Chemistry Self-directed Study and Bonus

TERM 1 Chemistry Self-directed Study and Bonus

A portion of your Chemistry mark (10%) will an open ended self directed study.

You must attempt a minimum of 5 points (if you don’t want your current mark severely affected), though you can earn up to 12 to receive bonus points bonus points.

Items must be started and finished within any given term.

Please hand in your submissions in a duotang. At the end of each term, please include the self-directed submissions from previous terms in separate tabs.


All Items will be expected to be of superior quality, no point(s) will be given for less than excellent work.

| Item |Value |  |Quantity |  | |

|Article Review (max: 3 per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|KG Science Logo (Term 1 only) |1 |x | |= | |

|Personality Indicator Test (Term 1 only) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Life List (1 per Year) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Website Review (max: 3 per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Write a science related article for the school paper or website |1 |x | |= | |

|Interview a Post Secondary Student (1 per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Perfect Attendance (per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Chemistry in pictures contest |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Cheat sheet |1 |x | |= | |

|Lab Collage |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Shelfari (3 books max per Term) |2 |x | |= |  |

|KG Science Olympics Activity |2 |x | |= | |

|Visit a post secondary institution |2 |x | |= | |

|Time Management Project (max: 1 per Term) |2 |x |  |= |  |

|University – Seminar (2-3 hours) |2 |x |  |= |  |

|Interview a Science Professor |3 |x |  |= |  |

|Video/Episode Review (max: 3 per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Chemistry 13 Activity |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Celebrate Mole Day (Term 1 only) |2  |x |  |= |  |

|Teach an Elementary school class |3 |x |  |= |  |

|Weekend 1 day commitment (8-4) |3 |x | |= | |

|Study Group(per Term) |4 |x |  |= |  |

|Science Fair Project (Term 1 & 2 only) |Up to 5 |x |  |= |  |

|Comic Biography of a Chemist |2 |X | |= |  |

|Gardiner Symposium |2 | X |  |= |  |

|Self Directed Project (make me a deal) | |X | |= | |

|Organize a experience |4 |X | |= | |

|Name: _____________________ | | |  | |/10 |

| Term 1     Term 2    Term 3                                     |Signature: |  |  | Date: |  |



Cheatsheets (max: 3 per Term)

A cheatsheet is a graphic organizer that provides the main points of a chapter or a section.  It gives a clear description of and shows the relationship between those main points.  Use of colour and shapes is an excellent way to visually arrange the cheatsheet. A cheatsheet can be constructed for chapter(s) included on every test.


Article Review (max: 3 per Term)

In our local newspapers (The Sun, The Province and The National Post) they occasionally print an article that is Chemistry related.

1. Cut out/print and mount the article on some sort of board to be displayed in the classroom

2. summarize the article(including the name of the source and the date)

3. along with your personal reflections on the topic stating what relevance it has to your life, or our course

The article must be of recent print (ie. The last calendar year)


Time Management Project (max: 1 per Term)

In this contract item you must follow yourself around for two weeks.  You must record your activities every ½ hour.  Include such categories as:

•       Sleeping

•       Eating

•       Personal Grooming

•       Health Fitness

•       Going to School

•       Homework

•       Work

•       Traveling

•       Entertainment

Try to be as detailed as possible, especially with Entertainment, don’t just write down “ENT”, write “ENT- Computer Games” or “ENT-movie”.  You must construct an Excel worksheet to keep track of the weeks activities. At the end of two weeks you must analyze how you spent your time (using Excel Pie Graphs) and where you would like to make improvements by answering the following questions:

1.    What are the top five things I want to accomplish this Term?

2.    Organize from greatest to least (in amount of time) what activities you do.

3.    Do any of these categories surprise you?

4.    Does your current schedule allow you to accomplish your goals?

5.    Where can you make improvements in your schedule?

6.    How can you implement these changes?


Personality Indicator Test(1 per year)

"Personality tests can help us only if we are honest with ourselves.  Identifying oneself can be revolutionary.  We may see the pattern and overall rationale for the way we have lived and behaved.  We may have greater self-knowledge which is essential for our growth.  However, after we have identified our personality types or patterns, we should not attach to our personality and justify questionable behavior, adopting a more rigid identity or merely use it to arrive at a better self-image.  If so, this may actually block our personal growth.  Personality test helps us to see how trapped we are in our trances and how far we are from our true nature.  It's merely a starting point of our personal growth.  So, friends, enjoy.  Start your journey now."


