Myers cv 96 - New York University


Curriculum Vitae



Department of Anthropology

New York University




1976 Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College

1972 M.A., Bryn Mawr College

1970 B.A., Amherst College

Academic Positions Held

2013 - Affiliated Faculty, Department of Art History, Department of Performance Studies

2013- 2014 Acting Chair, East Asian Studies

2008-2014 Adj Associate Professor, Research School of Humanities, Australian National University

2003- Silver Professor of Anthropology

2000-2002 Director, Morse Academic Plan, NYU College of Arts and Science

1995-96 Member, School of Social Science, Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton

1995 Professeur Associé, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (May-June)

1991- 2010 Chair, Department of Anthropology, New York University

1992- Professor, Department of Anthropology, New York University

1986 Directeur d'Etudes Associé, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (May-June)

1985-92 Associate Professor of Anthropology, New York University

1982-85 Assistant Professor of Anthropology, New York University

1978-82 Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Pitzer College

1976-78 Visiting Assistant Professor of Social Anthropology, Pitzer College

Fellowships and Research Grants

2015-2018 Australian Research Council Discovery Grant: “Engaging the global legacy and impact of the Aboriginal Artists Agency”

2014-2017 Australia Research Council Discovery Grant: “Australian Cultural Fields”

2010-13 Australia Research Council Linkage Grant

2009 Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Research Grant

2008 National Museum of Australia

1995-96 American Council of Learned Societies

Member, School of Social Science, Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton

1991 New York University Research Challenge Fund Grant (June-July)

1989-90 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship

1988-89 National Endowment for the Humanities, University Teachers Fellowship

1988 Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Research Grant (June-October)

National Geographic Society Research Grant (June-October)

1984 Presidential Fellowship for Junior Faculty, New York University

1980-81 Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies Research Grant

1980-81 Visiting Scholar, Department of Prehistory and Anthropology, Australian National


1980 Summer Fellowship in the Social Sciences, Pitzer College

1979 Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Research Grant

1974-76 NIMH Research Grant and Fellowship

1973-75 Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies Research Grant

1973-75 National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant

1972-73 Bryn Mawr College Scholarship

1970-71 F. Jewett Moore Fellowship in Philosophy for Graduate Study,

from Amherst College

Academic Awards and Honors

2008 J.I. Staley Prize for Painting Culture, from the School of Advanced Research for a book that exemplifies outstanding scholarship and writing in anthropology

2001 Keynote Lecture, Opening of Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.

2001-2003 President,, American Ethnological Society

1988 W.E.H. Stanner Prize for Pintupi Country, Pintupi Self (biennial prize, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, for best book about Australian Aborigines)

Field Research

June 2010: Canberra, October 2010, October 2011, July 2013: Kintore, NT and Kiwirrkura, WA

Project: Yayayi: History of an Outstation. Yayayi Film Project

March 2007: Kintore, NT

Project: Opening of Papunya Tula Artists Studio

May 2006: Kiwirrkura, WA and Kintore, NT

Project: Repatriating Yayayi Film Footage

July 1996: Alice Springs, Sydney

Project: Framing Aboriginal Art

May 1993: Paris

Project: Framing Aboriginal Art at Musee des Arts d'Afrique et d'Oceanie

June - July 1991: Sydney, Alice Springs, Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra

Project: Framing Aboriginal Art

June - October 1988: Kintore, Northern Territory

Project: Pintupi Christianity -- New Forms of Identity and Social Action among Western Desert Aborigines

November 1984: Kiwirrkura Community, Western Australia

Project: Report on Condition of Newly Contacted Pintupi Group for Joint Working Party of Central Land Council and Department of Aboriginal Affairs

June - July 1983: Balgo Hills Community, Western Australia

June - July 1982: Balgo Hills Community, Western Australia

Project: Preparation of evidence for Ngarti, Kukatja, Warlpiri Land Claim

Dec 1980-July 1981: New Bore, Northern Territory, Australia

Project: Gender identity, marriage, and political economy among Pintupi Aborigines -- the changing contexts of gender

June-Aug 1979: Yayayi, Northern Territory

Project: Gender identity, marriage, and political economy among Pintupi Aborigines

July 1973-June 1975: Yayayi, Northern Territory

Project: The self and its changing behavioral environment in Central Australia

Other Research Activity

June 1974: Anthropological consultant for ethnographic film of Pintupi at Yayayi, directed by Ian Dunlop of Film Australia

1982-83: Research consultant to prepare and present land claim for Central Land Council, Alice Springs, Northern Territory

October 1984: Research consultant on Newly Contacted Western Desert Aboriginal People, for

Central Land Council and Department of Aboriginal Affairs Joint Working Committee

Research Interests

Indigenous Australia, settler societies and cultural policy, personhood, the anthropology of place, material culture, the politics of cultural property, contemporary art worlds, the production and circulation of culture



1986 Pintupi Country, Pintupi Self: Sentiment, Place, and Politics among Western Desert Aborigines. Smithsonian Institution Press, Wash., D.C. (reprinted in paperback by University of California Press, 1991)

----- and D. Brenneis, eds.

1984 Dangerous Words: Language and Politics in the Pacific. New York: New York University Press. (reprinted by Waveland Press, 1991)

----- and Susan Harding eds.

1994 Further Inflections: Toward Ethnographies of the Future. Special Issue, Cultural Anthropology, volume 9(3)

----- and G. Marcus, eds.

1995 The Traffic in Culture: Refiguring Anthropology and Art Berkeley: University of California Press.

2001 The Empire of Things: Regimes of Value and Material Culture. Edited volume. Santa Fe: SAR Press.

2002 Painting Culture: The Making of an Aboriginal High Art. Durham: Duke University Press.

--- and Nicolas Peterson, eds.

2016 Experiments in Self-Determination: Histories of the Outstation Movement in Australia. Canberra: ANU Press.

----- and Tim Rowse, and Lawrence Bramblett, eds

2019 The Difference that Identity Makes: Indigenous Cultural Capital in Australian Cultural Fields:. In press. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press.

