Botany, Engineering, Forestry, Science, Physics, and Foreign Languages.Possible Majors: Art, Theater, Graphic Design, Music, Journalism, and CommunicationPossible Majors: Nursing, Christian Education, Counseling, Biblical Studies, Social Studies, and EducationPossible Majors: Pre-Law, Business Management and Administration, International Business, and Political SciencePossible Majors: Business, Accounting, and Management ................

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