Go to the website and do the Jung topology test. Score it and print out your Personality Type Score and Description.  Answer the following questions about the report.

1.    Do you believe this to be an accurate description of yourself? Why or why not?

2.    What is the most surprising thing that was described about you?

3.    Ask two other people who know you to read the description about you.  Do they believe it is a fair/accurate description?


Life List (1 per Year)

Your life list is your personal collection of goals for the future. Consider your dreams. Would to like to learn to snowboard? Are you planning to travel to Africa? Are you hoping to be an artist or a computer programmer? Whatever your aspirations-no matter how tiny or challenging-think about what you truly hope to accomplish in your lifetime.


Include THREE goals for each of the following categories:


|Education |  |  |  |

|Career |  |  |  |

|Travel |  |  |  |

|Health |  |  |  |

|Arts |  |  |  |

|Family/Friends |  |  |  |


Shelfari (max: 3 books per Term; 2 points per book)

Create a Shelfari. Have you seen the Library’s Shelfari? Create, track and review the books you read during silent reading (and elsewhere). Atleast one of your books, per term, must be science related. See our moodle site for a bibliography of possible books. Ms. Kam can also help you with a novel choice. Reflect on/explain the science behind the book in your review. Include a print screen and link to your shelf. Also include your review copied and pasted into a word document for me to read. State your favourite quote from the book.


Interview a Post Secondary Student (Term 2 or 3 only; max: 1 per Term)

You should ask these questions of a student at the educational institution you want to go to.  The interview should take place face to face.

1.    Describe you highschool experience.

2.    What year are you in?

3.    What is your major?

4.    Why did you choose that area of study?

5.    What is the biggest difference between highschool and university?

6.    Do you do more, or less work than you did in highschool?

7.    How do you schedule your time?

8.    What lessons (or skills) do you wish you had learned in highschool?

9.    What is you most memorable experience thus far in post-secondary education?

10.   Create 5 More Questions to ask your Interview participant.

After the interview I want you to think about what the person has said.  What are you looking forward to in your University experience?  What challenged do you think you will face?  What areas do you think you will need some more work in?  How can you prepare for these now?


Perfect Attendance (per Term)

As this items suggests, a student must be in attendance every class to obtain this point.  If there is any absence the contract point has not been met. This includes absence for fieldtrips and illness. It also includes lates.


Comic Bio of a Chemist:

Read up on your favourite chemist. Turn one or all of their major life’s accomplishments into a 1 page graphic novel for display in the classroom. Ask me for examples to spur your imagination.

Interview a Professor

You should ask these questions of a professor at the educational institution you want to go to.  The interview should take place face to face.

1.    Describe you high school experience.

2.    What was your post secondary experience, as a student?

3.    What is your major?

4.    Why did you choose that area of study?

5.    How long have you worked at this institution?

6.    From your experiences as a student and professor, what do you think makes for a successful

university experience?

7.    How do you view the university student profile has changed?

8.    Do you think social media has a place in a university setting? If yes, please elaborate

9.    What is you most memorable experience as a university professor?

10.   Create 5 More Questions to ask your Interview participant.

After the interview I want you to think about what the person has said.  What are you looking forward to in your University experience?  What challenged do you think you will face?  What areas do you think you will need some more work in?  How can you prepare for these now?

Video/Episode Review

Seen an interesting clip on You Tube? A good show on the National Geographic channel? Tell me about it. How does it relate to the science you have learned in high school. Why did it spark your interest? The video must be at least 30 minutes long.