----- and Tony Bennett, Deborah Stevenson and Tamara Winicoff, eds.

n.d. The Australian Art Field: Practices, Policies, Markets. In preparation. Contract with Routledge Research in Art History.


1976 To Have and to Hold: A Study of Persistence and Change in Pintupi Social Life. Ph.D. Thesis, Bryn Mawr College.

1972 What Men Do. M.A. Thesis, Bryn Mawr College.


n.d. “Off and on the Beaten Track: Hope, Disenchantment and Indigenous Art.” In Bennett, Stevenson, Myers and Winicoff, eds. The Australian Art Field: Practices, Policies, Markets. Routledge Research in Art History.

--- and Lisa Stefanoff

n.d. ‘We Never Had An Photos of My Family’: Archival Return, Film and a Personal History. In Barwick, L., J Green, and P. Varzon-Morel, eds. Archival returns in central Australia and beyond, Special publication of Language Documentation and Conservation. In press.

--- with Anna Weinreich

2019 “Verdopplungen.” In Meret Kupczyk, Ludger Schwarte, Charlotte Warsen, eds. Kulturtechnik Malen [Painting as Cultural Technique]. Pp. 175-186. Berlin: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. Translation of “Doubling” (2016).

--- and Eugenia Kisin

2019 “The Anthropology of Art, After the End of Art.” Annual Review of Anthropology 48. In press.

---- and Tim Rowse and Lawrence Bamblett

2019 “Introduction: The Difference that Identity Makes.” In Bramblett, Myers, and Rowse, eds. Indigenous Cultural Capital in Australian Cultural Fields :. In press. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press.

2019 “Recalibating the visual field: Indigenous curators and Contemporary art.” In Bramblett, Myers, and Rowse, eds. The Difference that Identity Makes: Indigenous Cultural Capital in Australian Cultural Fields. In press. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press.

2018 “AFTERWORD: Diorama, Defamiliarization, Indigenous Presence.” Special Issue of Visual Anthropology Review, “Faking It,” edited by Tess Lea and Jennifer Biddle. Volume 34, issue 1: 99-103.

2017 “Why Read Classics?” SHORTCUTS: Special section of Hau: The Journal of Ethnographic Theory, vol 7 (3): 8-12.

2017 “Pinturas, publicos y protocolos: las tensas trajectorias de las pinturas aborigenes”. In G. Borea, ed. Arte y Anthropologia: estudios, encuentros y nuevos horizontes. Fondo Editorial, Pontificia Universidad Catolica. Pp. 57-78. Translation of Paintings, Publics, Protocols (2015).

2017 “Exhibiting Culture at the Boundary: The Fetish of Early Papunya Boards.” In L.Scholes, ed. Tjungungutja. Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory. In press.

2017 “Whose Story Is It? Complexities and Complicities of Using Archival Footage.” In J. Anderson and H. Geismar, eds. The Routledge Companion to Cultural Property. Routledge Press. Pp 168-193.

2016 “Burning the Truck and Holding the Country: Pintupi Forms of Property and Identity.” HAU – Journal of Ethnographic Theory, vol 6, no. 1: 69-90. Reprinted from 1989, Wilmsen, We Are Here.

2016 “Doubling.” In Stephen Gilchrist, ed. Everywhen: The Eternal Present in Indigenous Art from Australia. Yale Univeristy Press. New Haven. Pp 52-59.

---- and Nicolas Peterson

2016 “The Origins and History of Outstations as Aboriginal Life Projects.” Pp 1-22. In N. Peterson and F. Myers, eds. Experiments in Self-Determination: Histories of the Outstation Movement in Australia. ANU Press. Canberra

2016 “History, Memory and the Politics of Self-Determination in an Early Outstation”. In N. Peterson and F. Myers, eds. Experiments in Self-Determination: Histories of the Outstation Movement in Australia. ANU Press. Canberra. Pp. 81-103.

2015 “Cultural Anthropology, 1992-1996.” Cultural Anthropology 30, 2:

2015 “Paintings, Publics and Protocols: the Early Paintings from Papunya.” Material Culture Review/ Revue de la Culture Materielle., vol. 79, Spring: 78-91. .

…. and Luke Scholes

2015. “Powerful Presence: Warlimpirrnga Tjapaltjarri in Presence and in Paint.” In H. Skerritt, ed. No Boundaries: Contemporary Aboriginal Abstract Art from the Debra and Dennis Scholl Collection. Nevada Museum of Art. Pp 132-145. Prestel Publishing.

2014 “Showing Too Much or Too Little: Predicaments of Painting Indigenous Presence in Central Australia.” In Glenn Penny and Laura Graham, eds. Performing Indigeneity. University of Nebraska Press. Pp 351-389.

2013 “Emplacement and Displacement: Perceiving the Landscape through Aboriginal Australian Acrylic Painting.” Ethnos 78 (4): 435-464.

2013 “Afterword.” Settler Colonial Studies, Vol 3, Issue 2. Special Issue: Difference, Representation, Resistance. Pp. 244-247.

2013 “Disturbances in the Field: Exhibiting Aboriginal Art in the US.” Special Issue, Journal of Sociology, vol. 43 (2-3): 151-172.

2012 “Censorship from Below: Aboriginal Art in Australian Museums. In T. Berman, ed. No Deal: Indigenous Arts and The Politics of Possession. Santa Fe: School of Advanced Research. Pp 174-87.

2011 “ Translating Indigenous Protocol.” In P. Batty and J. Ryan, eds. Tjukurrtjanu. National Gallery of Victoria. Pp. ix-xi.

2011 “Intrigue of the Archive, Enigma of the Object.” In P. Batty and J. Ryan, eds. Tjukurrtjanu. National Gallery of Victoria. Pp 29-42.

2011 Foreword. Ethnography and the Production of Anthropological Knowledge. Essays in Honor of Nicolas Peterson. Yasmine Musharbash and Marcus Barber, eds. Canberra: ANU E-Press. Pp. xvii – xx.

2011 Foreword. A Different Inequality. Diane Austin-Broos. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.

2011 “Fathers and Sons, Trajectories of the Self: Reflections on Pintupi Lives and Futures. In Ute Eickelkamp and Pauline Fietz, eds. Growing Up in Central Australia: New Anthropological Studies of Aboriginal Childhood and Adolescence. Berghahn Books, Oxford. Pp 82-100.

