Syllabus - St. Louis Community College


English 030, Introduction to College Writing

Eng. 030-450: 5:30-6:45 TTh A-225, Eng.030-452: 7:00-8:15, TTh, A-225

Instructor: Dr. Timothy L. Roach

Office: A228

Phone: 644-9366 Web:

Office Hours: 3:30-5:30 M,W,Th, 8:15-9:15 PM, M,T,W,Th and by appointment.


Course Description: This course is designed to help you prepare for successful work in College Composition I. You will work on sentences, paragraphs, and essays. Previous or concurrent enrollment in a developmental reading course is encouraged. Throughout the semester, we will discuss your progress as you move toward fulfillment of your writing goals.

Prerequisite: Recommendation of the English Department or a grade of “C” or better in English 020.

Textbook: Real Writing, with Readings., Third Edition, Susan B. Anker

Materials: A two-pocket manila folder. A 3.5 inch HD floppy disk, IBM format.

Attendance: Owing to the large amount of in-class work that we do, you should place a high priority on attendance. You will not do well if you don’t come to class all the time. St. Louis Community College Board policy states: “Students are expected to attend class. Excessive absences, as determined by the instructor, may result in a failing grade for the course.” In accordance with this policy, if you are absent from class more than four times, I may not assign you a passing grade for the class. If you are absent more than eight times, I will not assign you a passing grade for the class. If you are more than fifteen minutes late, I will mark you absent for that class. If the college is open, weather is not an excuse for missing class.

Requirements: You should come to class ready to do the work of that class. You should do all out-of-class work as assigned. You should participate in class. You must complete all assigned projects in order to pass the class. All work turned in to me will be word-processed in accordance with MLA guidelines. I will not grade papers that fail to meet manuscript requirements. You are responsible for behaving in accordance with the Rights and Responsibilities found in the St. Louis Community College Student Handbook.

Late Work: Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date and must be handed in to me personally. I will accept late work only after conference with you, in my office. I will not accept subsequent projects if any project is outstanding. If you hand an essay in late, you will lose the privilege of revising that essay. Handing work in on time is one of your most important responsibilities.

Plagiarism: We will discuss this in class. In short, do your own work. If I find that you have plagiarized, I will fail you for the course, and I will ask the college to take appropriate disciplinary action.

Electronic Noise: Starting today, you must turn off or turn to silent all cell phones, pagers, watches, and any other electronic gear. You must remove headphones and turn off all music players of any sort before entering the classroom. If your phone, pager, watch, music player or other equipment makes noise after the beginning of class, you will be asked to leave the classroom for that period, and you will be marked absent.

Drop and incomplete policies: The last day to drop with a grade of “W” is April 14, 2006 I give “I” grades rarely, and only in extraordinary circumstances. Should you feel that you are in extraordinary circumstances, please talk with me.

Special Needs and Services: The Americans with Disabilities Act guarantees our rights in respect to whatever disability we may have. If you have a disability that requires accommodation by the college, you must make contact with the Access office, Ext. 9243. If you have a need that I can help with, please talk with me. I can help with some things. I cannot help with a need that I don’t know about.

Grading: I will use portfolio grading in this class. When you hand in each project, I will mark it with a letter grade. You may revise each essay once on your own, provided that you handed your work in on time. All subsequent revisions must involve conference with me. You will continue to work on your projects until they are satisfactory to you. At the end of the semester, I will assign a portfolio grade that will describe your effort through the whole course. Since I will use portfolio grading, you must be careful to save all your draft work and prewriting work for every project. Your grade will consist of the following:

Two paragraphs, with all drafts-10% each

Two essays, with all drafts-20% each


I will discuss construction of your portfolio with you throughout the term. For now, just remember: save everything. Be advised that someone in this class will probably fail this class because he or she did not listen to or read this section of this syllabus. My heartfelt hope is that that person will not be you.

Conferences: Conferences are the times that you and I are best able to work on your personal writing needs. My office hours are times set aside for your needs. If you are unable to meet with me during my office hours, I will arrange to meet with you at other times. Without exception, the most successful students make good use of conference time. As noted above, you will need to confer with me as part of your revision process.

Peer Review: The class period prior to the due date for each essay will consist of peer review. You will read each other’s essays and help each other to make your essays stronger before you turn them in to me. In order to participate in peer review, you must bring a full, word-processed draft of your essay or paragraph to class on peer-review day. You must be in class on time.

Revision: After I return an essay to you with a grade on it, you may revise that essay once, after conference with me in my office, provided that you turned it in on time and provided that you participated in peer review. Your revised submission must include the following:

• Your graded essay, with my initials, with all areas of change highlighted.

• Your revised essay, with all changes highlighted.

• A detailed letter to me, on a separate sheet of paper in which you articulate what you have changed, and why you have changed it.

• You must turn in your revised essay within two weeks of the date I handed your original essay back to you.

After I grade your essay, you and I will assess together whether or not you need to continue revising.


The following calendar pages are included so that you might record important class dates. When I announce due dates or other important dates in class and those dates are recorded by the class, the dates become part of this syllabus, irrespective of your presence in class on the day of my announcement.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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