Chemistry in Pictures Contest

Document and submit chemistry photos to Chem 13 news. Include a description of the photos, your name and school. See the following link for details.

When this contest ends you may submit photos to me for our moodle site.

Chem 13 News

This University of Waterloo publication offers various activities throughout the year. I will let you know as they come up and post the information on moodle.

Website Review

You must locate a chemistry website.

Choose a website that would be useful to you in this course!

After you thoroughly look through the site describe the following:

1.    Provide a list of chemistry topics covered on this site.

2.    What are the best points about the site?

3.    What could be improved upon?

4.    Who would find this site useful?

5.    How will you use this site?


Be sure to include screen shots and detailed descriptions of the benefits of this site.

Chrystal making contest: (Term 1 only)

Submissions must be in before the end of October. I will post details on moodle when they arrive. The final display is usually at Science World in October.

Teach an elementary school class:

As the name suggests you will teach a topic to an elementary class.  Design and execute a chemistry/science based, engaging lesson. You must research and learn the topic, prepare notes and a presentation, and then implement the lesson.  You only get one chance to make a first impression here! Any contact you make with the school/teacher must include me (Bcc) and we must include a fieldtrip to gain permission from your teachers to be excused from their classes


Celebrate Mole day (Term 1 only)

These celebration could be just in our class, just science or the whole school. The bigger the better. You must document your preparations the event.

6.02x1023 October 23rd

Science Fair Project (Term 1 & 2 only)

Date: March Place:  Langara College

I do not expect the project to be finished in term 1 but I will assess the work you have done and award marks accordingly


Study Group (2 hours = 1 %)

The study group will consist of 3-5 people who meet on a regular weekly basis to cover chemistry material.  It will be required for a member of the study group to be a leader.  This leader will be responsible for filling out a study group report form and meeting with me every two weeks.

This role can be rotated through different members.  Please work where a witness can vouch for you. Ms. Kam, Learning Center supervisor, or a parent for example must sign each session to verify the time.

Build a Sustainable Classroom/School

Take a look at our school/classroom and suggest and implement ways to make it more sustainable. See Vancouver Aquarium for inspiration – I have a copy at the front of my room.

Help with KG recycling. It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it! Be a steward for KG’s environmental movement.


Visit a Post Secondary Institution:

To earn you 2 points you must spend atlease 3 hours in the institution. In your reflection, explain to me what you did and what you got out of the experience. Are you interested in pursuing an education here? Why or why not?

Science Olympics

For the months of October, November, December, February, March. The King George Science department wants to run a Science Olympics activity at lunch to challenge the students of King George. The challenge must be able to be completed at lunch include awarding of prizes. Some examples may include – farthest plane, tallest structure. You can earn 2 points by implementing an activity for students to participate in.

Science Logo (Term 1 only)

We need a KG Science Logo! Design and digitize a logo or slogan for consideration for our KG science/physics/chemistry/biology T-shirts. Designs will be posted on the school website/moodle for voting by the end of term 1. The sooner you have your submission in the better!

Write a science related article for the school paper or website

If an experience of any of the above was particularly memorable and you want to share it with the school, have it posted to the school website or printed in the school paper. I will give you 1 point for taking this extra step.

Gardiner Symposium

Grade 10 --12 students are invited to attend the 2011 International Gairdner Symposium for a behind-the-scenes tour of world-class CFRI research facilities, and the opportunity to meet two 2011 Gairdner award winners and other health sciences experts. Registration deadline: Sept.

9:00 a.m. Registration

9:30 a.m. Presentations:

Dr. Michael Hayden, From Genes to Therapies: Why I do What I do

Dr. Howard Cedar, Silence of the Genes

11:30 a.m. CFRI research tours

Lab Collage

A photo collage of all the labs you do in each term. Include a description of each picture. A part of you must be in each picture.

Self Directed Project

make me a deal

Over the course of the year, I get notices of talks and symposiums open to students – if you attend and reflect on the experience, we can negotiate credit.