2010 “What Did Paintings Want? – Pintupi Painting at Yayayi in the 1970s.” In Kasper Konig, W. Falk and E. Evans, ed. Remember Forward. Museum Ludwig, Cologne. Pp. 136-145.

2010 “All Around Australia and Overseas: Christianity and Indigenous Identities in Central Australia 1988. For Special issue of TAJA, edited by F. Dussart and C. Schwarz, In Dialogue with Christianities. Volume 21: 110-128.

2009 “The Power of Papunya Painting.” Aboriginal Art Magazine, volume 1, no. 1: 40-45.

2009 “Graceful Transfigurations of Person, Place and Story: The Stylistic Evolution of Shorty Lungkarta Tjungurrayi.” In Roger Benjamin, ed. Icons of the Desert. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Pp. 51-64.

2008 Comment on Michael Brown, “Cultural Relativism 2.0,” Current Anthropology vol 49: 376-377.

2007 “A Day in the Life: Painting at Yayayi 1974”. In Vivien Johnson, ed. Papunya Painting; Out of the Desert. Canberra: National Museum of Australia. 5 pages.

------- in collaboration with Jeremy Long

2007 “In Recognition: The Gift of Painting.” In Hetti Perkins, ed. One Sun, One Moon:

Aboriginal Art in Australia. Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales. Pp. 171-180.

2006 “The Complicity of Cultural Production: The Contingencies of Performance in Globalizing

Museum Practices.” In Ivan Karp and Corinne Kratz, eds. Museum Frictions. Duke University Press. Pp 505-536.

------- and Faye Ginsburg

2006 “A History of Indigenous Futures: Accounting for Indigenous Art and Media.” Aboriginal History, Volume 30, Special Issue: Exchanging Histories: 95-110. (a revised version of an earlier essay).

2006 “We Are Not Alone: Anthropology in a World of Others.” Invited essay, Key Informants in the History of Anthropology. Ethnos 71 (2): 233-264.

------- and Faye Ginsburg

2006 “A History of Aboriginal Futures.” Critique of Anthropology. 26 (1): 27-45.

2006 “’Primitivism,’ Anthropology and the Category of ‘Primitive Art’.” In Handbook of Material Culture. Chris Tilley, Susanne Kuechler, Michael Rowlands, Webb Keane and Patricia Spyer, eds. Sage Press. Pp 267-284,

2006 “Collecting Aboriginal Art in the Australian Nation-state: Two Case Studies.” Visual Anthropology Review, Vol 21, 1 and 2: 116-137.

2006 “Representing Culture: The Production of Discourse(s) for Aboriginal Acrylic Paintings.” In The Anthropology of Art: a Reader. Morgan Perkins and Howard Morphy, eds. Blackwell Publishing. Reprinted (with some revision) from original Cultural Anthropology (1991) article.

2006 “Tradition, Indigenous Being, and Acrylic Painting: an Australian Story.” In E. Venbrux, P. Rosi, and R. Welsch, eds. Exploring World Art. Waveland Press. Pp 177-200. (revision of “Unsettled Business”)

2005 “Some Properties of Art and Culture.” In Daniel Miller, ed. Materiality. Durham: Duke

University Press. Pp88-117.

2005 “Linda Syddick On Longing.” In Max Charlesworth, Francoise Dussart, and Howard

Morphy, eds. Aboriginal Religions in Australia: An Anthology of Recent Writings. Oxford:

Ashgate Press.

2005 “Some Properties of Culture and Persons.” In Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, ed. CODE:

Collaboration, Ownership and the Digital Economy. Cambridge: MIT Press. Pp 45-60.

2004 “Anthropology of the Future, Ethnographies of the Present.” Essay written for Silver Professorship.

2004 “Annette Weiner.” In Vered Amit (ed), Biographical Dictionary of Anthropology. New York: Routledge.

2004 “Comments: Social Agency and the Cultural Value(s) of the Art Object.” Special Issue of

Journal of Material Culture, volume 9 (2). Eds. Aaron Glass and Nelson Graburn.

2004 “Unsettled Business: Acrylic Painting, Tradition, and Indigenous Being.” Visual

Anthropology 17, 3-4 (special issue, Confronting World Art): 247-272. also published in Luke Taylor, ed. The Power of Knowledge and the Resonance of Tradition. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press (2005).

2004 “Ontologies Of The Image And Economies Of Exchange.” American Ethnologist,

February, volume 31 (1): 1-16.

---- and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett.

2001 Interview with Annette Weiner. In F. Myers, ed. The Empire of Things. Pp. 269-313. Santa Fe: SAR Press.

2001 “Introduction: The Empire of Things.” In F. Myers, ed. The Empire of Things. Pp. 3-64. Santa Fe: SAR Press.

2001 "The Wizards of Oz? Nation, State and the Making of Aboriginal Fine Art.” In F. Myers, ed. The Empire of Things. Pp. 165-206. Santa Fe: SAR Press.

2000 "Around and About Modernity: Some Comments on Themes of Primitivism and Modernism." In Lynda Jessup, ed. Antimodernism and artistic experience : policing the boundaries of modernity. Toronto : University of Toronto Press. Pp 13-25.

2000 “In Sacred Trust: Building the Papunya Market.” In Hannah Fink and Hetti Perkins, eds. Papunya Tula: Genesis and Genius. Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales. Pp. 234-245.

2000 “Ways of Placemaking.” In Howard Morphy and Katherine Flynt, eds. Culture, Landscape, and the Environment. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pps. 72-110.

2000 "Traffic in Culture: On Knowing Pintupi Painting." In T. Smith, ed., Impossible Presence: Surface and Screen in the Photogenic Era. Sydney: Power Institute Publications and Chicago: University of Chicago Press..

1999 “Of Objects on the Loose.” Ethnos, vol. 6 (2). Special Issue: Objects on the Loose. Guest editor, Kenneth George.

1999 "Pintupi-Speaking Aborigines of Australia's Western Desert." In Richard Lee and Richard

Daly, eds. The Encyclopedia of Hunter Gatherers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1999 “Aesthetics and Practice: A Local Art History of Pintupi Painting.” In H. Morphy and M. Boles, eds. The Art of Place: Dialogues with the Kluge-Ruhe Collection of Australian Aboriginal Art. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Pp. 219-259.

--- and T. O Beidelman

1998 Obituary: Annette B. Weiner, American Anthropologist Newsletter, 39, No. 2: 27.

--- and T.O. Beidelman

1998 Obituary of Annette B. Weiner, American Anthropologist, 100 (3).

1998 “Uncertain Regard: Understanding an Exhibition of Aboriginal Acrylic Painting in France.” Ethnos 63 (1): 1-40

1998 “Question de Regard: Les expositions d’art aborigene australien en France.” Terrain, 30,

mars: 95-111. A longer version in English appears in Ethnos, 63.

--- and Rayna Rapp

1996 “Producing and Mediating Science as a Worldview in Post-War American: Two Interviews.

In G. Marcus, ed. Connected: Engagements with Media. Late Editions, Volume 3. Chicago:

University of Chicago Press. Pp. 349-374.

1995 “Re/Writing the Primitive: Art Criticism and the Circulation of Aboriginal Painting." In

Irving Lavin, ed., Meaning in the Visual Arts: Views from the Outside. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Pp. 65-84.

---- and G. Marcus

1995 “The Traffic in Art and Culture: Introduction." In G. Marcus and F. Myers, eds., The Traffic in Culture. University of California Press. Pp. 1-51.

1995 Review essay: The Art of Memory: Holocaust Memorials in History. (Essay review of

museum exhibit.) American Anthropologist.

1994 "Beyond the Intentional Fallacy: Art Criticism and the Ethnography of Australian Aboriginal Acrylic Painting." Visual Anthropology Review, Spring 10 (1): 10-43.

1994 "Culture-Making: Performing Aboriginality in the Asia Society Gallery." American Ethnologist 21(4) 679-699.

1993 "Place, Identity, and Exchange: The Transformation of Nurturance to Social Reproduction over the Life-Cycle in a Kin-Based Society." In J. Fajans, ed., Exchanging Products: Producing Exchange. Oceania Monograph, 43. Pp. 33-57.

1991 "Representing Culture: The Production of Discourse(s) for Aboriginal Acrylic Paintings." Cultural Anthropology, 6 (1):26-62. (reprinted in Rereading Cultural Anthropology, G. Marcus, ed. Durham: Duke University Press. 1992 and in The Traffic in Culture, Marcus and Myers, eds)

1991 "Australie." In P. Bonte and M. Izard et al (eds), Dictionnaire de L'Ethnologie et de

L'Anthropologie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

1989 "Truth, Beauty, and Pintupi Painting." Visual Anthropology, vol. 2, no. 2: 163-195.

1988 "The Logic and Meaning of Anger among Pintupi Aborigines." Man, 23: 589-610.

1988 "Locating Ethnographic Practice: Romance, Reality, and Politics in the Outback." American Ethnologist, 15: 609-24.

1988 "Critical Trends in the Study of Hunter-Gatherers." Annual Review of Anthropology, vol 17: 261-82. Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, Inc.

1988 "Burning the Truck and Holding the Country: Forms of Property, Time, and the Negotiation of Identity among Pintupi Aborigines." In T. Ingold, D. Riches, and J. Woodburn (eds), Hunter- Gatherers, II: Property, Power and Ideology. London: Berg Publishing. Pp. 52-74.

(longer version [In] E. Wilmsen, ed., We Are Here. Berkeley: University of California Press.)

1988 "From Ethnography to Metaphor: Recent Films from David and Judith MacDougall." Cultural Anthropology, 3: 204-17

1986 "Reflections on a meeting: Structure, language, and the polity in a small-scale society," American Ethnologist, 13: 431-447. (reprinted in, The Matrix of Language: Contemporary Linguistic Anthropology, Donald Brenneis and Ronald Macaulay, eds. Boulder: Westview Press. 1996.)

1986 "The Politics of Representation: Australian Aborigines and Anthropological Discourse." American Ethnologist, 13: 138-53.

1985 "Illusion and Reality: Aboriginal Self-Determination in Central Australia." In C. Schrire and R. Gordon, eds., The Future of Former Foragers. Cambridge: Cultural Survival. pp 109-121.

------ and Donald Brenneis

1984 "Introduction: Language and Politics in the Pacific." In D. Brenneis and F. Myers, eds., Dangerous Words.

------ and Bette Clark

1983 A Claim to Areas of Traditional Land by the Warlpiri, Kukatja, and Ngarti. Alice Springs:

Central Land Council.

1982 "Always Ask: Resource Use and Landownership among the Pintupi of Central Australia." In N. Williams and E. Hunn, eds., Resource Managers: North American and Australian Hunter-Gatherers. Boulder: Westview Press. (republished by Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. 1986)

1982 " Ideology and Experience: the Cultural Basis of Pintupi Politics." In M. Howard, ed., Aboriginal Power in Australian Society). Brisbane: University of Queensland Press. Pp. 108-52.

1980a "The Cultural Basis of Politics in Pintupi Life," Mankind, 12: 197-214.

1980b "A Broken Code: Pintupi Political Theory and Contemporary Social Life," Mankind, 12:


1979 "Emotions and the Self: A Theory of Personhood and Political Order among the Pintupi," Ethos, 7: 343-70.


2019 Review of The Work of Art: Rethinking the Elementary Forms of Religious Life, by Michael Jackson. Material Religion.

2004 Review of “Paradise Now? Contemporary Art from the Pacific.” The Contemporary Pacific 17: 273-277.

2000 Review of Ethnography Through Thick and Thin, by George E. Marcus. American Anthropologist, 102: 203-205.

1997 Review Essay of Looking High and Low: Art and Cultural Identity, by Brenda Bright and

Liza Bakewell. American Anthropologist, 99: 23-25.