Skype a famous Person or cool surgery

Check out

This website includes a list of people and procedures a school in Summerland B.C. has organized to have a Skype interview. Are you interested in doing this? Try contacting the person and see what they say. Arrange the time and date to coincide with one of our classes and we are all set.

TERM 2 Chemistry Self-directed Study and Bonus

A portion of your Chemistry mark (10%) will an open ended self directed study.

You must attempt a minimum of 3 points (if you don’t want your current mark severely affected), though you can earn up to 6 to receive bonus points bonus points.

Items must be started and finished within any given term.

Please hand in your submissions in a duotang. At the end of each term, please include the self-directed submissions from previous terms in separate tabs.


All Items will be expected to be of superior quality, no point(s) will be given for less than excellent work.


|Item |Value |  |Quantity |  | |

|Article Review (max: 2 per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Life List (1 per Year) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Website Review (max: 2 per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Write a science related article for the school paper or website |1 |x | |= | |

|Interview a Post Secondary Student (1 per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Perfect Attendance (per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Chemistry in pictures contest |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Cheat sheet |1 |x | |= | |

|Lab Collage |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Shelfari/book review (1 books max per Term) |2 |x | |= |  |

|KG Science Olympics Activity |2 |x | |= | |

|Visit a post secondary institution |2 |x | |= | |

|Time Management Project (max: 1 per Term) |2 |x |  |= |  |

|University – Seminar (2-3 hours) |2 |x |  |= |  |

|Interview a Science Professor |3 |x |  |= |  |

|Video/Episode Review -30 min (2 per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Chemistry 13 News Activity |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Comic Biography of a Chemist |2 |X | |= | |

|Teach an Elementary school class |3 |x |  |= |  |

|Weekend 1 day Science Fieldtrip commitment (8-4) |3 |x | |= | |

|Study Group(per Term) |4 |x |  |= |  |

|KG Science Olympics |2 | X |  | = |  |

|Self Directed Project (make me a deal) |  |X | |= | |

|Name: _____________________ | | |  | |/5 |

| Term 1     Term 2    Term 3                                     |Signature: |  |  | Date: |  |

TERM 3 Chemistry Self-directed Study and Bonus

A portion of your Chemistry mark (10%) will an open ended self directed study.

You must attempt a minimum of 3 points (if you don’t want your current mark severely affected), though you can earn up to 6 to receive bonus points bonus points.

Items must be started and finished within any given term.

Please hand in your submissions in a duotang. At the end of each term, please include the self-directed submissions from previous terms in separate tabs.


All Items will be expected to be of superior quality, no point(s) will be given for less than excellent work.


|Item |Value |  |Quantity |  | |

|Article Review (max: 2 per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Write a science related article for the school paper or website |1 |x | |= | |

| | | | | | |

|Life List (1 per Year) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Website Review (max: 2 per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Interview a Post Secondary Student (1 per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Perfect Attendance (per Term) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Chemistry in pictures contest |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Cheat sheet |1 |x | |= | |

|Lab Collage |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Shelfari/book review (1 books max per Term) |2 |x | |= |  |

|KG Science Olympics Activity |2 |x | |= | |

|Visit a post secondary institution |2 |x | |= | |

|Time Management Project (max: 1 per Term) |2 |x |  |= |  |

|University – Seminar (2-3 hours) |2 |x |  |= |  |

|Interview a Science Professor |3 |x |  |= |  |

|Video/Episode Review–30 min(max:2 perTerm) |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Chemistry 13 News Activity |1 |x |  |= |  |

|Comic Biography of a Chemist |2 |X | |= | |

|Teach an Elementary school class |3 |x |  |= |  |

|Weekend 1 day Fieldtrip commitment (8-4) |3 |x | |= | |

|Study Group(per Term) |4 |x |  |= |  |

|KG Science Olympics |2 | X |  | = |  |

|Self Directed Project (make me a deal) |  |X | |= | |

|Name: _____________________ | | |  | |/5 |

| Term 1     Term 2    Term 3                                     |Signature: |  |  | Date: |  |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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