1995 Review of Knowledge and Secrecy in Aboriginal Religion by Ian Keen. Oceania,55: 159-161.

1995 Review of The Art of Memory: Holocaust Memorials in History, curated by James A. Young. American Anthropologist 97 (2): 348-356..

1995 Review of Ancestral Connections, by Howard Morphy. American Ethnologist 22: 1040-1041

1992 Film Review of “Djungguwan at Gurka'wuy.” Directed by Ian Dunlop. American Anthropologist 95: 250-252.

1990 Review essay of History and Magical Power in a Chinese Community, by P. Steven Sangren. Journal of Ritual Studies.

1989 Review essay of Children of the Desert II: Myths and Dreams of the Aborigines of Central Australia, by Geza Roheim. Edited and introduced by John Morton and W. Muensterberger. Australian Aboriginal Studies, no. 2: 85-89.

1988 Review of Uluru: An Aboriginal History of Ayers Rock by Robert Layton. Journal of the Polynesian Society 97: 91-93.

1988 Film Review of “Cycle.” American Anthropologist, 90: 245-6

1987 Review of The Yolngu and Their Land by Nancy Williams. American Anthropologist, 89: 755-6

1986 Review of The Australian Aborigines: A Portrait of Their Society by Kenneth Maddock. Oceania, 57: 55-58.

1986 Review of Daughters of the Dreaming by Diane Bell. Man, 21 (2).

1984 Review of The Camp at Wallaby Cross by B. Sansom. Language in Society, 13: 254-59.

1979 Review of The Mardudjara Aborigines by R. Tonkinson. American Anthropologist, 81: 423.


2014 Remembering Yayayi. 60 minutes. Video.

2009 Painting Culture. 8 minutes. Video. NTSC

2001 From the Dreaming: Aboriginal Art Arrives in New York. With Trish Rosen and Lisa Stefanoff. 58 mins. Video. NTSC.

1988 Visions of Dreamtime. With Faye Ginsburg. 10 minutes. Video. NTSC.

Film Screening

“Remembering Yayayi.” Margaret Mead Film Festival , American Museum of Natural History, New York. October 24, 2014; RAI Film Festival, Briston, June 17, 2015; Nordic Anthropological Film Association Festival, Warsaw, September 25, 2015; Jean Rouch International Film Festival, Paris, November 2015 (one of 24 films selected out of 660 submissions). Marburg International Ethnographic Film Festival, Marburg, Germany. November 1, 2015; Society for Visual Anthropology Film Festival, Denver, CO. November 21, 2015.


2008 “Virtuosity: The Evolution of Painting at Papunya Tula.” Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection, University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA. April 1 – August 9. 2008.

Reports and unpublished manuscripts

n.d. "A Contemporary Aboriginal Religious Movement: What is the Business of the 'Balgo Business'?"

1975 "Pintupi Ideas about the Sacred Site at Yawalyurrunya." Report to the Western Australia Museum.

-------- and Bette Clark

1985 "Report on First Contact Group of Pintupi at Kiwirrkura." Report to Joint Working Party of Central Land Council and Department of Aboriginal Affairs.

-------- and Bette Clark

n.d. "Gender Benders: Sex and Fieldwork among Pintupi Aborigines."

Invited Conferences and Lectures

“Engaging the Other: Aesthetics, Ritual and the Category of Art in the Work of Howard Morphy.” Presenter, AAA Annual Meetings Session, “Fostering the Anthropological Imagination,” San Jose, CA. November 2018.

“Off and on the Beaten Track: Hope, Disenchantment and Indigenous Art.” Paper presented at workshop, “What Value the Arts?” Australian Research Council grant seminar. Held at NYU Sydney with Western Sydney University, June 22-23, 2017

Workshop co-organizer, “ What Value Arts?” Australian Research Council Seminar. Held at NYU Sydney with Western Sydney University. June 22-23, 2017. Sydney.

Workshop organizer, “Australian cultural fields: the difference that identity makes.” Australian Research Council Grant seminar. NYU Sydney and Western Sydney University. July 14-15, 2016. Sydney.

“Observations about the Changing Face of the Indigenous Art Field: Notes from a Fellow Traveller,” Paper presented at workshop , “Australian cultural fields: the difference that identity makes.” Australian Research Council Grant seminar. NYU Sydney and Western Sydney University. July 15, 2016.

“Whose Story Is It: Complexities and Complicities of Using Archival Footage.” Invited lecture, University of New South Wales School of Art and Design, July 12, 2016. Sydney, NSW

“Whose Story Is It: Complexities and Complicities of Using Archival Footage.” Invited Lecture, Department of Anthropology and Art History, Vassar College, April 28, 2016.

“The Papunya Tula Scene in the Early 1970s: Emerging Practices and Struggles.” Presentation to Symposium, “Then and Now: Australian Aboriginal Painting of the Western Desert.” Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. November 16, 2015.

“Anxieties of Circulation: the Fraught Trajectories of Aboriginal Acrylic Paintings.” Munro Lecture, University of Edinburgh, March 19, 2015. Edinburgh, Scotland.

“Indigenous Acrylic Painting: Vicissitudes of Culture and Money in Australia.” In panel, Following the Money. American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, Wash., DC. 6 December 2014.

“Paintings, Publics and Protocols: Fraught Trajectories of Aboriginal Acrylic Paintings in Central Australia.” Keynote lecture, Seminario internacioal estudios y encuentros entre antropologia y arte. At Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. 19 November 2014.

“Everyday Life and Self-Determination in an early Outstation Community. Keynote Lecture, Conference on Early Outstations and Self-Determination.” Australian National University/National Museum of Australia. Canberra, ACT December 16-17, 2013

Invited Panel Discussant, Cultural Heritage of Indigenous Australians. Australian Embassy, Washington, DC, December 3, 2013

Invited Lecture, Stanford University Department of Anthropology Colloquium, “Disturbances in the Field.” February 25, 2013.

Invited Lecture, CNRS Conference at NYU, “Objects from Abroad.” “Publics, Protocols and Paintings.” April 25, 2013. New York

Discussant and participant, “Image and Ontology in Comparative Perspective.” Institute of Fine Arts, Mellon Initiative. New York, April 28-29, 2012..

“Some Thoughts about Culture, 2012.” Invited keynote lecture, Israeli Anthropological Association. 3 July, 2012. The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College.

Reconceptualizing the Native: retrospects and prospects in the life path of Anthropology." Invited Seminar, Tel Aviv University. 1 July 2012.

“Listening, Learning to Hear, and Witnessing: From Ethnography on an Outstation to Current Collaborations.” Invited lecture, Northern Land Council Research Seminar. Darwin, NT, June 2012.

“Disturbances in the Field: Exhibiting Aboriginal Art in the US.” Keynote lecture, “Antipodean Fields: Bourdieu and Southern Cultures Conference.” June 8-10, 2011. Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney. Keynote lecture at Symposium for Tjukurrtjanu: Origins of Western Desert Art, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne: 12 November 2011.

“The Predicament of Painting in Central Australia.” Departments of Anthropology and Art History, University of Melbourne. June 6, 2011.

“Showing too much, showing too little: the art and agency of Aboriginal acrylic painting in circulation.” Presented at Symposium, “Exhibiting Aboriginal Art.” In association with exhibition, “Remembering Forward: Aboriginal Art since 1960.” Museum Ludwig, Cologne. 18-19 February 2011.

“Australian Aboriginal Art: Materialisations and Transformations of Knowledge.” Workshop Seminar, Internationales Kolleg Morphomata / Center for Advanced Studies, University of Cologne. 17 February 2011.

“Emplacement or Displacement: Indigenous Acrylic Painting and Landscape in Australia.” Presented at Invited Conference, “Materiality and Cultural Translation: An Interdisciplinary Approach.” Harvard University Weatherhead Center. May 4-5, 2010

“Showing Too Much or Too Little: Predicaments of Painting Indigenous Presence in Central Australia.”

Keynote Lecture presented at symposium for the “Backstory” exhibition, Belkin Art Gallery, Univesity of British Columbia, January 15, 2010.

“Trajectories of Value in Pintupi Painting: an Incomplete History of an Aboriginal Painting Movement.” Bard Graduate Center, New York City. October 14, 2009.

“Showing Too Much or Too Little: Predicaments of Painting Indigenous Presence in Central Australia.” Presented at Conference on Performance of Indigeneity. University of Iowa, Iowa City, May 22-24, 2009.

“Enduring Value: Pintupi Painting at Yayayi and Beyond.” Symposium “Papunya Then and Now” for the exhibition “Icons of the Desert: Early Paintings from Papunya Tula.” Johnson Museum, Cornell University. Ithaca, NY February 14, 2009

“Painting the Country in Central Australia.” Aboriginal Art and Culture Speaker Series, Nomads Two Worlds Project. Stephen Weiss Studio, Urban Zen Center, NYC. January 24, 2009.

“Perceiving the Landscape In and Through Aboriginal Acrylic Painting.” Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection, University of Virginia. April 11, 2008.

“Emplacement and Displacement: Australian Aboriginal Acrylic Paintings and the Landscape.” Invited Paper presented at the AHRC Landscape and Environment Research Programme Workshop: 'The Ecology of Perception and the Aesthetics of Landscape' Co-sponsored by the Dept of Anthropology, University of Aberdeen and Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, College de France and CNRS. College de France, Paris. 26-27 March 2007.

“Censorship from Below: Aboriginal Acrylic Painting in Exhibition?” Keynote lecture for Symposium on “Indigenous Art in Australia Today,” at the Hood Museum, Dartmouth College. October 11, 2006. Shorter version delivered at “Borderzones: Art History in an Age of Visual Culture.” Symposium, New York University. October 6, 2006.

“Writing Art and the Transfiguration of the Object.” University of Pennsylvania Ethnohistory Workshop, “Powerful Objects.”December 8, 2005.

“Assimilation…. Again? The Struggle over Indigenous Presence in Australia.” Paper presented at panel, “Conditions of Indigeneity,” at the Annual American Anthropological Association Meeting. Washington, D.C. December 2, 2005

“Painting Culture.” Expressive Culture Lecture Series, University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. November 17, 2005.

“A History of Aboriginal Futures.” Arts and the State, Invited Workshop held at University of Bergen. September 16-18, 2005.

“Collecting Aboriginal Art in the Australian Nation.” Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, Norway. September 15, 2005

“Giving to Canberra, Getting a Motorcar.” Vassar College, November 1, 2004.

Cultural Rights Workshop. Carnegie Council for International Affairs. Invited participant. New York, NY. October 22, 2004.

“Culture, In and Out of the Market.” Cultures of Capitalism Conference. Harverford College, Haverford, PA. April 23-24, 2004.

“A History of Aboriginal Futures: the Politics of Indigenous Presence.” Keynote, University Lecture, Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. April 16, 2004

“Some Properties of Culture.” SSRC Intellectual Property Workshop. October 24, 25, 2003. New York City.

“Some Properties of Art and Culture.” Presidential Lecture, American Ethnological Society Meetings, April 23, 2003. Providence, Rhode Island. Delivered again in Franz Boas Lecture Series, Department of Anthropology, Columbia University, October 15, 2003, New York City

“Painting, Tradition, and Aboriginal Being.” Seattle Art Museum, October 10, 2003.

“Unsettled Business: Acrylic Painting, Tradition, and Indigenous Being.” Keynote lecture at AIATSIS conference, The Power of Knowledge, The Resonance of Tradition – Indigenous Studies Conference. September 15, 2001; Canberra. (Delivered in absentia.) January 27, 2003, New York Academy of Sciences;,

“The Complicity of Cultural Production: The Contingencies of Performance in Globalizing Museum Practices.” Invited participant, Museums and Global Public Spheres. Rockefeller Foundation Conference, Bellagio, Italy. July 22-26, 2002.

“On Longing: Place and Identity in Western Desert Painting.” Keynote lecture, “Aboriginal Ways of Knowing.” Conference at Teachers College, Columbia University, February 18, 2001.

"Unsettled Business: Rumor, Scandal and the Intercultural Space of the Australian Aboriginal Art Market." Invited lecture, Ford Foundation Lecture Series, “Vernacular Modernities,” Emory University, October 3, 2000.

"Unsettled Business: Rumor, Scandal and the Intercultural Space of the Australian Aboriginal Art Market." Invited lecture, Ford Foundation Seminar “Transational Culture Industries and Local Sites of Production,” University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana,, September. 13, 2000.

“Giving to Canberra? Getting a Motorcar? Pintupi Painting at Yayayi and Beyond.” Invited symposium, “Papunya Tula Genesis and Genius.” Art Gallery of New South Wales. Sydney, Australia. August 19, 2000

“The Aesthetic Function And The Practice Of Pintupi Painting: A Local Art History.” Invited conference on Aboriginal Art. Morven Foundation. Charlottesville, Va. November 7, 1997.

From Ethnoaesthetics To Art History: Circulation, Institutions, And Fine Art.” Invited lecture, Otsego Institute of Native American Art History, Cooperstown, NY. June 1997.

"Ways of Placemaking." Linacre College, Oxford. Invited Lecture on Culture and Environment. March 13, 1997

"Australian Aboriginal 'Fine Art': Nation, State, and the Aboriginal Arts and Crafts Industry." Department of Anthropology, University College, London, March 12, 1997; Symposium on Nation-States and Indigenous Peoples, M.I.T., February 18, 1997; Department of Anthropology, Rice University, April 6, 1998

"The Wizards of Oz? -- The Social Location of Aesthetics and Western Desert Acrylic Painting." Reimagining the Pacific: Conference on Art and Anthropology in Honor of Bernard Smith. Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, Canberra. August 4, 1996

Invited Discussant, "Policing the Boundaries of Modernity: Anti-Modernism and

Symposium of the Art Gallery of Ontario and the University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada. April 1-3, 1996

....Conference Discussant, "Theorizing the Hybrid." University of Texas, Austin. March 1996

" Burnt Out, Outback: Taste and the Sociocultural Organization of the Aboriginal Arts

and Crafts Industry." Cornell University, December 7, 1995.

"Perilous States: Writing and the Future of Cultural Anthropology." Invited Symposium, Columbia University, April 15, 1994.

"Re/Writing the `Primitive': Art Criticism and the Circulation of Aboriginal Paintings." Paper presented at the conference, "Meaning and the Visual Arts." Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, October 1-3, 1993.

"Beyond the Intentional Fallacy: Art Criticism and the Ethnography of Aboriginal Australian Acrylic Painting." Paper presented at the Symposium on The Ethnography of Art Criticism, 115th Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnological Society. Santa Fe, NM. April 18, 1993

"Culture-Making: Performing Aboriginality at the Asia Society Gallery." Paper presented at the symposium on "Public Discourse and Collective Selves." Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, December 3, 1992. San Francisco, CA.; invited lecture, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Haverford College, April 8, 1993.

"Representing Culture: The Production of Discourse(s) for Aboriginal Acrylic Painting." Invited Lecture, Society for Cultural Anthropology, Santa Monica, CA., May 1990; invited lecture, Department of Anthropology, Princeton University, October 1990.

"Contemporary Aboriginal Art: A Symposium." Invited Participant at Carpenter Center of Visual Study, Harvard University. February 24, 1990.

"The Presentation of Aboriginal Art." Invited Speaker at Collector's Forum, The New Museum. February 21, 1990.

"Emotions, Desire and the 'Subject' in Anthropology." Paper presented at symposium entitled "Anthropology and Activity Theory" at the Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, Phoenix, Ariz. Nov. 18-20, 1988.

"Siting Ethnographic Practice."Paper presented at the symposium entitled "Reality as Rhetoric?" at the Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, Chicago, Ill., Dec. 1987. Revised version presented at Department of Anthropology, Australian National University, October 19, 1988.

"The Poetics of Kinship: The Transformation of Nurturance to Social Reproduction over the Life-Cycle in a Kin-Based Society." Paper presented at symposium entitled "Beyond Exchange" at the Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 7, 1986. Revised

version presented at Department of Anthropology, Rice University, March 28, 1987.

"Burning the Truck and Holding the Country: Forms of Property, Time and the Negotiation of Identity among Pintupi Aborigines." Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Hunter-Gatherers, London School of Economics, September 8-13, 1986.

"The Logic and Meaning of Anger among Pintupi Aborigines." Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., December 1985. Revised version presented at Workshop on Accounts of Human Nature, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Park (U.K.), March 20-22, 1988.

Discussant for Conference on History and Hunter-Gatherers, Peabody Museum, Harvard University, April 13-14, 1985.

"Gender Benders: Sex and Fieldwork among Pintupi Aborigines" (with Bette Clark). Symposium, Anthropology of Gender, Bryn Mawr College Centennial Celebration, March 30, 1985.

"The Social Meaning of Anger among Pintupi Aborigines." Symposium, Annual Meeting of Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, February, 1985. Salem, Mass.

"Their Quantum of Reason: The Emotions as an Anthropological Problem." Lecture at New York Academy of Sciences, November 26, 1984.

"Illusion and Reality: Aboriginal Self-Determination in Central Australia." Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, December 1983; Cornell University, Department of Anthropology (March 1984); and CUNY, Graduate Center, Department of Anthropology Colloquium (April 1984).

"Dreamtime in the Australian Western Desert." Symposium on the Mystery of Time, Manhattan Laboratory Museum, December 1983.

"Structure, Language, and the Polity among Pintupi Aborigines." Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra (June 1983) and University of Sydney, Department of Anthropology (August 1983)

"Ethnography, Language, and Social Value among Pintupi Aborigines." Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, December 1982.

Wenner-Gren Conference on Feminism on Feminism and Kinship Theory, August 1-7, 1982, Bellagio, Italy.

"Truth, Beauty, and Pintupi Painting." Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra. August 1981.

"What is the Business of the 'Balgo Business'?" Symposium on Contemporary Religious Movements among Australian Aborigines, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies (June 1981) and at Cornell University, Department of Anthropology (February 1983), University of Michigan, Dept. of Anthropology (January 1986), Mt. Holyoke College (February 1986)

"Always Ask: Group Membership and Access to Resources among the Pintupi." AAAS Symposium: Resource Management in Foraging Societies, January 1980 and Australian National University, Department of Anthropology (Aug 1981).

"Emotions and the Self." University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology, March 1979 and Stanford University, Department of Anthropology, April 1978.

"Language and Politics among Pintupi Aborigines." Symposium, Annual Meeting, Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, March 1979.

"Knowledge and Social Processes in Pintupi Society." Symposium, Annual Meeting, Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, March 1977.

Media Appearances:

Radio National (Australia): Interview with Michael Cathcart, August 2000

KWMR: Viewpoint, hosted by Ellen Shehadeh, March 4, 2006.

Australian Broadcasting Commission, “7:30 Report.” April 9, 2007

Art on Air. Rush Interactive. Interview with Michael Rush. October 21, 2009

7:30 Report, ABC (Australia), October 2011.

University Service (recent)

Policy and Planning Committee, 2016-

Chair, Sydney Site Committee of the Global Network, 2013-

Member, Faculty Steering Committee for the Global Network, 2013-2015

Advisory committee, East Asian Studies (2012)

Foundation of Contemporary Culture (Morse Academic Plan, now College Core), 2012-

Faculty Committee on General Education Reform, Spring 2008

Director, Foundation of Contemporary Culture (Morse Academic Plan), 2003-present

Provost’s Committee on Undergraduate Academic Affairs, 2005-2006)

Faculty of Arts and Science Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2003-2006

Professional Activities

Steering Committee, CRC-REP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Economies project

Consultant on restricted status of Central Australian painting collection of the Museums and Art

Galleries of the Northern Territory. 2011.

Reviewer, Canada Research Chairs.

National Advisory Panel, Summer Institute in Museum Anthropology. Smithsonian Institution

Editorial Advisory Board, Australian Aboriginal Studies (2011- )

Editorial Board, The Australian Journal of Anthropology

Member, Editorial Committee, Annual Review of Anthropology, 2008-2012

Advisory Board, Journal of Cultural Economy

Advisory Board, International Conference on the Arts in Society

Outside Reviewer, Australian National University Quality Review Evaluation (2004)

Assessor, Australia Research Council (2003, 2004)

President, American Ethnological Society (2001-2003)

Editorial Search Committee, American Ethnologist (2001)

Editorial Search Committee, Cultural Anthropology (2001)

President-elect, American Ethnological Society (1999-2000)

Co-Organizer, School of American Research Seminar, "Material Culture: Habitats and Values."

Nov. 2-7, 1996. With Annette Weiner

Associate Editor, Ethnos (1998-2006 )

Series Co-Editor, Material Cultures, Routledge (1998-1999)

Editorial Board, American Anthropologist (1997-2001)

Editorial Board, Ethos (1996- )

Editor, Cultural Anthropology (June 1991-December 1995)

Consulting Board, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation

Co-Chair, Session on Symbolic and Spiritual Aspects of Hunting and Gathering Societies, 7th

International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (1992)

Co-Program Organizer, Society for Cultural Anthropology Annual Meetings, 1993: "Cultural Borders."

Co-Editor, Oxford University Press Series on the Anthropology of Cultural Forms (1992)

American Anthropological Association, Fellow

Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Associate Member

Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, Member (Program Chair 1979-80)

Royal Anthropological Institute, Member

American Ethnological Society, Member

Society for Cultural Anthropology, Fellow

Editorial Board, American Ethnologist, (1989-1994)

Editorial Board, Oceania

Editorial Board, Social Analysis, (1988-1993)

NEH Panel on Museum and Historical Organizations, (1993-1995)

Courses Taught

History of Anthropology (ANTH-GA 14.1636)

Art & Society (ANTH-GA14.1630)

Theory and Practice of Social Anthropology (ANTH-GA 1010)

From Material Culture to Materiality (ANTH-GA 1234)

Cultures and Contexts: Indigenous Australia (MAP-UA 536)

Cultural Symbols (ANTH-UA 0048)

Administrative Experience

Member, Dean’s Committee on Policy and Planning, 2016-present

Member, Foundations of Contemporary Steering Committee, CCC, 2014- present

Member, Indigenous Studies Committee, 2016-17

Acting Chair, Dept of East Asian Studies, 2013-2014

Director of Graduate Studies, Dept of Anthropology, 2012-2013, 2018-2019

Co-Convenor, Secularism, Religious Authority, and the Mediation of Knowledge Working Group.

Pew Center for Religion and Media. Fall 2006-Spring 2007.

Co-Convenor, Indigenous Cosmologies Working Group, Pew Center for Religion and Media,

Fall 2004-Spring 2005.

Steering Committee, International Center for Advanced Studies, 2003-2006.

Member, Committee on Promotion and Tenure, FAS, 2003-2006.

Member, Undergraduate Academic Affairs Advisory Committee, 2002-2005

Chair, Foundations of Contemporary Culture Steering Committee, Morse Academic Plan, 2002-2010

Member, Academic Transition Team: Space Committee (2001)

Director, Morse Academic Plan, 2000-2002

Chair, Department of Anthropology, Fall 1991-2010

Acting Chair, Department of Anthropology, Spring 1991

Director of Graduate Studies (1987-88)

Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (1987-88)

Member, Dean's Committee on Policy and Planning (1987-88)

Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Core Curriculum (1991-92)

Member, Steering Committee on Core Curriculum (1992-94)

Chair, Core Curriculum Subcommittee on Social Sciences (1992-93)

Member, Core Curriculum Subcommittee on World Cultures (1992-94)

Member, Graduate Curriculum Committee (1992-1995)

Member, Middle States Evaluation Self-Study Committees (1993-94)

Member, Steering Committee of the Institute of Law and Society (1993-)

Other Professional Service

Journal Reviews: Cultural Anthropology, Ethnos, American Ethnologist, American Anthropologist, The Australian Journal of Anthropology, Oceania, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.

Manuscript Reviews: Princeton University Press, University of Hawaii Press

Program Reviews: ARC (2004)

External Evaluator, Smithsonian Institution Globalization Curatorship, March 26, 2008


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